Hottest woman in This Is It?

okies..first I'm a girl with a fiance (lol)


I think that Judith Hill is very exotic looking and the best of like two worlds! lol! with the cultural blend. They are all pretty but you all know that scene in " I just can't Stop Loving You"..yeah right mike.. he just forgot the cam's were rolling! lol.;D and Mekia is very adorable too!

But I'm for team Judith! hehe!


I'm a girl as well :) and I found her absolutely adorable and beautiful!! She gets my vote for sure.
They are all hot, but...

Orianthi. Come on. She is pure fire. Plus she plays the guitar. It doesn't get any hotter than that.
Orianthi...definitely...She's pretty sexy, and I'm female...
I'm a straight lady, and I'll gladly say that Orianthi is HOT!! :D She's gorgeous!

Judith Hill is very pretty as well....with a beautiful voice to match.
I think that somebody needs to create a poll on this??
I don't really care about this since I'm a female.

BUT, I have to say that I think the hottest woman in TII would have been Michael's pole dancing aerialist for Dirty Diana!! And with her flames of fire Michael had in mind...yeah, she would have been the woman everyone would want to play for Michael.
Hard to pick,but I'll go with Mekia Cox.There's something about this girl...can't put my finger on it,but...the girl is Dangerous!Divinity in motion! :lol:
Judith Hill, Black/Japanese perfect mix for me :)

See, I told y'all that someone will sooner or later vote for Judith Hill.

I don't really care about this since I'm a female.

BUT, I have to say that I think the hottest woman in TII would have been Michael's pole dancing aerialist for Dirty Diana!! And with her flames of fire Michael had in mind...yeah, she would have been the woman everyone would want to play for Michael.

Haha that makes me think of how the dude was talking about the aerialists and the "the pole dancing experts"
Pole dancing experts?! - Drive out to the hood and you'll see some real "pole dancing experts" :lol:

It's a shame we didn't get to see that much of the aerialists and the "pole dancing experts" though - hopefully they will get a feature on the DVD or something.
naa..i wouldn't have picked the pole least, not the one i saw at the premiere..
Orianthi by far! She's talented, gorgeous and damned funky. The girl is more appealing to me than the others. Being 'hot' has got more to it than just looks ;)
I was completely captivated by Orianthi. Her skills won me over big time. It was really inspiring and she's very humble about it too.:clapping:

I can't remember the dancers to save my own life. The only two females i remember are Orianthi and Judith is also another beautiful person.
Would I date either one? Nope. I wouldn't date anyone period. Not my thing. :blush: But they are darned adorable.
I'd bet they make awesome friends! :yes:
I like all of 'em, but Tyne Stecklein is my favorite.

Orianthi is cool, too... but I can't stand heavy red lipstick...
LOL, I think Judith Hill is the most beautiful woman In This Is It, but I think Orianthi is the most conventionally pretty.

Although I'd rather a thread about these successful women to focus on the artistic talents they were hired for but hey... :p

Gotta love a hottie hahaha.

(btw, I know there are threads on their talent, I'm just making light of the thread :))
dunno, it's either Tyne or Orianthi!!! Though it's kinda disappointing we didn't see much of Tyne...