How Are Others Reacting to "Hold my hand" -- thread

I'll just post some comments I see from other celebrity forums I see.. :rofl:

From a britney fansite forum..

  1. "OMFG OMFG "
  2. "its goooooood
  3. "IM IN SHOCK"
  4. "Nice track. Micheal has such a nice voice
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I was trying to find an AKON forum... Is there one??? I wanted to see what they had to say.
the friend I was talking about earlier said that he could proove he could sing now its all about the dance moves!!!
From hypebeast forum...

New Akon ft Michael Jackson-Hold My Hand(leaked

well the mj part is good...dunno bout the akon part.

Roflolafk07-01-2008 01:43 AMWow i got to admit, MJ still sounds great!

Cruz2.007-01-2008 04:47 AM^ no lie.

great song.

Subculture07-01-2008 08:38 AMMike's voice still sounds good...the song sounds like a leftover from a backstreet boys album though...not good enough for a MJ comeback joint.


Michael Jackson Cameo Shocks Akon Songwriter

Juli 03, 2008 , 10:25 AM ET
Mariel Concepcion, N.Y.

Up-and-coming singer/songwriter Claude Kelly wrote the recently leaked Akon song "Hold My Hand" featuring Michael Jackson, but he confesses hearing the legendary singer's voice on the track the first time was a total surprise to him.

"I wrote the song and gave it to Akon with the intention of it going to maybe Whitney Houston, but Akon said he wanted to cut it himself. I thought, 'It doesn't get any bigger than this'," the 27-year-old New York native tells "A few months after, Akon plays the song for me and all of a sudden I hear Michael Jackson's voice. I was literally shaking by the time the song was over."

The track, which is in contention to be the first single from Akon's new album, due late this year, has since been pulled off the Internet. As per when an actual Michael Jackson album will be released, Kelly says a date hasn't been set yet.

What has been confirmed, as per Kelly's manager Michael "Make" Mentore from Star Power Media/Make Moves Management, is that the track will appear on both Akon and Jackson's albums.
This one song is getting more promotion than Vince. I think people have forgottn mj had an album out in 2001
I've been sharing the song with a few of my friends and all of them LOVE it. That and all the positive comments I'm finding everywhere from random people just tells me one thing:

They're ready for him to come back. They WANT him back.

It's like all the negative things that were going on years ago never happened at all. There actually aren't a lot of haters left. And what few there are have to duck and cover before somebody throws a brick at them. People are tired of all the white noise that's playing on the radio now and they want something real. Something exceptional. And the last time I checked, those were MJ's specialties.
I prefer Michael sings and writes his songs alone. I think that is absurd all these collaborations at any costs... Michael don't need nobody to return back. Like he always did. I'm tired of listen instead of Michael's voice, akon's voice, fergie's voice, william's voice and ne-yo. I want Michael... hey, are you sure you wants Michael to return? You seems more happy about collaborations than listen Michael's own songs written and composed by him....

This is Michael Jackson, not Michael-Akon Jackson . Do you want Michael come's back.. or you want he collaborates forever? If you want Michael 's back with his own songs, be happy when there's a real Michael 's own song, not a duet with akon. Stop Akon. Stop collaborations. I want a petition!

okayyyyyy.....a bit high strung there are'nt you? each his own, everyone wobn't like everything that Michael releases or does, but at the same time we should try to be respectful of both him and the persons he has chosen to work with.

Akon’s new single features Michael Jackson – YEP! That’s what I am hearing. From what I understand Akon is taking his game to the level above next level and working with the “gloved one.” But what is going to be even more incredible, is they are even going to do a video for this song. Guess when it comes out? Late July. You heard from from the illest to the seed right here. I would LOVE for Mike to come back. It may not be Thriller but I saw about three Michael Jacksons and the BET Awards and its time for the original.
^^ I love that review. I checked out the BET performances because of it, and it's so true O.O.

im googling it, seeing reactions on boards. so far i'm seeing people would rather make immature jokes about MJ and kids with the title "Hold My Hand"....they rather do that than admit the song is on fire. :rolleyes:

"Okay Mike. I’ll hold your hand but only in the company of a third party–ideally an armed third party.
Now is “hand” protool’d as a placeholder for another word? Nevamind.
Actually it’s not a bad joint. It won’t chart beyond the High School Musical crowd…. It’s just too clean. This would’ve been a dope song about 10-15 years ago.
actually it’s still kinda fresh."

:mat: Grrr, I checked out some blogs too and these kind of comments made me so mad! I'm glad that everyone's posting a lot of positive comments here because they show that the positive ones outweigh the bad :). And that latter one is so silly! :lmao: Whoever they are, they're trying real hard to hate LOL.

on a different rant, sometimes i wonder what exactly people want from MJ. MJ obviously is trying to sound fresh and new...but people don't want him to that cuz then he's sinking too low. But if he doesn't do that then he'll be stuck in the past and desperate. Wow oh wow.

But if it was freakin soulja boy or lil wayne with a new song...EVERYONE would be trippin (actually everyone does trip...lil wayne sold 1mil copies in his first week!) and no one can tell me they're better or make BETTER THAN AVERAGE songs.I understand MJ's a legend but why does he constantly have to prove himself, when these other cats can "steal his crown" with one or two average songs themselves?

Seriously, it's one hell of a catch-22 isn't it? :sigh:

I think most people are going to like it. Do not care about the FEW haters who make comments. ALL ARTISTS go through that with people.< """"they're also making jokes about MJ and Akon being homosexual""""""> WHo cares about one or two people saying this. To me, this is a badge of honor in the music biz. Like my old saying and many in the industry has said the same thing, "you know you have made it to the top when some people (1) accuse you of being gay, (2) put you in the tabloids, (3) start to sue you. This is typical for someone who is ON TOP of the world.

True dat! Preach it! It's easy to overlook that sometimes, but there are bloodthirsty hounds out there. It's a wonder how the attacked handle it sometimes :no:.

I'm tellin ya, this song is gonna be blowing up the radio.

Gosh, I sure hope so!!!!! *Gets excited* I just hope I don't get sick of it :happy:.

The song created a very positive oooey gooey atomosphere, among a complete potpouri of people. Normally it is a very greasy, ruff, gear head crowd, with some teenagers out pretending they are grown and a few familys strolling around looking at the hot rods. Tonight they were all MJ/Akon fans enjoying a song ... about ten times in a row :lol:

**wonders if Beau is home yet**


What a fantastic story Chichi! And what a great crowd! If they're any indication, we got a real summer hit on our hands! Wooot!!! :dancing:

Someone else said that they love it on Prince's fanclub site.....

Love universal yall.

I'm loving all these great comments from all over the place! Thanks to y'all for posting -- if non-fans can sing the song's praise, then SWEET! :D A bonafide hit for sure!

I've been sharing the song with a few of my friends and all of them LOVE it. That and all the positive comments I'm finding everywhere from random people just tells me one thing:

They're ready for him to come back. They WANT him back.

It's like all the negative things that were going on years ago never happened at all. There actually aren't a lot of haters left. And what few there are have to duck and cover before somebody throws a brick at them. People are tired of all the white noise that's playing on the radio now and they want something real. Something exceptional. And the last time I checked, those were MJ's specialties.

HELL YES! Good call on it DianaJS! People do want him back, but some just don't want to admit it. :smilerolleyes: Seriously, it's so silly. I sure hope the haters are diminishing in number, but regardless, I think we can count on new fans with new MJ material :yes:. And I would think that worldwide, all us fans can snuff out those remaining silly little haters... by doing this: :tease:LOL.
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Akon’s new single features Michael Jackson – YEP! That’s what I am hearing. From what I understand Akon is taking his game to the level above next level and working with the “gloved one.” But what is going to be even more incredible, is they are even going to do a video for this song. Guess when it comes out? Late July. You heard from from the illest to the seed right here. I would LOVE for Mike to come back. It may not be Thriller but I saw about three Michael Jacksons and the BET Awards and its time for the original.

If that's true that a video for this is coming out late this month, I'm gonna freak!
^I wanna go crazy too!!!!^

:tease::woohoo::upside_down: :bowling: :jumpcrazy: :horsey: :jester: :head_bang: :western:
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^^^yeah...I'm just practising for when the vid comes out!!!! oh yeah!
Here are some of the reactions from the DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince forum

''This is a real good song''

''This track is awesome, the king is back!''

''MJ still got it''

''I didn't think that MJ could still sing this good, sorry for doubting you Mike''
What reason did they ever have for doubting MJ in the first place, except reading all the tabloid bull and believing it. There was nothing wrong with MJ's voice the last time he sang. People don't lose their voice unless they have throat condition.
Here are some of the reactions from the DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince forum

''This is a real good song''

''This track is awesome, the king is back!''

''MJ still got it''

''I didn't think that MJ could still sing this good, sorry for doubting you Mike''

those comments made me happy :clapping:
I know Datsymay. Unfortunately, there are just a lot of mindless people who don't take the effort to use their brains these days. Mass fed by the media and take it as fact, rather than guestioning it. I mean it's not rocket science. Lazy society.
Here are some of the reactions from the DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince forum

''This is a real good song''

''This track is awesome, the king is back!''

''MJ still got it''

''I didn't think that MJ could still sing this good, sorry for doubting you Mike''

cool :D loving the responses :clapping: