Has Anyone Actually Asked Raymone ?

When was the last time she sent one?
well a fan on another board said they got a reply sometime in may.the didnt say what it was about though. other than that many ppl who had contactwith her have said theres been nothing for months.was the last time when she denied she had been fired?

tmk frank isnt working with mj but they are very close now.so who knows in the future

I want to know if I can mail it to the same mail box that Raymone handles or somewhere else. With the rumors of Ms. Bain supposed departure and articles that state that other people are speaking for MJ, I just, or maybe some people, want to know what is really going on.

i emailed her asking re birthday gifts just to see if she would respond as its a genral question rather than asking aobut a rumour but nothing.
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Bain is gone...All reasonable signs point to that. Either one of the two scenerios happened: Mike doesn't have a spokesperson at the moment...OR Mike has a spokesperson lined up or already hired and we will know about it soon.
others have already been quoted as being his spokey.
Speculations- but it`s very strange that there is no sign of life from her, indeed.

There are only two possibilities. She has changed her function within his team or she`s no longer works for Michael. So, wait.
was the last time when she denied she had been fired?

During the trial when the media asked her if she was fired and she was not. BTW, who is TMK?

i emailed her asking re birthday gifts just to see if she would respond as its a genral question rather than asking aobut a rumour but nothing

Hmmm, that is a red flag. I cannot deny that.

Bain is gone...All reasonable signs point to that

Wow, you seem so sure. The signs might be reasonble but reasonsble doesn't mean the truth or fact.
the last time he released a statement, it was not via Ms. Baine. that indicates she is no longer his spokesperson.

whether she is still working for him in another capacity ... that is unclear. Drop her a line and ask her what is the dealio. I am sure she has missed corresponding with all Michael's Loverly Fans :lol:
the last time he released a statement, it was not via Ms. Baine. that indicates she is no longer his spokesperson.

whether she is still working for him in another capacity ... that is unclear. Drop her a line and ask her what is the dealio. I am sure she has missed corresponding with all Michael's Loverly Fans :lol:

For some reason, I doubt it, lol.

LOS ANGELES (The ActAFool Press) - Disputed Michael Jackson spokeswoman Raymone Bain has been questionably absent since December 2007 when the 40-something year-old spokeswoman of music legend Michael Jackson last answered an e-mail by a crazed fan of the "Beat It" hit maker. When Bain last spoke, this fan printed out a reply that read as follows:

Shut the f**k up, I'm not answering any more questions about Mike is doing. If you wanna ask when his f***ing album coming out, why don't you e-mail him your damn self. Peace.

Oh and P.S., kiss my blond weave black a$$!


The fan said she was disgruntled by the spokeswoman's response and had hoped Jackson, 49, had cut her loose. However, the singer's camp has refused to confirm nor deny the allegations that Bain left Jackson afterwards.

Fans have been wondering since 2005 when Bain announced a charity song going out to Hurricane Katrina victims when Jackson was gonna put out new product. Bain's last news on Jackson concerned of not one, not two, but FOUR new songs coming out, now speculation is whether or not those songs were on Jackson's 25th anniversary re-release of "Thriller", or whether or not Bain was making it up just so the fans who e-mailed her can "shut the h**l up".

Bain was last seen out of the Golden Corral with a suspicious-looking man with a lacefront wig and glasses. People wonder if it was Jackson and Bain coming out but were forced to be quiet by two big surly bodyguards.

No comment has been reached on Bain's whereabouts or whether or not that suspicious man with Bain was Mr. Jackson though someone said she was with E. Casanova, some MJ impersonator. WTF?

This news was reported by Timmy84 of the nWo.
You are SO wrong on all levels with that! :tease:
Tmk = To My Knowledge. ;)

Oh, ok. I didn't know that.

Well, I forgot to mentioned this but I sent her general type e-mails before and she never responded. If you sent her an intelligent e-mail, she would not respond to that as well. So.....

Well, we will see, I guess.
Just in case if not everyone knows, at all times Ms.Bain had other people also as Michael's spokesperson. She long ago was appointed to be Jackson's general manager, which the way different thing than issuing press-releases.

Since Michael has decades-long manner to change managers, including whatever general managers, it is possible that she is gone already. Becoming manager and adviser is much quicker possibility to part ways with Jackson.

Still, there is possibility that she is on board and she is hired to be general manager as person/through her sole owned company, rather than part of Davis, Bain and Associates incorporated.
wather MJ is still with ms. Baine or not..

She has nothing to say right now, so Mike could have requested not to comment on Michaels album etc.. U know she got so many questions and he would not want anything leaked.. So the best thing is not to use a spokesperson at this time.

Since he does not want any information spoken...

U can't keep things on the DL when a spokesperson is tellin' secrets.
Sry Dennis, but I had to remove that. I know that peeps can get that information in other ways, but really it's not appropriate for MJJC to promote contacting an employee of MJ in that way.
i guess you may have missed the call to Devon, from Michael....he said he's in the las vegas studio working on the album...
Members just a heads up do not be posting contact information for anyone

Posting contact information will result in an infraction and modque action
Posted already in the News Thread:

Here`s an old article “Grammy Bits” posted on 06 February 2008 – she was mentioned in it as his “spokeswoman”
Source: http://rnbkings.net/networkhome/?cat=34

"... Grammy reps and Jackson spokeswoman Lois Najarian didn’t get back to us."
Had no idea that the contact information I posted had anything to do with **personal** contact information. Always thought that Washington's address is address of office (and it was written such in the information -- should we derive that Davin, Bain and associates are all living in private at one address? 8|), not Ms.Bain personal home. If so, then how it could be wrong to share address of a business company. Actually, all business entities usually get registered and their whereabouts, at least in some countries, is obligatory public information.

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Ms. Bain personally requested to not share her information on the site. There are other ways but we wouldn't disrespect her wishes.
We do not allow contact details of any association who works with Mr Jackson to be posted.

Michael isn't their only client and we're not going to cause trouble for every law firm, PR firm etc who happens to have MJ listed as one of their clients.

They don't need hundreds of calls from fans asking when the album is coming out, where he is, what colour underpants he's got on, where can they send stuffed teddy bears for MJ, Prince, Paris and/or Blanket, which plane MJ uses to get from East coast to West coast, which wine would MJ like sent to him, does he really drink wine, is he married, why haven't we seen him in [insert number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years].... etc etc
We do not allow contact details of any association who works with Mr Jackson to be posted.

Michael isn't their only client and we're not going to cause trouble for every law firm, PR firm etc who happens to have MJ listed as one of their clients.

They don't need hundreds of calls from fans asking when the album is coming out, where he is, what colour underpants he's got on, where can they send stuffed teddy bears for MJ, Prince, Paris and/or Blanket, which plane MJ uses to get from East coast to West coast, which wine would MJ like sent to him, does he really drink wine, is he married, why haven't we seen him in [insert number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years].... etc etc

Wow. You are on a roll tonight. I is skurred. :eek: I be good. :8-25-03angel_not:

:rollin: :rollin:
We do not allow contact details of any association who works with Mr Jackson to be posted.

Michael isn't their only client and we're not going to cause trouble for every law firm, PR firm etc who happens to have MJ listed as one of their clients.

They don't need hundreds of calls from fans asking when the album is coming out, where he is, what colour underpants he's got on, where can they send stuffed teddy bears for MJ, Prince, Paris and/or Blanket, which plane MJ uses to get from East coast to West coast, which wine would MJ like sent to him, does he really drink wine, is he married, why haven't we seen him in [insert number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years].... etc etc

You are on a roll! :clapping:
Raymone Bain does not work for Michael anymore...
And actually, it's not the most important part: all MJ needs is to be back when he feels he wants to be back. A real comeback, ad no more PR disasters such as WMA 2006 and Grammy 2008 (his absence there was a very bad move).
Wasn't there also a big rumor that he was supposed to have two singles released by year's end last year? Or three? I thought that came directly from Raymone Baine.

The WMA 2006 and Grammy Awards were definitely disasters in regards to the fan community. Nobody owes anyone anything, but almost any good PR firm would try to nip that stuff in the bud from the get-go. Jackson has one of, if not THE, most dedicated fan bases in all the world, a good spokesperson is the liason between the fans and the entertainer and that communication is vital.
Wasn't there also a big rumor that he was supposed to have two singles released by year's end last year? Or three? I thought that came directly from Raymone Baine.

bain said there were hoping for an end of year release. she said b4 any album is released they hoped to release a few singles. so fans the turned that into 3 singles were supposed to be released last year
wow i forgot about her, i dont think she is gone, mj is laying low so i think she has been told to keep quite even though the ebony photoshoot was a while back you could she was involved, well we would just have to wait and see.
"The news pubblicist stuff" is a very old news, as soon as they founded "the Door" Michael was already their client, I remember the article.
Raymone still answer to fans actually, but I think she is not the pubblicist anymore, I think she works behind the scenes. I remember when the Ebony photoshoot came out, they said MJ has a nice team around him and his people are very good.
Raymone was doing a little bit of everything when MJ was living abroad in Ireland and getting well in some quite places, but since he came back to the USA he started to build his own crew again and to collaborate with Sony BMG for some projects as T25 and hopfully the new album, since then Rayome dropped the pr communication.