Has Anyone Actually Asked Raymone ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A, A
This has probably been asked before but....

has anyone asked Michaels spokesperson Raymone if he is working on a new studio album ?

T25 and the new australian release is all well and good , but im bored of having old material re released. Its not what the fans want

even one final album from Michael and that would be ace !

it sounds like im complaining but im not, i am willing to wait aslong as it takes but it would be nice to have some confimation

come on mike , the world is waiting ! :D
I'm sure that question has been posed to her many times already. Doesn't mean that she has the answers or is authorized to say anything official.
thats true. i think , like many, i am just so looking forward to hearing the new material .... although its exciting to know something is going on, we dont quite know for sure what it is
Yes, of course. But I assume Raymone isn't allowed to answer THAT question yet. Cause...well, there is not an reliable release date set now. Have a little patience.
has anyone asked Michaels spokesperson Raymone if he is working on a new studio album ?

isnt it kinda obvious that hes aleast working on something. heck no one even knows if raymone still works for him let alone anything else lol
yeah, i have not heard much from Raymone recently, i wonder whether he has got a new pr woman who will announce stuff when album hits, as he seems to be wanting it secretive, so therefore having no pr woman would be sorta keeping even more secrecy.
i dont think raymone works for michael anymore even though we have had no official announcement. all the articles we've been reading the past few months mention a michael's spokesman
I think the articles came from RF however the last press release was not generated from Bain's office and she declined to respond so that speaks volumes in itself *shrugs*
a fan said they had a responce from her sometime in may so who knows. either shes been told to stop talking to fans and has taken a different role or shes gone
Even if she hasn't gone, what has she to say. Michael is working its not like she is needed at the moment
I agree, I think it is unlikely that Raymone works for Michael anymore.

Michael would approve any announcements, especially about a new album, and then the notification would come through a spokesperson, whoever that might be. We'll just have to be patient.

I do somewhat believe the rumors about Frank Dileo working up with Mike again..

U know he was the only former manager that showed up to the verdict.. Frank said he cried and thanked him so much for coming..

He also thanked him in the T25 booklet...

And we all know the other rumors about Frank getting involved in MJ's manegement.. so...

Not saying it IS true.. But it's possible.. and it's what I would want.. he was awsome.
Actually the fans got the info right from the horses mouth
no 3rd party or rumours . Michael himself said _ He was
in the studio and it's coming Much sooner than they think.

Even if Raymone did state it fans would still question it. -_-

Michael said it so ... No need for a 3rd party verification
even though we have it from artists working with him

Michael himself said ... New Album is coming SOON. :)

No need for Raymone to tell us that whether she still works for MJ or not or
that he is working on a new album. She alreasy ststed that he was awhile back.
MJ's publicists work for him and do as he asks - if there is no info it is becuase
he has gagged them from releasing any ... Its that simple folks
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I don't think Raymone is on the team anymore!

I will not miss her, I never really liked her, her answers were always short and not always correct.
I don't think Raymone works for MJ anymore


heck no one even knows if raymone still works for him let alone anything else lol


I agree, I think it is unlikely that Raymone works for Michael anymore


I don't think Raymone is on the team anymore

I was gonna do a thread about this very thing regarding the rumors in the fan communities about Ms. Bain. Well, there is no need to really do one since there is a thread about it. The reason why I am quoting what some of you are stating is because I am curious about these rumors. I do not read RF's articles of fables, lies and stories about MJ and his camp so I am not familiar with what is said. I am trying to find out why are fans saying things like this without any concrete proof and evidence and why so many fans, it seems, have issues with her. I personally think that she is just doing her job and that is about it. Just because she has not made any responses or there seems to be, based on some articles, that other people are speaking for MJ does not really mean that Raymone is no longer working with MJ. So, what is the deal?
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well bee i guess cause of all the statements given by other ppl and also ppl who run fansites who had good contact/relationship with bain being blanked by her when theyve sent emails asking for clarifaction amongst general emails.. i dont read RF stuff so its nothing really to do with him tbh just the general feeling
paranoia to the max all the time when it comes to the new album...

:lol: Totally!

Actually the fans got the info right from the horses mouth
no 3rd party or rumours . Michael himself said _ He was
in the studio and it's coming Much sooner than they think.

That's what I was going to say... I don't know anything about Ms. Bain still working for him or not, so I won't say anything about that.
But as far as the new album is concerned, I believe Michael told us all this month that he is working in studio for his new album... :)

LOS ANGELES (The ActAFool Press) - Disputed Michael Jackson spokeswoman Raymone Bain has been questionably absent since December 2007 when the 40-something year-old spokeswoman of music legend Michael Jackson last answered an e-mail by a crazed fan of the "Beat It" hit maker. When Bain last spoke, this fan printed out a reply that read as follows:

Shut the f**k up, I'm not answering any more questions about Mike is doing. If you wanna ask when his f***ing album coming out, why don't you e-mail him your damn self. Peace.

Oh and P.S., kiss my blond weave black a$$!


The fan said she was disgruntled by the spokeswoman's response and had hoped Jackson, 49, had cut her loose. However, the singer's camp has refused to confirm nor deny the allegations that Bain left Jackson afterwards.

Fans have been wondering since 2005 when Bain announced a charity song going out to Hurricane Katrina victims when Jackson was gonna put out new product. Bain's last news on Jackson concerned of not one, not two, but FOUR new songs coming out, now speculation is whether or not those songs were on Jackson's 25th anniversary re-release of "Thriller", or whether or not Bain was making it up just so the fans who e-mailed her can "shut the h**l up".

Bain was last seen out of the Golden Corral with a suspicious-looking man with a lacefront wig and glasses. People wonder if it was Jackson and Bain coming out but were forced to be quiet by two big surly bodyguards.

No comment has been reached on Bain's whereabouts or whether or not that suspicious man with Bain was Mr. Jackson though someone said she was with E. Casanova, some MJ impersonator. WTF?

This news was reported by Timmy84 of the nWo.
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I think Raymone is still there. I think she is now the manager and not his spokes person. I think, had she moved on she or mJ would have let us know. I think she has done a wonderful job for MJ at the lowest point in his life, most probably offering him a shoulder to cry on and even wiping some tears. If she had, I will be eternally greatful to her for it.
If she has moved on, I hope we will hear something soon.
maybe she will send an email just saying "still here" then again it will just be a "not true" lol
I don't think Raymone works for MJ anymore

i dont think raymone works for michael anymore even though we have had no official announcement. all the articles we've been reading the past few months mention a michael's spokesman

I do somewhat believe the rumors about Frank Dileo working up with Mike again..

U know he was the only former manager that showed up to the verdict.. Frank said he cried and thanked him so much for coming..

He also thanked him in the T25 booklet...

And we all know the other rumors about Frank getting involved in MJ's manegement.. so...

Not saying it IS true.. But it's possible.. and it's what I would want.. he was awsome.

I have heard various things about this too. I sent an email to his office via his web site but never got a reply. I'm not sure what this mean. Has anyone seen his new web site? Its full of rare photos of him with MJ and the intro music is 'Bad':

well bee i guess cause of all the statements given by other ppl and also ppl who run fansites who had good contact/relationship with bain being blanked by her when theyve sent emails asking for clarifaction amongst general emails.. i dont read RF stuff so its nothing really to do with him tbh just the general feeling

Hmmm, I see. I noticed that one of the members on here, Damien mentioned that Raymone stopped talking or communicating with the fansites. However, that does not really mean that she left. She might have been told by MJ not to contact any fansites because maybe she signed some agreement to not reveal anything to the fans or public about his upcoming projects.

I do not think that she is gone. I think that maybe some fans are a bit upset (No offense whatsoever) that the one thing that is close to MJ, Raymone (in a professional way) is not responding to them anymore. It makes them think that Ms. Bain is gone because of that.

Then, there are rumors that Frank Dielo has returned to MJ's camp. Another unproven rumor.

Wes: so Frank did not reply to you: that could mean that maybe he can't answer your e-mail for various reasons.

Has anyone seen his new web site? Its full of rare photos of him with MJ and the intro music is 'Bad':

Oh snap, I didn't know he had a website. LOL. I am going to check it out. Thanks for posting.

Anyway, I am just thinking here. Nothing concrete or valid because frankly, I have no idea what is truly going on. Just wondering because you know, Mike's birthday is coming up and I am planning on sending Mickey something and I want to know if I can mail it to the same mail box that Raymone handles or somewhere else. With the rumors of Ms. Bain supposed departure and articles that state that other people are speaking for MJ, I just, or maybe some people, want to know what is really going on.
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