Holograms are bringing singers back to life!

through out my entire life I have DREAMED of seeing Michael in concert. i would have given anything to see him just once. But now thats never going to happen. I think the hologram idea is not a good idea. Im sorry. i dont think its something that should be done at all to Michael, his family, children, and fans. its going too far and I would rather have seen the real Michael and not some computer image. i hope they dont do it. i really cant bare the though of Michael's image on stage and it be a fake. thats just too much and in a way cruel.
One has to think, what does this say about an artists legacy? Any Joe Schmoe of an entertainer isn't going to get a hologram of themselves, but to know you've done enough in this world, that your image is worth preserving for generations, well thats pretty great.

With that said, I'd love to see one for Michael. But for special tribute segments, like on an award show or something. Or tribute shows, a full concert tour is a bit overboard.
It's a double feeling. I'm pretty sure Michael would have loved the technology and maybe he would have been proud if that technology was used on him. But on the other hand....now please forgive me if I upset anyone, but I'm trying to explain; Michael is lying in Forest Lawn (I'm not a religious person, that has nothing to do with it), he shared everything he had with the world. Now...why does he have to perform again? I know it's not really him, but let's be honest: that IS the idea behind it! Michael performing.

It's a delicate issue..:worried:. If it is used as a beautiful tribute for honouring Michael, I wouldn't mind. But I'm worried about the fine line between respectful and disrespectful.
I thought it was an amazing show & can't wait to see more of this technology. I only fear it's abuse. It would be too easy to have Pac go on tour with Justin Bieber or do a Nike commercial. lol I hope they try to remain respectful of the artist when bringing them "back to life".
I doubt they will ever make a full concert with holograms. I can't see people paying to see a projected image, instead of real performer.
I don't like the hologram idea.If it's a recreation of past real segments,it would probably be fine,but I,personally,would still find it creepy.I prefer watching footage from when it was really Michael on the stage.

What worries me the most is that technology will be overused and abused and the respectful boundaries will be forgotten for economical gain or even for fun.There are already quite a few parodies and even a video featuring a 2pac "hologram" visiting Disneyland ( http://youtu.be/gIjlvfJXf0g ).

I also found this article that explains it wasn't really an hologram : http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/04/tupac-hologram-merely-pretty-cool-optical-illusion.ars
I don't like the hologram idea.If it's a recreation of past real segments,it would probably be fine,but I,personally,would still find it creepy.I prefer watching footage from when it was really Michael on the stage.

What worries me the most is that technology will be overused and abused and the respectful boundaries will be forgotten for economical gain or even for fun.There are already quite a few parodies and even a video featuring a 2pac "hologram" visiting Disneyland ( http://youtu.be/gIjlvfJXf0g ).

I also found this article that explains it wasn't really an hologram : http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/04/tupac-hologram-merely-pretty-cool-optical-illusion.ars

I agree here. I also think it is a disrespectful thing to do for any person who has passed away. The idea of Michael "rising from the dead", and then disappearing again would be like him dying all over again. It is a feeling that some fans of Tupac said as well.

Sadly, we also have many people in society who couldn't tell the difference from a hologram and actual footage of the person when they were flesh and blood. Michael could be caught doing all sorts of things he never did in life.

In the end, no to holograms of the deceased in general. Just because the technology is there, doesn't mean that it has to be used.
Not only do I find it creepy, but I dont get the point of this. I agree its an amazing technology and all, but why? I feel Michael gave me enough in his lifetime. I dont need more. Furthermore, who would decide what performance would be done with an hologram? I dont need to see old performances, it would be heartbreaking. And again : why? it wouldnt be Michael anyway. Do we need make believe? And new performances as in the Tupac one, would be plain disrespectful for the artist. Who can say how Michael (or others) would choose to do a performance or adapt a song? Is it anything else than "lets pretend he would have done it this way". Considering how much work, attention, how much of himself Michael used to put into his public performances, I find it disrespectful, yes. Not to mention uninteresting to me as a fan. Like I'm not interested in people covering his songs, or impersonators. I want the real thing.

Yes, Michael is gone, and as much as it breaks my heart, I have to accept it.
To me its more about finding a way to make the cash cow last longer than anything else.