Holograms are bringing singers back to life!

Re: Hologram Jackson

I agree. Even tho I would be curious to see this, its too soon.

BTW, I watched the Tupac hologram and it was crazy weird, in a good way.
If you watch closely, you can tell by the way "Tupac" moves , its a hologram.
Boy! Technology.
Re: Hologram Jackson

I'm not dead against it if it's tastefully done and nothing is that what Michael wouldn't have done. But I'm pretty sure he would not have gone on tour with his brothers! So the Jacksons using a hologram Michael for their tour would be disgusting and abusing his legacy, IMO. He was running scared from every re-union attempt while he was alive! I hope the Jacksons won't have the resources to do it. The Cirque thing could be interesting if tastefully done. I'm not sure how I would feel when I saw it.
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Re: Hologram Jackson

I have just read that about the hologram and i read some of the comments about it and some
of it was not so nice. So i have responded to the rude comments.
Re: Hologram Jackson

At least wait 16 years like they did with pac!


They didn't wait 16 years for it, they just didn't had the technology back then to do something like this.
Re: Hologram Jackson

They didn't wait 16 years for it, they just didn't had the technology back then to do something like this.

They actually waited 16 years because it's ethical, rational and also moral.
If this does happen i hope that they don't go using Thriller era Michael as a hologram. That to me just screams ''We're embarassed of the way Michael looked before he died''
This has already been done? Rember MJ is always the first.....!!
The 2pac "hologram" is not actually a hologram rather a 3d projector, same as this -


This gives you some idea of what an MJ hologram concert would look like anyways. Only the first part don't worry about the rest of it lol.
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As long as the brothers don't use the hollogram for their shows, I wouldn't be against. I think it's suitable for Cirque du soleil but I've got mixed feelings at the same time towards it.
I agree with many of you, a world tour using a hologram of one single dead person would be sort of disrespectful. But i see nothing wrong with a tour that has a mixture of many legendary artists into one whole show, imagine tupac, mj, elvis, the beatles, and all that good stuff all into one show, not for money, but to remember those who devoted their whole life just to make us smile! Music now a days is ruining kid's minds, if they do a world tour with all legendary artists i think the next generation may still have chance to experience what we were lucky enough to experience... you know, none of that remix/ autotune garbage we hear so much today. Lets spread the LOVE! :D
I think this hologram technology is just spectacular. It's crazy what is possible nowadays. I thought the 2Pac Hologram was great but still a bit 'creepy' because of the fact that he's dead.

I really don't know how I feel about Michael as a hologram. I can't deny that I'd want to see it, but I'd have real mixed feelings, because it's just strange.

And I agree with XgenDaNcEs, that it'd be okay, if it'd be a concert with other artists.

I wouldn't like a Michael hologram at a Jackson 5 concerts. I don't have a problem with all Jacksons brothers, just some are not my 'cup of tea'. But this feels wrong. Michael never had concerts with them again because he had reasons, so if he didn't want to perform with them alive - why dead? Sounds harsh, but to me it's logical.

And of course, I'm not that phony and would not claim that "I'd never never never ever buy tickets" for a show with his brothers. I think I still would - but not with a good feeling.
I just read online that TLC are doing a reunion tour and they thinking of doing a hologram for lisa lopes
holograms are a great idea...of course nothing compares to Michael..
I say go for it. What could it hurt just to try it out? See what the response is. I think that'd be really cool, to be honest. I think it's amazing what technology can do these days and I think this would be fascinating to see.

How exactly do holograms work? Say if they were to do Michael, would they use archive footage to do this, or would they have to use a real live person to imitate the movements? If it's the latter, I'm not sure how I'd feel about it then...it'd still be cool but I probably wouldn't pay money to see it in that case.
I say go for it. What could it hurt just to try it out? See what the response is. I think that'd be really cool, to be honest. I think it's amazing what technology can do these days and I think this would be fascinating to see.

How exactly do holograms work? Say if they were to do Michael, would they use archive footage to do this, or would they have to use a real live person to imitate the movements? If it's the latter, I'm not sure how I'd feel about it then...it'd still be cool but I probably wouldn't pay money to see it in that case.

I asked that at the beginning of the thread, and no one answered....lol....There's a video I posted on the first page that explains how a hologram works, but it's only using an inanimate object....I'd like to know how exactly they use a real person (footage, impersonator?) If they use an impersonator, then I don't care to see it...What's the point then? lol

EDIT: Here's a link someone posted earlier:

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Arklove;3629373 said:
I asked that at the beginning of the thread, and no one answered....lol....There's a video I posted on the first page that explains how a hologram works, but it's only using an inanimate object....I'd like to know how exactly they use a real person (footage, impersonator?) If they use an impersonator, then I don't care to see it...What's the point then? lol

EDIT: Here's a link someone posted earlier:


I wanted to know that too :)
According to this article: http://radioalice.cbslocal.com/2012/04/16/the-tupac-hologram-how-they-did-it/

Everything about the hologram, from its movements to its clothing, was “recreated under the direction of Dre and his team,”

Apparently was not an impersonator. I thought so too because his body looked like it was a little bit too perfect, and Tupac was fit but this version of Tupac looked too perfect for me, especially his abs. He kinda looked like a character from Mortal Kombat :D

I don't know if someone posted this but here's a video that explains a little bit more.
Re: Hologram Jackson


They didn't wait 16 years for it, they just didn't had the technology back then to do something like this.

The technology existed since the 1920s.
LLCz;3629456 said:
The technology existed since the 1920s.

Wrong. The basic idea and experiments might have existed since the 40s, but actual technology (the advanced one we have today) to do such a hologram didn't.

For the record:

The Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor (Hungarian name: Gábor Dénes), was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971 "for his invention and development of the holographic method". His work, done in the late 1940s, built on pioneering work in the field of X-ray microscopy by other scientists including Mieczysław Wolfke in 1920 and WL Bragg in 1939. The discovery was an unexpected result of research into improving electron microscopes at the British Thomson-Houston Company in Rugby, England, and the company filed a patent in December 1947 (patent GB685286). The technique as originally invented is still used in electron microscopy, where it is known as electron holography, but optical holography did not really advance until the development of the laser in 1960.
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I've never seen Michael live, but I don't like the idea of watching a hologram "bringing him back to life". It seems a little disrespectiful...I don't know. He did so many things during his lifetime, we have so many records... is it really necessary to watch a hologram? It won't be him. And it won't be the same thing. I hope they don't try to this with Michael
I've never seen Michael live, but I don't like the idea of watching a hologram "bringing him back to life". It seems a little disrespectiful...I don't know. He did so many things during his lifetime, we have so many records... is it really necessary to watch a hologram? It won't be him. And it won't be the same thing. I hope they don't try to this with Michael

Can someone please explain to me the logic behind the whole 'disrespectful' thing?

Look, I can understand over-using the whole hologram concept in order to make money, or using it to promote various products, or making it show Michael as something he wasn't or doing or saying something he wouldn't have done or said, or stuff like that. Those are indeed disrespectful. But to just use this once or twice, in the Cirque show or whatever, how is that disrespectful?

Is it a religious thing that I'm not understanding here? Do people view it as blasphemy or something like that? I honestly don't get it...

People say how they'd wish Michael was here and how they wish he could come back and stuff like that. Then they get the closest possible thing to that and they freak out and say stuff like... it's weird, it's disrespectful, etc.

How does that work?
Terrifying. My concern is not for the "respect for the dead" element of some people's equations. I suppose what I find iffy about it is the fact these people are, well, dead. And we know that. But, seeing them alive again and performing, even interacting with the audience perhaps later down the line...could really screw with some more sensitive minds.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone rich enough would someday choose to surround himself with naught but holograms of the deceased he loved and admired, thus making of them some sort of "life." It doesn't hurt anyone, true, but it could be dangerous if he really does lead himself to believe they are there.

So, in short, as a concept, hologram performances sound like a neat thing so long as we remember they are, well, holograms. Not alive after all, and never will be. Easier to forget, especially with the changing nature of our reality. Physical tangibility no longer defines what is "real." Things like the Internet, for example, are physically intangible, and yet real. So, we need to keep ourselves in check, and remember the people behind these holograms were of flesh and blood, and are now dead. And never ever, no matter how much we may wish, will they make an appearance on Earth again.
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For me it's like people making Michael to do something that he isn't even alive to aprove. There are so many ways to make tributes for anyone, why an hologram? For me it's ok if they made an hologram with nothing new - I mean with "old" Michael footage or something - to use only once in a tribute, but probably they won't think "respectfully" like that. They have a lot of footage from TII rehearsals, so they could make the concert happen using this archive to make an hologram (I dunno how this tecnology works), but would it be worthy for the fans? It won't be Michael. Just my opinion.
For me it's like people making Michael to do something that he isn't even alive to aprove. There are so many ways to make tributes for anyone, why an hologram? For me it's ok if they made an hologram with nothing new - I mean with "old" Michael footage or something - to use only once in a tribute, but probably they won't think "respectfully" like that. They have a lot of footage from TII rehearsals, so they could make the concert happen using this archive to make an hologram (I dunno how this tecnology works), but would it be worthy for the fans? It won't be Michael. Just my opinion.

I agree...I think a hologram is a great piece of technology, and reality is, we may very well see this happen more and more in the future...It's just the overuse of it, and taking it a bit too far...To me, it's disrespectful if overused to 'make the artist perform again'....Michael was MAGIC in his own right, he doesn't need a hologram...

But just little segments here and there, using 'old' footage, I think that's ok...But completely recreating it (ex: using an impersonator, hence, it's not even Michael at all) I think that goes too far and I'm really not interested...But that's just me :D
...(ex: using an impersonator...)

Oh gawd no! That would be like spitting on Michael's grave... Hell naw! No impersonators! Use old footage for short sweet segments, and don't over use it, that's all.
Oh gawd no! That would be like spitting on Michael's grave... Hell naw! No impersonators! Use old footage for short sweet segments, and don't over use it, that's all.

Yes, it'd be just like some famous songs that shall remain nameless :D

Of course! Short segments, old footage...Good to go ;)

But, don't they use impersonators sometimes for these things? I'm still not clear about that...lol...
Did the Tupac hologram use an impersonator to help them complete it? I know it wasn't a past performance.
I think whilst some fans may be all for it, I think when it actually comes down to it, it would freak them out. I am against this, Michael is gone. We should respect what he did when he was here, and not try some shabby way to recreate such wonderful moments that we all know and love.
Did the Tupac hologram use an impersonator to help them complete it? I know it wasn't a past performance.

I don't think it was an impersonator because fans would notice that quickly.

I think it was in part a recreation but they also took Tupac's images.

Now I'm a little worried because:
The day the video was posted on youtube some Tupac fans wondered where did they get that footage because they never saw him with that outfit
and the most important thing: HE PERFORMED A POSTHUMOUS TRACK!! (Hail Mary)
So basically, people can do anything they want.

And now I can't help being worried because I don't think the question is "are people going to do the same with MJ?"
The question is when and HOW are they going to do it.
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