Grace Rwaramba Official Statement

Damn...That's all I got. Jus' damn.

Er'ybody is coming out of the woodwork now. Colors flyin' high, nah mean?

If I was Grace I would feel pretty bad about myself right about now.
She did that interview, note she is only commenting on the 'pumping stomache' thing not being said by her, what about the rest?. I liked Grace, but once again the people around MJ are so easy to filp on him its not even funny.

Her conscience is pricking her now that MJ is gone. Only reason for this statement.

R.I.P. Mike
Yeah, I thought about that too. All the rest she said she did not retract. I suspect that Chopra advised her to clean this up because the family is probably furious with her.

17 years, huh? Hmmm.... makes me think of some other thangs...

Not what you think.
Grace can SAVE IT. This was her interview before Michael died and she KNOWS IT. Sure she didn't speak to the Times or whatever, but she spoke to Daphne Barak and her own friend confirms it. Her statement is flimsy and vague. What she should have said was,

"I did not make any of the comments attributed to me by the Times and I will be pursuing civil litigation afford to me by libel/slander laws."

She shot off at the mouth to Daphne and Daphne SOLD the story to the times with proof because it was recorded. The fact that she was disgruntled and spoke to Daphne in and of itself is foul. If you guys fall for it, the boo boo the fool on you. Cast your minds back to when Dieter & the rest did the same thing. Many of you can't and won't forgive them and now Grace did the same. Whether or not it was before Michael's death is irrelevant.

Grace is only denying parts of the interview (the stomach pumping, drugs) but what about the rest? What if Michael were alive and he had read that? Would you all be so easy to dismiss it then?

So you all can give Grace a pass but I'm not. Her intent was to slam Michael and she did so with Daphne Barak.

Maybe the stomach pumping part struck her as the most ridiculous at the time and she pointed that out in particular.You know how you remember additional thingsyou wanted to say sfter the fact. Maybe she doesnt want to talk much and didn't deny every single thing.

I see what your saying though. I want to see her say this live or on video about everything, no more written stuff.
Sorry, but this doesn't change anything for me. I am disappointed at both Chopra and Grace. Michael had very friends and I can see why he said he felt lonely at times.

Over the years, everybody, from managers to handlers to nannies to agents to lawyers to doctors to hangers on have used Michael and gotten rich off of him. And when all the money was gone, they left. And all Michael had was less than stellar people to depend on. Like this stupid doctor. And now he is dead. Lord.
You know what is interesting? There are people that Michael has distanced from his life at different times, some repeatedly. But, it's like several were being brought back. Weren't he and Branca supposedly on the outs? Now we find out he had just been rehired recently. It seems, if you are going to believe the article, that the same was done for Grace. And throughout all of that this is the first time we have heard of her speaking negatively to the media about Michael. So, this time it makes me think that the separation, if one in reality, was perhaps more painful or harsh than what was previous. While Michael may have had to be someone special to repeatedly accept her back, she would have also had to be someone special to repeatedly going back.

It seems as if there were some people in his life that he had such a connection with that he could not severe the relationship indefinitely. In cases such as these, it becomes a matter of truly not knowing the relationship to the degree to judge it. What his reaction would have been to all this in the long run? Who knows? What actually caused her to say such since beforehand we have never heard from her, who knows? Just as people were capable of hurting Michael, he was capable of hurting others. Does that justify any mean things she could have said? No. But, if there is anyone here that has never uttered the words "if I could only take it back", then you are probably a superbeing not a human being.

I think to hearing all the comments about Michael. How he should have responded to his anxieties, fears, and pains throughout life. How he shouldn't have tried to create "his own world." I think about the fact that he once did acknowledge an addiction problem and some stated it as a weakness. Well, it was. He reacted to his situation with an unfavorable behavior. But, it was his reaction. And his to reconcile with. I'm sure during this time, he hurt people and that some of those rather than never forgiving did indeed forgive. Someone who knew him was being interview and stated that he always ended with the focus on love. Perhaps this is why he accepted that people close to him, like his sister and perhaps Grace, could say something or do something to hurt him bad but find a way to forgive. He perhaps saw a value in that relationship worth whatever hurts and challenges because he himself was actually in the relationship to know weigh the challenges against the good. I think it is also because he may have acknowledge his own ability to make mistakes that could sometimes hurt others, to lash out in anger or pain with words or actions that could sometimes hurt others. And he realized that as he would want imperfections, flaws, and mistakes forgiven, so he must do the same for those relationships that truly had a bond beyond the norm for him.

To me what made Michael truly special as a person was his complexities. He was not one dimensional in either direction. But, yet the good far surpassed the bad. Perhaps he felt the same about some of those that, while we didn't know personally in order to be able to make that honest assessment, he did.
im glad this story is false and she spoke out against it, i think its digusting that even after he died the tabloids still make up shit about him, it doesnt suprise me though
I just don't know. I'd like to take the statement at face value, but it does seem too much like CYA.
Sorry, but this doesn't change anything for me. I am disappointed at both Chopra and Grace. Michael had very friends and I can see why he said he felt lonely at times.

Over the years, everybody, from managers to handlers to nannies to agents to lawyers to doctors to hangers on have used Michael and gotten rich off of him. And when all the money was gone, they left. And all Michael had was less than stellar people to depend on. Like this stupid doctor. And now he is dead. Lord.

Yeah, but sometimes, the lonliness comes from within not from others. It is not the number of friends that you have. Michael had people that loved him and loved him dearly. And Grace, for as long as this relationship was, didn't just up and leave him after the money ran out as far as we know. And really that last part, the "as far as we know" is what is truly important. It is really one of those relationships that I would defer to Michael because he was the one that was in it.

I think there may even be some people termed hangers on who were indeed there because of how much of a valued friendship Michael had with them; he wanted them around. I think of Miko Brando. Looking from the outside people may have said the same about him; one night Larry King asked him why he was with Michael at the TII set; he stated because Michael wanted him to watch out for him. To so many, that probably sounded like he didn't have a "real" position or job and was just a hanger on. But, to Michael, it could be the friendship was so important, he truly did want him there with him always.

I think that sometimes we go too far in remembering him as lonely. He was loved by people physically there for him. Because he deserved it. He has too many times talked about the lonliness for it not to have been real, strong, and painful. But, I'm not really sure that in this stage of his life, that is what really defined him now. I truly believe that he was so much more past that or at least working that way.
I agree with that Classic. I think alot changed with Michael once he had those children.
and will the press release that her statement as well as the fake story?

No, why bother..., just let the BSs keep going...
y'all wanna spin the shit out of this story to believe that the beloved gracie isn't a bad person. she said this, she got caught, she's denying only PARTS of this, and yet, she's a good perosn now.

kiss my ass twice cuz she knows she did this and she's just worried that teh family will find out and do something about it

if her friend knew about this enough to make a blog about it, grace should've said something THEN not her damn friend. this is bullshit and y'all wouldn't accept this paper thin 'refusal' from any other damn perosn.

if debbie rowe said something like this, y'all would go at her so damn hard. talk about a mess......

this is bootychatter and her ass knows it. this is just to buy some time before the vids come out
You know what is interesting? There are people that Michael has distanced from his life at different times, some repeatedly. But, it's like several were being brought back. Weren't he and Branca supposedly on the outs? Now we find out he had just been rehired recently. It seems, if you are going to believe the article, that the same was done for Grace. And throughout all of that this is the first time we have heard of her speaking negatively to the media about Michael. So, this time it makes me think that the separation, if one in reality, was perhaps more painful or harsh than what was previous. While Michael may have had to be someone special to repeatedly accept her back, she would have also had to be someone special to repeatedly going back.

It seems as if there were some people in his life that he had such a connection with that he could not severe the relationship indefinitely. In cases such as these, it becomes a matter of truly not knowing the relationship to the degree to judge it. What his reaction would have been to all this in the long run? Who knows? What actually caused her to say such since beforehand we have never heard from her, who knows? Just as people were capable of hurting Michael, he was capable of hurting others. Does that justify any mean things she could have said? No. But, if there is anyone here that has never uttered the words "if I could only take it back", then you are probably a superbeing not a human being.

I think to hearing all the comments about Michael. How he should have responded to his anxieties, fears, and pains throughout life. How he shouldn't have tried to create "his own world." I think about the fact that he once did acknowledge an addiction problem and some stated it as a weakness. Well, it was. He reacted to his situation with an unfavorable behavior. But, it was his reaction. And his to reconcile with. I'm sure during this time, he hurt people and that some of those rather than never forgiving did indeed forgive. Someone who knew him was being interview and stated that he always ended with the focus on love. Perhaps this is why he accepted that people close to him, like his sister and perhaps Grace, could say something or do something to hurt him bad but find a way to forgive. He perhaps saw a value in that relationship worth whatever hurts and challenges because he himself was actually in the relationship to know weigh the challenges against the good. I think it is also because he may have acknowledge his own ability to make mistakes that could sometimes hurt others, to lash out in anger or pain with words or actions that could sometimes hurt others. And he realized that as he would want imperfections, flaws, and mistakes forgiven, so he must do the same for those relationships that truly had a bond beyond the norm for him.

To me what made Michael truly special as a person was his complexities. He was not one dimensional in either direction. But, yet the good far surpassed the bad. Perhaps he felt the same about some of those that, while we didn't know personally in order to be able to make that honest assessment, he did.

Very good post.
well that is lovely to now be shure that it was a false interview..
now if the papers would just let the poor soul rest in peace.. And to respect the feelings of his children and family that is still alive. Is that too much to ask!?? Appearantly..
y'all wanna spin the shit out of this story to believe that the beloved gracie isn't a bad person. she said this, she got caught, she's denying only PARTS of this, and yet, she's a good perosn now.

kiss my ass twice cuz she knows she did this and she's just worried that teh family will find out and do something about it

if her friend knew about this enough to make a blog about it, grace should've said something THEN not her damn friend. this is bullshit and y'all wouldn't accept this paper thin 'refusal' from any other damn perosn.

if debbie rowe said something like this, y'all would go at her so damn hard. talk about a mess......

this is bootychatter and her ass knows it. this is just to buy some time before the vids come out

But, Soso Deaf, you at times defend Debbie and there are some that feel just as strongly the same towards her. It is really all about perspective and what people see and identify with.

Sometimes, we really just aren't in a position of knowing who the bad and good truly were. I have heard why all in the Jackson family were bad. How Mrs. Jackson should have left Mr. Jackson years ago so that Michael would have been happy. And the list goes on and on. While there may have been some superficial relationships that anyone could see was truly black or white, I think that we also have to accept that there were many deep relationships where it was not so obvious to those in them, including Debbie and Grace.
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My thing is this. If she was going to grant an interview, she could have been a little more respectful in talking about Mike in a more positive light. She just made herself look like a disgruntle former employee who was bent on retaliation. And someone said that the interview was done prior to Mike's death. For crying out loud she knew Mike the longest of everyone who worked for him. A real friend will not down another friend even though there are differences between them. Now after his death, she's trying to clean up things and I'm sorry but If I were part of the Jackson family she would be history. And why take so long to come out with a statement; it's been almost a week since his passing and you just now coming out with a statment?
One thing. In an earlier post I mentioned not thinking that Michael was lonely anymore. Well in an interview on ET, Lou Ferrigno (sp?) just said that one of the last things Michael told him was that he was very happy and no longer felt lonely.

Michael was where he needed to be in his life. And he knew how to judge all the swirling upheavals of gossip, betrayals, etc. He would have been just fine either way.
Grace can SAVE IT. This was her interview before Michael died and she KNOWS IT. Sure she didn't speak to the Times or whatever, but she spoke to Daphne Barak and her own friend confirms it. Her statement is flimsy and vague. What she should have said was,

"I did not make any of the comments attributed to me by the Times and I will be pursuing civil litigation afford to me by libel/slander laws."

She shot off at the mouth to Daphne and Daphne SOLD the story to the times with proof because it was recorded. The fact that she was disgruntled and spoke to Daphne in and of itself is foul. If you guys fall for it, the boo boo the fool on you. Cast your minds back to when Dieter & the rest did the same thing. Many of you can't and won't forgive them and now Grace did the same. Whether or not it was before Michael's death is irrelevant.

Grace is only denying parts of the interview (the stomach pumping, drugs) but what about the rest? What if Michael were alive and he had read that? Would you all be so easy to dismiss it then?

So you all can give Grace a pass but I'm not. Her intent was to slam Michael and she did so with Daphne Barak.

^ This.
I'm not buying it. In my opinion, she may have sold her story to the tabloid for the MONEY and then realized her name was on the story....

I do NOT trust her.
vstreet still lives!

Grace, Grace, Grace. I don't know what to believe, dear. Should I go with my man v here or with the idea that the author of the earlier article made up that interview out of thin air and attributed it wrongly to you?

In any case, the interview was suspect from jump, yet I didn't give it much of any thought beyond thinking that maybe Grace done lost her mind. :ph34r:
But, Soso Deaf, you at times defend Debbie and there are some that feel just as strongly the same towards her. It is really all about perspective and what people see and identify with.

Sometimes, we really just aren't in a position of knowing who the bad and good truly were. I have heard why all in the Jackson family were bad. How Mrs. Jackson should have left Mr. Jackson years ago so that Michael would have been happy. And the list goes on and on. While there may have been some superficial relationships that anyone could see was truly black or white, I think that we also have to accept that there were many deep relationships where it was not so obvious to those in them, including Debbie and Grace.
ha when deb does in interview say ing mj is horrible w/ her kids and a bad man who was such a druggie he couldn't function, call me

that woman has lied to sbc and went at mj in the media so she could end up on teh state witness list and she likes to say...they took me to dinner and i served them for breakfast.....that woman isn't talking and running her mouth like his 'friends' are

in fact, that woman was the one they were the most worried about at the start of this initiating a custody battle when in fact, she's the only one too hurt to speak.

so let's forgive grace.

i motion to add dieter, stuart, maybe sneddon, and how about backerman on that list. who wants tommy mattola?

uguys have this lovy damn dovy idea of them being together. HE FIRED HER FOR A REASON AND HE FIRED HER THE SECOND TIME FOR A REASON.

now she' sback where MJ DIDN'T WANT HER TO BE.:clapping:

if all u have to do is put out a stupid nonsensical 'statement' then they can all follow suit
You know what is interesting? There are people that Michael has distanced from his life at different times, some repeatedly. But, it's like several were being brought back. Weren't he and Branca supposedly on the outs? Now we find out he had just been rehired recently. It seems, if you are going to believe the article, that the same was done for Grace. And throughout all of that this is the first time we have heard of her speaking negatively to the media about Michael. So, this time it makes me think that the separation, if one in reality, was perhaps more painful or harsh than what was previous. While Michael may have had to be someone special to repeatedly accept her back, she would have also had to be someone special to repeatedly going back.

It seems as if there were some people in his life that he had such a connection with that he could not severe the relationship indefinitely. In cases such as these, it becomes a matter of truly not knowing the relationship to the degree to judge it. What his reaction would have been to all this in the long run? Who knows? What actually caused her to say such since beforehand we have never heard from her, who knows? Just as people were capable of hurting Michael, he was capable of hurting others. Does that justify any mean things she could have said? No. But, if there is anyone here that has never uttered the words "if I could only take it back", then you are probably a superbeing not a human being.

I think to hearing all the comments about Michael. How he should have responded to his anxieties, fears, and pains throughout life. How he shouldn't have tried to create "his own world." I think about the fact that he once did acknowledge an addiction problem and some stated it as a weakness. Well, it was. He reacted to his situation with an unfavorable behavior. But, it was his reaction. And his to reconcile with. I'm sure during this time, he hurt people and that some of those rather than never forgiving did indeed forgive. Someone who knew him was being interview and stated that he always ended with the focus on love. Perhaps this is why he accepted that people close to him, like his sister and perhaps Grace, could say something or do something to hurt him bad but find a way to forgive. He perhaps saw a value in that relationship worth whatever hurts and challenges because he himself was actually in the relationship to know weigh the challenges against the good. I think it is also because he may have acknowledge his own ability to make mistakes that could sometimes hurt others, to lash out in anger or pain with words or actions that could sometimes hurt others. And he realized that as he would want imperfections, flaws, and mistakes forgiven, so he must do the same for those relationships that truly had a bond beyond the norm for him.

To me what made Michael truly special as a person was his complexities. He was not one dimensional in either direction. But, yet the good far surpassed the bad. Perhaps he felt the same about some of those that, while we didn't know personally in order to be able to make that honest assessment, he did.
classic goes usual.
Glad she spoke out on this.

The media make up another story. I am shocked. Bet this will be around page 28 on the papers.

I know right?

ha when deb does in interview say ing mj is horrible w/ her kids and a bad man who was such a druggie he couldn't function, call me

that woman has lied to sbc and went at mj in the media so she could end up on teh state witness list and she likes to say...they took me to dinner and i served them for breakfast.....that woman isn't talking and running her mouth like his 'friends' are

in fact, that woman was the one they were the most worried about at the start of this initiating a custody battle when in fact, she's the only one too hurt to speak.

so let's forgive grace.

i motion to add dieter, stuart, maybe sneddon, and how about backerman on that list. who wants tommy mattola?

uguys have this lovy damn dovy idea of them being together. HE FIRED HER FOR A REASON AND HE FIRED HER THE SECOND TIME FOR A REASON.

now she' sback where MJ DIDN'T WANT HER TO BE.:clapping:

if all u have to do is put out a stupid nonsensical 'statement' then they can all follow suit

Um, are you okay?
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ha when deb does in interview say ing mj is horrible w/ her kids and a bad man who was such a druggie he couldn't function, call me

that woman has lied to sbc and went at mj in the media so she could end up on teh state witness list and she likes to say...they took me to dinner and i served them for breakfast.....that woman isn't talking and running her mouth like his 'friends' are

in fact, that woman was the one they were the most worried about at the start of this initiating a custody battle when in fact, she's the only one too hurt to speak.

so let's forgive grace.

i motion to add dieter, stuart, maybe sneddon, and how about backerman on that list. who wants tommy mattola?

uguys have this lovy damn dovy idea of them being together. HE FIRED HER FOR A REASON AND HE FIRED HER THE SECOND TIME FOR A REASON.

now she' sback where MJ DIDN'T WANT HER TO BE.:clapping:

if all u have to do is put out a stupid nonsensical 'statement' then they can all follow suit

It's not my place to forgive or not forgive Grace. And I never had any idea of them being together, being friends or anything else that wasn't presented. You say he fired her for a reason. Well, he rehired her for a reason also. He knew her, not me so it wouldn't have been my call then or now. And the same would be for the family now. It will be up to them if they are satisfied with her comments. Fact is I have no idea what transpired between them; neither do most including many of those writing articles on it. Don't have the desire to really just like I wish the media would lose the desire to "know" about Michael's children to the point of looking up birth certificates, etc.

I do know this. There have been many writers contributing hurtful sounding statements to Michael also claiming proof and honesty in their reporting. Sorry, I don't have any reason to believe or disbelieve Grace. But, judging by the media at the moment and in the past where Michael is concerned, I have absolutely no reason to put faith in all that is printed.
Hi, Obiechena. I saw a post of yours beforehand and meant to say hi. It's good seeing you posting. Hate that it is under the circumstances.
I don't trust her either. Her friend confirmed she did talk to daphne and both her friend and her ONLY deny the stomach pumping part. Both of them never denied the Katherine part and the rest.

With a police investigation going on right now, it would be the first thing that I denied also. The rest I could handle face to face with the people involved.
I can understand them hurting each other, but she must know better than to go to a journalist, c'mon now. It makes me wonder about other stories in the past.
I had posted this in the wrong thread somehow...

I agree with everyone who is still suspicious. She denied the stomach pumping and denied talking directly to the Times, however, she failed to deny speaking to Daphne and speaking about Michael in any capacity. Gotta say she picked up on how to deny a story without exactly telling the whole truth pretty well. I just hope she comes clean with the Jackson family so they don't get itch-slapped by any LWMJ-type tv shows.
And the fact that she is so close to Deepak, who I really don't admire for his mouth-flapping, makes me stay suspicious of her.