He's so talented it's scary


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do any of you stop to think about MJ's talent and get scared by it? I know i do, sometimes i find it hard to take in just how talented MJ really is. He can sing, dance, beatbox, compose awesome songs and can draw really good, and i really think that we are still not seeing the full talent of Michael Jackson. I have a feeling that he's got other amazing talents that we have yet to see

If people really knew how talented MJ is they wouldn't put him on the same level as people like Ne-Yo and Chris Brown.
I know. I've always thought he would have been a classical composer if he hadn't started pop at so young age. He would have had time to learn like outer planets because it had been easy for his talent. At older age it's always harder because there are so many things you have used to do, like routines you know..
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I'm not frightened by MJ's talent, but I am awed by him.
He has had a lot of years to hone his already natural abilites.
I'd like to see more acting from him. :)
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He is so talented that in the superficial entertainment industry he has still been able to survive and dominate with a disfiguring disease like vitiligo. No one..Madonna, Elvis, The beatles...ever had to deal with what Mike has had to deal with and still thrive.
I think that we live in an era of a genius just like Beethoven and Mozart were. I think that Michael's talent is on this level. He is the wunderkid (spelling?) , and there is NOTHING he can't do. Absolutely nothing. So proud to be his fan, damn it...
Im amazed by his talent. I love how his voice sounds when he sings, i like the way he dances..yes I have to agree with you that he is a genius like Mozart and Beethoven. Did you guys know that he could draw..he draws good too. I think those are his sketches in his book Moowalk and also off of his Thriller 25th Anniversary as well. I have heard from other fans in person that he draws. he is a very talented man indeed.
I think that we live in an era of a genius just like Beethoven and Mozart were. I think that Michael's talent is on this level. He is the wunderkid (spelling?) , and there is NOTHING he can't do. Absolutely nothing. So proud to be his fan, damn it...

I think that we live in an era of a genius just like Beethoven and Mozart were. I think that Michael's talent is on this level. He is the wunderkid (spelling?) , and there is NOTHING he can't do. Absolutely nothing. So proud to be his fan, damn it...

You said something that it's very very true!

I too feel incredibly proud to be his fan, decades from now, people will look back and say 'God I wish I could have seen how amazing that man was'; so I'm proud that I can see it right now and show my respect and love.

The talents Michael has is out of this world, even if you think about people like Mozart and the great classics, they had ONE or TWO talents not 4 or 5 like Mike.
There has never been anyone like him, and there never will be another; the best way to describe Michael is like he said it himself, an instrument of nature...because everything he channels comes straight from above, he's no ordinary human being.

God I have such admiration for him!
You can say that again analouge. That's actually how I always describe Michael. Scary talented. It's hard to grasp the enormity of it, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan, it's the truth. I always quote my father on this, but he said to me once "Can you even imagine what it's like to have that kind of talent?" And he was referring to Michael. And I said, "No, I can't, actually." When you actually sit down to examine what it is that Michael can do, what he is, it's truly hard to believe. It isn't that he can "do everything", it's that he can "do everything" on the highest level, and that's just bizarr. You can't say anybody is, technically, a better vocalist then he is. Just in terms of range, control, timing, quality, etc... He's the best. And that's not even including his emotive brilliance, which is what makes him an artist vocally alone. He's probably the most emotive singer I've ever heard, and I've heard other none fans say that about him. Then you take him as a dancer, and he isn't just some singer who dances or who can dance relatively well for someone who sings. He's a world class dancer who makes trained professionals look clumsy. I've never seen someone with better, cleaner lines then Michael, while combining it with blinding speed and seamless connection of the steps. He's like Fred Astaire, that's the kind of talent he has as a dancer, just without training. Then as a songwriter, as a composer, he's just absolutely brilliant. I mean, if you listen to his vocal and percussion arrangements alone, it's like "Damn!". And the melody of his music, he has such killer, killer melodies and it makes it absolutely timeless. Plus his music has a totally unique feel and sound to it, and you instantly recognize it as Michael's sound, that's how distinctive it is. But the one quality of Michael's music that I think really defines it as genius is how emotive it is and how visually enducing it is. When you listen to his songs, you actually are painted a picture of what it's about from the sound alone, it creates an atmosphere which allows you to know what emotion the song is supposed to convey, even without hearing the lyrics. Only a genius song writer could do that, and Michael does. Like on "Childhood", for example, the song, lyrically, has elements in which Michael is conveying hope and optomisum, but also points in which Michael is converying meloncholy and just barely defeat. And even without the lyrics, the music itself emotes all of this, all in one piece, from the way the music sours at just the right points to give that feeling of reaching out and grasping for something to the way the music falls and becomes sombre, giving the feeling of lost chances and sadness. It's just incredible.

And of course, Michael's beatboxing is amazing. I mean, he uses it just to build a plateform for the rest of the instrumentation to stand on, but he could compete in beatboxing competitions alone and win. He's got such an eveness to his tone and control of both vocal cords, it's mind blowing.

And last but not least, Micheal's unparralelled charisma and stage command. He's the greatest live performer that ever lived. The way he emotes on stage, emphasizes those emotions with facial expression and movement of his body, the way he works the stage, it's just unreal. I always say that, when Michael performs, what makes him so great is, you cannot look away for fear of missing something spectacular and he makes you, as an audience member, more aware of being alive, more aware of that single moment in time, where you forget about all outside distractions and burdons and simply become consumed by that one moment in which you are watching him, like that's the only thing in the entire world that exsists, and then you actually feel what ever emotion Michael is putting out on stage, his emotion becomes your own.

Like you said analouge, Michael doesn't even show what he's capable of. He holds back. Seth Riggs, his vocal coach, has said this of him, that he purposfully doesn't sing a song to the best of his abilities. John Landis has said Michael frustraites him because he IS Fred Astaire, he is Gene Kelly, but he doesn't allow himself to show what he's capable of as a dancer. And of course, we've heard how he writes classical compositions, but doesn't release them for public consumption.

I think he's afraid of scaring people. If he really showed what he's capable of, people probably wouldn't even try to compete.

But as you said, if more people understood the extent of Michael's talent, they wouldn't be making comparisons to him with the high school level acts of Chris Brown, Ne-Yo and Justin Timberlake.
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You said something that it's very very true!

I too feel incredibly proud to be his fan, decades from now, people will look back and say 'God I wish I could have seen how amazing that man was'; so I'm proud that I can see it right now and show my respect and love.

The talents Michael has is out of this world, even if you think about people like Mozart and the great classics, they had ONE or TWO talents not 4 or 5 like Mike.
There has never been anyone like him, and there never will be another; the best way to describe Michael is like he said it himself, an instrument of nature...because everything he channels comes straight from above, he's no ordinary human being.

God I have such admiration for him!

he said that?
wow! That's so cool! Such a great description!
Mr.Jackson has been given a gift and with that gift he continues to share that gift with the world...

As we continue to grow, learn, and come to understand...the journey teaches us that was once a blur...is meant to be!

Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~
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I've always said that if i could have only 1% of MJ's talent i'd be the happiest person on the planet
Someone mentioned that Michael holds back on his talent. I think that I can kinda understand that and agrees that he may be holding back some of it because he has SO MUCH that to release it all would overwhelm us. We wouldn't be able to handle it. Can you imagine if he didn't hold back? If you've seen how fans react at a concert when he is just standing there on stage not doing anything, what would happen if he unleashed ALL of his power onto us? Man! I think I would rather receive it in the small doses he has blessed us with over the years so we can bask in it and appreciate it without being too overwhelmed.

There are also areas of Michael's talent that were not discussed above. The fact that he has designed the entrance to one of the major hotels in Las Vegas is still almost a secret. The fact that he coordinated the choreography and the outfits for he and his brothers Motown 25 performance is not well known either. I think that all the problems Michael has suffered over the past 10 years have been a result of the forces that be, trying to keep him from unleashing any more of his talent on the world because of his power. I can't help but to think of how Mike could have prevented these events but didn't because somehow, the flames of his power had to be reduced but not completely put out. Yes, the fire is still burning and are now at a mere flicker but it is getting ready to roar again and when it does, it will be a fire like nothing the world has ever seen before. It has been covered for far too long. When that flicker gets some air (new album release) it will be like armagedon for sure!:yes:

yes yes yes! I have thought the same. The magnitude of talent is definitely god-given and its enormity is scary. Sometimes I look at some of the pictures Michael has drawn and think jeeezus..so not only can he sings and dance till my jaws drop to the floor..he can also do this?

Like elizabeth taylor said, we as fans are definitely blessed to be able to witness and recognise and appreciate the full force of Michael's talents.

I miss you Michael!!
Michael is just mindblowing...just WOW!!!! I am MORE THAN PROUD to be a loyal fan of his! :wub: :wub: :wub:

And yes, he is like Mozart and other great composers, i have no doubt we will someday start studying him in our music and history classes.
Michael has truly been blessed in the talent department. I think it will be many years before we see the likes of someone like him again or maybe we'll never see someone like him. He is truly one of a kind.
he said that?
wow! That's so cool! Such a great description!

I think the first time he said it was to Oprah, but I'm pretty sure I've heard him say it some other time.

Can you imagine if he didn't hold back? If you've seen how fans react at a concert when he is just standing there on stage not doing anything, what would happen if he unleashed ALL of his power onto us?

I know what you mean, just by turning his head the crowds go wild; no one else has that power over people...they can say what they want about Michael, but they've never been able to take away his enormous talents and power over crowds. It's insane.
Someone mentioned that Michael holds back on his talent. I think that I can kinda understand that and agrees that he may be holding back some of it because he has SO MUCH that to release it all would overwhelm us. We wouldn't be able to handle it. Can you imagine if he didn't hold back? If you've seen how fans react at a concert when he is just standing there on stage not doing anything, what would happen if he unleashed ALL of his power onto us? Man! I think I would rather receive it in the small doses he has blessed us with over the years so we can bask in it and appreciate it without being too overwhelmed.

There are also areas of Michael's talent that were not discussed above. The fact that he has designed the entrance to one of the major hotels in Las Vegas is still almost a secret. The fact that he coordinated the choreography and the outfits for he and his brothers Motown 25 performance is not well known either. I think that all the problems Michael has suffered over the past 10 years have been a result of the forces that be, trying to keep him from unleashing any more of his talent on the world because of his power. I can't help but to think of how Mike could have prevented these events but didn't because somehow, the flames of his power had to be reduced but not completely put out. Yes, the fire is still burning and are now at a mere flicker but it is getting ready to roar again and when it does, it will be a fire like nothing the world has ever seen before. It has been covered for far too long. When that flicker gets some air (new album release) it will be like armagedon for sure!:yes:


I was telling this to my brother the other day and he didn't believe it, lol. What hotel was it again? So I can tell him.

Michael's talent truly seems boundless. Your entire post is the truth. I think it would really freak people out, more so then they already are, to see how gifted Michael actually is. A freind of mine sent me a small excerpt from an interview Michael gave in the 70s, in which he said that he was a prisoner or himself and was afraid to fulfill his full potential. That's true about him. It's like he puts restraints on himself, like a safegaurd. It's like, have any of you ever seen X-Men? You know the character Storm? I liken Michael to her because, she has this unbelieveable power to control nature, but she never really uses it to it's full potential for fear of it getting out of control and hurting people. I really liken that to Michael and what he does. He never really uses his talent completely for fear of just how powerful it really is.
Yeah, his level of intelligence is amazing considering his limited opportunity for an education. When I read his interviews, I always have to go get the dictionary to look up at least one word! And I have a Bachlor's degree!

Intelligence, like talent, isn't something you can learn. Michael is emotionally a genius. He has such an incredible depth of perception and is able to see things as they really are. I think he's one of the smartest people I've ever seen. I don't even think you can be as talented as Michael is without being intelligent.
good thread.
MJ is not just good, he is excellent in everything he does, from singing, dancing, composing, songwriting, to drawing.. Sometimes, i wonder how can one man be so talented????? I'd like to know the answer. btw, I also think he also has a high IQ level.
Not just that, someone mentioned in other thread he has a photographic memory!!
I think it was the Bellagio hotel in Vegas that Mike designed but I'm not positive. Also, I think it would be called what he has is an "audiophonic" memory where he remembers sounds. He is truly amazing!:yes:
