German Porn Star Dies After Botched BOOB JOB

Alma;3229931 said:
When did you ever say anything about this David Icke before? I haven't read one book by that person, and I am not even reading science fiction books, as I dislike them thoroughly. I don't like David Icke. I'm reading stuff, like plain news and how so-called scientists are saying how they're gonna microchip people - but there are some who already microchipped, that's how you program and brainwash them. Wouldn't need people like Icke, who I don't trust at all, tell me that. That's not at all improbable, that's what the world is heading to, connect the dots already existen in real life and you'll reach the same conclusion.

I mentioned him briefly when you were speaking about depopulation agendas, a few replies ago. I hate science fiction books as well, however, Icke does not write science fiction. He's pretty much a conspiracy theorist, who believes in many of the things you seem to believe in: governments and their depopulation agendas, microchipping, the New World Order, transhumanism, occultism in music, etc. His books follow the same patterns as his thoughts, from what I have read of them.

I've seen the arguments for all of the things you speak of, and thus far they fail to really impress me. I don't think any of these things are impossible, however, I do think they are grossly improbable. If the government really wanted people to be brainless twats, why even bother spending so much money investing in schools to teach them how to read and write? Why even bother with teaching children how to use the Internet, or read literature, for that matter? While I suppose that it is possible that we could have some sort of über-sinister government plot to make <i>sheeple</i> out of all of us, I find it unlikely. The more likely cause behind the entertainment industry's oversimplified, mindless entertainment is the fact that human nature has always been the same. Historically, it was the gladiator fights, the public executions, the brothels and "exotic" dancers which provided the general masses' entertainment--looking at it from that perspective, nothing much has changed except perhaps the mediums used. The simple truth is that humans are generally pretty simple creatures--the simplistic tends to appeal to them more than the complex--which is why people prefer to read empty pop. fiction (or not to read at all and gaze at the idiot tube instead) rather than read things which will actually encourage them to think. People just don't like to admit that the majority of humans are pretty mediocre, so they come up with someone to blame for what is just general stupidity. This whole brainwashing agenda CT is by and large a bunch of bollocks--people are already 'brainwashed', so there's no need for an agenda. It's called society. Part of that can't be helped, since we are biologically inclined to follow group thought, being social animals. However, that's not the government's fault.

Alma said:
Would people be less stupid if robots? That is only superficially true. Robots are programmed entities, however, and they have creators who can manipulate their thinking at will, shut them down, switch them on, disconnect them from reality, then connecting them again. You can have them kill a person, humanity as a whole, as equally as you can have them kill themselves at just the push of a button. There is no freedom as a robot, the robot certainly won't be conscious of that, for that's the robot, but there isn't, they're puppets at the end of the day, at the hands of the elites. You are of the opinion people are constricted when having/showing emotions, but a robot is constricted as well, without being aware. Even if you'd agree to be handled as a robot by someone, that someone could very well betray you and having you killed. Looking at the trashy, naked girls/women in the music business, at how controlled they are, the opposite of what they're aiming to display, and how plain electronic music has become, and the human voice melodyned.

Yes, they would be. I never claimed they would be more intelligent, however, they would be less stupid. They'd be what is generally referred to as a Manchurian candidate, if we are to follow your description. Since they would be stripped of all free thought, they'd be at the mercy of whoever is controlling them and thus incapable of committing any stupid actions in their own right--so, yes, they would be less stupid. Moreover, I never claimed they would be free. :p I only claimed they would be less stupid.

As for your assessment of the 'controlled' "trashy" girls in the music industry--we are all controlled, that's what having a job and living in society implies. It's all selling an image, so that at the end of the day, we are no different from them. You don't know their personal life, so you really have no means by which to deduce whether the 'control' is only applied to their professional undertakings, or to their lives as a whole--other than mere speculation. Professionally, we are all controlled--customer service agents are told which responses to give, which questions they're authorized to answer, etc. so as to give off the general impression of combined courtesy and expertise (even when, really, they could have no idea what they're doing) which is why they all sound more-or-less alike, no matter which place you call. How is this any different from controlling the image a popular musician is supposed to embody? You could apply this 'control' to pretty much about every job under the sun--there's the idealized image, and then the reality of things.

Why don't we pee in public? Because society deems it as unacceptable behaviour, even though there is nothing fundamentally wrong about relieving oneself. Thus, is your abstinence from public urination not society indirectly controlling your actions?

Alma said:
Even if they never accepted being microchipped, but someone took them by force and raped and robotized them? Would that be rational/okay for you? If not for you, for anyone/someone else? Would you still think humans would be more intelligent as robots?

Now, this is sounding more like MK-Ultra/Monarch (hence the sexual abuse aspect), rather than just microchipping. I am unsure of how raping someone would 'robotize' them, as you claim. The average result of sexual abuse is breakage, in varying degrees in accordance to how brutal/frequent the abuse was. The answer you are looking for is no doubt a descent into some form of DID, however, this would leave the person with too broken a sense of self to do anything relevant. I have read of people who have DID and have been victims of sexual abuse--what they are is not robotized, but rather broken, with no perception of self (hence the multiple personalities created to dissociate and cope with the abuse) and no real capacity to function in a generally standard way. Thus, they would be completely useless to serve any real purpose, and the point to their abuse would be wholly nonexistent--so it would not be rational, as it is lacking in both logic and a point. As to whether it would be okay to do that, I have neither the means nor the desire to answer that question in abstract. That seems to be a matter of opinion/perspective more than anything else.

I repeat that I never said they would be more intelligent. However, they would be less stupid, as the control implies that their actions would pretty much be limited to whatever their controller desires of them, so it would theoretically eliminate pointless/idiotic behaviour such as randomly banging on other people's doors with no particular purpose in mind other than to irritate, saying ignorant things about the professor (who is superior to them in every imaginable way), et cetera. So, I would have to say that many people I know would greatly improve were they to be controlled by the government, and put to a relevant use, for a change. Their existence would at least gain purpose.

Alma said:
I said that my contribution to this thread and the drug ones ultimately doesn't change a thing, at least as far as you're concerned, and I added that maybe the subconscious mind could help in an pick up on some things and alter this situation somehow. But still believe deep down it won't, based on all your replies.

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I mentioned him briefly when you were speaking about depopulation agendas, a few replies ago. I hate science fiction books as well, however, Icke does not write science fiction. He's pretty much a conspiracy theorist, who believes in many of the things you seem to believe in: governments and their depopulation agendas, microchipping, the New World Order, transhumanism, occultism in music, etc. His books follow the same patterns as his thoughts, from what I have read of them.

I don't care what this guy Icke is speaking about. I knew he wasn't writing sci-fi, but he's too controlled and counterfeited in my view to have to listen to whatever he says. Some have got their own brains and can the read the news to understand all that. A bit of news would say, for instance, about 2 years ago, how the mix of the human with the robot will one day be a reality. Viewing and reading more about that, plus from personal observation, that's not far-fetched to say. Scientists are modifying some organisms as we speak, be they microbes, plants, animals (white tigers and lions should be common knowledge they've been messed with to turn that way), human clones as we speak, people getting microchipped willingly or not. Human DNA's being messed up with as we speak. If you don't think all that exists, and how globalization is getting spread with real velocity, and how advanced technology is, and that the cure of cancer and AIDS have been found ages ago - any way, found, that doesn't make that a truth, and I don't claim you claimed it was a truth. But it's clear to some, and they don't have to be sheeple to get that. It's clear how things are degenerating in the world. Clear how the economic crisis was an inside job, as well as 9/11 being one. But that's certainly not the thread for that, just trying to make a serious point out of these real-life examples.

[/QUOTE]I've seen the arguments for all of the things you speak of, and thus far they fail to really impress me. [/QUOTE]

Well, don't worry. I'm not trying to impress you, just make sense. And failing every time, it seems. Which is why am considering to stop debating with you altogether, since there's nothing reaching you or your level of intelligence or comprehension. For I've lost significant precious time I won't get back to be typing all this, however fast. And it's all in vain.

I don't think any of these things are impossible, however, I do think they are grossly improbable.

Your opinion. And maybe mine. We'll one day see who was right and who was wrong.

If the government really wanted people to be brainless twats, why even bother spending so much money investing in schools to teach them how to read and write? Why even bother with teaching children how to use the Internet, or read literature, for that matter?

I don't include all governments of the world in this conspiracy theory. But this globalization issue wasn't always the case. The world isn't what it was 40 years ago, say, although organized crimes have been ocurring for long. But certainly, the governments wouldn't wanna be/show That obvious to the people they're ruling. Really, that's why they got a brain, and a brilliant one for that matter.

The simple truth is that humans are generally pretty simple creatures--the simplistic tends to appeal to them more than the complex--which is why people prefer to read empty pop. fiction (or not to read at all and gaze at the idiot tube instead) rather than read things which will actually encourage them to think.

Yeah, that's what the media are after, generally, to fuel some people's flaws and stupidity with their stuff. And the Internet is encouraging many to stop reading books, or as many books, and that was true in my case as well. For everything you need to know is right up there in your face. And Internet is a place to communicate with folks, and make them get used to that, as opposed to going out more, which is the case with too many. Lucky for those few ones who can't be that brainwashed and make the perfect victims out of them. Psychological warfare is doing 'wonders' with many, without them being aware of how influenced their sheeple views/or, the opposite of that, the rebellion and display of an authoritative, even rude behavior, of that who thinks they're better than most/all because they can't fall into that trap. And how wrong they are.

People just don't like to admit that the majority of humans are pretty mediocre, so they come up with someone to blame for what is just general stupidity. This whole brainwashing agenda CT is by and large a bunch of bollocks--people are already 'brainwashed', so there's no need for an agenda. It's called society. Part of that can't be helped, since we are biologically inclined to follow group thought, being social animals. However, that's not the government's fault.

I agree on that people should be their own teachers before trying to teach others how to act etc... Don't know why I included this, but it's relevant, nonetheless. What I meant is that people should learn to be more responsible and strong. But you got some more relaxed beings, for instance, the weaker ones that are really easy to impress and dumbfound and negatively change by even a thing called 'codex alimentarius' that even bread has got. many others ingredients that affect the cerebrum in time, not to mention other organs, causing cancers etc. These are substances making some more docile with time, more robotic and lazy, so as not to oppose them or to feel they haven't got the power to do anything to change that. Obesity is a result, or just affects the brain. Something gets affected, anyway. And if you're not aware of that, that's when their power manifests.

I never claimed they would be more intelligent, however, they would be less stupid. They'd be what is generally referred to as a Manchurian candidate, if we are to follow your description. Since they would be stripped of all free thought, they'd be at the mercy of whoever is controlling them and thus incapable of committing any stupid actions in their own right--so, yes, they would be less stupid. Moreover, I never claimed they would be free. :p I only claimed they would be less stupid.

Whatever. I don't see how this is a logical thing. And being less stupid still means possessing more intelligence as a result of that.

As for your assessment of the 'controlled' "trashy" girls in the music industry--we are all controlled, that's what having a job and living in society implies. It's all selling an image, so that at the end of the day, we are no different from them. You don't know their personal life, so you really have no means by which to deduce whether the 'control' is only applied to their professional undertakings, or to their lives as a whole--other than mere speculation. Professionally, we are all controlled--customer service agents are told which responses to give, which questions they're authorized to answer, etc. so as to give off the general impression of combined courtesy and expertise (even when, really, they could have no idea what they're doing) which is why they all sound more-or-less alike, no matter which place you call. How is this any different from controlling the image a popular musician is supposed to embody? You could apply this 'control' to pretty much about every job under the sun--there's the idealized image, and then the reality of things.

The 'artists' of Hollywood today are more brainwashed or intentionally just up for anything, really, to achieve fame and money, that nothing else can top that. Take today's 'offers' and compare them to, say, the 60's or even 90's, where the more natural, the more talented, the more alive ones would appear. Never said mind-control or whatever hasn't existed until the 2000's, it just never got this bad. And I won't elaborate on that, for people can see for themselves just how deteriorated things and people (Not saying all people, nor all artists) got, and how real talent is no longer being promoted, or is becoming corrupted by the system handling it. Maybe you could say today's people are weaker, don't think it will make a difference saying that to you, as you'll still say "That's their own problem"... Hollywood is sicker by the day, it seems... But didn't you say you're all for taking advantage of others to make money anyway?.. So, again, I'm wasting my time with trying to explain whatever..

Why don't we pee in public? Because society deems it as unacceptable behaviour, even though there is nothing fundamentally wrong about relieving oneself. Thus, is your abstinence from public urination not society indirectly controlling your actions?

Some people could care less about society and its norms, yet still don't pee in front of others. Even some dogs and cats (not pet ones, but stray) can follow their own instinct and go urinating farther than where someone's house and presence are. So, many, in this case, follow their own insticts and personal embarrasment. Would you be all for a society-free living, dare I ask?.. Where everyone could do whatever, including killing and eating each other?

Now, this is sounding more like MK-Ultra/Monarch (hence the sexual abuse aspect), rather than just microchipping. I am unsure of how raping someone would 'robotize' them, as you claim.

I used a random scenario, not trying to determine rape would robotize anyone. A robotized person may very well not be raped, naturally.

I repeat that I never said they would be more intelligent. However, they would be less stupid, as the control implies that their actions would pretty much be limited to whatever their controller desires of them, so it would theoretically eliminate pointless/idiotic behaviour such as randomly banging on other people's doors with no particular purpose in mind other than to irritate, saying ignorant things about the professor (who is superior to them in every imaginable way), et cetera. So, I would have to say that many people I know would greatly improve were they to be controlled by the government, and put to a relevant use, for a change. Their existence would at least gain purpose.

Since we're at the end of the posts' dissection, I wanna ask you one more thing, that I must ahe asked in the other thread: do you think your mind can be/is being/was corrupted by... whatever? Whatever, really, it could be porn, book reading, personal experience.. whatever. Since you say we're all controlled in some form or the other, so we're all, in some way, robots. By subliminal imagery, electronic waves, whatever, something that can't be seen with the naked eye?. Can you accept that you could have been submitted to that without being aware? You may answer, of course, that your being submitted to such experiences doesn't alter your 'unbiased' approach on life?. But are you willing to admit that you could have?.. Or, plainly, that you are influenced in a way for the way you see things/choose to?

What's this, a confirmation of my suspicion/doubt?.. Sorry, old age taking over, so I gotta ask sometimes.
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I don't care what this guy Icke is speaking about. I knew he wasn't writing sci-fi, but he's too controlled and counterfeited in my view to have to listen to whatever he says. Some have got their own brains and can the read the news to understand all that. A bit of news would say, for instance, about 2 years ago, how the mix of the human with the robot will one day be a reality. Viewing and reading more about that, plus from personal observation, that's not far-fetched to say. Scientists are modifying some organisms as we speak, be they microbes, plants, animals (white tigers and lions should be common knowledge they've been messed with to turn that way), human clones as we speak, people getting microchipped willingly or not. Human DNA's being messed up with as we speak. If you don't think all that exists, and how globalization is getting spread with real velocity, and how advanced technology is, and that the cure of cancer and AIDS have been found ages ago - any way, found, that doesn't make that a truth, and I don't claim you claimed it was a truth. But it's clear to some, and they don't have to be sheeple to get that. It's clear how things are degenerating in the world. Clear how the economic crisis was an inside job, as well as 9/11 being one. But that's certainly not the thread for that, just trying to make a serious point out of these real-life examples.

Evidence, please? I am more interested in conclusive evidence of 9/11 being an inside job. I say, not speculation, not hypotheses, but actual, concrete evidence. I would also love to see some conclusive evidence of the depopulation agendas, the evils of the swine flu vaccine, and all the other conspiracy theories which seem to be swimming out there today.

Alma said:
Well, don't worry. I'm not trying to impress you, just make sense. And failing every time, it seems. Which is why am considering to stop debating with you altogether, since there's nothing reaching you or your level of intelligence or comprehension. For I've lost significant precious time I won't get back to be typing all this, however fast. And it's all in vain.

My level of intelligence/comprehension? I daresay, clarify on this please. I hope this was not a personal insult.

I wasn't talking about your arguments specifically, but rather the arguments for those things in general. I know you're not trying to impress me, but the people who originally came up with those "theories" certainly are trying to impress/convince their audience.

Time goes by so slowly.

Alma said:
Your opinion. And maybe mine. We'll one day see who was right and who was wrong.

Remember, I never said it was impossible. Just improbable in the near future. When it comes to technology, I don't cite anything as being impossible, however, I find that it probably won't happen any time soon. That's my hypothesis, yes--it's neither factual or conclusive, but it's mine.

Alma said:
I don't include all governments of the world in this conspiracy theory. But this globalization issue wasn't always the case. The world isn't what it was 40 years ago, say, although organized crimes have been ocurring for long. But certainly, the governments wouldn't wanna be/show That obvious to the people they're ruling. Really, that's why they got a brain, and a brilliant one for that matter.

Then why would they bother putting it in the news? :p
That's where you said you got your info from, right? If this is the case, and our horrible government is trying to make buffoons out of all of us, or kill us, even--why do they bother to report on it? Why not just kill every single journalist, or at least threaten to end their career, if they do not comply with what the government asks of them? They should do the same thing Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia did--just kill off whoever tries to say the truth, that way people won't find out about it.

Alma said:
Yeah, that's what the media are after, generally, to fuel some people's flaws and stupidity with their stuff. And the Internet is encouraging many to stop reading books, or as many books, and that was true in my case as well. For everything you need to know is right up there in your face. And Internet is a place to communicate with folks, and make them get used to that, as opposed to going out more, which is the case with too many. Lucky for those few ones who can't be that brainwashed and make the perfect victims out of them. Psychological warfare is doing 'wonders' with many, without them being aware of how influenced their sheeple views/or, the opposite of that, the rebellion and display of an authoritative, even rude behavior, of that who thinks they're better than most/all because they can't fall into that trap. And how wrong they are.

I'd say they fuel that well enough on their own. The media just exploits it for profit, which is perfectly acceptable. I would say people encourage themselves to not read books, etc. Blaming an outside source for one's lack of sophistication seems rather childish--the media exists, in the end, as something which is neither good or bad--especially in regards to entertainment. No one forces people to go and watch idiotic reality shows, no one forces them to listen to Lady Gaga and other mediocre modern artists, no one forces them--in the end, they willingly tune in to that, and support it via monetary contributions.

As for the Internet making communication easier and less personal--thank goodness for that. I would not have met some of the most interesting people I know had it not been for the Internet. I don't see how it's a bad thing--especially since it weakens the hold society has over people by creating an environment of its own--it's more liberated than the outside world, ironically. Not only that, but you can weed out the people you're not interested in by visiting sites which harbor like-minded individuals.

Alma said:
Whatever. I don't see how this is a logical thing. And being less stupid still means possessing more intelligence as a result of that.

Sure it is. If your mind isn't free, you're not free to be an idiot. Makes perfect sense. You'd be as intelligent as the person controlling your actions was, since it would be their mind controlling your body, and this would be an improvement for most people, like I said. :p

Alma said:
The 'artists' of Hollywood today are more brainwashed or intentionally just up for anything, really, to achieve fame and money, that nothing else can top that. Take today's 'offers' and compare them to, say, the 60's or even 90's, where the more natural, the more talented, the more alive ones would appear. Never said mind-control or whatever hasn't existed until the 2000's, it just never got this bad. And I won't elaborate on that, for people can see for themselves just how deteriorated things and people (Not saying all people, nor all artists) got, and how real talent is no longer being promoted, or is becoming corrupted by the system handling it. Maybe you could say today's people are weaker, don't think it will make a difference saying that to you, as you'll still say "That's their own problem"... Hollywood is sicker by the day, it seems... But didn't you say you're all for taking advantage of others to make money anyway?.. So, again, I'm wasting my time with trying to explain whatever..

I will quote my beloved professor in saying that, the only reason why it seems that the times past held more "talent" is because all the untalented acts tend to be forgotten. If he were here, he would tell you that there was just as much crap in times prior as there is today--it just so happens that it tends to disappear into the darkness of oblivion, thus creating the impression that times prior had better talent than modern times.

Let's say what you say is true--our artists are mind-controlled or whatever, and out to promote x motives with their albums. I have yet to receive some sort of arrest warrant for not purchasing Lady Gaga's last album. Therefore, the people are funding their own demise, by exercising their liberty to purchase even the most unworthy thing. No pity.

Alma said:
Some people could care less about society and its norms, yet still don't pee in front of others. Even some dogs and cats (not pet ones, but stray) can follow their own instinct and go urinating farther than where someone's house and presence are. So, many, in this case, follow their own insticts and personal embarrasment. Would you be all for a society-free living, dare I ask?.. Where everyone could do whatever, including killing and eating each other?

I have yet to meet an animal which was capable of embarrassment. Embarrassment is a human invention, put in our brains by society. I don't know if you are familiar with toddlers and other small children, but pretty much about all of them are practically clueless about why peeing in public is "bad." If it were up to them, the world would be their toilet, hence the necessity to toilet-train them and "teach" them manners, in short, teach them to be embarrassed of behaviour which is not desired of them.

Some animals tend to relieve themselves away from the presence of others for the same reason that they tend to sleep and eat away from the presence of others--it puts them in a vulnerable position, thus preventing them from properly defending themselves/fleeing from a potential predator. It has nothing to do with embarrassment, or propriety. However, humans generally do not have to worry about that sort of problem, since we have succeeded in endangering/alienating natural predators. Therefore, there would be nothing inconvenient about peeing in public. It is only society which teaches us otherwise, and those who claim to care less about society and its norms and yet don't pee in public, well, ask them why. Then, get back to me with the answer. Society may have more control over their actions than they would care to admit. Now, excuse me, while I go relieve myself over by that tree.

Alma said:
Since we're at the end of the posts' dissection, I wanna ask you one more thing, that I must ahe asked in the other thread: do you think your mind can be/is being/was corrupted by... whatever? Whatever, really, it could be porn, book reading, personal experience.. whatever. Since you say we're all controlled in some form or the other, so we're all, in some way, robots. By subliminal imagery, electronic waves, whatever, something that can't be seen with the naked eye?. Can you accept that you could have been submitted to that without being aware? You may answer, of course, that your being submitted to such experiences doesn't alter your 'unbiased' approach on life?. But are you willing to admit that you could have?.. Or, plainly, that you are influenced in a way for the way you see things/choose to?

No, I would have to say I don't think my mind has been corrupted. Just because I happen to think differently from you or most people, doesn't mean that I have been corrupted. Perhaps the lot of you are corrupted? :p Of course, it is possible, however--given my opposition to the majority of what society upholds, I would say the chances of that are pretty slim.

We are all controlled, indirectly, by societal norms. That's part of living in society, unfortunately. It has nothing to do with electronic waves, or whatever else, and everything to do with group thought and our biological inclination to function within the group.

Alma said:
What's this, a confirmation of my suspicion/doubt?.. Sorry, old age taking over, so I gotta ask sometimes.
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It was quite arousing intellectually (to somehow fall in line a bit with the word 'porn' in the title) to have been talking to you, Blood.

I really have said everything I could have, I believe, and I'm drained and have stuff to handle that won't allow me yet more time in trying to explain anything in these 2 threads. I'm drained. ... I'll just conclude that there is more, much more to life than plain scientific logic. And that all left unclear, improbable or whatever, all of that will one day be made clear and that will be the proof to ultimately reduce those who're in the wrong to silence.. can't find a better word. One step at a time.
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It was quite arousing intellectually (to somehow fall in line a bit with the word 'porn' in the tile) to have been talking to you, Blood.

I really have said everything I could have, I believe, and I'm drained and have stuff to handle that won't allow me yet more time in trying to explain anything in these 2 threads. I'm drained. ... I'll just conclude that there is more, much more to life than plain scientific logic. And that all left unclear, improbable or whatever, all of that will one day be made clear and that will be the proof to ultimately reduce those who're in the wrong to silence.. can't find a better word. One step at a time.

Glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed it as well.