German Porn Star Dies After Botched BOOB JOB

^Geezzz, you're such a nihilist! No offence, but what do you like about life? Do you believe in anything other than choice as the highest good?

If biology determines everything than why do some cultures find breasts, others find necks, others find feet, others find hips the epitome of erotisism?

If anything is an illusion it's porn stars having the time on their lives with 15 people around them, hot lightning and physical pain. Come on now! Love is very much real and I hope you will experience it soon :heart:

Also, being anti-porn is not just reserved for religious people. Most feminists aren't too keen on it either.
^Geezzz, you're such a nihilist! No offence, but what do you like about life? Do you believe in anything other than choice as the highest good?

If biology determines everything than why do some cultures find breasts, others find necks, others find feet, others find hips the epitome of erotisism?

If anything is an illusion it's porn stars having the time on their lives with 15 people around them, hot lightning and physical pain. Come on now! Love is very much real and I hope you will experience it soon :heart:

Also, being anti-porn is not just reserved for religious people. Most feminists aren't too keen on it either.

Ah, nihilism. I should change my name to Bazarov. :p I do enjoy to observe life, and my inmates in the asylum. They make for great analysands, I must admit. I don't believe in anything other than the power of choice, no. Will seems to be the defining factor of being alive--and from that, you make your own path, and go from there.

Because those are all telling biological aspects? Breasts and hips ensure fertility, a long neck is generally accepted to be a feminine trait, as are small feet. It's all rooted in that, and some cultures emphasize some points more than others. I have yet to find a culture who finds bearded ladies attractive. :p

Yes, that's generally the accepted concept of pornography--illusion. It's for entertainment purposes, very much like regular films (sans good plot lines, good acting, and clothes.) I never claimed it was real--but it's a fanciful fantasy, very much like love. Both the concept of an insatiable sex fest and love in the way romantics paint it are fantasies which are greatly appealing to the human psyche--but both remain fantasies, nonetheless.

What you ascribe as love are just the chemicals in your head, very much like every other emotion one perceives as real.

Most feminists tend to be rather irrational creatures as well, with few exceptions. There are some who think we should abolish the government and create a wholly matriarchal society, like in the olden days. So, they're not too rational either. They're the other side of the coin to the misogynists who think we should all be barefoot and pregnant, in the kitchen.
Feminism is a very necessary movement and many respected scholars are feminists. The image you paint of them is very cliche and unfounded.

I guess we have to agree to disagree. I think humanity should strive to better itself and heal the world. Porn is part of a sick, or at least a nauseous world to me. If everything is just chemicals, biology and choice of selfish creatures, than why am I so happy with a purring cat on my lap, with inspiring conversations with friends, with a sunset? It's because life is beautiful as long as there is love. This really did not come from a 19th century romantic novel (although I do love those) as corny as it all may sound.

I wish you good chemical reactions :heart:
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Feminism is a very necessary movement and many respected scholars are feminists. The image you paint of them is very cliche and unfounded.

I guess we have to agree to disagree. I think humanity should strive to better itself and heal the world. Porn is part of a sick, or at least a nautious world to me.

I know many respected scholars are feminists, however, that doesn't validate the movement. I had the misfortune of reading an article regarding date rape written by feminist Camille Paglia who graduated from Yale university, and was a professor at Philadelphia's University of the Arts. It was a horrendous piece, with no rational argument, wholly opinionated and completely offensive to males everywhere (she claimed that, were it not for the law, every male would be a rapist, or something to that effect.) I bring up the example to prove that just because someone who is scholarly supports a cause, doesn't give the cause any merits. There are some very brilliant people who support unpopular causes--indeed, a lot of the writers for the Nazi movement were brilliant people with doctorates, and scholars--yet we judge that movement by its lack of merit, rather than by the scholars who supported it at the time (Joseph Goebbels and Alfred Rosenberg were both brilliant men.) The relevant thing is to judge a cause based on its own merits, and not who supports it or who doesn't.

There is a difference between equal rights for both genders, and militaristic feminism, the grand portion of which tends to view pornography in the manners you describe them as doing. There is nothing degrading in pornography, at least not rationally so--there are both male and female porn stars, who get paid to do a job they know they are doing, and get paid handsomely to do so. So, to say pornography is degrading to women because they're being paid to have sex--well, what about the males? Would it not be equally degrading to them, going by your concepts? We have yet to see any feminist condemning pornography because it's degrading to males. What makes the female porn star's supposed degradation worse than the male's? It doesn't work unless you think women are better than men. Either they're both equally degraded, or they aren't. Methinks, in the case of legalized, consensual pornography, they're not degraded in the least, but rather overpaid for a job which is not hard to do. If anything, the rest of us who have to drown ourselves in debt to go to college and pursue a career are the ones who are being cheated here!

Heal the world? Certainly. Of crime and other inconveniences, to which legitimate pornography does not in the least contribute. Humans should better themselves--and question society, the upheld views of the world, and strive to be more intellectual individuals. Being fond of pornography doesn't make you worse off--some of the best literary work is erotic in nature (see Marquis de Sade, my admiration of.)

Roosje said:
If everything is just chemicals, biology and choice of selfish creatures, than why am I so happy with a purring cat on my lap, with inspiring conversations with friends, with a sunset? It's because life is beautiful as long as there is love. This really did not come from a 19th century romantic novel (although I do love those) as corny as it all may sound.

Almost everything is just chemicals, biology and choice (I try to avoid absolutes.) The purring cat on your lap creates the illusion of happiness because of serotonin-the neurotransmitter which allows for you to feel that "happiness." Were we to strip you of it, we could send you to Disneyworld with the love of your life, a thousand purring cats and give you a million dollars with a happy meal on the side, and you wouldn't feel anything. The same feelings of well-being which sunsets, friends, and purring cats give you can be felt by a cocaine addict when he does his drug--because that is part of the greater appeal in cocaine, that it increases the amounts of serotonin in the brain, thus granting the addict a state of euphoria and happiness to rival yours or anyone else's, perhaps even surpassing it.

Therefore, life is just time in motion, and our human experience is a reaction from the chemicals in our brains.

I love 19th century literature as well. It's excellently written.

Roosje said:
I wish you good chemical reactions :heart:

Same to you. ;)
^ Who was talking about militant feminism? I was just stating that aside from religious people, feminists who oppose to the constant sexualisation of women (and the degrading practices this has led to, being paid well for stuff doesn't make it any less degrading) are no fans of porn either. I stated before that men too suffer from this phenomenon. Porn not only sells illusion, it sells a twisted reality in which being hot and horny are the best qualities. I think when portrayed on a grand scale this is damaging to society as a whole as these images instill in people and they will lose sight of what is real and what is important.

I love the fabulous picture you painted for me. Thousand purring cats, wouldn't that be something?

Poor Justine. She was degraded as well, a million times worse than these porn women. The word sadist isn't derived from this writer for his cute stories about purring cats sadly.
Bloodnofsky;3221122 said:

It's only because societal views have become entwined with stereotypical Christian values that we look down upon the ladies who perform these services.

As to there being "love" to the aspect of sex--well, biologically, no such thing exists. Love is a human romantic concept, purely based upon fanciful fantasies, and glorified by the romanticist movement in the late 19th century. In centuries prior to our modern times, there was no such thing as love in either sex or marriage. ... might be interested in researching "Sacred Prostitution", and "Sacred Marriage" ('Union') and how religions across the globe actually knew that sexuality indeed might have been the connector to something very meaningful.

Any tantrist would launch into a big speech right about now. :D

And, just sayin'= love's universal, not a human invention. Gotta stay humble here!

There's quite a reason why Michael wrote so extensively about Bliss ('In Bliss I am sustained', anyone?), Ecstasy, The Human and the Divine and what "the Dance" had to do with it in general. It reaches far beyond any biological functions.
He just went on and on about it...

"I believe that all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine. And I believe that that is the very reason for the existence of art and what I do.

And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance. It’s like, my purpose, it’s what I’m here for."

^^^Now, what's that got to do with Porn? He spoke a lot about 'divine union', I guess he liked that topic very much, looks like he instinctively went there. (and I sure read a lot on the topic, being the reader of Tagore etc)

It's quite fascinating to look up the terms Ardhanari, Lasya and Tandava.

And then you'll find some pretty interesting poses. :D

Really, depictions of Deities grabbing their crotches?? :D



Gosh, he makes for one impressive Shiva.




Wonderful little excerpt of a great read:
"The appearance and disappearance of the Universe are pictured as an outbreathing and inbreathing of “the Great Breath,” which is eternal, and which, being Motion, is one of the three aspects of the Absolute — Abstract Space and Duration being the other two. When the “Great Breath” is projected, it is called the Divine Breath, and is regarded as the breathing of the Unknowable Deity — the One Existence — which breathes out a thought, as it were, which becomes the Kosmos. (See “Isis Unveiled.”)

So also is it when the Divine Breath is inspired again the Universe disappears into the bosom of “the Great Mother,” who then sleeps “wrapped in her invisible robes.”"

Reading Michael's "Dancing the Dream" looks very much like a study of the same subjects.

Just trying to put porn into a bigger context, 'pornographic' depictions existed before mankind put them on the first cave wall.
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^ Who was talking about militant feminism? I was just stating that aside from religious people, feminists who oppose to the constant sexualisation of women (and the degrading practices this has led to, being paid well for stuff doesn't make it any less degrading) are no fans of porn either. I stated before that men too suffer from this phenomenon.

I don't know. Some feminists think the modern sexual expression of females is empowering for women, as in traditionally patriarchal societies, women were sexually repressed. There's an argument to be made for that.

As for degradation--it depends as to what your definition of the term is. The accepted definition is to "to lower to an inferior or less effective level." (merriam-webster) It only really depends upon your view of it, and your accepted perceptions. There are some who would say working as a grocery store bagger is degrading, there are others who wouldn't. It's relative, really, and more based upon the person's view than reality of the situation.

Roosje said:
Porn not only sells illusion, it sells a twisted reality in which being hot and horny are the best qualities. I think when portrayed on a grand scale this is damaging to society as a whole as these images instill in people and they will lose sight of what is real and what is important.

A lot of things sell illusions, and twisted reality (see entertainment industry, entire existence and purpose of.) There is a case to be made that certain religions sell illusions for monetary gain, power, control, etc. Certain philosophies and movements glorify illusions, albeit with no ulterior motives--confused illusionists (see romantics, idealists, etc.)

There is also a case to be made that both reality and importance of things are relative, don't you think? We have yet to establish a non-physical definition of reality (aside from what is tactile and sensible, what else truly exists? How do we know it's not a mass hallucination, etc.) and I would say it's a safe bet that what's relevant to me may not be important to you, and vice versa. Therefore, are these people truly losing sight of what is real and important, or are they losing sight of what is real and important to you?

Roosje said:
I love the fabulous picture you painted for me. Thousand purring cats, wouldn't that be something?

That it would. Cats give me pleasurable chemical sensations as well.

Roosje said:
Poor Justine. She was degraded as well, a million times worse than these porn women. The word sadist isn't derived from this writer for his cute stories about purring cats sadly.

Justine is indeed a great work of the Marquis', but his magnum opus, the 120 Days of Sodom, is generally recognized as his best work. Justine was not degraded--she was abused beyond belief, in sharp contrast to the women we are discussing, who are not degraded but who choose to have sex for money. Justine never got to see any money, she did not consent to sexual relations, and was truly an innocent throughout the entirety of the novel. Her sister, Juliette, would be closer to the women we are discussing--wholly in it out of her own free will, and making a decent sum of money.

Certainly not--the Marquis de Sade made an art of the concept of pain and pleasure as a sexual factor, illustrating it in great and beautifully worded fashion. He was in truth a revolutionary.
Pace said: might be interested in researching "Sacred Prostitution", and "Sacred Marriage" ('Union') and how religions across the globe actually knew that sexuality indeed might have been the connector to something very meaningful.

Any tantrist would launch into a big speech right about now. :D

And, just sayin'= love's universal, not a human invention. Gotta stay humble here!

There's quite a reason why Michael wrote so extensively about Bliss ('In Bliss I am sustained', anyone?), Ecstasy, The Human and the Divine and what "the Dance" had to do with it in general. It reaches far beyond any biological functions.
He just went on and on about it...

Ah, but that's all based upon spirituality and romanticism, and not anything rational. They're beautiful concepts, and of course, they would appeal to an artist like you--you'll have to excuse my more analytical, scientifically inclined mind.

In any case, both of those concepts are worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation!

Pace said:
^^^Now, what's that got to do with Porn? He spoke a lot about 'divine union', I guess he liked that topic very much, looks like he instinctively went there. (and I sure read a lot on the topic, being the reader of Tagore etc)

It's quite fascinating to look up the terms Ardhanari, Lasya and Tandava.

And then you'll find some pretty interesting poses. :D

Really, depictions of Deities grabbing their crotches?? :D


Gosh, he makes for one impressive Shiva.


Very interesting parallel. :p

Pace said:

Wonderful little excerpt of a great read:
"The appearance and disappearance of the Universe are pictured as an outbreathing and inbreathing of “the Great Breath,” which is eternal, and which, being Motion, is one of the three aspects of the Absolute — Abstract Space and Duration being the other two. When the “Great Breath” is projected, it is called the Divine Breath, and is regarded as the breathing of the Unknowable Deity — the One Existence — which breathes out a thought, as it were, which becomes the Kosmos. (See “Isis Unveiled.”)

So also is it when the Divine Breath is inspired again the Universe disappears into the bosom of “the Great Mother,” who then sleeps “wrapped in her invisible robes.”"
Pace said:
Reading Michael's "Dancing the Dream" looks very much like a study of the same subjects.

Just trying to put porn into a bigger context, 'pornographic' depictions existed before mankind put them on the first cave wall.

Very interesting passage. Like I said, though, more philosophical/spiritual/esoteric than scientific. Still, it is interesting to note humans' fascination with sex and sexuality, and their attempts to explain these basic biological drives via religion and philosophy, even art, like you said in the final part of your post.

Additionally, much of Dancing the Dream does bear some resemblance to the passage you posted.
Ah, but that's all based upon spirituality and romanticism, and not anything rational. They're beautiful concepts, and of course, they would appeal to an artist like you--you'll have to excuse my more analytical, scientifically inclined mind.

In any case, both of those concepts are worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation!
Actually, I think science and philosophy would make great siblings, usually when science catches up with a more universal 'truth'. Notice how science tends to switch it's own rules just about every 50 years? Who said "The Earth is flat"? Scientists? Philosophers? The clergy? Science x-rayed the wombs of women not to long ago- and was convinced that's fine and dandy.

What I'm trying to say is that Science and Philosophy don't have to be opposing concepts, they can be friends. (IMHO)

Spirituality is not necessarily a romantic pursuit of fiction- quite the contrary. It can actually be a quite orderly pursuit of ancient, ancient truth and wisdom, not the results of fiction. So I think I would respectfully object to the relegation of spirituality and philosophy into the realm of something irrational. Even the still physical world is made up of things that cannot be seen, yet we are still talking about rational atoms. The question of 'matter' would be fascinating both in science and philosophical backgrounds. No 'discipline' can claim the subject of 'matter' as a sole possession if you will.

Just trying to explain where I'm coming from and why both scientist and philosopher might hold universal truth in their hands- might.

Still, it is interesting to note humans' fascination with sex and sexuality, and their attempts to explain these basic biological drives via religion and philosophy, even art, like you said in the final part of your post.

Additionally, much of Dancing the Dream does bear some resemblance to the passage you posted.

Well, the last passage isn't so much art- but very closely related to the way Michael described art over and over again.

But don't you wonder why it is that humans have that fascination- even once they stop 'thinking' about it with their genitals? Maybe because there is way more to it than pure biological functions? (which I'm not denying, don't get me wrong)

We used to have a certain knowledge, long long back, before it got so watered down and spun to fit the agendas of their time. Before religion of all names took over, it was knowledge- and human sexuality seemed to played a big part.
So to us it becomes something fictitious, shrouded in agenda and that then only contained fractions of the original knowledge- and then it became religion.


^^^Interesting book. (to a degree) :)

Anyway, I just wanted to get to another outlook, since I don't find much use in the debate of the guilt/evil/greatness of porn. Always existed, always will.
Actually, I think science and philosophy would make great siblings, usually when science catches up with a more universal 'truth'. Notice how science tends to switch it's own rules just about every 50 years? Who said "The Earth is flat"? Scientists? Philosophers? The clergy? Science x-rayed the wombs of women not to long ago- and was convinced that's fine and dandy.

What I'm trying to say is that Science and Philosophy don't have to be opposing concepts, they can be friends. (IMHO)

Spirituality is not necessarily a romantic pursuit of fiction- quite the contrary. It can actually be a quite orderly pursuit of ancient, ancient truth and wisdom, not the results of fiction. So I think I would respectfully object to the relegation of spirituality and philosophy into the realm of something irrational. Even the still physical world is made up of things that cannot be seen, yet we are still talking about rational atoms. The question of 'matter' would be fascinating both in science and philosophical backgrounds. No 'discipline' can claim the subject of 'matter' as a sole possession if you will.

Just trying to explain where I'm coming from and why both scientist and philosopher might hold universal truth in their hands- might.

Who knows what the truth is? We have theories, we have speculation, hypotheses. Yet we don't have an absolute truth, in my opinion. Science only seems to change because it is an evolving process--and as such it has to change. New explorations make the old ones obsolete, and some things are discovered to be true, such as a round earth, the true age of the Earth, etc.

I believe it was the clergy who said the Earth was the center of the universe, and that pre-scientific societies deemed the Earth as being flat. Many Greek philosophers, along with cultures in Mesopotamia, India, and China, followed the Flat Earth model--which was not based upon science, but rather, speculation. It wasn't until Eratosthenes of Cyrene mathematically calculated the circumference of the Earth that the circular Earth model was proved and thus accepted based upon his calculations.

Perhaps they're not fiction. Perhaps they are. We don't know for certain, which is why we have different people choosing different paths. Some find something of interest in matters of spirit and philosophy, others find that they prefer scientific evidence and more analytical methods of discovering the elusive truth, which, in the end, neither side holds. I agree that there are merits and detriments to be found in both approaches, as there is in everything, so I respect your respectful disagreement with my view.

Pace said:
Well, the last passage isn't so much art- but very closely related to the way Michael described art over and over again.

But don't you wonder why it is that humans have that fascination- even once they stop 'thinking' about it with their genitals? Maybe because there is way more to it than pure biological functions? (which I'm not denying, don't get me wrong)

For the same reason they had a fascination with mythical creatures like dragons, and tales of brave knights who fought for honour and other such concepts--in my opinion, just fanciful thoughts by highly imaginative humans.

Pace said:
We used to have a certain knowledge, long long back, before it got so watered down and spun to fit the agendas of their time. Before religion of all names took over, it was knowledge- and human sexuality seemed to played a big part.
So to us it becomes something fictitious, shrouded in agenda and that then only contained fractions of the original knowledge- and then it became religion.


Pace said:

^^^Interesting book. (to a degree) :)

Anyway, I just wanted to get to another outlook, since I don't find much use in the debate of the guilt/evil/greatness of porn. Always existed, always will.

That book certainly looks interesting. I appreciate your different view on things, it certainly was refreshing to read, and debates are good to have--granted, that sometimes they can go in circles ad infinitum, however, they're still very much desirable.
But don't you wonder why it is that humans have that fascination- even once they stop 'thinking' about it with their genitals? Maybe because there is way more to it than pure biological functions? (which I'm not denying, don't get me wrong)

Bloodnofsky;3222011 said:
For the same reason they had a fascination with mythical creatures like dragons, and tales of brave knights who fought for honour and other such concepts--in my opinion, just fanciful thoughts by highly imaginative humans.


Hm, what if throughout human civilization humans used to be able to see dragons with their eyes? Maybe more than just imagination? What if many people are able to see them today, as real as my hot tea in front of me? With their physical eyes? What if your non-human pet can see them as well?

Just sayin'! If I say I love Michael Jackson, that doesn't seem a physical reality either, but that would be very real to me.

That is why I love that quote on the left so much:
"...denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd.”
Annie Besant

The fact that we might not have seen/experienced/known something in this particular life doesn't negate it existence.

And dragons are just the best! And then come fairies. :agree::D
Pace said:
Hm, what if throughout human civilization humans used to be able to see dragons with their eyes? Maybe more than just imagination? What if many people are able to see them today, as real as my hot tea in front of me? With their physical eyes? What if your non-human pet can see them as well?

Just sayin'! If I say I love Michael Jackson, that doesn't seem a physical reality either, but that would be very real to me.

That is why I love that quote on the left so much:
"...denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd.”
Annie Besant

The fact that we might not have seen/experienced/known something in this particular life doesn't negate it existence.

And dragons are just the best! And then come fairies. :agree::D

Maybe, but I find it highly improbable. However, who knows for sure? :p
I don't know about that. Most women who are consensually in the porn industry get paid really handsome sums of money for what they do. That, to me, doesn't sound like being exploited, but rather, like business.

That is true, of course, yet it's still called exploitation, self-exploitation of their bodies and having the target audience gawking at your body and the vulgar sexual intercourse and the close-up of positions it offers, which many would agree that it should remain a private thing. We'll agree to disagree on that, but there's also this reality of being exploited without being aware of that.

Thus, that's a whole different spiel, and that's not the kind of pornography we're talking about here--we're talking about the kind which is mainstream, legal, between consenting adults, etc. Therefore, I'd say, these women are free--no one forced them to do what they do, they get paid nicely for doing something easy, and if they become really famous, they basically get to call the shots as to where/when//how often/with whom they work. So, judging by that, they're not any more or less free than the rest of us.

Right. But see above, some still call this as being, say, willingly submitted to exploitation. To public display. Not on the poster down the street, but still by means of media tools. That is stooping down to a low level, in many people's minds. And objectively and literally speaking, it's stooping down to a low level for the adult public to see. And when a child is not really monitored by his parents/parent, and left to freely navigate on the net, they'll sure find pornographic sites that will haunt their psyche forever. That's what happens, but this thread is not about child psychology. Just say that porn, even erotic films have got a haunting, perverse quality about them that allows them to remain in one's mind for a long time. Which can be uncomfortable. For me it was. I actually think, though, that soft porn films or erotic films are even more perverse, for they're showing sex in a more delightful manner, where the man's penis can't really be seen and there's not that much explicit imagery. They get stuck in your mind a lot, they also attack one's subconscious mind. And I've met people that can attest to that.

As to the shame statement, why should anyone be ashamed (or proud, for that matter) to show their nude body, or feel guilty because they did? It seems illogical to feel ashamed of and guilty from something that is just a natural part of life. There's nothing either shaming or empowering about having sex or displaying your nudity--it just is.

Some people, indeed, have no shame or guilt. A natural part of life? I, as well as others, would beg to differ. It's a mutilated part of life, very counterfeited and perverse, and while it exists in every day life, that's not natural: meaning the many excentric positions and the fakeness of one's orgasm, although they do happen in real life, they're certainly not natural and have no substance to them. Am aware of tantric sex and the varied sex positions it involves, but I'm referring to sex positions in porn, whether on the screen or in one's bedroom.

Mystery? I don't think it's a mystery as to what the male and female bodies look like.

I didn't refer to the mystery of not knowing how a human body looks like, which is not the case. However, as it happens in erotic films, the male sexual organ is not really shown, so there's some mystery left, as opposed to pure, blatant porn. Something many can appreciate.

Dignity? I don't think having sex makes you lose your dignity.

When you film it and have people watch it and adults buy it, you lose your dignity, yes. You allow the viewer to watch you in your every bit of carnal part and cause and reaction. Some of right see dignity differently.

Dignity is defined as, "bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect." (

Or too much self-respect that could go as far as become the total opposite of it. Too much of something can kill you, and porn is an excess. It can kill one's self-respect without them having to know it, and I've explained how.

If she didn't respect herself, she'd just do it for free! :p

Agree, but there's more to it than this just being about being paid for what you do. Yeah, I know, morals intervene, and some don't really have any, so... And am only referring to these porn actors by saying that, and those promoting porn and producers. Not the viewers.

It's only because societal views have become entwined with stereotypical Christian values that we look down upon the ladies who perform these services. Unfortunately, such an incorrect merger is wholly unavoidable, since most people are religious and unable to really think for themselves, thus following a book full of historical and time-space inaccuracies, blatant impossibilities, etc.

This can have nothing to do with religion. Not even society in many cases. Some people Are indeed able to think for themselves, and if they say they feel sick if watching porn, that's not a cultivated attitude, they feel it in their intestines. And I don't think most people are religious, to be honest. There are people who are Not religious, but have common sense or are ethical, that can feel disgusted by porn. Again, very fine line between expressing an opinion and actually offending somebody. If I am religious, I certainly am not incorrect or stereotypical, as I used to believe the same about porn before my becoming a lover of God, of purity. Because I always loved purity. And I still thought that these ladies and gentlemen performing these kind of services are not really ladies and gentlemen for the mere fact that they're exposing themselves in such completely free, uninhibited manner With others to watch them. Couldn't care less about their private life. When it becomes public and vulgar, that's a different story. Some don't consider that vulgar, but should respect those who value purity more. And I respect those who watch porn, by the way, my best friends watches it, and I still love er. I still like you, Blood. :) And I can respect a porn star that has, for instance, a good heart, or who does admirable things in her spare time. I just don't respect porn and if the persons engaging in porn are simply sex-obsessed people in real as well... can't respect that either.

As to there being "love" to the aspect of sex--well, biologically, no such thing exists. Love is a human romantic concept, purely based upon fanciful fantasies, and glorified by the romanticist movement in the late 19th century.

Love has nothing to do with porn. It can have to do with loving to have sex. But how can you say sex and love can't coexist when you have a loving couple, even better, one married couple who love both having sex and making love. Which Is very much possible. Sex is a more selfish-driven activity, but love often isn't. When you have two people who love each other deeply from the heart, you can have both.

In centuries prior to our modern times, there was no such thing as love in either sex or marriage. Marriage was used as a social ladder, so that families with lower social status, but high wealth could hope that a broke aristocratic family would show interest in joining in marriage, so that it became a win-win situation where the aristocrats were no longer strapped for money, and the wealthy family's children would have an aristocratic title, and therefore be better off socially. The husbands and wives would only have sexual relations with each other as means of procreation. In aristocratic families, the husbands and wives would each have separate lovers with whom they had affairs, whether by infatuation or just casual sex.

I am perfectly aware of the above, had also studied this in depth in our antropology class. You are a human enciclopedia. But how does that apply to the new age, though? For there are actually couples in this world who very much marry because of being simply in love with their partner. Plenty of them. If it doesn't last, that's a whole other issue, but there are still some people with feelings left in this world, you know?

So, the idea of "love" behind either sex or marriage is a wholly modern concept, popularized by Christians since the 1950's.

And what's your point with saying this? Besides insidiously attacking Christianity, and in vain, in this respect..."Love" is different than love. Goodness, are you saying that love is merely an idea? Most lovers/friends/husbands who are deeply in love I can bet they have no idea on that their love was actually popularized by Christianity since the '50, and they certainly did/do not need Christianity's approval or opinion on how they should love. You're getting lost in too much cold, unfiltered information.

Sex is an animalistic and biologically driven action--therefore, why should "love" have anything to do with it?

Only when the partners aren't emotionally attached, which can't possibly be expected in porn.. actually, it may happen that some of them become in love with each other, it can, but porn is where the flesh and pleasure and the love of money and of exhibitionism is king and god and the rest doesn't exist. It can bring a lot of money, but it's very much zen-oriented, one living the pleasure of the moment, the time when having sex brings about forgetfulness and the disregard of anything else. The case is different when two people are deeply in love, though, not really including flings.

Sorry, your post was a long one, and I can't find the time to review all my wordings and paragraphs, so either mispellings or unfinished words/nuances etc are bound to appear.
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That is true, of course, yet it's called exploitation, self-exploitation of their bodies and having the target audience gawking at your body and the vulgar sexual intercourse and the close-up of positions it offers, which many would agree that it should remain a private thing. We'll agree to disagree on that, but there's also this reality of being exploited without being aware of that.

Right. But see above, some still call this as being, say, willingly submitted to exploitation. To public display. Not on the poster down the street, but still by means of media tools. That is stooping down to a low level, in many people's minds. And objectively and literally speaking, it's stooping down to a low level for the adult public to see. And when a child is not really monitored by his parents/parent, and left to freely navigate on the net, they'll sure find pornographic sites that will haunt their psyche forever. That's what happens, but this thread is not about child psychology. Just say that porn, even erotic films have got a haunting, perverse quality about them that allows them to remain in one's mind for a long time. Which can be uncomfortable. For me it was. I actually think, though, that soft porn films or erotic films are even more perverse, for they're showing sex in a more delightful manner, where the man's penis can't really be seen and there's not that much explicit imagery. They get stuck in your mind a lot. And I've met people that can attest to that.

Some people, indeed, have no shame or guilt. A natural part of life? I, as well as others, would beg to differ. It's a mutilated part of life, very counterfeited and perverse, and while it exists in every day life, that's not natural: meaning the many excentric positions and the fakeness of one's orgasm, although they do happen in real life, they're certainly not natural and have no substance to them.

I didn't refer to the mystery of not knowing how a human body looks like, which is not the case. However, as it happens in erotic films, the male sexual organ is not really shown, so there's some mystery left, as opposed to pure, blatant porn. Something many can appreciate.

When you film it and have people watch it and adults buy it, you lose your dignity, yes. You allow the viewer to watch you in your every bit of carnal part and cause and reaction. Some of right see dignity differently.

Or too much self-respect that could go as far as become the total opposite of it. Too much of something can kill you, and porn is an excess. It can kill one's self-respect without them having to know it, and I've explained how.

Agree, but there's more to it than this just being about being paid for what you do. Yeah, I know, morals intervene, and some don't really have any, so... And am only referring to these porn actors by saying that, and those promoting porn and producers. Not the viewers.

This can have nothing to do with religion. Not even society in many cases. Some people Are indeed able to think for themselves, and if they say they feel sick if watching porn, that's not a cultivated attitude, they feel it in their intestines. And I don't think most people are religious, to be honest. There are people who are Not religious, but have common sense or are ethical, that can feel disgusted by porn. Again, very fine line between expressing an opinion and actually offending somebody. If I am religious, I certainly am not incorrect or stereotypical, as I used to believe the same about porn before my becoming a lover of God, of purity. And I still thought that these ladies and gentlemen performing these kind of services are not really ladies and gentlemen for the mere fact that they're exposing themselves in such completely free, uninhibited manner With others to watch them. Couldn't care less about their private life. When it becomes public and vulgar, that's a different story. Some don't consider that vulgar, but should respect those who value purity more. And I respect those who watch porn, by the way, my best friends watches it, and I still love er. I still like you, Blood. :) And I can respect a porn star that has, for instance, a good heart, or who does admirable things in her spare time. I just don't respect porn and if the persons engaging in porn are simply sex-obsessed people in real as well... can't respect that either.

I'll address the rest of your post later.

Your rebuttals are not in the least objective, though, nor really based upon logic. Therefore, I feel like I've addressed it all before, in that dignity, etc. is a matter of perception. With all things, not just pornography, there are going to be some who feel offended by it, who feel, as you put it, sick to their stomach just by thinking about it. Your stance on pornography on grounds of an assumed loss of mystery, dignity, etc--these are all things which are relative and themselves subject to differing interpretations, as I have pointed out in the past.

As for "purity," etc. those are concepts which are basically fueled by religion, and although you may not realize or think you are making an argument based on religion by perhaps not adding the word "god" there, the idea of lack of sexual relations as an indicator of "purity" is one which is theological in origin (see virginity and world religions.) Therefore, it is not in and of itself a real concept, but rather one which was thought up by man in order to repress women's sexuality in patriarchal societies (it is no coincidence that in the societies in which women are the most oppressed, female virginity is valued the most [i.e. some Middle-Eastern countries, historically throughout Christian nations, etc.] The idea of a woman who abstains from sex as being pure and a woman who expresses her sexuality as being impure is a direct result of this method of thinking, as history continually shows (see persecution for adultery, pre-marital sex, etc. in females as compared to males throughout history.)

Of course, since blatant oppression of female sexuality is no longer socially acceptable today, the effort to resist the rising "masculinity" in females is to criticize those females which behave more like men (i.e. swearing, drinking, more assertive, expressed sexuality), hence where the whole "you'll lose your dignity" and "oh, she's a whore" and other general double-standards in male/female sexual behaviour. I'm not accusing you of doing this, since your stance seems to be the repression of sexuality altogether (a dangerous, dangerous thing.)

As for the shame, I was talking about the nudity aspect of it, not the pornography itself. There is nothing either priding or shameful about one's naked body. It just is a natural part of life--we are born naked, after all. You seem to have misconstrued it as my saying that pornography is a real portrayal of sex--it isn't. It's staged for a reason. National Geographic would serve as a better indicator of what the idea of sex is--just watch any documentary on primates and their mating habits, and there you will see our original concept of sex, before religion mutilated/attempted to repress it (now there's some negative mutilation) and the porn industry made it glamorous and profitable (you have to give Pace a few points here, for pointing out that portrayals of sex acts have been around since the beginning of time--this is true, from primitive cave paintings, to Jenna Jameson, we've come a long way, I daresay, but the idea has always been in our minds.)

As for feeling sick to your stomach when watching pornography, half of that is what society (especially religious society) teaches you, and the other is just personal sensitivity--both of these things are completely irrational, with the latter being justified because it at least is something which no one can explain or control. For some people who feel as you do, the reason behind those emotions is the fact that they have been told, since childhood, that pornography is bad, evil, immoral, the work of Satan, etc. etc. etc. so that these words come into their heads when they see the material in question, and it serves as a trigger to hammer that religious nonsense into their heads. For others, it truly is a shock reaction to something they might think is not meant to be seen by them, etc. (They'd be the polar opposites of voyeurs, who rather get off on stuff which they feel they were not meant to see.) In any case, people who are truly sensitive to pornography in the way you describe (without religion having anything to do with it) are not a majority, but rather a small minority in the world. Their adverse reaction has no way to be explained, etc, so your argument is simply not a good one here. It'd be like condemning clowns because a few people find that they're afraid of them, for no good reason--it's the same concept--irrational adverse reaction to x object.

Looking at things rationally, there should be no reason why anyone should feel traumatized when watching people have sex, or watching them do anything else which occurs naturally in this world. This seems to be a wholly human problem (more a result of our culture/majority's religious beliefs than of any truly legitimate reason, is my hypothesis.)

I like you too. There's no reason why I shouldn't like you. All we're doing is having a debate. Your views on things don't define you, and neither do mine. They're just stances, in the end, and like I said over in the other thread, neither of us is going to change anything in the end--it's just a good-natured debate. :p
That's simply not true.

Don't know where to begin with, but it isn't.

How can I make you separate religion from morality in general? You're basically calling me and others like me irrational and subjective if I am grossed out by porn. And you say religions plays a part of it. When I was a child, I used to beat some people, not saying who. I wasn't thinking about God at that time. I would watch some erotic, pretty graphic films at times, then feel guilty afterwards, although my parents never ever have talked to me about how watching porn is bad, evil, or whatever. I had that feeling, then when I got curious to watch some porn, I felt completely disgusted. That's instinctive. Say, when a male's erected penis explodes with semen on his partner's face and mouth due to her rubbing it, is that a pleasurable thing to watch, or an irrational thing to feel even remotely off when watching that? How is something like that a sightly thing to watch and enjoy? And purity, just cause I called it that way, you assume it's religiously-based? I've always been mad crazy about it, and would hate seeing people even kiss in real life when I was little, and nobody taught me to feel that way. Was that irrational of me? No, childish in a way, for I was little. But didn't have 'religion' and other impersonal names for it to tell me it's wrong to do it. Freud can be useful to read, but there are some limits to that.

You're really hurrying to drop your own conclusions, seriously, you do. You have a brilliant mind full of information, but you seem to not have life experience, and it's understandable since you are still very young, and it is also your indifference and dislike of religion in general that prompts you to bring about religion and God into discussion in a hostile manner, as though you're bringing about evil. Some things are so simple, yet we get caught up in overexplaining and the mission is lost, the point is lost.

I'm firmly standing by whatever I said regarding this topic, also, in all replies so far, because they're logical. That's not a secret agenda of mine to promote Christian beliefs, I've just given very solid comments about pornography, which I'm not going to reiterate. People very much can think for themselves as well. And I sometimes really get the feeling that some do wanna have their last say, so I'll let them. Since I don't see how else a debate can end unless at least one exits it. I've exhausted all I had to about this and am under the impression most was a waste of time anyway. If nothing is learned from this...
That's simply not true.

Don't know where to begin with, but it isn't.

How can I make you separate religion from morality in general? You're basically calling me and others like me irrational and subjective if I am grossed out by porn. And you say religions plays a part of it. When I was a child, I used to beat some people, not saying who. I wasn't thinking about God at that time. I would watch some erotic, pretty graphic films at times, then feel guilty afterwards, although my parents never ever have talked to me about how watching porn is bad, evil, or whatever. I had that feeling, then when I got curious to watch some porn, I felt completely disgusted. That's instinctive. Say, when a male's erected penis explodes with semen on his partner's face and mouth due to her rubbing it, is that a pleasurable thing to watch, or an irrational thing to feel even remotely off when watching that? How is something like that a sightly thing to watch and enjoy? And purity, just cause I called it that way, you assume it's religiously-based? I've always been mad crazy about it, and would hate seeing people even kiss in real life when I was little, and nobody taught me to feel that way. Was that irrational of me? No, childish in a way, for I was little. But didn't have 'religion' and other impersonal names for it to tell me it's wrong to do it. Freud can be useful to read, but there are some limits to that.

You're really hurrying to drop your own conclusions, seriously, you do. You have a brilliant mind full of information, but you seem to not have life experience, and it's understandable since you are still very young, and it is also your indifference and dislike of religion in general that prompts you to bring about religion and God into discussion in a hostile manner, as though you're bringing about evil. Some things are so simple, yet we get caught up in overexplaining and the mission is lost, the point is lost.

I'm firmly standing by whatever I said regarding this topic, also, in all replies so far, because they're logical. That's not a secret agenda of mine to promote Christian beliefs, I've just given very solid comments about pornography, which I'm not going to reiterate. People very much can think for themselves as well. And I sometimes really get the feeling that some do wanna have their last say, so I'll let them. Since I don't see how else a debate can end unless at least one exits it. I've exhausted all I had to about this and am under the impression most was a waste of time anyway. If nothing is learned from this...

They're not logical, or objective, however. They're intuitive, if anything, since they're based on your own feelings and experiences rather than an idea for its own merits, and you defend your stance based on things of that nature, which are not logical in the generally accepted sense of the word.

I'm only dropping it because it's going around in circular motion, so I'm moving on to other things, because I've already stated my arguments and provided a logical sequence free of either my own beliefs or experiences.

I have had much life experience, despite my age. Don't generalize me. In any case, it's been a pleasure to read your views.
They're not logical, or objective, however. They're intuitive, if anything, since they're based on your own feelings and experiences rather than an idea for its own merits, and you defend your stance based on things of that nature, which are not logical in the generally accepted sense of the word.

There is more than one truth out there in the earthlings' world, called relative or personal truths, if you will. Still, they're truths. Just like there is more than one logic about a given topic, let's put it that way, at least.

If a viewer turns on the TV and finds a porn chanel where they're showing, say, a man urinating on a woman and getting arousal from that. Or if they're this fly on the wall in somebody's bedroom and see 4 people having kinky sex with each other, when, say, one female eats the tip of one's poop. Sorry for being graphic, but this is reality. Or if they see a woman whipping a man, this arousing her, although theyr'e both consenting adults who agree with their sado-masochistic practices. That still doesn't take away the fact that a certain degree of violence happens. All of those scenarios I've enlisted sure can't be That pleasurable. Or rational. Surely I'm curious as to what you thing of such practices, 2 of them at least being shown on porn chanels. Or say, if a woman inserts her whole fist into her partner's vagina, to which she experiences an orgasm. That happened, I was told about them by someone who watched this. Or if they have anal sex, anal sex being unapproved by some doctors as well, for there are bigger chances that at least one of them gets some STD and very much can harm their anus. How is it rational, again, to show non-stop pornographic activity, of, say, a woman performing oral sex to 5 men all waiting in the line, her mouth being full of semen, and still say it's rational what she does. Or urinating on somebody and having that Filmed and aired on the said chanels. People have eyes to see, even though they may have never been told not to eat human poop or have sex with animals, they know, that's why they were born with a conscience, which many were born with, excluding canibals or those who sacrifice their own offspring to 'honor' their animal god.

So I will call my assessment of porn (which isn't mine only) logical. Very logical, even painfully logical. Irrational?... More like reasonable. Too reasonable. These ideas may not be objective to the fullest - although that's not a fact all the time, as I've explained, but irrational? Irrational means devoid of all reason and it better fits the description of an animal, better said, a predator, who made the mentioned assessment (about porn, in this case). People possess an emotional cerebre as well, which very much reacts to the exterior stimuli and creates emotions in one's organism. Emotional intelligence, where emotions and the intellect are deeply interrelated. Otherwise, we'd be just one step closer to being a machine, an artificially programmed robot.

I have had much life experience, despite my age. Don't generalize me. In any case, it's been a pleasure to read your views.

I didn't generalize you. I was speculating as to try to better understand where you're coming from, since I don't know you too well. No need to take offense. Certainly, you can't really respect to be stating some things as you do, and have nobody to at least question some of the things you say... There really is much more to life than robotic intelligence.
There is more than one truth out there in the earthlings' world, called relative or personal truths, if you will. Still, they're truths. Just like there is more than one logic about a given topic, let's put it that way, at least.

If a viewer turns on the TV and finds a porn chanel where they're showing, say, a man urinating on a woman and getting arousal from that. Or if they're this fly on the wall in somebody's bedroom and see 4 people having kinky sex with each other, when, say, one female eats the tip of one's poop. Sorry for being graphic, but this is reality. Or if they see a woman whipping a man, this arousing her, although theyr'e both consenting adults who agree with their sado-masochistic practices. That still doesn't take away the fact that a certain degree of violence happens. All of those scenarios I've enlisted sure can't be That pleasurable. Or rational. Surely I'm curious as to what you thing of such practices, 2 of them at least being shown on porn chanels. Or say, if a woman inserts her whole fist into her partner's vagina, to which she experiences an orgasm. That happened, I was told about them by someone who watched this. Or if they have anal sex, anal sex being unapproved by some doctors as well, for there are bigger chances that at least one of them gets some STD and very much can harm their anus. How is it rational, again, to show non-stop pornographic activity, of, say, a woman performing oral sex to 5 men all waiting in the line, her mouth being full of semen, and still say it's rational what she does. Or urinating on somebody and having that Filmed and aired on the said chanels. People have eyes to see, even though they may have never been told not to eat human poop or have sex with animals, they know, that's why they were born with a conscience, which many were born with, excluding canibals or those who sacrifice their own offspring to 'honor' their animal god.

So I will call my assessment of porn (which isn't mine only) logical. Very logical, even painfully logical. Irrational?... More like reasonable. Too reasonable. These ideas may not be objective to the fullest - although that's not a fact all the time, as I've explained, but irrational? Irrational means devoid of all reason and it better fits the description of an animal, better said, a predator, who made the mentioned assessment (about porn, in this case). People possess an emotional cerebre as well, which very much reacts to the exterior stimuli and creates emotions in one's organism. Emotional intelligence, where emotions and the intellect are deeply interrelated. Otherwise, we'd be just one step closer to being a machine, an artificially programmed robot.

I didn't generalize you. I was speculating as to try to better understand where you're coming from, since I don't know you too well. No need to take offense. Certainly, you can't really respect to be stating some things as you do, and have nobody to at least question some of the things you say... There really is much more to life than robotic intelligence.

This may be my favourite post ever.

Please can you elaborate with names of said films.
Well, it's always sad when someone dies but let us remember her and let's not forget that she died the way she lived... with big tits! :D

...aaand BOOM with the... terrible... joke...

EDIT: And ROFLMFAO @Tony's post, above. :lol:
This may be my favourite post ever.

Please can you elaborate with names of said films.

I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic or simply do want me to elaborate on the names of said films. Private Spice is a clue.

If the former, don't bother to be clarifying if you're just making fun of my post.

Some more for your viewing (pleasure), whippings, bondage and bananas included; bonus: one doesn't even need private spices anymore:
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Yeah, Rihanna's hot! She's a little weird sometime but still hot, so what? I personally think she's way better than Lady Gaga plus she has a better voice (she just doesn't know how to use it correctly).
I was making the point that porn and brutal violence, savagery (i.e. Kanye West's Monster video with decapitated and strangled white-only models and canibalism) will soon get to be more accessible to the viewer, without having to subscribe to a specific cable chanel. It is all in our faces now and available. So what, right?
There is more than one truth out there in the earthlings' world, called relative or personal truths, if you will. Still, they're truths. Just like there is more than one logic about a given topic, let's put it that way, at least.

If a viewer turns on the TV and finds a porn chanel where they're showing, say, a man urinating on a woman and getting arousal from that. Or if they're this fly on the wall in somebody's bedroom and see 4 people having kinky sex with each other, when, say, one female eats the tip of one's poop. Sorry for being graphic, but this is reality. Or if they see a woman whipping a man, this arousing her, although theyr'e both consenting adults who agree with their sado-masochistic practices. That still doesn't take away the fact that a certain degree of violence happens. All of those scenarios I've enlisted sure can't be That pleasurable. Or rational. Surely I'm curious as to what you thing of such practices, 2 of them at least being shown on porn chanels. Or say, if a woman inserts her whole fist into her partner's vagina, to which she experiences an orgasm. That happened, I was told about them by someone who watched this. Or if they have anal sex, anal sex being unapproved by some doctors as well, for there are bigger chances that at least one of them gets some STD and very much can harm their anus. How is it rational, again, to show non-stop pornographic activity, of, say, a woman performing oral sex to 5 men all waiting in the line, her mouth being full of semen, and still say it's rational what she does. Or urinating on somebody and having that Filmed and aired on the said chanels. People have eyes to see, even though they may have never been told not to eat human poop or have sex with animals, they know, that's why they were born with a conscience, which many were born with, excluding canibals or those who sacrifice their own offspring to 'honor' their animal god.

So I will call my assessment of porn (which isn't mine only) logical. Very logical, even painfully logical. Irrational?... More like reasonable. Too reasonable. These ideas may not be objective to the fullest - although that's not a fact all the time, as I've explained, but irrational? Irrational means devoid of all reason and it better fits the description of an animal, better said, a predator, who made the mentioned assessment (about porn, in this case). People possess an emotional cerebre as well, which very much reacts to the exterior stimuli and creates emotions in one's organism. Emotional intelligence, where emotions and the intellect are deeply interrelated. Otherwise, we'd be just one step closer to being a machine, an artificially programmed robot.

I didn't generalize you. I was speculating as to try to better understand where you're coming from, since I don't know you too well. No need to take offense. Certainly, you can't really respect to be stating some things as you do, and have nobody to at least question some of the things you say... There really is much more to life than robotic intelligence.

I am a great lover of the Marquis de Sade's literature, and the films which have been made depicting it, which are of course pornographic in nature. Therein, you would find all sorts of things being written of--I believe the Marquis called it a banquet, with every practice being a dish, appealing to some, unappealing to others, etc. So, no, it's not irrational in the least. It isn't rational either--by itself, it just is. It is what you make of it, really. The appeal or lack thereof of it is more dependent upon personal perception rather than its own merits or defects. Your abhorrence of pornography is due to your own religious/philosophical beliefs, which is perfectly respectable since we are all permitted to have our own views--however, it is not in and of itself rational.

Alma said:
All those scenarios I've listed I'm sure can't be pleasurable.
Some would beg to differ. ;)

Of course you're not the only one who thinks the things you do. It doesn't make it logical, though--not in the generally accepted definition of the word. What it makes it is intuitive (i.e. emotional, driven by belief, etc.) and your own truth entirely, a personal truth. Of course everyone has their own relative truths, however, these are irrelevant to others unless presented in a logical manner with supporting facts to boot. Thus, the art of argument--defence of personal truth through means of logic.

Hmm. No, irrational simply means it does not appeal to logic. Actions which are caused by emotions, for example, are irrational--not understood by logic. It doesn't make them animalistic--that seems to be a polarization. Something can be irrational and not "animalistic"--like human emotions and reactions to events.

I've been compared to a robot before--not too far off from the way I think, so it is overall a good assessment. That is how pure rationalization should be, ideally, devoid of all emotion.
Your abhorrence of pornography is due to your own religious/philosophical beliefs,

So, you haven't understood that they have nothing to do with how porn is, and how I felt about it. I rest my case. And I too am fascinated with Sade and reading about his sex practices. Watching something like that or the above vivid porn depictions is another story.

Bloodnofsky;3227120 I've been compared to a robot before--not too far off from the way I think said:
Yeah. Except not all people are robots. And I am ending this as a sad person that honestly feels like having wasted precious time to be demonstrating something that has nothing to do with robots, sth more boring, or funny, like some above felt. So, failed attempt, lost time, all in all.
So, you haven't understood that they have nothing to do with how porn is, and how I felt about it. I rest my case. And I too am fascinated with Sade and reading about his sex practices. Watching something like that or the above vivid porn depictions is another story.

But they do--because it is how you personally view it. Taking you out of the equation, porn is just porn. There's nothing good or bad about it. It is only when one views things through a personal perspective that one arrives at judging things as "good" or "bad." The fact that you cite your feelings proves my point even more--you think with your emotions, I think that is a generally good assessment, and there is nothing wrong with that, however, it does you no favours when attempting to argue logically.

I'm glad you too enjoy de Sade. He's a genius author, and his stuff is better read than watched only because of how beautifully he manages to portray it. Watching it, however, is also pleasurable, although reading is preferred, because then it is your, and not the director's, imagination which carries the story in its wings.

Alma said:
Yeah. Except not all people are robots. And I am ending this as a sad person that honestly feels like having wasted precious time to be demonstrating something that has nothing to do with robots, sth more boring, or funny, like some above felt. So, failed attempt, lost time, all in all.

Or so I have been told. You did not waste precious time--no debate is ever time wasted. If nothing more, you got to vocalize your views so as to reflect upon them, and the rest of us got to read them and learn something about your position.
But they do--because it is how you personally view it. Taking you out of the equation, porn is just porn. There's nothing good or bad about it. It is only when one views things through a personal perspective that one arrives at judging things as "good" or "bad." The fact that you cite your feelings proves my point even more--you think with your emotions, I think that is a generally good assessment, and there is nothing wrong with that, however, it does you no favours when attempting to argue logically. Watching it, however, is also pleasurable.

I think with a normal, human emotional intelligence. I don't think with emotions only. That's a difference. And 'Pleasurable' is an adjective derived from a high emotion. So, you too have been 'irrational' in saying that, at least in a way, although you hinted on that it's unpleasurable as well when tit comes to other people. But you think of porn as being pleasurable, so you are not being objective either when saying that. But when a person is, say, completely brain-dead, dead an lifeless and buried, or a robot, they don't and can't find pleasure or any emotion in anything, they just don't see or don't have the consciousness left to see, or they do see and show no reaction, which is how a robot is constituted to do. Nowadays and in the future, the rise of people being mixed with robots will be a reality. ...

You somehow proved you can't be completely rational/logical yourself by expressing what you see in porn as pleasurable, so it didn't do much favors to your argument either.

If nothing more, you got to vocalize your views so as to reflect upon them, and the rest of us got to read them and learn something about your position.

Maybe.. Still doesn't change anything, except that it has caused some kind of emotion in some, yet it still remains a mere contribution. I've got some hopes left for the subconscious mind, but anyway, they're flickering ones. ...
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I think with a normal, human emotional intelligence. I don't think with emotions only. That's a difference. And 'Pleasurable' is an adjective derived from a high emotion. So, you too have been 'irrational' in saying that, at least in a way, although you hinted on that it's unpleasurable as well when tit comes to other people. But you think of porn as being pleasurable, so you are not being objective either when saying that. But when a person is, say, completely brain-dead, dead an lifeless and buried, or a robot, they don't and can't find pleasure or any emotion in anything, they just don't see or don't have the consciousness left to see, or they do see and show no reaction, which is how a robot is constituted to do. Nowadays and in the future, the rise of people being mixed with robots will be a reality. ...

You somehow proved you can't be completely rational/logical yourself by expressing what you see in porn as pleasurable, so it didn't do much favors to your argument either.

Emotional intelligence does not help anyone with a logical argument. Appealing to emotions is the sort of thing demagogues do, thus, it would not belong in a logical argument.

Your assessment is incorrect because I'm not citing my personal opinions when it comes to arguing either for or against pornography. I was citing my opinions to answer your question, which was--you were curious as to what I thought of the practices illustrated by de Sade, and the films which take his literature as influence. Of course, if you ask me what I personally think, I would have to answer with my opinion, that one being that I enjoy them. I was not arguing when I responded to your inquiry because I interpreted it as you asking for my opinion (hence, asking what I personally think.) I merely answered your question.

Pleasurable and unpleasant are sensations, certainly. Personal perceptions, which every human has. However, neither is rational because it is personal, and thus does not appeal to universal logic. I acknowledged their existence, yes, and cited 'pleasure' when asked about my personal take on the films you talked about. Notice, I did this only when prompted to, thus answering what I interpreted to be an entirely different question. It was never part of my argument.

However, when arguing for or against pornography, personal opinions do not suffice to create a logical argument, which is why I have not cited them in defence of my points. I have looked at things and simply rebutted your claims with facts and examples. You must look at things which appeal to reason and logic rather than emotion when arguing. In that sense, yes, I am robotic because arguments should be as free from emotion as possible. Inquiries about my personal take on things are different, since these are personal and therefore informal.

As for people being mixed with robots--I say again, you've been seeing too much of David Icke, and his strange idea that the government has some sort of transhumanist agenda. That is grossly improbable, I would say, however--I hope it's true. People would be less stupid if they were robots. Sad, but true.

Alma said:
Maybe.. Still doesn't change anything, except that it has caused some kind of emotion in some, yet it still remains a mere contribution. I've got some hopes left for the subconscious mind, but anyway, they're flickering ones. ...

You lost me on this one.
As for people being mixed with robots--I say again, you've been seeing too much of David Icke, and his strange idea that the government has some sort of transhumanist agenda. That is grossly improbable, I would say, however--I hope it's true. People would be less stupid if they were robots. Sad, but true.

When did you ever say anything about this David Icke before? I haven't read one book by that person, and I am not even reading science fiction books, as I dislike them thoroughly. I don't like David Icke. I'm reading stuff, like plain news and how so-called scientists are saying how they're gonna microchip people - but there are some who already microchipped, that's how you program and brainwash them. Wouldn't need people like Icke, who I don't trust at all, tell me that. That's not at all improbable, that's what the world is heading to, connect the dots already existen in real life and you'll reach the same conclusion.

Would people be less stupid if robots? That is only superficially true. Robots are programmed entities, however, and they have creators who can manipulate their thinking at will, shut them down, switch them on, disconnect them from reality, then connecting them again. You can have them kill a person, humanity as a whole, as equally as you can have them kill themselves at just the push of a button. There is no freedom as a robot, the robot certainly won't be conscious of that, for that's the robot, but there isn't, they're puppets at the end of the day, at the hands of the elites. You are of the opinion people are constricted when having/showing emotions, but a robot is constricted as well, without being aware. Even if you'd agree to be handled as a robot by someone, that someone could very well betray you and having you killed. Looking at the trashy, naked girls/women in the music business, at how controlled they are, the opposite of what they're aiming to display, and how plain electronic music has become, and the human voice melodyned.
Even if they never accepted being microchipped, but someone took them by force and raped and robotized them? Would that be rational/okay for you? If not for you, for anyone/someone else? Would you still think humans would be more intelligent as robots?

You lost me on this one.

I said that my contribution to this thread and the drug ones ultimately doesn't change a thing, at least as far as you're concerned, and I added that maybe the subconscious mind could help in an pick up on some things and alter this situation somehow. But still believe deep down it won't, based on all your replies.
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