He's so talented it's scary

Well it's not a useful talent for singing songs, but no talent is stupid.
Well, no one said it's a stupid talent. As I said, it's special to have it. Tbh, I don't really have true Perfect pitch, so I wouldn't really know if it could be used for anything useful or not... but then the other 9,999 people out of 10,000 who don't have it manage just fine. I think everyone would want to have it though...
I mean he does things that make you notice and he never has to overdo anything.
something that all entertaining geniuses do - make things look ridiculously easy. "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" and that's what Mike does well.
Re: AW: Re: He's so talented it's scary

I listened to interviews by people who have worked with him, ie Michael Jackson, A remarkable life. I also listen to MJ mimicking sounds and it is remarkable how he copies a sound exactly as he hears them.That is no lie.
Well, that is a talent separate from Perfect pitch, which is what I was trying to find out about. Not that it is of great importance anyway.

If anyone can post links to interviews that specifically deal with MJ's Perfect pitch, I'd be much obliged.
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Didn't Michael's own vocal coach, Seth Riggs, say that Michael had perfect pitch though? 'cause I remember reading that somewhere.

Probably. Someone who used to be a member here and was a student of Seth said that he told her Michael was the most talented male vocalist he's ever heard, and he's coached people like Luther Vandross and Stevie Wonder. So that tells you how unreal Michael really is. I'm pretty certain Michael has perfect pitch.
I love all you said here and feel the same, and don't forget Michael can also play musical instruments, including I heard the keyboard, piano, guitar, drum....
yes i do stop and think all the time about his talents and it makes my heart race so much because hes been in the buisness so long and its just so hard to explain cause when i it comes to the king of pop i get so tongue tide lol i thank god everyday for putting MJ in my life if it wasnt for mj id probably be liking some crappy music like heavy metal or getting into drugs or alcoholism