Grace Rwaramba Official Statement

With a police investigation going on right now, it would be the first thing that I denied also. The rest I could handle face to face with the people involved.
huh? why? I just read Trish post and I totally agree with her.
You should read it! Btw, I don't understand how you can just deny one thing when you can just deny them altogether???????? doesn't make sense to me. Stop finding excuse to support her already. Some of you don't know how to think logically when you want to cover those who hurt MJ. All she has to do now is to file for civil litigation if that interview did not take place but the fact is it did!!!!! She told someone who she thought of as 'friend' about MJ's problem. This thing hurt MJ. how will he think about it if he's alive? So called fans don't even care about his feeling. You prefer to defend the obvious disgruntled employee of MJ that you like. What I see she's doing now is she's just trying to find all kinds of excuses to shake off her responsibility. The first time I looked at her, I've bad feeling bout her. Now this just further proves it.
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I'm so sad for MJ with all these kinds of people around him :(
You know the only comfort to be had in Michael's passing is that he is safe and at peace. Words can spew out of these people's mouth but they cannot hurt him any more.
huh? why? I just read Trish post and I totally agree with her.
You should read it! Btw, I don't understand how you can just deny one thing when you can just deny them altogether???????? doesn't make sense to me. Stop finding excuse to support her already. Some of you don't know how to think logically when you want to cover those who hurt MJ. All she has to do now is to file for civil litigation if that interview did not take place but the fact is it did!!!!! She told someone who she thought of as 'friend' about MJ's problem. This thing hurt MJ. how will he think about it if he's alive? So called fans don't even care about his feeling. You prefer to defend the obvious disgruntled employee of MJ that you like. What I see she's doing now is she's just trying to find all kinds of excuses to shake off her responsibility. The first time I looked at her, I've bad feeling bout her. Now this just further proves it.

You will be pretty hard press to see me being a cheerleader for any of Michael's exployees. It was difficult for me to say who he should be hiring or not because it was him in the situation and not me. My admiration has always been for him and that is why I didn't spend time deciding whether to like or dislike his employees because I respect his ability to handle such.

But, do understand, when I gave Michael respect for waiting to know facts and acknowledging that I didn't know all about him despite what was being said in the media, that repect was a simple basic one that I tend to extend to people in general unless given concrete, proven reasons to the contrary. Statements such as "the first time I looked at her" have always made me cringe about others the same way they did when I heard them about Michael.
ppl make statements and then they make re-statements and for sure it's all FOR THE MONEY... I just wish everyone would shut up and grief.


Grace does as Chopra as all of them...

Where are close friends who do not know what to say and just admitt that and that's it for the press?!
Hi, Obiechena. I saw a post of yours beforehand and meant to say hi. It's good seeing you posting. Hate that it is under the circumstances.
Yes, it is unfortunate that it is under these circumstances. *sigh*

I really don't care about anyone right now. My concern is the children. What will happen to them and how do the Jacksons and/or Debbie Rowe intend to protect them? There is no reason why I should be seeing their birth certificates on the Internet! And this has journalistic value how? With Michael gone and with him his ability to keep his children's information under wraps, I don't know what to expect going forward. Does no one consider that these children are underaged non-public citizens? :doh:
I don't think she was clean either. She did say some nasty things and probably regrets it now.

Though I hope she won't be around the family anymore, I am glad that she at least made this statement. It doesn't change what she did, but knowing the way news travels these days, her statement will be a very positive "piece of news" once it spreads.
Yes, it is unfortunate that it is under these circumstances. *sigh*

I really don't care about anyone right now. My concern is the children. What will happen to them and how do the Jacksons and/or Debbie Rowe intend to protect them? There is no reason why I should be seeing their birth certificates on the Internet! And this has journalistic value how? With Michael gone and with him his ability to keep his children's information under wraps, I don't know what to expect going forward. Does no one consider that these children are underaged non-public citizens? :doh:

I agree. I was thinking the same this this morning watching the Today show where Matt Lauer was asking Rev Al about the report that the children aren't biologically his, and while Al gave a decent response.
To me all inquiries about the children should be answered- no comment.
These are minors and no one should be discussing them in such a public forum.
These kids just lost the only parent they will ever know yet I see no restraint on the media's parts to curb all this wild speculation and craziness.
These kids should be off-limits to the media point blank period.
These kids just lost the only parent they will ever know yet I see no restraint on the media's parts to curb all this wild speculation and craziness. These kids should be off-limits to the media point blank period.
Agreed. There is no public interest that outweighs the Jacksons' right to privacy. In fact, there's no public interest at all.