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.....................I pray she is oke!
I pray ffor you all(((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Dearest Michael.Mania,

This is my first post in here so you won't know me as I do not know you, but from what I read earlier today it seems this topic is a very disturbing one and a lot of people are concerned about your well-being. If you are still about and able to get in touch and would rather confide with a complete stranger about how you feel then please get in touch with me.

I almost took my life a few days ago. I passed out from sleep deprivation during a suicide attempt and was woken up by my husband who went into panic when he realised what I had done. I was crying when I finally came to and realised that I was still alive because I hoped that I wouldn't wake up. But now I am glad I woke up because I realise now that this is not the way. Michael would be breaking his heart right now knowing another person was taking their life to be with him. Yes it hurts, yes it's difficult to convince others who don't understand how you feel, but taking your own life is not the answer.

Think of what Michael went through, I'm sure there may have many times he thought he'd be better off dead, but he endured everything right to the end and continued to spread the word of love to a world that fought against him. It is now for us to continue his legacy and to keep on spreading that love to other people, to show them that he lives on in each of us.

Hang on in there Michael.Mania, it's tough but God has a reason for you to be alive.
No matter how you look at it suicide tears up peoples lives.

I know of a family who are still reeling from the shock of losing their 24 year old, and they will always question if it was something they could have in any way prevented.
Remember, MJ went through hell. He endured the worst pain his heart could possibly bear, for years...but when asked if he considered suicide, he said, "no...I love life too much to do that..."

Every day I struggle to get out of bed, but I try to remember that Michael is free from his pain now. He is a shining star in the sky, shining bright, looking down at the love and support outpouring for him. And his music and his legacy WILL LIVE FOREVER.
Suicide might be a way out for one person, but the pain will be passed on to many more, which they'll suffer their whole life.

I know of one family whose teenage son committed suicide a couple of years ago for reasons unknown. His parents were never the same after that. Their marriage struggled and they were so unhappy. 2 years later the mother committed suicide because she couldn't bare the pain of losing her son any longer. Now the father is left alone, with a son and wife gone forever. They may be at rest, but he will forever bare their pain.
Please don't do this, think of your family,it's not clever.
I think Michael won't want you to do it...
Talk to us, we can help you=]
If you want, you can add
If i have one more chance, i want Michael come back and live with us~~
I don't want the God take Michael away...
RIP Michael,
I love you forever!!!
I was thinking of MIchael.Mania last night and wondering if they were okay. I really hope they took some time out to grieve and will join us soon. :(
As much as people are hurting at Michael's passing, suicide is an extremely selfish act in my opinion.

The pain, as others have said, is passed on to those you love ... so basically you're only passing your pain onto those around you, those who rely on you, while you go to an unknown place.

I hope this person has gone nothing stupid, but given the time that has elapsed since the original post, it is genuinely concerning.

I genuinely don't mean to sound cold or condescending, and I know people are hurting, but suicide over Michael's passing is ridiculous and goes against everything he "taught" us through his words and actions over the years.
No matter how you look at it suicide tears up peoples lives.

I know of a family who are still reeling from the shock of losing their 24 year old, and they will always question if it was something they could have in any way prevented.

Suicide might be a way out for one person, but the pain will be passed on to many more, which they'll suffer their whole life.

I know of one family whose teenage son committed suicide a couple of years ago for reasons unknown. His parents were never the same after that. Their marriage struggled and they were so unhappy. 2 years later the mother committed suicide because she couldn't bare the pain of losing her son any longer. Now the father is left alone, with a son and wife gone forever. They may be at rest, but he will forever bare their pain.

Yes, I have experienced it close hand unfortunately, it does not help your family or your friends, the pain will live on forever in them and they will ALWAYS question if there was something that they could have done to have prevented it :( It may release your pain, but then that pain is x20 for the people that are close to you.

I really that this user is okay, but I think that this may now be a lost cause.. :(:(
I think this is too sad. People are getting crazy man. Really crazy. Why kill yourself???
Don't do this. Don't give up. Killing yourself is not the answer. And the Bible is very clear about suicidal people. The pain will be EVEN worse if you put an end to your life. Don't do this, please. We're here for you. I only read the first post, so please if you're here, stay with us. We're family and we will always be here for you. Please consider yourself FULLY hugged by me. I don't know you but you're my sister in the name of God and I'm here for you if you need to talk. We're all here for you. As painful as it is we know he's in a way better place smilling and watching over us. He would be very sad if you give up on living because of him. That's not what he wanted you to do. That's for sure. The love you feel for him is the same he felt for you, for me and for all his fans all over the world. Stay strong, you ARE loved and needed here. You're on my prayers!
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You know, all this talk of your pain will only be worse if you kill yourself doesn't really help people that know people that have committed suicide. :(

My heart breaks for this girl. I really really want her to be ok.
It doesn't look good. But until it is confirmed, let's not give up on this girl. Let's pray she is still with us and that she get's better soon :(
this is hurting me... Dont do this, michael loved all of us so much, he loved life, we will meet him again.... When our time here is done, but not like this... Please......
OMG..She had not been online since 03-07-2009 09:24 AM and her last post was this.... omg i think she is gone? :( :(
Michael say to me in dreams that he wont have people kill themself because of him... :(
Ppl we just do not know. Everything is possible. Maybe someone noticed and she's somewhere well taken care of... all is possible.
Better try to stay positive and saying a prayer is never wrong!
Oh please be okay..... I hope you see how many people here who care about you and know what you're going through. Trust me, I KNOW!!

I thought I was starting to feel better and turned on a tour DVD with Michael and it's killing me right now. I'm still not ready. I'm mad at the whole world and can't understand why this happen. I can't get use to the thought that he's gone and it hurts soooo bad. I just want it to stop. I want to stop worrying about how his legacy will be remembered, how his children will be, if in 20 years this community will be dead, if in 20 years there will be no place for MJ fans like us and so on.

There are too many things out there that can hurt us please don't let the one person who actually loved and brought so much joy to everyone be the cause of your death. You know deep inside that this is not what Michael would have wanted.
I hang in there because I hope that the pain will go away someday, and that time heals everything.....
You will get through it and we're all here for you!!!

Please, please, please let us know you're okay??!!
I truly hope that you're ok? We're all here wishing you well and please take your time. No one is forcing you to come back posting. Just let us know you're ok :(
.......................I really hope you are oke!
Take care and please know we are here for you
I Don't think she will be online again, and I dont even think she is with Michael now, maybe with her dead family.
Only things I can say:
Michael wont have you to kill youself, he told me in the dream and I promist him to not kill myself because of him! :-(
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