Has Michael Lost His Audience?

Michael has predominantly the "old fans", the new ones... lest say generation of the 90s and the present generation he has lost.... as a musician.
thats the fact.

The 50 sold out shows, dont reflect anything relevant... in terms of the amount of the audience...
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Michael has predominantly the "old fans", the news ones... lest say generation of the 90s and the present generation he has lost.... as a musician.
thats the fact.
then who are the new teenage fans fans outside his hotels ect in london and other euro countries? im basing my assertions on facts of what i see the ages of ppl on message boards the fans who sit outside hotels and follow mj around whenever he is in their country. what are u basing yours on?

The 50 sold out shows, dont reflect anything relevant... in terms of the amount of the audience...
no not much just that he has an audience and if u think the ppl going ot the shows are all 30 and above well u will get a shock.
Michael has predominantly the "old fans", the news ones... lest say generation of the 90s and the present generation he has lost.... as a musician.
thats the fact.

The facts according to whom? LOL!

You can look at YOUTUBE and see all of MJ's new fans. I mean, "old fans" like me, don't use YouTube and we ain't creating MJ related videos on YouTube either. In my opinion, YouTube can tell you all about MJ's new fans.
I think when it comes to the music it's usually presented in a positive light, keeping him in the public mind with things like X-factor and other shows.

It's only via the negative media and those awful docomentaries that can show him in a negative light. They usually fail to discuss the music, thus leaving it to speak for itself.

I think the good thing about his core audience being in their thirties now is that they are more likely to purchase music, rather than the 'downloading teenagers'. Making the possible new records chart higher, thus gaining more attention. I'm of course not saying all teenagers download, I was a teenager not a few years ago and certainly I didn't downlaod music.

It'll work out fine, people who went out to buy Dangerous and HIStory will still be interested to buy the new record as they did with Invincible, his audience will still be there when something new comes along.
With a new album "supposedly" in the works, it will be released when ever. But IF its released how will it sell? Michael's biggest problem may be that he has lost touch with his audience. Most of his original fans are now well into their thirties, while teenagers are more interested in Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, and all these new artists. And most of the youth of America today only know MJ as 'a child-molesting freak who sung thriller and who use to be black.' How could he possibly sell in a market when most of the people who buy music think of you like that? Michael has to reach out to an audience who doesn't know who he is as an artist or entertainer. It's going to be the second time he's had to try to connect with an audience that did not grow up with him. The first time being Invincible.

What do you think? How could Michael reach out to the younger music buyers successfully? And how can he have a successful album when most of the buyers today either don't know your music or think of you in a negative light?

Now don't get me wrong, there are many young people who like MJ, including me, but most either don't know his music or just think hes a down-right freak.

And what about all of those kids who want to buy his music and their parents won't let them because of their personal thoughts?

He can reach out to them by making the great music he has always made. Honestly, he needs a hit, maybe a few, and it will be over. Imagine if Xscape and Hold My Hand were released in the next two months. I guarantee you that he would gain popularity and chart very, very high if not #1, in the U.S.
The facts according to whom? LOL!

You can look at YOUTUBE and see all of MJ's new fans. I mean, "old fans" like me, don't use YouTube and we ain't creating MJ related videos on YouTube either. In my opinion, YouTube can tell you all about MJ's new fans.

exactly and what is an old fan? im 30 does that make me old or do u have to be mjs age. some ppl make me laugh do u see other 50 plus stars with teenage/20 plus sitting outside their hotels screaming at them that they love them. when mj is old enough to be their dads.ive been outside hotels with 5 year olds and 10 year old just hoping to get a glimpse of mj.
exactly and what is an old fan? im 30 does that make me old or do u have to be mjs age. some ppl make me laugh do u see other 50 plus stars with teenage/20 plus sitting outside their hotels screaming at them that they love them. when mj is old enough to be their dads.ive been outside hotels with 5 year olds and 10 year old just hoping to get a glimpse of mj.
Good point, regarding the "fans" who are outside his hotel screaming his name.

Just adding to that, I'm sure most of us saw the commotion MJ caused when he was out shopping and after he left, folks - young folks - were chasing his car. You don't see 50 years old celebrities getting that type of attention nowadays.

I'm just saying, they were not folks MY age, cause folks my age can't run that fast. LOL!
Ok to the starter of this thread... you should really put all those tabloids back on the shelfs... don't read them don't buy them.
Then take the courage and go more into depth... in this forum alone on the first page of the Michael Jackson forum sections you'd have answered all your 'questions' easily without asking. lol
Your first post in this thread is full of prejudices only low level tabloids in the US want you to believe... well at least it helps them making money no matter if 'readers' do believe such bs or not!

Still take your time, surf the forum and you'll find that here are a good mixture of fans of all ages, all races, all nationalities, all religions, all professions, all levels of society etc. etc. .

I personally do believe (use more phrases like this unless you want to pretend to talk facts while ppl here easily see it's only prejudices) Michael is unique in gathering so many very different ppl in his fan community.

Second Michael Jackson is highly influencing young artists of today... so if someone is really interested and has the courage and takes the time to go into depth will often when searching for the roots of 'their young artists' find those mention Michael Jackson as their influence. May it be Miley, may it be Britney, may it be Neyo, may it be Justin, may it be Usher, may it be Akon... this list will never end. This is why Michael under musicians of all kind is highly respected and very loved. Well not only musicians but by everybody involved with some knowledge in music business.
Read some books, look for some interviews of those I've mentioned on youtube... you'll see I'm right.

Last... it's not true, that Michael is not as popular in the US... nor everybody, nor even the majority is believing he's what you mentioned. Don't eat so much tabloid junk... that can't be healthy really.
I suggest you'll go to London and count only of the let's say 10 first concerts fans coming from USA to Europe... I'm sure you'll make it to minimum 40%. But don't finish there... those 40% ask how often they've been to Europe before... and I'm sure it will make you breathing fast cuz I guess almost 80% are coming to Europe for their first time and ONLY because of Michael Jackson.
I also believe if Michael will give concerts in the US again those will be sold out in minutes and the audience will be more than 85% of USamericans or even more.

You must be young I suppose... tabloids are not reporting information or even facts... they're just putting letters together for making money... and if you'd ask them you'd notice they don't even care if what they've reported makes sense... it just needs to sell one way or the other.

Now go... take the time... surf this forum... you'll find a lot of facts about Michael Jackson without a problem! ;)
I think he definitely didn't lost his audience...
He's timeless. Has fans in every age and that's amazing.
what audience we are talking about?

7-8 million people who are able/want to buy his next album?
Or, the tens of people screaming in front of the hotels?

In comparison with other artists (including YouTube visits) Michael has lost his audience=fans really able to buy his records...

50 shows is just a number of the shows, but not the 4,5 mill. people as the attendance! (HIStory tour consisted of 82 shows with the 4,5 mill. attendance)

There is on YouTube a list of most viewed artists, and before Michael there are many other...
n comparison with other artists (including YouTube visits) Michael has lost his audience=fans really able to buy his records...
and your evidence of that is what. u dont have any . his album sales of thriller 25 number ones etc. (the only albums u can go on from the past few years prove that. vince sold 10 million copies even with all the issues that went with it.what big artist of today can do that

1 million ppl bought tickets for the 02 shows i guess that isnt good enough for you. the most tickets ever sold by mj on uk series of concerts. any excuse to knock mj isnt it. i guess u didnt notice that this isnt a world tour so u can hardly compair it with sales from one. history tour in the uk mj sold approx 300 thousand tickets. you do the maths

you claim he has no young fans we give you evidence of the opposite. those are the ppl that buy the records ontop of those who bought vince and number ones etc etc.

wow theres artists above mj they get viewed on youtube. major evidence there. i tell u waht dont go to the o2 concerts dont buy anything he does and we will happily enjoy it thanks
50 shows is just a number of the shows, but not the 4,5 mill. people as the attendance! (HIStory tour consisted of 82 shows with the 4,5 mill. attendance)

You ain't making no sense homie! First of all, this is NOT a tour.

Aside from the fact, the 50 SELL-OUT shows speak for themselves. And as per AEG, that's just the beginning, IF that's what Michael wants to do.

Your argument makes no sense and now I question WHY you are fighting so hard to proved that MJ has lost his audience, when things are definitely pointing in the other direction, in my opinion.
Michael has not lost fans as a musican, and that's a fact. Critics have been saying Michael hasn't been relevant since the release of Dangerous in 1991, when there was a huge backlash against pop music, when grunge and hip hop and dance music came to dominate. Michael continued to sell huge amounts of albums in the 1990's with Dangerous and HIStory and even Blood On The Dance Floor (History In The Mix) set a record with it's 4 million sales of being the biggest selling remix album of all time (and people forget that it's not a proper full studio album and is really an EP with mainly remixes of songs).

Invincble may not of penertraited the the world like all of Michael's albums from 1979-95, but the sales of the album showed Michael was still relevant as a musician who releases new music in 2001. The public are still interested in what new music Michael has to release. All major pop stars at some point in their career stop being relevent no matter how great the new music they release it. It's just happened the U2 who are all approching 50, and it's happened to Madonna (I don't like her or her music) who is 50 and her Hard Candy album would have been more successful if she'd released it 5-10yrs ago.Age is an important factor in an artist being relevent, but many people still don't think of Michael as 50 despite reservations about his health and fitness. As Michael hasn't released a new album in almost 10yrs, the fasination of what a new Michael Jackson album will sound like actually keeps him relevent. Also there are more copycat acts wanting to be Michael Jackson around than ever before, and people want the real thing and by people I mean teenagers and people in their early 20's.

I'm in my 30's and I'm not actually bothered if Michael never releases another album again, because I've already had great experiences as fan from the Thriller era onwards. I wouldn't be too bothered if he cancelled all 50 dates of his O2 concerts, because I've seen Michael live on the Bad, Dangerous and HIStory Tours. Many younger people who are fans (and they are a lot of them) want to experience a Michael Jackson era. For me the fact that Michael Jackson is just alive and well is good enough, but the fact he's doing 50 concerts and may release a new album is an added bonus. I'd actually say Michael Jackson has never stopped being relevant, it's the media who try to make it appear like he's lost his relevence by saying his career has been in free fall since the 2000's, when it's just been on hold for various personal reasons, like the trial and wanting to be a full time father to his children etc.

You ain't making no sense homie! First of all, this is NOT a tour.

Aside from the fact, the 50 SELL-OUT shows speak for themselves. And as per AEG, that's just the beginning, IF that's what Michael wants to do.

Your argument makes no sense and now I question WHY you are fighting so hard to proved that MJ has lost his audience, when things are definitely pointing in the other direction, in my opinion.

Your not stating stateing an opinion, and your stateing a fact and a fact you have put forward very well. Good post !
In comparison with other artists (including YouTube visits) Michael has lost his audience=fans really able to buy his records...

Not true, MJ has the most fan sites on youtube, the list is huge...and something tells me that if these people are willing to put in their time and effort to make videos, they'll sure as hell buy an album.

There is on YouTube a list of most viewed artists, and before Michael there are many other...

Here's that list, and though Michael is behind some artists...hes also ahead of MANY, so youtube clearly serves as a proof to his popularity.

Jonas Brothers
Demi Lovato
Ashley Tisdale
Miaa Rose
Linking Park
Taylor Swift
Chris Brown
Myley Cirus
Michael Jackson
Avril Lavigne
Leona Lewis
Tokio Hotel
Carrie Underwood
Kelly Clarkson
Hillary Duff
Justin Timberlake
Jordin Sparks
T Pain
Alicia Key
The Veronicas
Bow Wow

^^^^ Madonna ain't even on the list...

Chirs Brown
Soulja Boy
Jonas Brothers
Leona Lewis
Michael Jackson
T Pain
Justin Timberlake
Avril Lavigne
Alicia Keys
Esmee Denters
R Kelly


^^^^ Madonna ain't on this list either...

SO, notice how some of the 'artists' people always compare MJ to, are behind him.
No Madonna, yep (even though i like her music). So there ya go; and yes chris brown and beyonce are above him but don't use it as an excuse to write Mike off just yet. Michael hasn't released anything new for a long while so of course they're above him, but wait until he releases something new. That placement could change :)

Basically the music will speak for itself, just like some have been saying here.
In regards to the discussion whether MJ has lost his fans or not (equal not relevant anymore). Doesn't it say a lot that Michael hasn't released a new album since 2001 but out of the blue he can announce 50 concert dates and guess what.. they all sell out within hours? Fans are flying to London from everywhere! Bring him to the WORLD and you will see him selling out every bloody venue. That's for sure.

Other artists in the main-stream music industry can only dream about to take a break and stay out of the spotlight like Michael has done. These artists can't in NO terms taking years off and expect to succeed, in the terms that Michael obviously has done.
Jonas Brothers
Demi Lovato
Ashley Tisdale
Miaa Rose
Linking Park
Taylor Swift
Chris Brown
Myley Cirus
Michael Jackson
Avril Lavigne
Leona Lewis
Tokio Hotel
Carrie Underwood
Kelly Clarkson
Hillary Duff
Justin Timberlake
Jordin Sparks
T Pain
Alicia Key
The Veronicas
Bow Wow

^^^^ Madonna ain't even on the list...

Chirs Brown
Soulja Boy
Jonas Brothers
Leona Lewis
Michael Jackson
T Pain
Justin Timberlake
Avril Lavigne
Alicia Keys
Esmee Denters
R Kelly


^^^^ Madonna ain't on this list either...

Thanks for posting. Now that's what I'm talking about. Go On Michael!

You got NEW music and videos coming out every week, yet MJ manages to maintain such a high position. LOVE IT!

I don't even see Eminem, where Slim Shady at? LOL!
michael has his audience and gains new ones everyday. people who become legends tend to do that whether they put stuff out all the time or not. but even legends can have a flop or two even in their personal life. but for professional, the album Invincible did have ''You Rock My World'' put out and it was a hit and on the radio here in the States. i think it was even nominated at the grammys. so he did have a hit even though he had issues when that album was put out, people thinking hes weird and past allegations, and a newer generation to deal with. that hit was a while back..yes. and it would of been nice to have more than one real hit when an album comes out.
you know what people are always going to talk. once michael totally retires people will say.. gee did he lose his appeal to a future generation? i have to say no, because again hes a legend and their works live on to newer generations either way. and after they pass on legends gain new fans. so does it matter if he keep turning out hits ? fans would like new songs with this concert, yes, but thats not the point if he will gain new fans either way in newer generations. especially since those new hits will become old classic hits someday like Remember the time anyway. i dont mean old in a bad way mind you. he will always have an audience so this thread doesnt fit michael. whether you think he slumped or not.
Chirs Brown
Soulja Boy
Jonas Brothers
Leona Lewis
Michael Jackson
T Pain
Justin Timberlake
Avril Lavigne
Alicia Keys
Esmee Denters
R Kelly

Leona Lewis, Avril Lavigne and Chris Brown are entertainers not musicans. Did YouTube class them as so, if so they obviously don't know much about the diference between being an artist and just an entertainer which is all Leona Lewis is.
this thread is an oxy moron...................look at the diversity just on this forum much less all the other MJ forums and ask that question again about Michael's audience....

really the question should be...........HOW WILL ALL MICHAEL'S AUDIENCE SHOW THEY MISSED HIM?
Haters are a very vocal minority. You don't sell out 50 concerts in record time if the majority of people think you're *insert mean comments here*. When Michael releases a new album, it will go to #1 around the world just as all of his albums have in the past.
Not true, MJ has the most fan sites on youtube, the list is huge...and something tells me that if these people are willing to put in their time and effort to make videos, they'll sure as hell buy an album.

Here's that list, and though Michael is behind some artists...hes also ahead of MANY, so youtube clearly serves as a proof to his popularity.


Chirs Brown

SO, notice how some of the 'artists' people always compare MJ to, are behind him.

... can you give me a link to the list?

Because I saw a different list...!!!! (but I cant find the link)

Anyway..., the number of clicking on vids still doesnt reflect the single persons..., one can click 1000x on one video...

On the other hand... if HIStory album reached 18 million sold copies (Dangerous 30), and Invincible only 8...,... the difference is clear...!
While he may have lost a lot of his previous audience in the time between now and his last album I know for a fact that their are new fans joining boards like these, and even more developing an appreciation for his music. I myself am 15 and only became a fan just after the trial, whilst my friends are now starting to listen to some of his work. The majority of the "obssessed" fans are young teenagers and you would be suprised by the reaction to his music by people my age.
Well, he may has not the big audience he used to have,(like everystar anyway), but he still have one of the greatest audience ever.
The difference between a star who is famous for be a musician and an artist (MJ, Bowie, Macca, Pink Floy, etc..) and a singer who is pushing just the image everyyear more to make the media talk about her/him and cover the not so good music (Madonna, Spears, etc...) is that the fisrts ones will always have fans of all ages, forever, also after they are gone, also if they don't do anything for a long time.
That's it. I don't see the problem.
Not true, MJ has the most fan sites on youtube, the list is huge...and something tells me that if these people are willing to put in their time and effort to make videos, they'll sure as hell buy an album.

Here's that list, and though Michael is behind some artists...hes also ahead of MANY, so youtube clearly serves as a proof to his popularity.

Jonas Brothers
Demi Lovato
Ashley Tisdale
Miaa Rose
Linking Park
Taylor Swift
Chris Brown
Myley Cirus
Michael Jackson
Avril Lavigne
Leona Lewis
Tokio Hotel
Carrie Underwood
Kelly Clarkson
Hillary Duff
Justin Timberlake
Jordin Sparks
T Pain
Alicia Key
The Veronicas
Bow Wow

^^^^ Madonna ain't even on the list...

Chirs Brown
Soulja Boy
Jonas Brothers
Leona Lewis
Michael Jackson
T Pain
Justin Timberlake
Avril Lavigne
Alicia Keys
Esmee Denters
R Kelly


^^^^ Madonna ain't on this list either...

SO, notice how some of the 'artists' people always compare MJ to, are behind him.

What idiot made those lists? I'm sorry...but...Bow wow? Miley Cyrus?
Soulja boy? ertc..etc...how are they even on a list along with Michael?
What the hell is that nonsense?
Michael Jackson is EVERYWHERE, Britains Got Talent had at least 5 referances to Michael on Monday, American Idol had an MJ night, X Factor had an MJ night, thousands of young dancers auditioned for the shows, 1 million people bought tickets, I know kids under 10 who are OBSESSED with Michael Jackson, people in their teens and and people in their 20`s 30`s 40s and 50s, Thriller never stops being voted greatest album or video ever, whos watching and whos voting? Every re release goes top 10, a simple press conferance caused pandamonium and was over every news bulletin, every other day MJ is front page news, people want Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson has an audiance
There is alway's the kid who has never heard a Michael Jackson song....and when he finally does, woah, the feeling he will recieve is phenomenal.

I wish I was that kid all over again, listening to each album fresh and new for the first time, it was magical.

Roll on his next album!

I miss that feeling..
Doesn't it seem like it would take much more than changing a concert schedule to lose an audience?

If he was going to lose his audience, that would have happened in 1993 or 2003. Yet, the minute he did a five minute press conference to announce his plan to perform, he outsold everyone that he's in the above list with.

So, maybe the question should really be, "Why has Michael Jackson still been able to outsell all of the other recording artists?"
the music will sell itself. there are so many younger fans that are getting into michael. his name alone sells