Has Michael Lost His Audience?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
With a new album "supposedly" in the works, it will be released when ever. But IF its released how will it sell? Michael's biggest problem may be that he has lost touch with his audience. Most of his original fans are now well into their thirties, while teenagers are more interested in Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, and all these new artists. And most of the youth of America today only know MJ as 'a child-molesting freak who sung thriller and who use to be black.' How could he possibly sell in a market when most of the people who buy music think of you like that? Michael has to reach out to an audience who doesn't know who he is as an artist or entertainer. It's going to be the second time he's had to try to connect with an audience that did not grow up with him. The first time being Invincible.

What do you think? How could Michael reach out to the younger music buyers successfully? And how can he have a successful album when most of the buyers today either don't know your music or think of you in a negative light?

Now don't get me wrong, there are many young people who like MJ, including me, but most either don't know his music or just think hes a down-right freak.

And what about all of those kids who want to buy his music and their parents won't let them because of their personal thoughts?
dude simply needs to release some ish ... the music will sell itself.
I agree with ChiChi. Great music will always sell.
Umm....50 Sold Out Shows?!? Im sure there isnt a lost audience there!:cheeky:
I will try to persuade as many friends of mine as possible to become Michael's die hard fan. I promise i will try my best.
Its not hard to become Michael's fan because if you watch Michael's
performances and listen to his songs, you would become a
die hard fan of him easily just like me. This is simply because Michael
touches people's heart with sincerity. Sorry, i said too much, kind of off topic.

I know what you are worry about. All the youngsters now don't really know who Michael Jackson is,
how huge Michael is during the 80s-90s but
Michael definitely will sell. Concerts, albums, singles.. i have faith in Michael, i believe his works would sell, big.
I really dont think mj has lost his fans...just wait till the shows come!!

Michael's biggest problem may be that he has lost touch with his audience. Most of his original fans are now well into their thirties, while teenagers are more interested in Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, and all these new artists.
This is what I was saying on the other thread.
Well, not long ago, a young guy sang "Who's Loving You" on Britains got talent. THOUSANDS of people saw that... I am willing to bet many younger kids went "Wait... who did that song?"

Some months ago a young kid named Mohammed sang "Dirty Diana" in a Michael Jackson week on the show X-factor i Denmark. Young fans are now popping up left and right as they find out who is Michael Jackson. I know one of them... She's 10 and the daughter of my classmate in uni.

I'm not worried... Michael just needs to release smt and people will buy it...

Talent sells!
all that tabloid bullshit: its only there because people are bored! when the king of pop returns to the stage they forget all that and only see the music and the show!
I believe michael will always gain new fans as well as the oldies like me who stick with him lol :wub:

People always impersonate him on these talent shows and we have youtube so everyone can watch him to thier hearts content on there.

He just has to release a new song and everything will be fine.
I don't think this is a problem. 50 sold out shows at the O2 says something. On top of that my work mate told me that his 7 yo son has just discovered Michael on youtube and bought his videos from iTunes including going back to his Jackson 5 stuff. As peeps have said here he just needs to release it!!
It's impossible for Michael Jackson to have a flop album. His fan base is bigger than any other artists or bands, and he's always gaining new fans from each generation. I'm in my 30's and have been a fan since 1983, and I notice that Michael has a lot of teenage fans. Another thing is, I don't think there is an actual specific again demographic to Michael's fan base, as some of his fans are even 5-10 years older than he is.
essentially mj has more audience because instead of him going about his business and doin his shows and releasing his music, press is making people believe things will go wrong, meaning all eyes are on MJ, meaning when he does succeed he will have an enormous audience in shock. press love bringing people down but the community LOVE seeing the underdog succeed.
As soon as the focus is on the music, there will be an audience. As soon as Michael does something (like announce concerts), the fans jump on it to such an extent that everyone notices lol. And that way it spreads to everyone else whether they know or like MJ or not.

I also don't really buy the demographic argument. I get such a kick when I hear ppl in the media talk of Michael's fans as being "of a certain age" lol. I'm only in my 20s lol and 3/4 of the fans I speak to are younger - freakin' teenagers! It's so weird when you've spent years being a teenage MJ fan (considered the "baby" by older fans) and suddenly you're just a bit older, but you've been replaced by legions of other young fans lol! Anyway, there's always been certain music acts aimed at young people: the 90s had its own Britneys, Chris Browns etc and it never stopped young ppl from enjoying MJ before. He was just more active in the 90s. Once he does something again, you'll see ppl take notice again and the music will overwhelm all else.
essentially mj has more audience because instead of him going about his business and doin his shows and releasing his music, press is making people believe things will go wrong, meaning all eyes are on MJ, meaning when he does succeed he will have an enormous audience in shock. press love bringing people down but the community LOVE seeing the underdog succeed.

I agree.
I think Mike knows this and is using the press to create low expectations. I don't think it was an accident that Mike was snapped with a bag with the words "skin cancer" and "diseases of the skin" written on it when he left the dermatologist the other day. He knew the rumours have been flying around so I think he was feeding them on purpose.

BUT on the subject of fanbase, I do think that Mike has lost more fans than he has gained over the last decade. The vast gap between albums will always diminish an artist's fan base. The accusations won't have helped either, and that will have turned off a lot of people. Some new fans will have been made along the way, but not enough to compensate IMO. It'll be harder to have a successful album now than it would have been.
What is the point of such threads like this one??? We have dozens of them. We are amidst a very happy period as fans with the forthcoming concerts and you waste your time doubting and wondering instead of being happy about Michael!
No offence, but people have the freedom to start whatever threads they like, within the rules of MJJC. If you don't like the thread, don't go into it or comment on it. Simple.
What is the point in this? There are 50 sold out shows, even Thriller 25 sold millions worldwide. So it's not even a valid question. Not only young people buy cd's. Or better yet: maybe the 30-somethings are more likely to go to a store and buy a cd. The young 'folks' are more likely to download through torrents and all. Or maybe not... but they guy still sells millions of records, so why worry, like, at all?
Like Chichi said, music will do the talking!

Make no mistake about it! Chris Brown and all those look-a-likes may run the charts now, but as soon as some decent old school MJ music blasts out of the stereo, people's heads turn in awe :yes:

Age is not the issue here, it's the quality of music. And we all know Michael makes real music, music that touches the heart and soul of millions of people across the globe. At the least that should make a big impression on todays music lovers! ;)
What is the point of such threads like this one??? We have dozens of them. We are amidst a very happy period as fans with the forthcoming concerts and you waste your time doubting and wondering instead of being happy about Michael!

This is like, the third thread about the same subject except worded differently in about a week, probably made by the same member. Kinda gets boring. Before anyone starts, I know I don't have to post etc, just felt like pointing that out. :)
Like some of you already said. Great music will always sell. Its timeless and will never fade.

Another thing is the importance of Internet. Yes, there are a lot of crap out there, but it's also a treasure-chest. Just look at youtube.. kids knows about youtube and sits endless of hours infront of their computer and watching videos. Michael indirectly manages to reach out to them. I do think Michael gets new fans every day. They see him on sites like youtube, but have actually never seen him live (like me) and wasn't brought up with him or his music around, yet many of them adores him.
Having his fan base age with him isn't necessarily detrimental...actually it maybe a great sign of how long and loyally his audience has followed and supported him. The thing with teenage appealing music is, it comes and goes in bursts but the slightly more mature music buying audience has the money to invest and i think is a great assest to any musician.
Basically all these people that think they ain't fan of MJ, ARE already fans. They like Chris Brown,Usher,Justin,Britney, etc?

You only have to watch a performance of these people, along with MANY 'artists' nowadays, and what do you see? Michael Jackson, and nothing but. The way they dance and act onstage...it's totally inspired from MJ, and that's all there is to it.

People who think he's a child molesting freak.....can go to hell for all i care..UNLESS, they actually are willing to believe that he might be the victim here, that HE is innocent.....if they are willing to read up on it and learn about it....if they don't...their loss.
lol that question made me laugh. michael has more fans than ever. the michaelmania is all over the place.
ith a new album "supposedly" in the works, it will be released when ever. But IF its released how will it sell? Michael's biggest problem may be that he has lost touch with his audience. Most of his original fans are now well into their thirties, while teenagers are more interested in Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, and all these new artists. And most of the youth of America today only know MJ as 'a child-molesting freak who sung thriller and who use to be black.' How could he possibly sell in a market when most of the people who buy music think of you like that? Michael has to reach out to an audience who doesn't know who he is as an artist or entertainer. It's going to be the second time he's had to try to connect with an audience that did not grow up with him. The first time being Invincible.
perhaps u should look at the ages of members of message boards or see the fans who stand outside his hotels. after 2005 there was a large increase in younger fans doing this in places such as london. rather than it being the same mid 20's and onwards fans who have been doing it for the last 10 years plus. totally negative attitude. how the second time the first being vince? why was vince different to history or dangerous. there was a 4 year gap between the end of history and the begining of vince.
and yes mj has lost his audience cause he only sold out 50 shows