Holograms are bringing singers back to life!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dearborn Heights, MI
Just recently, a hologram was used to bring Tupac virtually back to life, while the actual rapper has been dead 16 years (May he rest in peace) but the performance given was extremely accurate, life like, and definitely the beginning of something amazing!

Here is a link if you want to know what im talking about:

Now according to what i know so far, this hologram was controlled by motion sensing.
And i understand that nobody can fill Michael Jackson's shoes... but imagine Michael could be brought back using this!
The "This is it" Tour can be completed... or even better, we could relive Michael's older tours! The game "Michael Jackson The Experience" was never made using stop-motion animation techniques, it was all motion capture from professional impersonators and the in game dancing turned out to look great! If they were to put a good amount of time in studying Michael's live shows, we may be able to watch Michael perform onstage in the future!

Please do tell me what you guys think of this idea, i am very interested to hear your opinion on this and if we may be able to get the estate or Sony's approval for something like this! :D
Well, in general I think the whole technology of holograms is spectacular....But I don't know if it's going a little too far....I think it'd be just a little weird for me....How do holograms work exactly though? (in terms of a moving person, a dancer, singer, etc..) Are impersonators involved? I just don't completely understand it...

EDIT: This sorta explains it, using an immobile object:

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I think it's great. When I first saw the video of Tupac, all I could think of was them doing the same thing for MJ. I would love to see something like that.
I would watch a hologram MJ show in the future if they had one. Only because I never got to see him live and that would be the next best thing after Immortal. Of course I'm sure I would have mixed feelings while watching Michael that way. Haven't watched that Tupac video yet though.
I think it goes TOO FAR... :blink: You just can't 'replace' someone with a HOLOGRAM...
The technology seems awesome okay...
I think it's personal... Yet, after almost 3 years I still can't let go and 'bringing Michael back to life' with it this :scratch:

NAH, I wouldn't buy tickets to see that concert though... It would be too :boohoo

I'd rather watch footage of when Michael was here with us...

Then again, if that would 'soothe' the fans who NEVER saw Michael LIVE than okay...

I'd pay for this. Just sayin'. :D
I think it goes TOO FAR... :blink: You just can't 'replace' someone with a HOLOGRAM...
The technology seems awesome okay...
I think it's personal... Yet, after almost 3 years I still can't let go and 'bringing Michael back to life' with it this :scratch:

NAH, I wouldn't buy tickets to see that concert though... It would be too :boohoo

I'd rather watch footage of when Michael was here with us...

Then again, if that would 'soothe' the fans who NEVER saw Michael LIVE than okay...
You're not replacing the artist, cause it IS the artist.

I would buy tickets, no doubt. IMO, this is something Sony and The Estate can NOT ignore. They can make a lot of money on this.
If more fans would actually understand the concept of a hologram and the main point of it, then I think they'll eventually do one for Michael too.

But I'm sure some sensitive fans will try to get in banned anyway, that's just how it works these days. People ban the stuff they don't like (for whatever reasonable or stupid motive) so others who like it or might like it don't get to see it.

Though I have to be honest, IF they do it, it should be done with respect to Michael, his kids and his fans. I special segment with such a hologram would be awesome, but a whole concert does seems to go a bit too far.
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But I'm sure some sensitive fans will try to get in banned anyway, that's just how it works these days. People ban the stuff they don't like (for whatever reasonable or stupid motive) so others who like it or might like it don't get to see it.

I was hoping they would use a hologram in the Immortal tour already. That'd make it so much more of a tribute and would finish the whole concept for me. And no - not to replace Michael in real life but to have a new kind of experience that wasn't possible before. Holograms are a really cool way of impressing people. I think it rocks! :happy:
If more fans would actually understand the concept of a hologram and the main point of it, then I think they'll eventually do one for Michael too.

But I'm sure some sensitive fans will try to get in banned anyway, that's just how it works these days. People ban the stuff they don't like (for whatever reasonable or stupid motive) so others who like it or might like it don't get to see it.

Though I have to be honest, IF they do it, it should be done with respect to Michael, his kids and his fans. I special segment with such a hologram would be awesome, but a whole concert does seems to go a bit too far.

I agree. It CAN be beautiful and respectful, but it really depends on what it is used for. Only for special occasions that are suitable and not used too often, otherwise the whole magic will disappear.
This is the 2pac hologram that they did a few nights ago and it looks so Darn real. I cant even imagine having to see MIChael "live" :eek:… For a fan that has not been in the presence of Michael, Ever, It would so wonderful (if they do it with right intentions)...It'd be too much for me but to have him this close and seem so real would be so worth it! But very emotional… :cry:

2pac (2012)

QUESTION: When they make a hologram, are they just doing the old stuff from when the artist was alive or do they add a dialogue or new verses…etc
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for me personally I don't like the hologram idea at all...I think they should let these poor people rest in peace now. They gave everything they had to give when they were here and that HAS to be enough. As far as people boycotting a MJ hologram if one should come out...(and I believe in time it will)....I won't boycott it...I just wont give them my money to see it. That would be the only reason one would be made of Michael...after all he was/is the biggest money making machine in history..and always will be. so if they can continue to exploit him even after his death..I am sure they will. If they do choose to make one..I hope it is years down the road when us/me the current MJ fans are not here to see it...it should be saved for upcoming generations...so that we dont have to go through the pain of seeing MJ practically risen from the dead for that one last core performance. This is just my opinion..I am sure other may feel differently and I respect them for that.
I've talked about this in a few other threads but I would love to see a hologram Michael Jackson tour. It's my dream MJ project that could happen now that Michael is dead.
I don't know.

I was pretty impressed by the Tupac hologram. But I don't know how I'd feel about MJ. But one thing is for sure: if it's ever done it has to be done with respect and with the highest quality show. I wouldn't like it, for example, if the Jacksons would have a hologram Michael at their shows, for example. :ph34r:
I don't know.

I was pretty impressed by the Tupac hologram. But I don't know how I'd feel about MJ. But one thing is for sure: if it's ever done it has to be done with respect and with the highest quality show. I wouldn't like it, for example, if the Jacksons would have a hologram Michael at their shows, for example. :ph34r:

I agree with this...I think that if the use of a hologram is abused, it's almost like overexposure...It sucks away all the magic that Michael was about..To me, it's best to let the performances speak for themselves, as HE left them...They were once in a lifetime things, you know? On one hand, it's great for those, especially, who have never seen Michael live (like me)...But on the other hand, it'd be very emotional..It's a controversial thing, I think...and I'm still on the fence about it all...Don't get me wrong, I think that with technology, it's inevitable that it will be part of the future...But I just think that if it's overused, a TOUR, for example, that would take away that magic...Maybe for very special occasions....It's like raising the dead and making him dance one more time, like a puppet...that's where the line lies, in my opinion....But it's an amazing piece of technology, that's for sure....And I really think it should be considered :D

I could be just overthinking the whole thing :fear: lol
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I thought a hologram was already in the pipe line for the cirque du soleil vegas mj immortal in 2013?
Personally i think it would be cool but not used as a full concert....just parts in a show it would be cool. It would fit in with cirque du soleil so well if they do use it in 2013...
moonwalker55;3625499 said:
Hey guys, a friend of mine sent me link to this picture today...I don't know if this is true ? Maybe some of you knows better...


Of course Its fake :lol: - and there are many obvious reason why it is fake.
and the fact you dont know its fake kind of concerns me :scratch:

The website that uploaded on even said it was fake
We saw what they did with 2Pac. The rest of the festival was pretty good, but here we are, a couple days post-Coachella, and all we can talk about is the 2Pac hologram. With that in mind, we get this, the 2013 lineup, bringing back big names like MJ, Nirvana, Marley, The Beatles, Hendrix, and motherfucking Mozart. Well played, internets.
*In case you’re slow on the uptake: this is not real http://cdn.pigeonsandplanes.com
In fact, What is the finality to have a hologram ?

I did not try so I cannot really say.
However I think I would prefer seeing a Tour of MJ - really him in live - on a huuuuge screen, with an incredible audio sound system.
Re: Hologram Jackson

That would be pointless. The Tupac one has it's novelty because of all the "Tupac is alive" conspiracies. Making a fake Michael and having it digitally perform be wrong. Using a previously recorded performance would't be so bad, though.