Has Michael Lost His Audience?

What idiot made those lists? I'm sorry...but...Bow wow? Miley Cyrus?
Soulja boy? ertc..etc...how are they even on a list along with Michael?
What the hell is that nonsense?

The list came out of youtube's honor list, they're ranked by their popularity...how many subscribers and views each youtube channel has.

And yes benscarr, youtube placed Avril, Chris and Leona on their 'musicians' list.

To those who want to see how the channels are ranked, go to MJ's youtube channel, and click on the different honors it has, it shows you the full list.
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Why so negative? Michael will always have a strong audience and fanbase.
Has Michael lost his audience????? Where have you been in the last few months?? Michael had sold out all 50 dates on his upcoming tour "This Is It" so does that tell you anything? Michael will Never loose his audience and it has been a few years since the man has been on stage bam! look what happened he sold out all of his days and had to had even more. The demand to see Michael has been on high alert since he announced this tour so that tells you he has gained even more fans to what he has now. So that should answer your question. The man has never left. He is shining his loafers up for a new moonwalk and even bigger and better things. :punk:
Michael has lost fans over the years due to many factors i.e. controversies and not putting out enough material. However, at the end of the day, he is STILL Michael Jackson. Still the guy that made "Thriller", "Smooth Criminal", "Beat It" and all that. Michael will always be a legend and be respected for his music. I don't think some of you get it or understand just how much he's accomplished and what his name means. He has touched millions with his music. Who really gives a crap about teens and young people anyway? They have terrible taste in music for the most part. Plus they are very fickle. One day they all love Miley, Jonas, etc. the next day, they are onto the next big thing. Michael is a in a better position than the likes of Beyonce, Chris Brown, Rihanna,etc. because he is a legend and has a loyal following and has for many years. He's more than established himself in the industry.

He'll never really be a hasbeen. Michael at his peak was bigger than all of these young hot stars today COMBINED. He is up there with The Beatles and Elvis Presley in terms of fame. No one in the past 25+ years has even come close to his fame or accomplishments. He will always be a big deal and he'll always have a fanbase. The public will always be interested in him in some way or another.


-Catalogue still sells very well
-Thriller 25 sold at least 2 million worldwide
-Sold out 50 concerts in London
-Songs still get massive airplay at clubs and on the radio
-Very popular on youtube

I am not worried about Michael at all. Even with all the ish he's been through, he is still regarded highly as a legend and entertainer. There is NO ONE ELSE that could have gone through what he has and still have a sizeable fanbase. No one. Only Michael. His talent and accomplishments are such that no matter what happens him and his talent will always be appreciated and interest people. There will always be a place for him in the entertainment industry.
MJ has many young fans,my sister is fan and she has 10 years..
She loves a lot songs from him and from jackson 5..
MJ has every day more and more fans
and I have 15 years,and my friends listen up his music a lot..some are younger and some are my age
You don't need to worry about that
Time will tell
and we will see

Don't get frustrated by people around you who always say negative things about MJ

THAts hy he sold out 50 concerts haha

Whats going thru your mind x'D :D
With a new album "supposedly" in the works, it will be released when ever. But IF its released how will it sell? Michael's biggest problem may be that he has lost touch with his audience. Most of his original fans are now well into their thirties, while teenagers are more interested in Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, and all these new artists. And most of the youth of America today only know MJ as 'a child-molesting freak who sung thriller and who use to be black.' How could he possibly sell in a market when most of the people who buy music think of you like that? Michael has to reach out to an audience who doesn't know who he is as an artist or entertainer. It's going to be the second time he's had to try to connect with an audience that did not grow up with him. The first time being Invincible.

What do you think? How could Michael reach out to the younger music buyers successfully? And how can he have a successful album when most of the buyers today either don't know your music or think of you in a negative light?

Now don't get me wrong, there are many young people who like MJ, including me, but most either don't know his music or just think hes a down-right freak.

And what about all of those kids who want to buy his music and their parents won't let them because of their personal thoughts?

Once Michael is back in his groove I think those that went south just for a brief time will be coming back. I don't that. I'm the age of michael ...a bit older and I haven't lost the luster of him. Once I see him...it comes back to me stronger than ever.

But you have a good point how can we get the music out to the younger generation of newer fans. I think that's happening. Like with American Idol and Adam for instance singing his songs with a new twist and other artists doing renditions of his songs.

Once the concert kicks up I think things will fall into place and they see and hear him. But it's Mike who has to do what he did to us fans back when...use that element of surprise and shock and awe bit to reel them in. Maybe make guest appearances on American Idol ...or other programs that are geared to the younger generation. You know what I mean? Like promote himself again if he wants a whole new audience. Do duets with the newer artists coming up etc.

Just ideas...but Mike is Mike...:agree:
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I am one of the original fans and I am 45, it amazes me how dedicated to MJ some fans are that are young enough to be a grandchild let alone a son of mine, MJ didn't lose touch with his original true fans and has clearly made new ones without having to lift a finger.
I know this might be off topic but, does anyone know where wannabestartinsomething21 (Nicole) has gone? I haven't seen her posts around here lately.

I know this might be off topic but, does anyone know where wannabestartinsomething21 (Nicole) has gone? I haven't seen her posts around here lately.


Yeah I haven't seen her posting around here lately either. I hope everything's okay.
Michael hasn't lost his audience he has lost contact with his fans. He's still the most selling Solo Artist ever.

He should organize chat, to have a twitter or giving a new mail address.
Yhe tahtw ould be cool if he was on twitter :wild:
that might be nice, except could you imagine all the haters that would try and interfere with chats between MJ and his fans on twitter? haters who have enough computer knowledge to sabotage the whole idea? i'm guessing that's why MJ might not be able to do that, even tho i'm guessing he'd really like to.
I don't think Michael has lost his audience. With the right promotional team and a drama free management team. With the right public relations team, Michael would get his audience back again. And I agree with the others who posted that he needs BRAND NEW MATERIAL. Keep some of the old, but give the people something new.
Um, MJ having a twitter is an awful idea. People are intrigued by MJ because he's a 'mystery'. He's built this public image for himself. If we knew his every move and thought through twitter it would kind of defeat the purpose of the lengths he goes to to keep things that aren't our business, secret. :lol: He'd only ever update to say 'peace and love, heal the world' anyway. I doubt we'd see anything interesting or insightful.
Um, MJ having a twitter is an awful idea. People are intrigued by MJ because he's a 'mystery'. He's built this public image for himself. If we knew his every move and thought through twitter it would kind of defeat the purpose of the lengths he goes to to keep things that aren't our business, secret. :lol: He'd only ever update to say 'peace and love, heal the world' anyway. I doubt we'd see anything interesting or insightful.

Agreed, I love the mystery and never knowing what to expect! :D
Im not even sure why a thread entitled Has Michael Lost his Audience has been started. Quite clearly, he hasnt, he's sold out a 20,000 arena 50 times over so I think you needn't worry about Michaels audience. Young and old alike will be turning up to the O2 in droves to see what he can pull off, he has a musical reputation that isnt matched by any other artist out there. He has nothing to worry about.
Im not even sure why a thread entitled Has Michael Lost his Audience has been started. Quite clearly, he hasnt, he's sold out a 20,000 arena 50 times over so I think you needn't worry about Michaels audience. Young and old alike will be turning up to the O2 in droves to see what he can pull off, he has a musical reputation that isnt matched by any other artist out there. He has nothing to worry about.

yeah..i think a more idea for a thread title is why do some still doubt, even more, when mounting evidence proves otherwise?
There is ALWAYS an audience for great music - so that can never be "lost". Once Michael begins these shows, interest in his music will explode. After that, any new CD will be huge - there will be "old" fans, new fans, and those just curious to hear what he has come up with. Going to be exciting times for sure.
He sold out 1.000.000 tickets for concerts in London ONLY within hours.

NO he has not lost his audience. If the music is good it will sell great.
Michael has not lost his audience, he probably has the most global fanbase there is. The fact that he sold out 50 concerts in one venue so quickly is a testament to the fact that he has a massive audience.
Michael done so much noise announcing their concert at the O2 arrene that I think the sale of his new album is a guarantee of success now.
He did not lose the audience, but it seems to me that he has gained even more fans with his talent.​

lol what a question... does quick google search on Michael Jackson Fan Forums.... whoaaaaaaaaa look all those hits.... question answered.
With a new album "supposedly" in the works, it will be released when ever. But IF its released how will it sell? Michael's biggest problem may be that he has lost touch with his audience. Most of his original fans are now well into their thirties, while teenagers are more interested in Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, and all these new artists. And most of the youth of America today only know MJ as 'a child-molesting freak who sung thriller and who use to be black.' How could he possibly sell in a market when most of the people who buy music think of you like that? Michael has to reach out to an audience who doesn't know who he is as an artist or entertainer. It's going to be the second time he's had to try to connect with an audience that did not grow up with him. The first time being Invincible.

What do you think? How could Michael reach out to the younger music buyers successfully? And how can he have a successful album when most of the buyers today either don't know your music or think of you in a negative light?

Now don't get me wrong, there are many young people who like MJ, including me, but most either don't know his music or just think hes a down-right freak.

And what about all of those kids who want to buy his music and their parents won't let them because of their personal thoughts?

No, I don't think Mr. Jackson has lost his audience. I think you're confusing music sales w/ popularity, which I think is a mistake w/ how music is sold now compared to 25 or 15 yrs ago. No artist will ever replicate the monster sales of MJ's catalogue, or even huge albums like Born in the USA, Purple Rain, Like a Virgin, etc. It's impossible nowadays w/ itunes and piracy. So yes, someone could still be popular and achieve 'iconic' status, but no, I don't think album sales will reach the levels of their pre-napster days. I wouldn't confuse that w/ someone becoming irrelevant though.
Well, not long ago, a young guy sang "Who's Loving You" on Britains got talent. THOUSANDS of people saw that... I am willing to bet many younger kids went "Wait... who did that song?"

Answer: Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. . . . But I like the Jackson 5 cover better.