Guilty or not guilty (game)

Not guilty

Have you ever been told something in confidence then told other people when you were asked not to?
No- I am very good at keeping secrets.

Have you ever been asked to present something, and said yes but forgot/ didn`t have time to prepare properly and then just improvised and got away with it?
Not a note but a valantines day card when I was a kid :lol:

Have you ever bought easter eggs for people and eaten them and had to buy more?
:huh: :lol:

Had to read that entence a couple of times...................
No, not guilty.........

Have you ever deliberatly embarrassed ( not in a very bad way, but enough to shake them a bit)someone, because you thought it might be good for them to
become a little less preoccupied with their appearence?
oh.. eh.. guilty...... -_-

Its election time in my country now.... and there was a sort of a little scandal, and I just couldnt resist to mention ( in a sort of "HA!" :lol: way) it to my brother cause I know what party he supports( oh... the temptation....)

Have you ever been in a hot headed discussion with family members over political issues?
yes but then told them afterwards
couldnt live with myself

have you ever eaten something that
someone cooked and you knew it didnt
taste very good but lied and said it did?
I am horrible at lying- I would loose in Poker everytime, so no- I have tried- but failed completely! :lol:
I sometimes sincerely wish I had the ability to fake it in sertain situations, but it seems thas not an option....But I have become very good at creating distractions instead!
So: Guilty of trying but, complete failure................

Have you ever cheated when playing a game?
Guilty.. I just throw around hints :lol: or did lol I wouldnt do that now

Have you ever forgot to send someone a card in the post and just said you did and said it must have got lost on the way?
When I was younger, yes- guilty. Maybe even now- because you always get influenced by someone or something even if you are not always aware of it?

Have you ever truly disliked another person, without realy knowing why and not being able to explain it?
No way :lol:

Have you ever invited people over for dinner used microwave food and told them it was made from scatch?
NOPE haha omg that would be so wrong!
Id much rather cook for them from scratch

did you ever get a gift and pawn it off on someone
else for Christmas because you didnt like the gift?
I did that once yes :lol: I forgot to get a school friend a gift and felt bad when she gave me one so I took in something someone had given me to her the next day and picked something I didnt really want anyway :eek:

Have you ever been enoying something you were eating and something fell of the plate onto the floor and you wanted it so bad you ate it anyway?
Yes guilty haha it was a donut ewwww

LOL about the gift thing omg! Gasp! JK

did you ever pass gas and blame it on someone else? :lol:
falls over laughing!![/b]

:lol: Omg!!!! LOL don't we all at some point? haha! I probably blamed the dog :innocent:

Have you ever been sitting in a resturant and burped really loud and everyone turned to look at you? :lol:
Yes and then I grinned and waved and kept on eatin...

rofl the dog again? poor pooch!

did you ever hide and then wait to ambush someone
and jump out right at the right moment to make them scream?
if so did it work?