Gest's TV tribute to MJ - Whitney, D Warwick, Petula Clark (downtown!), Smokey, MJ's Mum

I like David, so I hope this will be good. I'll watch

Yep my thought..It is amazing how people always say never believe tabloids and their stories or what they say ( TRUE)..and then so many on here are judging this programme based on tabloid descriptions of it WITHOUT EVEN SEEING IT YET...Dont base your opinion on how they depict the show, just wait for it to be on tv and then make up your mind

For al you know it might be completely different to how these jornalists are describing it because for one we all know they like to focus on those issues of drugs, surgery etc
I think this is one of the few documentaries which will be overall positive about Michael. I hope they won't harp much on his problems with either drugs or plastic surgery (although those certainly will be mentioned), nor on the circumstances of his death. Instead I want funny, nice anecdotes - which I'm sure David and his guests have many!
Yep my thought..It is amazing how people always say never believe tabloids and their stories or what they say ( TRUE)..and then so many on here are judging this programme based on tabloid descriptions of it WITHOUT EVEN SEEING IT YET...Dont base your opinion on how they depict the show, just wait for it to be on tv and then make up your mind

For al you know it might be completely different to how these jornalists are describing it because for one we all know they like to focus on those issues of drugs, surgery etc

Please, tell me a good british documentary about MJ. Only one.

Every year was the same thing.

"You are negative"

"The documentary can be good "

And every year it was the same crap.
I have looked in the UK and US TV listings and I can't find this documentary anywhere.

Where is it being broadcast???
Yeah talk about this one went cold and it sounds like it is an awesome documentary. Gest produced 30th Anniversary which is kickass!
I am looking forward to seeing & hearing everything she has to say about MJ's drug addiction (insert sarcasm). I hope she will back up these claims...otherwise...hell has no fury like an angry MJ stan.

Basically, she has to disprove the autopsy report....

Well said.:agree: