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Goodbye_Michael - if you check her other messages you might see that this seems very real... it was not a joke from what i read. let's hope she is ok....
Don't say that, "goodbye michael".

It's better if these people vent here, rather than feeling they don't have a voice or anyone to talk to and do something awful.

It is incredibly upsetting to read this stuff, and it upsets many concerned fans to read it, but if these people need to talk, no matter how severe their feelings are, we can't silence them to protect ourselves. Let them speak. It may save a life.

By the way, it's beautiful how you all are helping eachother.

Lets encourage communication, support, life pledges, and for people who are in a really bad way to talk to their families about how they feel. If you guys feel you have nobody else to talk to, definitely talk to us rather than feeling like you shouldnt for the comforts of "goodbye michael"
i tried really hard to word it the right way.

i never said this person wasnt real, and i tried to explain that clearly.

the fact that what i said makes someone think i wrote it for my own comfort is saddening

i stand by what i said

there are people who want attention and it takes from those in real trouble

i asked that those people not play it up out of respect for the ones in need
The only way we're all going to get through this is if we stick together. Please don't do anything to hurt yourself, Michael.Mania. We need each and every one of us right now and we need you.

I agree. Michael.Mania we/I need you here!
Can't the mods track down his IP address?
Why someone would hurt themselves for the sake of MJ is beyond me. He wouldn't have wanted that.
I hope she's ok...but I think many fans that we don't know of have done something like's just too painful to handle and they don't have anyone right there next to them to console them we're miles way from each other
the rest of us have to live with the pain of losing Michael every single day...for the rest of our lives...if I could I would give support to other fans but we're so far away all we can do is talk
Suicide is never the answer
It will solve nothing.
It will not bring him back.
It will create more pain for those left behind.
It will tarnish the memory of his lifelong message and cast an eerie shadow upon the man himself. As well as those that love and care for him.

If you believe in 'God' and the Bible, heaven and hell, suicide will not allow you to be near him in death.

Suicide is not an answer.

Anyone that has thoughts of harming themselves, should reach out to those that care for you. Ask for help, share your pain with the people around you that care for you. If the strength of your loved ones cannot ease your burden, you need to seek professional mental health assistance.

Suicide Hotlines

MJJC Member Support Forum
I'm worried. Is there any way to get in contact with her? Does anyone know her personally?
I do understand that some people can become so involved with their idol's life that at a devestating time like this it can all become too much, although i'm sure there has to be more to it, something else happening in their lives in which this just pushes them over the edge.
I agree - there's got to be more going on than just losing Michael; it's not healthy to be so wrapped up in someone else that a person would take their life over the loss of their idol. No. There's much more involved when these types of things happen. Hopefully someone - or common sense - will intervene with the OP and she will rethink her decision. Like someone already mentioned, suicide is never the answer.
cant someone trace her internet ip address and inform the police to check up on her ?
This makes me very sad indeed knowing that a fellow fan and friend of ours is thinking this way. I cannot bear to think that someone who I consider a friend is going to do this I've already had to deal with the suicide of a friend last month and now this.

I just hope they're feeling much better now and know there is hope out there.

If you're reading this please email me, let me help you, PLEASE!
Suicide is never the answer
It will solve nothing.
It will not bring him back.
It will create more pain for those left behind.
It will tarnish the memory of his lifelong message and cast an eerie shadow upon the man himself. As well as those that love and care for him.

If you believe in 'God' and the Bible, heaven and hell, suicide will not allow you to be near him in death.

Suicide is not an answer.

Anyone that has thoughts of harming themselves, should reach out to those that care for you. Ask for help, share your pain with the people around you that care for you. If the strength of your loved ones cannot ease your burden, you need to seek professional mental health assistance.

Suicide Hotlines

MJJC Member Support Forum

I agree I have wanted to kill myself the second I had heard the news. But the only 2 things that had stopped me was Michael. He would not want his fans to kill themselves over him. And knowing where I would go if I did kill myself. I was brought up as a Brethren and in my religion we believe you will go to Hell if you commit suicide. Only God should have the right to take someone's life.

I so hope that fan did not go through with it.
Isn't there anyone who got a response on an e-mail or pm??

@ Redroses: You sent a pm in the same minute michael.mania posted this thread. Haven't you heard anything? Because she stayed online for 18 minutes after that post...

I can't believe she did anything.

@ Moderators, has nobody else logged in on the same ip adress of this girl?
the only thing that really stopped me was my thinking about my kids. I didn't want to put them through the same pain and anguish that Michael's kids are having.
the only thing that really stopped me was my thinking about my kids. I didn't want to put them through the same pain and anguish that Michael's kids are having.

I can't imagine that you even thought about it, because of the fact you have kids
I can't imagine that you even thought about it, because of the fact you have kids

It 's awful, but it's true! When you live your life with Michael in your heart and soul as a family member and he's gone, it's like your heart has been ripped off and you feel that hole that you cannot fill it anymore....
I'm pregnant and the day that Michael.... left us alone, That moment while I was driving home I was thinking that if a deadly accident occured to me, I would've been soooo happy and it would've relieved me of all my pains...
Not to mention that ever since, I carry my pregnancy with relative indiference, I don't want to but I can't do anything about it!
Michael was my soul and my everything...
yes it's so hard without him...every day I feel like I'm looking for something, I just can't find peace
Has anyone heard from her?

I know that you may think killing yourself is the answer to lose of the pain, but that isn't it. What will happen if every MJ fan kills his/herself? MJ wouldn't be live forever. He will be forgotten, and i think it's our job to make MJ live forever. And i think we must support each other. Just think; Michael didn't want this. He would want that you move on with your life how hard it may be. He would that we will be very happy and let his music live forever. Everyone has a difficult time now, but we have to hang on. Together. Our time will come, but not yet. And i think suicidal is an momentum, you just have to hang on there and the pain will go away. I can cry everyday, but i try to focus on the things that does matter in life. And if you think that no one gets you.. We are here, we all are going through the same, talk to us. It's just a matter of time that the pain will go away or in any case it will be bareble.
I don'tt konw how the last huor has gone by.. I sit hree with the sleepingpills and haevy pain killers in front of me and a bottle of whiksey. It's like I'm just dreaming.. I keep teling myeslf not...

She said this a few days before her last post. I really hope she didn't do this. It seems as if she was suffering from suicide ideation from the 26th of June.
What a waste of a perfectly good life...... im going to be harsh here and it may not go down well with certain members. Im 28 and have been a lifelong fan of MJ, and have never once bought into the the media lies and personally if I ever found Martin Bashir I would slap him with a fish until his face fell off, but anyone considering suicide is a coward and a selfish person, if you realise the pain it hurts to lose someone who is close to you, then how can you inflict the same pain on others who are around you.....shame on you michael.mania shame on you....your death is in vain and a selfish act.
What a waste of a perfectly good life...... im going to be harsh here and it may not go down well with certain members. Im 28 and have been a lifelong fan of MJ, and have never once bought into the the media lies and personally if I ever found Martin Bashir I would slap him with a fish until his face fell off, but anyone considering suicide is a coward and a selfish person, if you realise the pain it hurts to lose someone who is close to you, then how can you inflict the same pain on others who are around you.....shame on you michael.mania shame on you....your death is in vain and a selfish act.

Well we have our opinions.

I agree re Bashir...

Suicide making someone selfish and a coward? err no. Granted, it causes the people left behind extreeeemely messed up - more so than if someone passed 'normally'.

But... would you have the balls to drink a bottle of whiskey, guzzling pills and pain killers? Would you have the nerve to do this? I think for one, shes bloody brave doing this. Its obvious she was trying to copy her idol with the pain killers but hey, this poor girl was obviously extremely upset.

Depression and perhaps guilt presents itself in many many ways and I dont think anyone have the right to tell someone they are out of order because THEY deal with grief badly.

I had two ex boyfriends who took their own lives last year. One hung himself and one did drink and pills. I think my lovely ex who hung himself had ALOT of courage to do what he did as it was pre meditated (ie. buying the rope, renting a hotel room).

Yes, it angers me when people claim people who take their own lives are cowards and selfish. In my eyes, they were so upset, depressed and in an utter state of despair, they obviously had no one to talk to and could find no way out. I think it is sad that they had no one to talk to. If I knew if she or my other two friends needed to let it all out, I would have run to them and done everything to persuade them to cling onto this life.
Well we have our opinions.

I agree re Bashir...

Suicide making someone selfish and a coward? err no. Granted, it causes the people left behind extreeeemely messed up - more so than if someone passed 'normally'.

But... would you have the balls to drink a bottle of whiskey, guzzling pills and pain killers? Would you have the nerve to do this? I think for one, shes bloody brave doing this. Its obvious she was trying to copy her idol with the pain killers but hey, this poor girl was obviously extremely upset.

Depression and perhaps guilt presents itself in many many ways and I dont think anyone have the right to tell someone they are out of order because THEY deal with grief badly.

I had two ex boyfriends who took their own lives last year. One hung himself and one did drink and pills. I think my lovely ex who hung himself had ALOT of courage to do what he did as it was pre meditated (ie. buying the rope, renting a hotel room).

Yes, it angers me when people claim people who take their own lives are cowards and selfish. In my eyes, they were so upset, depressed and in an utter state of despair, they obviously had no one to talk to and could find no way out. I think it is sad that they had no one to talk to. If I knew if she or my other two friends needed to let it all out, I would have run to them and done everything to persuade them to cling onto this life.

No matter how you dress it Chrystal, suicide is a selfish act, its not brave or selfless...... you disregard how others would be affected by your death and ultimately kill yourself to ease your own pain while in the knowledge you will cause others the same pain. I have no respect or time for people who commit such acts and in my opinion will always be cowards who chose the easy way out, rather than choosing to face up to the harsh relaities of life.
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