Have You Ever Been Banned From Websites?

:scratch: Why would they do that?

Because I used a photo from the movie to make an icon and someone kept reporting me :(. I made 2 or 3 icons, probably the same person reported me for each one so DA banned me. It was unfair because many people use photos from movies for graphic art but never get banned!
Someone TRIED to get me banned because I kept posting obsessive posts about Get Him To The Greek, by starting a by starting a petition to get me banned from that messageboard (on a messageboard dedicated to GHTTG, no less, :rolleyes: :), but the admin quickly deleted the petition. :D i was glad that the admin deleted the banning petition, but upset that there was a petition to ban me in the first place. :(
^ I love this movie lol, i used to have it on my computer. Remember the "music videos" of that singer's wife ? LOL I won't write the lyrics here cause they're um *ahem* but it's too funny. I gotta say Puff did his thing too, "Osborne will outlive Miley Cyrus !!!" "This is what old *BEEP* used to look like in the 70's." hahahaha

Create a thread about the movie Karice !!! You have to now that you mentionned it, otherwise i'm the one who'll start a petition to get ya banned lol. :)

By the way Karice, do you know movies that has this kinda sense of humor please ? I love laughing so if you do know movies that do don't hesitate to type a few titles please. :)
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I never been banned for anything, if I do then I'm so pissed off at who ever tries to ban me.
Because I used a photo from the movie to make an icon and someone kept reporting me :(. I made 2 or 3 icons, probably the same person reported me for each one so DA banned me. It was unfair because many people use photos from movies for graphic art but never get banned!

Sounds like someone had too much time on their hands.
Sounds like someone had too much time on their hands.

I feel that people like to pick on me sometimes. All of those 3 bans were not 100% deserved compared to how awful many people behave online. I don't think I ever called people horrible names or made hateful comments like I have received from some and they never got banned. :mello: I do disagree many times but I don't go overboard. I'm seriously afraid to post on forums nowadays lol...

And I forgot to mention Warner Bros deleted my youtube account a few years ago because I uploaded Michael Jackson Dangerous rehearsals.
Yes, I was banned from MJStar, I really don't know why exactly.
That's why I've joined this forum in the first place and I must say I'm glad it turned this way.
I actually would understand the Banning Petition if it weren't the GHTTG messageboard, but it was, so the banning petition was unneeded.
People got banned just for questioning those tracks or were you also being rude?? Good thing I didn't post here or I'd get banned again lol. I really avoided MJJC for some months because things got crazy!
People got banned just for questioning those tracks or were you also being rude?? Good thing I didn't post here or I'd get banned again lol. I really avoided MJJC for some months because things got crazy!

I was being rude LIKE everybody actualy
You said it yourself things went soooo crazy during this time that everybody was rude to each other
But Gaz decided to ban most of the ones who were against the Cascio's songs ( he confessed it himself ) near half of the board was banned
Then he apologised for this decision and lift the bans

I have also been banned from a Janet Jackson board
because i defended michael from jealous janet fans who were saying that if i was obliged to post in their board that was because michael was so unpopular ( back then ) that he had no more fan boards about him specificaly lol
And each time somebody (even a janet fan ) alluded to michael in a post some of them were being furious and said that we didnt have to talk about him in a Janet board
That janet and michael except for their names and blood have nothing to do together and then i came and defended him
But sometimes i know i can be rude i confess
I was being rude LIKE everybody actualy
You said it yourself things went soooo crazy during this time that everybody was rude to each other
But Gaz decided to ban most of the ones who were against the Cascio's songs ( he confessed it himself ) near half of the board was banned
Then he apologised for this decision and lift the bans

I remember that! Even now I don't say a word about those songs on here lol. Good that you defended Michael. OMG I remember another ban of mine that I have completely forgotten about haha. I was banned from Gerard Butler forum in 2009 because I defended MJ. Buttface made several pedo jokes about Michael and imitated the dangling incidents and his fans were so nasty and saying how hilarious that was...that I just couldn't ignore! I'm glad I got banned from that horrible forum. I liked that actor until I realized how nasty he was.
No, I haven't. Never been a troublemaker, I guess.