How beautiful the MOON was at MJ's Funeral!


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2009

I think it was a great thing that the moon looks this beautiful on that special day, even the universe puts on his glamorous clothing for the event... was it planned? lol

I Love the moon, and when they showed that split screen picture of the funeral on one side and the sky with this beautiful moon on the other, I smiled.
Wow, I thought I was the only one how noticed it.

Wasn't it though.

So bright and full of light, Just like Michael.

Oh how I love him.
Yes, the fires, God bless everyone who's dealing with them in Cali. my heart goes out to you all. So scary.

And yes, we had a nice bright here in Ontario,..well in my city away. I looked at it all night and talked to Michael. I know that he's at peace, hopefully watching all of his family and friends. I hope there is a heaven...God how I hope.
Full Moon


At a Cemetery


The whole world watching & crying.

Only a Thriller can do that!
Yes it was. I kept staring at it last night...same moon all around the world and surely the one that was looming for Michael.
i also noticed the moon but firstly from home, i live in Europe and there is 9 hour difference between here and L.A.
here the moon was full and had kind of bluish glare and as i watched the moon disappear behind the horizont from my balcony i knew that exact same moon would be shining one last time over Michael. when the funeral started and they showed the night sky over there and the moon had this redish glare the first thought on my mind was that even the sky had decided to look special for Michael!

this is just my thought :(
I didn't see it last night, ( to cloudy). But That's strange I was looking out my window now and it's also a full moon, tonight aswell, where I am at the moment, I took a couple of pictures (not as good as that one), and also just to the right of the moon I noticed that there is a Star, the Brightest Star I've seen for ages, I would like to believe it's Michael:)

I just miss him so very very much :cry::cry:
I saw it last night too, it was so bright & full. :happy: LOL, there was even a time where I woke up in the early morning, because it was shining in my eyes through the blinds. :lol: I just looked up half-sleep & smiled at it (Dunno why, I just did), and THEN went back to sleep. :hysterical: Like nothing happened, but I remember.

I actually took a few pics before I went to bed, cause I thought it was nice lookin last night...


Hi, I love astrology, and Michael was born on a full moon (that means that in his birth chart, the sun is opposite the moon, he had a sweet Pisces moon).

The memorial ceremony took place on the 7th of july, that was also a full moon, and an eclipse (these are way more powerful in astrology), it was the second of the four eclipses this year.
And finally, the funeral, you guessed it, full moon, sun in Virgo and moon in Pisces...
Nothing is random in this universe...
Harvest Moon~~~

:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
it was so bright here in england, i could barely get to sleep
Hi, I love astrology, and Michael was born on a full moon (that means that in his birth chart, the sun is opposite the moon, he had a sweet Pisces moon).

The memorial ceremony took place on the 7th of july, that was also a full moon, and an eclipse (these are way more powerful in astrology), it was the second of the four eclipses this year.
And finally, the funeral, you guessed it, full moon, sun in Virgo and moon in Pisces...
Nothing is random in this universe...

Yesterday on the chinese lunar calendar. It was his birthday!
I think it was reported that there was a fire nearby which is why it looked kinda orange? Not to ruin the nice image or anything. It was still a full moon and a gorgeous night to properly send off the Moonwalker.
It was so bright & full, it was really breath taking. Mike was the first thing I thought of when I saw. It was most definitely a sign.
That is one of the FIRST things I noticed of the detail when I was watching the TV...
Beautiful... Magic.

also I don't know the facts about why,but I know when it's a hot summer day the moon looks like that,I was always told that it mean that the next day will be just as hot when the moon looks like that growing up. It always was hot the next day..never rain.