Have You Ever Been Banned From Websites?

Yes ... when MJNO existed! That was so stupid they thought my mind was too "free-spoken"... obviously...
I have never been banned from a message board. I'm pretty much a rule follower although I do have to hold my self back sometimes.
i know what you mean:yes::yes:
Quick ginvid run fast b4 lorraine catches u! :lol:
IKR. I have to remember to send Lorraine that bouquet of flowers (to butter her up) :cheeky:
:yes:you better had :D
i have cuz I wasn't PC enough for the powers that be.
what do you mean:unsure:
*tongue -cringes-

Anyway, yes. Self-restraint is always good. I applaud you for remaining respectful in even the most unfavourable of situations. :clap:
me too:yes::yes:
I got banned from from Gamespot, it was a retroactive ban as it was for a dead thread that I made in the Off topic discussion that got bumped and popular before I even knew it, I was highlighting how there were explicit nude scenes that are shown on broadcast TV that make it past TV censors in the light of the Janet Jackson Superbowl half-time show scandal that the FCC continue to harp on. I didn't post any explicit images from the shows in the thread through, but I creatively did an under the belt type of post to help those interested in seeing what I was referring to. All they had to do was type in a few simple safe words through a Google search which would take them directly to the site that had the images. As I said, it was dead a thread when I posted it, because last I remember it quickly got buried from no replies. Months later I log into Gamespot and go to the forums, and get the You are banned message.

Apparently the thread got some attention a month or so later after someone bumped it and everyone was wanting to look for the images I was referring to, which I don't even think was there anymore since the thread was months old. Eventually mods saw the thread and moderated my account, but even though I had very few moderations, I believe they went looking through my posting history for any posts of flaming, or game spoilers I might have made and began moderating those as well to bring my account up to bannable levels and thus I was banned.


Another forum. SystemWars , a site made for the sole purpose because Gamespot forums dictatorship. Perm banned me in 2007 a year after I joined as "gamegenie", apparently due to excessive trolling to Nintendo fans, I was a staunch defender of SEGA. The then moderator there accused me of being an act. Months later I returned to the site with a new account "accolade", whom no one didn't even realize I was and accolade developed his own following. Some also convinced the moderator to unban gamegenie as well too. So now I have two accounts on that forum site. :D
Another forum. SystemWars , a site made for the sole purpose because Gamespot forums dictatorship. Perm banned me in 2007 a year after I joined as "gamegenie", apparently due to excessive trolling to Nintendo fans, I was a staunch defender of SEGA. The then moderator there accused me of being an act. Months later I returned to the site with a new account "accolade", whom no one didn't even realize I was and accolade developed his own following. Some also convinced the moderator to unban gamegenie as well too. So now I have two accounts on that forum site. :D
I have done that before:blush:
I don't think it was fair that the Admin told me he forgave me and STILL banned me.:no: Then curse me out when I asked why he banned me after saying he forgave me.:no:
Not to the best of my knowledge, although I do remember being on this football (soccer) themed site many years ago and finding myself quickly annoying some people. I can't remember why now - it must've just been a big culture clash or something, because I've never been the kind of person to 'troll' - certainly not my definition of trolling anyway!

Anyway, seeing the way the wind was blowing, I swiftly exited that place before I could actually discover my fate, lol.
I haven't ever been banned from anywhere, which is surprising considering some of the ridiculous rules a lot of forums have. Like ones that you can't state an unpopular opinion in a mature manner, if it's not what they want to hear you're out. Usually I'll leave a forum before I can get banned.
I was banned from this soap opera message board many years ago but I used my powers of persuasion to convince the mod to reinstate me.
I was banned from MJNI.

I was banned from the KOP message board.

I have been banned from heretodaygonetohell.com - a Guns N Roses forum.

I have been banned from a Tori Amos fansite called yessaid.com.

I get banned a lot, but it's because a lot of moderators act as if they're Gods-gift just because they run a fansite. Don't start a message board and then go banning people for having a different opinion to you.

Or maybe it's me? No, can't possibly be that. ;)
yes, I was banned once from KOP due to an admin/mod who couldn't help but play God and have ego trips.
That board is not even worth visiting anymore, as it's solamente a Jackson Family Fan Board, nowadays.
I've been banned multiple times from MJNI, KOP board, and MJJForum (the predecessor to this site). I probably shouldn't divulge what for.
Oh yeah, I was also banned from mjnewsonline.

One day I left my computer on, and my brothers friend decided he would create an account under the name Michael J. Jackson and post a statement thanking the fans for their support during the trial.

Obviously they werent aware that it wasn't me and I was banned.
No, I have never been baned. Not yet, at least.
I have been moderator in at least 5 online communities over the years, non MJ related, so I guess, in some way, I managed to learn a bit of virtual etiquette :D
Not yet. As an admin myself I have a certain responsibility to not go too far.
I am banned from FB forever actually. One day i received a PM telling me i was too good-looking in my avatar and that, for this reason, i had 3 days to change it. I did not and was banned forever. Jealousy i guess.
I am banned from FB forever actually. One day i received a PM telling me i was too good-looking in my avatar and that, for this reason, i had 3 days to change it. I did not and was banned forever. Jealousy i guess.

Wow, did they do this for this non-reason/pretext only...? 0..0 What creepiness. ..
I am banned from FB forever actually. One day i received a PM telling me i was too good-looking in my avatar and that, for this reason, i had 3 days to change it. I did not and was banned forever. Jealousy i guess.


Yep, this is the only site I've ever been banned from, ONLY for questioning the Cascio's tracks. The ban was lifted after a few days.:)
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Wow, did they do this for this non-reason/pretext only...? 0..0 What creepiness. ..

Well, it's ok i take it in stride you know it's just the internet after all. They want to make sure i do not try to sneak in there so bad that from that day on, every time i went to the FB homepage all i could see was "yeah right !!!!" written in big bold black capital letters on a white background; then i'm taken to myspace homepage within 10 seconds.

Nah, i was joking Alma, excuse my childishness, i was only sarcastic. You're too cute thanks for caring, *hugs* i hope you're having a nice weekend. :)
Yes!!! But I'd rather not mention the forum. It no longer exists, and no it wasn't a MJ one either.
I was banned from KOP board for a week a few years ago, don't remember what I did to deserve that :scratch:
And I got banned from MJJC once in 2009 for a whole month :scratch::smilerolleyes: (also don't know why)

I also got banned from deviantart.com for a week in 2004 because I made Lord of the rings icons. :/