Has Anyone Actually Asked Raymone ?

hmmm everyone makes valid points, its like has been said, there is always so much paranoia during the new album hype .

at the end of the day we dont know a lot, Michael has only said ( at the devon party ) that there will be new material soon , thats not really a confirmation of anything but it is a start.

i know not many people liked raymone, but i did, i thought she was good for him, but its still a good idea to get on board some better people. if he wants to make a good comeback , hes got to have some good PR people on his side who will do him justice and not sell him out ( which sony seem to be doing with t25 and this new birthday album )

it would be nice just to get one final album, just one more , that would be great.

im not meaning to sound impatient, but the anticipation is killing me

i guess good things come to those who wait :)
I did not check whether it has been already said or not but to put it in a nutshell:

Raymone K. Bain is no longer representing Michael Jackson!

Whoever reads an alleged "new" statement by her, should realize that he/she's been fooled.
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I did not check whether it has been already said or not but to cut it short:

Raymone K. Bain is no longer representing Michael Jackson!

Whoever reads an alleged "new" statement by her, should realize that he/she's been fooled.

How do you know that?
Raymone K. Bain is no longer representing Michael Jackson!

How do you know that for sure? You can't post things like this and not know for sure. This site is not a gossip blog, this is a place of factural information. You can't just post things like that and not back it up. It makes you look real silly.

I do not think that you realized that not every fan would believe what you are saying simply because you are a fan.
i think this post should be renamed as its not really the point i was making lol and people are becoming edgy, sorry guys !

the question should be, do we know for sure ( 100% ) that a full new album is on its way
He never said that.. He said "its" coming... with all due respect, none of ya'l know what that means.

True, lol. He said "it's coming". Mike leaves cryptic messages so I ain't about to guess what it is until he reveals more. He acting like James Bond and sh*t. :lol: What's so top-secret about what you doing, Michael? You ain't a "secret agent man". Cut that sh*t out. :rofl:
do we know for sure ( 100% ) that a full new album is on its way

Well, we know for sure that MJ is working at something, basically a new CD. I mean, that is as 100% sure as we gonna get from MJ.
He never said that.. He said "its" coming... with all due respect, none of ya'l know what that means.

to be fair he said. "ive been in the studio today and its coming sooner than they think" i would think its pretty obvious what he ment
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bain said there were hoping for an end of year release. she said b4 any album is released they hoped to release a few singles. so fans the turned that into 3 singles were supposed to be released last year

Are you sure about that? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure these were direct quotes from Raymone about three singles being released. Of course, quotes get twisted and misinformation spreads like wildfire all the time, but I seem to remember the quote being posted and taken at face value by even staunch skeptics. Of course, nobody really believed it because it came out in September or October and no way would three singles have been put out in two or three months.
yeap sure of it. she said they were looking at a end of year release which of course everyone didnt believe because of when she gave the quotes. and b4 the release they hoped to put out a few singles in the lead up as is the norm. so the single releases were based on their being an album which there obviously wasnt. im sure thats how it happened.
This was the email (I saved it from MJNO or somewhere from 2007?)
I did respond via email to a fan, who asked if any music would be
released this year. I did respond, via email, that the current plan
is to release 3-4 singles prior to an album release.

Thank you.

Raymone K. Bain
That does not say the end of the year. Like elusive said, Raymone said that in response to the question "if any music would be released this year", she said the plan was to release 3-4 singles prior to an album. Raymone herself did NOT give a time frame. ;)
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cheers for that marni. from what i remember fans just turned it into raymone said" there would be single releases by the end of the year" when what she said is there would be releases b4 the album comes out which is normal anyway. if the album didnt come out by the end of the year then there would be no singles
cheers for that marni. from what i remember fans just turned it into raymone said" there would be single releases by the end of the year" when what she said is there would be releases b4 the album comes out which is normal anyway. if the album didnt come out by the end of the year then there would be no singles

Exactly. :yes:
This was the email (I saved it from MJNO or somewhere from 2007?)
That does not say the end of the year. Like elusive said, Raymone said that in response to the question "if any music would be released this year", she said the plan was to release 3-4 singles prior to an album. Raymone herself did NOT give a time frame. ;)
This is always how I understood it. It was fans who were predicting an album at the end of the year. I never prdeict MJ's plans. I rather wait for it to happen. In that way, I am never disappointed.
oooh. Thanks for that marni :)
most is just speculation until it happens or is confirmed by a viable source
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Shannon: thanks for explanation, I did not knew she asked not to share her business address.
Shannon: thanks for explanation, I did not knew she asked not to share her business address.

That's privacy. Why would anyone wanna snoop through her sh*t? She should sue for that. I don't care if you ARE a Michael Jackson fan, you don't do that sh*t, you're not exempt from bullsh*t. :lol:
elusive moonwalker: In 2006, Ms.Bain said that new album will be released by autumn of 2007. Back in 2006 I estimated:
Album can come actually later, in 2008 or even 2009. Michael started to work for Invincible since summer, 1998 and it took full three years to complete. Bad took 2.5 years to complete. However, we can hope that this time Michael will try to be quicker.

2008 and 2009 is about time, but it is almost mystery why anyone would recall whatever press-releases about dates and singles if history shows those can not be really fulfilled anyway until very last iteration.

Also interesting is that back in March of 2005 we had the same matters as today as one of topics -- for example, about whether Sony and Michael will be apart or not (there was rumour that this would happen by the end of 2005); I wrote then:
According to all information we have, nothing will happen to catalogue, Michael, his liabilities at whatever date this year or after.
To be correct, **business** address does not have anything to do with "privacy", which is concept for only individual rights, there is law for that. Even more: in some countries business address is obligatory public for any kind of reference.

However, if Ms.Bain asked to not open her business address (what I did not knew about before), then the community can give her favor fulfilling her request.
Yeah she DID say THAT. :lol: That's why SOME are frustrated with the slow movement. Some now figured his album will NEVER come out. Some blame Ray-Ray for saying what she said. So when she said the four singles thing and it didn't appear to come out like they thought, they couldn't take it anymore and lash out. Some were ticked off because nothing real new from Mike really came out in terms of full-blown new singles and full-blown new albums were concerned.

I ain't mad at Ray-Ray, I'm mad people were really hoping that he'd put it out at that particular time. I warned them not to get your hopes up too high, but did some of y'all listen? Hell 2 the naw.
To be correct, **business** address does not have anything to do with "privacy", which is concept for only individual rights, there is law for that. Even more: in some countries business address is obligatory public for any kind of reference.

However, if Ms.Bain asked to not open her business address (what I did not knew about before), then the community can give her favor fulfilling her request.

To me unless I allow it (as Ms. Bain hasn't), that's cool but if you don't want it there and someone post info about it anyway, that does seem like privacy even if it's a business thing.
i mean dag....she ain' tmike. so unless she's in the studio recording them songs, they ain't gonna come out by the deadline. they never do and yrs as a fan has told me that much. so fans shouldn't sweat what she says....

she's only saying what mj told her to say so if u got beef w/ it, mush it on mike