Hard creepy riddle aka the gull thread


While they were tanning, the gull appeared :shifty:
No:toofunny: the:beach: ain't that important but the:hungry: part is
so, they were :hungry: and they decided to go to the restaurant?????????????????????????????

ok try to guess what kind of an islad it was:D

Ok think it ws in the middle of the ocean.... What kind of an island can you find in themiddle of the ocean?
Ok it's a desert island full of normal gulls and no restaurante:D
but you ve said she went to a restaurant and ordered some seagull :girl_tantrum:
Yeah but. i never said she was ONG the island when she ordered the seagull:p

that's why it's called background...I never said these events happened right the day she killed her self:p
so they were really hungry and tired, they were searching for food/help when suddenly a gull appeared :shifty:

^ i think the father has died :p
I have to log out now... But hopefully I´ll find out tomorrow what really happened. :bugeyed I´m curious…
Have a nice time in here with the gull! :waving:
thanks :lol:

cu, i dont think we re gonna guess right 2night, im not inspired :lol: