Guilty or not guilty (game)

not guilty- just the right amount of swearing..... -_-

Have you ever just ignored the fact that you should have cleaned your fridge, until some of the stuff is byond recognition? :mellow:

have you ever avoided helping your mum in cleaning the house?
Guilty.Very very guilty! :lol: But I always end up doing the job anyhow,so...

Have you ever got in a fight?
Physical fight never.. I havent and never will understand how someone can think it's ok to hit someone else, I just couldnt do it... Argument fight very rarely too but had a few

Have you ever stolen something?
Guilty. All the time lol :(

Have you ever borrowed something from someone, then claimed you didn't have it because you wanted to keep it?

have you ever felt the urge to throw your laptop out the window cause you were frustrated because you didn`t get a program to do the things you wanted to do- and you don`t know how to fix the problem? :mellow:
Not guilty.. Only because I don't have a laptop :lol: until santa brings me one for christmas :p right Poe? :lol: LOL but my desktop I want to throw out of a window every day it's soooo slow and freezes all the time always at the wrong times too Grrr

Have you ever had a little accident from laughing too much? :lol:
LOL not guilty

ever listened to the music so loud that ur neighbors called u to complain ?
umm. I think so, when I was younger I did it.. SO GUILTY

Have you ever tried to make fun of someone, and after you said it you KNEW what you said was stupid? :lol: Not funny at all.