Have you changed since june 25 ?

Yes, I feel that I've become more mature since June. And I want to believe that I've changed to a better person during these years I've been an MJ fan. Michael really had that power to change people.
I feel exactly the same way. I became a fan after his death. Now it seems surreal that I had spent my life to that day, without having him in my life. I have changed in many ways.
I thought it was not possible (or normal) to mourn for someone you are not acquainted with, but I mourn him like a very dear friend. I feel so empty inside. I try to be more compassionate with other people, and I have been thinking about what our real purpose in this life is.
I' ve also been thinking a lot about what happens on the other side...I cannot accept he is gone forever. I choose to believe he is an angel in Heaven and in some way he's watching us..
I have also become more religious, praying and thanking God all the time. And I try to deal with difficulties in life with courage and strength like Michael did.
I've changed a lot since June 2009 and I am still changing today. The changes have not really been positive for me, though. I've become more silent, less excited about things, and the world has just lost it's color for me.

I guess you could say I'm lost and looking for direction now that the person who taught me, guided me, and inspired me is gone.

The only good thing that came of this is that I've regained contact with some of my MJ friends. We are closer now because we understand eachother when 'normal' people can't.
Yes I have....... I fell in love with Michael Jackson again. He is an inspiration to me and I am so proud of his achievements.

I have now a greater sense of purpose like Michael I would love to leave a Legacy in the nonshifting sands of time

"If you love something let it go.... if it loves you it will come back you"!
I did change a lot. I find myself to be kinder to people. I also decided that I need to take care of myself better and love myself. I use to eat like crazy. I didn't care if I died from being obese. Today, I lost 35 pounds and still losing it. Michael had something to do with it.
I will never be the same again.My style change,my character and my opinion about music.I love Michael.
First of all I spent a lot of time online, reading about him and the things he liked. I listened carefully to the speeches he made, I mean I really listened. This changed me because his words struck a core in me that was dead (for several reasons).

First of all, and most important, I'm now a better mother because of him. I realized that I had to get my priorities straight and in order to do that I had to change my way of thinking.
I've also realized that knowledge really is power so I'm reading up on things. One thing usually leading me to another.
I've started to notice the people around me. I feel I see them more clearly now than before and i listen to them, read their body language and act upon what I think they need from me. If they just need to talk I let them talk and if they need a shoulder to cry on my shoulder is free.
I've also contributed a lot more to charity. I've finally understood that even the smallest amount is better than nothing.

In my opinion his message was pure love... for all aspects of your life. The thing is that you're the one who have to make it all happen, but I believe that you can do anything as long as you do it out of some sort of love. Michael was, and is, L.O.V.E.! And he's my mentor.
First of all I spent a lot of time online, reading about him and the things he liked. I listened carefully to the speeches he made, I mean I really listened. This changed me because his words struck a core in me that was dead (for several reasons).

First of all, and most important, I'm now a better mother because of him. I realized that I had to get my priorities straight and in order to do that I had to change my way of thinking.
I've also realized that knowledge really is power so I'm reading up on things. One thing usually leading me to another.
I've started to notice the people around me. I feel I see them more clearly now than before and i listen to them, read their body language and act upon what I think they need from me. If they just need to talk I let them talk and if they need a shoulder to cry on my shoulder is free.
I've also contributed a lot more to charity. I've finally understood that even the smallest amount is better than nothing.

In my opinion his message was pure love... for all aspects of your life. The thing is that you're the one who have to make it all happen, but I believe that you can do anything as long as you do it out of some sort of love. Michael was, and is, L.O.V.E.! And he's my mentor.

wow this sounds great!!! xx

Yes i think i have changed a bit...I have just understand that it is no worth to wait before living experiences ! Time flies so fast. I have learned this from Michael's death.

Destiny -
Well I've change a lott since June 25 I mean I learn how to fell in love with mj all over agian & not to be sadden by him never agian. :yes: & also I listen to mj songs on the radio all over again as well. :)
Since June 25th...

I make it a point to laugh daily -kids laugh over a hundred times more than adults- I could learn a thing or two from them. I also plan on taking advantage of this upcoming warm weather, go outside and Play, like Ellen Degeneres said..."unfortunately, we stop playing when we become adults" why?

I am more optimistic about life, and more kind. I'm realizing that it is wasteful energy to have a negative thought in my head and to throw complaints around. Life is beautiful, period. ...but it would be perfect if MJ was here. Gotta keep reminding myself that he's in a much better place...
Yeah, I have changed a lot since that day. I have learned to appreciate life in general and I definitely appreciate each day I have to live. I have learned to follow Michael's example of love in his honour. I've done a lot of reflecting and I feel as though I will never be the same again.

I've also become more of an insomniac now. I like to be alone to think, I guess.

I have learned to appreciate Michael much more than before. It's always the case with a passing, and he was my first. It's been a hard thing to get through, and I still miss him so much. :(
Let me tell you...

for 8 months, I think I have pretended that MJ is still here, that this is just a joke, and it's not real, but now, I think I have finally realized that he IS gone and is never coming back. I can't listen to his music right now, it's just too sad that he is gone. I cried some tonight missing him so much. I've been posting here more recently. I'm just not sure how to get over his death right now. He was such a sweet angel walking this earth, and people treated him so rotten, and now his music was sold for $250million, and you know Sony will make more more then that. And what if some songs aren't even suppose to be released, that he never wanted released? And WHY can't the world accept MJ for who he was, and not call him a monster? and why do I have to deal with the constant BAD REMARKS regarding MJ when I am around my family. It hurts me to think that MJ is thought of a weirdo, when he was the nicest person to walk this earth since Jesus....

I'm just so sad right now. :(
I've changed a lot since June 2009 and I am still changing today. The changes have not really been positive for me, though. I've become more silent, less excited about things, and the world has just lost it's color for me.

I guess you could say I'm lost and looking for direction now that the person who taught me, guided me, and inspired me is gone.

The only good thing that came of this is that I've regained contact with some of my MJ friends. We are closer now because we understand eachother when 'normal' people can't.

Feel just the same way :kiss:
I am just sad, there's no single day I wouldn't crying, I just simply feel lonely. And only ppl, who feel the same can understand what I feel, for others it's just Michael Jackson, not a Friend/Guider/Teacher/Inspiration/Motivation/Love.
Now, it's hard for me to focus on things I should do, like my master thesis - there is no way I can focus on writing. I know He wouldn't be proud of me, knowing how I'm down, insomniac, just existing. I didn't realize how much He motivated me all my life long, I didn't even imagine there'd be a world without Him. Now I stuck in this stupid reality ;(

It's been almost 9 months already and I miss Him every day more and more. After time, when I just pretended he's still here, now it's time to take a notice, that it's not the case :( I'm getting angry reading about all those ppl making money on Him, and there no one seems to care about justice I just fell so helpless... and mad.
The only positive thing, I've changed my point of view, when it comes out to death - I am not afraid, I'm just quietly waiting for it. And I feel guilty about it, then still I've got a family here living:( And more often I'm escaping to my dreamworld - dreams, imagination - only those can make me smile now.
Yeh, I've become more sensitive, but also I feel like a zombie walking around.. if you know what i mean.. like what Dutchie said.
Yeah. I am more sceptical about his fans. I don't know why.. I just find it annoying how people started liking him after he died. It's not like you didn't know his music before hand.
First off I will say all of you are in my prayers because I know it has really been hard since last year. I have changed because I realize that I have to follow my dreams and know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. When I think of all MJ has accomplished not just as a musician but also as a man it makes me want to give my all everytime I start something. I have grown in my faith a lot more also.
Yes I have changed...alot.

It's hard to be happy, especially seeing how cruel the world can be
this really opened my eyes.

I feel like I live in the twilight zone because him not here .....its just not right.