How beautiful the MOON was at MJ's Funeral!

The moon really did look so beautiful last night. It was so very perfect for Michael. Just like I had notice last night I couldn't believe how bright the moon was here. I have never seen a full moon looking so bright before. Ever since Michael had died every single time I would look at the moon. It always looks brighter than I remember it being.
The moon really did look so beautiful last night. It was so very perfect for Michael. Just like I had notice last night I couldn't believe how bright the moon was here. I have never seen a full moon looking so bright before. Ever since Michael had died every single time I would look at the moon. It always looks brighter than I remember it being.

you know The night before last night I'm in USA..The moon was beautiful as well...I love looking at the moon,but I had found myself wandering outside and I saw the moon... it was full and bright..the sky was beautiful around it.. also the moon seemed to have this blue color line around it and if you look into the moon for a minute those blue lines seemed to circle all around the moon... I just stood there saying "wow!"
Of course I was thinking of Michael.
Hi, I love astrology, and Michael was born on a full moon (that means that in his birth chart, the sun is opposite the moon, he had a sweet Pisces moon).

The memorial ceremony took place on the 7th of july, that was also a full moon, and an eclipse (these are way more powerful in astrology), it was the second of the four eclipses this year.
And finally, the funeral, you guessed it, full moon, sun in Virgo and moon in Pisces...
Nothing is random in this universe...

oooooh you're speaking my language. I love astrology, too. :) Intriguing indeed. What's funny about you mentioning the Pisces moon is that last night my mother and I were discussing a comment Gothan Chopra made on LKL...about MJ being late to his own funeral becuz even in life he was known to be fashionably late. My mother and MJ are both Virgos and perfectionist to a "T". Anyway, I made the joke that altho Virgoans are perfectionists, Michael was known to have Piscean tendencies/traits. I always suspected that either the sun or the moon must have been in Pisces when he was born. Someone confirmed that to me before...and you are the 2nd person to mention altho I can't read charts, I've now decided to accept this as truth. haha Thanks!

And yes, that moon was beautiful last night. It was beautiful for the memorial as well. Interesting that it turned out to be his birthday in the Chinese calendar. The universe is amazing...except when bad things happen like MJ passing away. Then it kinda sucks. :(
oooooh you're speaking my language. I love astrology, too. :) Intriguing indeed. What's funny about you mentioning the Pisces moon is that last night my mother and I were discussing a comment Gothan Chopra made on LKL...about MJ being late to his own funeral becuz even in life he was known to be fashionably late. My mother and MJ are both Virgos and perfectionist to a "T". Anyway, I made the joke that altho Virgoans are perfectionists, Michael was known to have Piscean tendencies/traits. I always suspected that either the sun or the moon must have been in Pisces when he was born. Someone confirmed that to me before...and you are the 2nd person to mention altho I can't read charts, I've now decided to accept this as truth. haha Thanks!

And yes, that moon was beautiful last night. It was beautiful for the memorial as well. Interesting that it turned out to be his birthday in the Chinese calendar. The universe is amazing...except when bad things happen like MJ passing away. Then it kinda sucks. :(

I follow astrology as well. I agree and seen all that as well.
oooooh you're speaking my language. I love astrology, too. :) Intriguing indeed. What's funny about you mentioning the Pisces moon is that last night my mother and I were discussing a comment Gothan Chopra made on LKL...about MJ being late to his own funeral becuz even in life he was known to be fashionably late. My mother and MJ are both Virgos and perfectionist to a "T". Anyway, I made the joke that altho Virgoans are perfectionists, Michael was known to have Piscean tendencies/traits. I always suspected that either the sun or the moon must have been in Pisces when he was born. Someone confirmed that to me before...and you are the 2nd person to mention altho I can't read charts, I've now decided to accept this as truth. haha Thanks!

And yes, that moon was beautiful last night. It was beautiful for the memorial as well. Interesting that it turned out to be his birthday in the Chinese calendar. The universe is amazing...except when bad things happen like MJ passing away. Then it kinda sucks. :(

Glad you follow astrology too, I looked up what Michael's moon sign was on the free chart on this page after he died - I being a Virgo wasn't surprised about the Pisces moon either. How odd that he went out of the world with it being the same sun in Virgo, moon in Pisces...
I knew his moon just had to be in Pisces!! It explains so much... why he had such a strong sixth sense and why he had such intense sensitivity. It also explains his lateness tendancy too - lol :D
oooooh you're speaking my language. I love astrology, too. :) Intriguing indeed. What's funny about you mentioning the Pisces moon is that last night my mother and I were discussing a comment Gothan Chopra made on LKL...about MJ being late to his own funeral becuz even in life he was known to be fashionably late. My mother and MJ are both Virgos and perfectionist to a "T". Anyway, I made the joke that altho Virgoans are perfectionists, Michael was known to have Piscean tendencies/traits. I always suspected that either the sun or the moon must have been in Pisces when he was born. Someone confirmed that to me before...and you are the 2nd person to mention altho I can't read charts, I've now decided to accept this as truth. haha Thanks!

And yes, that moon was beautiful last night. It was beautiful for the memorial as well. Interesting that it turned out to be his birthday in the Chinese calendar. The universe is amazing...except when bad things happen like MJ passing away. Then it kinda sucks. :(

The sun is the sign, it was in Virgo as you all know, there are three elements that are most important in defining the personality, the sun (your sign), the moon and the ascendant.

There is a big debate going on about Michael's time of birth (the ascendant depends on the exact hour and minute). I personally believe that he had Gemini ascendant. He also had Scorpio traits (sun conjunct pluto), and Leonine traits (venus in leo, conjunct unpredictable Uranus). Venus has to do with aestetics, what you love, and what you like (leo is the king of the zodiac, lol).
the moon was like that here too!
where I live in Norway..
I sent my prayers out to Michael..and my grandma (they were both burried yesterday)
Hi, I love astrology, and Michael was born on a full moon (that means that in his birth chart, the sun is opposite the moon, he had a sweet Pisces moon).

The memorial ceremony took place on the 7th of july, that was also a full moon, and an eclipse (these are way more powerful in astrology), it was the second of the four eclipses this year.
And finally, the funeral, you guessed it, full moon, sun in Virgo and moon in Pisces...
Nothing is random in this universe...

Wow, thankyou for posting!

this really seemed to be like a sign ... sigh
This is so beautiful, I also always related the Moon with Michael. Magnificent
Thanks... any other images are welcome of that beautiful moon on September 3rd 2009.

i was in cornwall watching the sea and the moon on the cliff tht was so peaceful.
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the moon was beautifully luminous and full in Australia too... it has a mist of clouds just drifting across it like a lovely painting
Michael was definitely sending us a message that he was ok.
I agree! wow those moon pics are amazing!:yes:

I have something I'd like to share but didnt like to start a new thread.

Michael was born with the moon in Pisces. :yes:

This is what I found about what this means.........
Hope this is ok to post mods!!:doh:

Those with the Moon in Pisces have an oceanic emotional life whose waves shape their perceptions about life. They’re constantly picking up the feelings of others, along with the mood of the atmosphere around them. Their exquisite emotionality may lead them into the Arts, and this helps them find a focus for all the images, thoughts and feelings passing through their sensitive souls.

and this.....

They’ve got big hearts that reach out to anyone that needs their help. Their instinctive understanding of the suffering of others can turn them into devoted agents for change. To avoid total burnout, they’ll need to learn ways to de-stress and release the weight of the world that they try to carry on their shoulders.

This is our MJ in a nutshell!!!:agree: Agree?

Love him so very much..........his life was written in the stars!!:yes:
there is a bit more to read too from the same source.......
This is it.......
Many great artists and dreamers have been born with the Moon in Pisces, and their gifts often seem divinely inspired in some way. They’re able to see the profound in the everyday, and the poetic significance in daily encounters and relationships. For them, life becomes harsh when it is stripped of its beauty and symbolic meaning, and they’ll suffer in bleak, restrictive circumstances.
and lastly.......
They’re among the most romantic of moon signs, and will try to lift up any relationship to an imagined ideal. It may be hard for them to see a situation for what it really is, since they’re liable to see only the best in their beloved. They’ll thrive with a partner that protects their sensitivity, and encourages their pursuit of imaginative greatness.