heal the world anthems on MJ's next album

Yet invincible contains some of the best ballads hes ever done

Oh im listening to vince,and you are my life and speechless sound nothing alike,try again
yes they sound alike!
the instruments sound very alike, just changed vocoder/compressor whatever a bit...
the score, whatsoever is different, thats clear...

a double post is posting the samething twice,there4 i did not double post
then call it: "writing a new post, instead of editing that one I wrote 3 minutes ago"
I think a heal the world anthem will not necessarily hurt the album from being on the album, even though it wont help it either, but you put it on the radio, release a single, or make a video for it, and it's going to really, really, really hurt album sales.
One of the things I admire about Michael is that despite of hateful external forces throughout the years, he hasn't allowed them to change him. That's why they keep on bugging him. He hasn't obeyed to what other people think he should do or not to do.

So for him not releasing a "heal the world" kind of song because of what OTHER people might would think is major BS! Michael should not limit his talent and exclude those kind of songs just because some people are close minded. Some have mentioned "We've had enough". If he released that one on the radio.. do you th really think some people would connote it to the allegations? I don't and if they might do, it just shows how fucked up in the head they are. It's their loss.
You sir, cannot be serious. let's see ..slow songs..Stranger in moscow? Incredible song, and not about allegations...even if it was about the allegations and the tabloid media though, so what? For real....if you ask me, Michael has EVERY right and reason to diss them and sing about how disgusting they are if he pleases to. It's his right, simply because you can practically sing about anything....but especially the reason. Well now...he got plenty of reasons to go at the media...and talk about the allegations and what a horrible period that has been for him, no doubt.

Maybe he's not gonna sing about it...but if he decides to, he has all the right to do that, come on now. Offend people? Offend who? Sigh.

I can't be serious? you think making a song about the allegations is a good thing? why so there can be protests and boycotts while the media accuses him of revictimizing the accuser all over again with his music? that wont lead to people not wanting to buy his album. that will lead to people wanting to rip his throat out.

that is the worst possible thing he could do on this album. Even I probably wouldn't buy it out of anger. I'd end up downloading it off limewire. It's wrong to falsely accuse somebody, but who are you going to blame a child or the child's parents who put him up to it?

Can you imagine the damage done to a kid when your parents coherce you into falsely accusing a friend? No MJ should not make a song about the trial. And then to see MJ singing about it on tv?

your talking worst case scenario for his album sales if he does that. your talking tank, probably not even platinum. it would cost more to make it than he would make off of it. luckily any and all record companies are aware of that. No way it's happening.
One of the things I admire about Michael is that despite of hateful external forces throughout the years, he hasn't allowed them to change him. That's why they keep on bugging him. He hasn't obeyed to what other people think he should do or not to do.

So for him not releasing a "heal the world" kind of song because of what OTHER people might would think is major BS! Michael should not limit his talent and exclude those kind of songs just because some people are close minded. Some have mentioned "We've had enough". If he released that one on the radio.. do you th really think some people would connote it to the allegations? I don't and if they might do, it just shows how fucked up in the head they are. It's their loss.

well I don't share your judgemental feelings on people. A lot of people sincerely believe he did something wrong, and they are merely feeling sorry for the kids, so I can't hate them for it.

upon thinking about it more I would like to see one of those type of songs on the album only because I like them. but for the sake of the album being successful I hope he does not release a single for it or make a video. I really think it will hurt him. I don't want this to be an album that sinks down the charts so everybody can forget about it two weeks later. I want it to be remembered as MJ coming back and rocking the world!
I can't be serious? you think making a song about the allegations is a good thing? why so there can be protests and boycotts while the media accuses him of revictimizing the accuser all over again with his music? that wont lead to people not wanting to buy his album. that will lead to people wanting to rip his throat out.

I don't think Michael would ever consider to write a detailed song about the allegations. Never.. however he has touched the subject many times in his songs and he has all the right to do so.

HIstory was one of Michales angriest album and it was released after the allegations.
Look at the songs on that disc.. (even though some may was written pre-allegations, he DECIDED to put them on the album, hint he must have felt a certain way at that time).. Look at these songs from HIstory; They Dont Care About Us, Tabloid Junkie, Stranger in Moscow, You Are Not Alone, D.S, Scream, 2Bad, This Time Around etc..

Then he released Is It Scary and Ghosts..

Its doesnt take a genious to understand that those songs reflected Michaels personal life and what he was going through.. and guess what? The album was a huge commercial succes, especially the singels. Didn't see any boycott from the media aswell :)
I don't think Michael would ever consider to write a detailed song about the allegations. Never....
I know. I was responding to the other person.
however he has touched the subject many times in his songs and he has all the right to do so....
well of course. he has freedom of speech.
HIstory was one of Michales angriest album and it was released after the allegations.
Look at the songs on that disc.. (even though some may was written pre-allegations, he DECIDED to put them on the album, hint he must have felt a certain way at that time).. Look at these songs from HIstory; They Dont Care About Us, Tabloid Junkie, Stranger in Moscow, You Are Not Alone, D.S, Scream, 2Bad, This Time Around etc..
back then though a lot of people thought he was innocent. the media was also friendlier to him then they are now. he is nowhere near as popular now as he was back then.

Then he released Is It Scary and Ghosts..

Its doesnt take a genious to understand that those songs reflected Michaels personal life and what he was going through.. and guess what? The album was a huge commercial succes, especially the singels.
those songs had nothing to do with his personal life, and everything to do with him trying to duplicate the Thriller video. Pretty obvious. monsters, ghouls, ghosts and such.
those songs had nothing to do with his personal life, and everything to do with him trying to duplicate the Thriller video. Pretty obvious. monsters, ghouls, ghosts and such.

I have to disagree. The lyrics says it all.
No there needs to be ballads too.

Not only up-tempo songs.
speechless,whatever happens,dont walk away,break of dawn,butterflies...shall i continue or are u done failing?

yes they sound alike!
the instruments sound very alike, just changed vocoder/compressor whatever a bit...
the score, whatsoever is different, thats clear...

Give me an example and ill shut my tramp,and the speechless and you are my life examples arent strong arguements

then call it: "writing a new post, instead of editing that one I wrote 3 minutes ago"

Wtf are u talking about? i didnt edit anything. btw:U fail again.[ are u done yet?:coffee:
where do the lyrics in those songs say anything about the allegations at all?

lord between u and the other person i just dont know what to think. the story is writen all thru the song. And if u cant see it,then tah well 4u
well of course. he has freedom of speech.
back then though a lot of people thought he was innocent. the media was also friendlier to him then they are now. he is nowhere near as popular now as he was back then.

those songs had nothing to do with his personal life, and everything to do with him trying to duplicate the Thriller video. Pretty obvious. monsters, ghouls, ghosts and such.

ghosts of jealousy, monsters daring to call him a monster because of their envy. it's cool of u to get the album so u could study it. lol
speechless,whatever happens,dont walk away,break of dawn,butterflies...shall i continue or are u done failing?
they all suck against earth song or heal the world
these songs are decent, but not the overkill-type

Give me an example and ill shut my tramp,and the speechless and you are my life examples arent strong arguements
they are good examples, of how to reuse the drums, kicks and sounds...
if you are unable to recognize this, than you don't understand smth. about music^^

BTW: bass in heaven can't wait and in butterflies is the same, that one in hcw is just a bit stronger...

Wtf are u talking about? i didnt edit anything. btw:U fail again.[ are u done yet?:coffee:
yes you DIDN'T EDIT, thats what you've done wrong...

BTW: do you try to annoy me, with your stupid "are you done yet" or "you fail again" comments?
yes they sound alike!
the instruments sound very alike, just changed vocoder/compressor whatever a bit...
the score, whatsoever is different, thats clear...
In that case, every song sound alike.
they all suck against earth song or heal the world
these songs are decent, but not the overkill-type
Why would u even put those songs against earth song and heal the world? they dont even have anything to do with each other. Cry and the lost children shud be put against earth song and heal the world. And vocally this songs are better,aside from earth song

they are good examples, of how to reuse the drums, kicks and sounds...
if you are unable to recognize this, than you don't understand smth. about music^^

BTW: bass in heaven can't wait and in butterflies is the same, that one in hcw is just a bit stronger...

I know about music,and ur arguement is weak. The ballads do not sound alike. If ur not able to recognize this u obviously arent listening to the right album. So dont try and come in here throwing around things u claim to hear and pass them as facts,cuz u will be called out everytime

yes you DIDN'T EDIT, thats what you've done wrong...

BTW: do you try to annoy me, with your stupid "are you done yet" or "you fail again" comments?

I didnt need to edit and u seem to not be grasping that. And not trying to do anything,if ur annoyed oh well. Now,once again...Are u finished?
Why would u even put those songs against earth song and heal the world? they dont even have anything to do with each other. Cry and the lost children shud be put against earth song and heal the world. And vocally this songs are better,aside from earth song
AFAIK: vocally there isn't a Michael Jackson song with bad lyrics at all...

I know about music,and ur arguement is weak. The ballads do not sound alike. If ur not able to recognize this u obviously arent listening to the right album. So dont try and come in here throwing around things u claim to hear and pass them as facts,cuz u will be called out everytime
you do exactly the same: throwing around things and and claim them as facts^^

btw: break of dawn has a silly beat. do you agree?

Now,once again...Are u finished?
I'm finished if you are finished...
are you finished?

and he doesnt seem to want to give up lol
If I would give up, it's like changing my opinion...
but I won't change my opinion, until you prove me with facts and examples, that I'm wrong
AFAIK: vocally there isn't a Michael Jackson song with bad lyrics at all...


you do exactly the same: throwing around things and and claim them as facts^^

not really,i do tend to sometimes lol

btw: break of dawn has a silly beat. do you agree?
no,it soothes me 4 some reason

I'm finished if you are finished...
are you finished?

oh i made my point posts ago,so ive been done:coffee:

If I would give up, it's like changing my opinion...
but I won't change my opinion, until you prove me with facts and examples, that I'm wrong

Im not asking u 2change ur opinion or agree with me. just simply let it be,and ive proven u wrong lol the ballads dont sound the same
Don't Walk Away and You are my Life sound the same and to some extent Speechless. Break of Dawn is a heavy track! One of the best on the album.
to get back on topic away from invincible ballads, which were melodically reasonable for MJ, but i dont like the use of sounds on them, the drum sounds might be new and all that, but to me they sound dry and vulgar, just an oppinion, dont get me wrong, i like those ballads, i just think whith richer sounds they could have been a lot stronger, but they could have sounded dated i suppose.

heal the world anthems shouldnt be on the new album, not because there not good, but i think weve have enough (get the joke!) lol. MJ is gonna want this to sell well, but meet his own artistic needs ect. hes gonna want it to tick every box. the one side of mj i think thats people still like, that continues to shine through his battered rep, is all his dancing ect. he needs to go uptempo. i think there should however be ballads on the record, just a couple, it will help to make them more meaningful, these ballads should really be slow and laid back and melodically very strong, he should try to aviod cliched moments though.

his first single must be dance, it must be a huge summer hit, but have an element of timelessness to it, like billie jean for instance, nobody ever really gets sick of it, apart from some of us, who have heard it well over 1000 times. his ballads should be moving, and perhaps reflective, though not necesseraly on his own life. he NEEDS to avoid mid tempo imo, this is a lethal mistake. look at the sounds akon has been creating for say lionel richie on his new album, this would be a disastor for MJ and he would not connect with everyone, which is what he intends to do, he cant have mild emmotion, easy listening music, except in the odd very slow relaxed ballad, but never mid tempo. all the songs on the album need to bring out emmotions, the fast songs have to make you want to dance and sing along, and most importantly the tracks have to connect with each other, look at thriller, even thought the tracks thematically are completely unrelated, by the end of the album you feel like youve gone on a journey, which i think subconsiosly helped its sales alot. his other albums have equaly magical moments, but for me dont have that complete feeling, i think he needs that feeling again on his new album.

back on topic, if he really feels he has to do a HTW type anthem then there should only be one, and its essential it aviods MJ cliches such as children or the whole what have we done line from earth song, man in the mirror is the maximum he could really get away with of that type of song.

But thats all just my oppinion :)
Well I don't know what to say about there there being no htw tracks. It's not like he's gonna flood the whole album with it(.... or will he :shifty:... jk,lol!), but still it'd be very nice if he had at least one. And it doesn't just have to be about saving the world, it could be about just being happy in life. On another note, I definetly want some rnb tracks, it doesnt have to be all dance, and don't think it would hurt sales all that bad if there were to be some rnb/htw track(s).

NOTEL Oh and for the one who said BOD was silly, nope. It's complete esctasy and a fan favorite, for sure.
Well I don't know what to say about there there being no htw tracks. It's not like he's gonna flood the whole album with it(.... or will he :shifty:... jk,lol!), but still it'd be very nice if he had at least one. And it doesn't just have to be about saving the world, it could be about just being happy in life. On another note, I definetly want some rnb tracks, it doesnt have to be all dance, and don't think it would hurt sales all that bad if there were to be some rnb/htw track(s).

NOTEL Oh and for the one who said BOD was silly, nope. It's complete esctasy and a fan favorite, for sure.
