German Porn Star Dies After Botched BOOB JOB


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

German Porn Star Dies After Botched BOOB JOB
20 minutes ago by TMZ Staff


A German porn star -- who appeared on the German edition of "Big Brother" --died yesterday due to complications from a breast enhancement surgery gone terribly wrong.

23-year-old "Sexy Cora" was reportedly trying to enhance her bra size from an F to a G cup ... when she fell into a coma during the operation and died 9 days later.

According to published reports, the two doctors who performed the surgery have been charged with negligent manslaughter.

Cora's husband told a German newspaper, '"The brain damage was too great. Her blood pressure dropped steadily, physiological functions gave out ... then she went to sleep quietly."

In this case the doctors are charged with negligent manslaughter, What is the difference between them and Murray?
So did Kenya Waste's mom .. .

So it's from TMZ again?...

Out of all the sources. And in spite of the campaign to stop giving these Murray-friendly 'sources' the ratings they're grossly getting............

Headlines like that are what these leeches are salivating for.

Anyway, RIP, that's horrible what so-called doctors are doing more and more, which is abuse their patients and disregard their safety.. How cheap life is starting to be, God.
It's hard to feel sorry for her, when you know the details of it.

.. Still, we're in no position to judge others.. It's still a tragic thing when somebody dies that young, and plastic surgeons, like many doctors or so-called doctors are increasingly only concerned about their pockets. And that's sad, for they're supposed to be these life-saving people others should look up to...
.. Still, we're in no position to judge others.. It's still a tragic thing when somebody dies that young, and plastic surgeons, like many doctors or so-called doctors are increasingly only concerned about their pockets. And that's sad, for they're supposed to be these life-saving people others should look up to...

I'm not judging her based on what she does for a living, if that's what you're getting at. I am rather fond of pornography, thanks. However, this was her 6th or 7th procedure, and she was looking to increase from an already unnatural size to an even more ridiculous size--knowing the risks which accompany cosmetic procedures, she should have known better than to attempt it. I'm not judging her at all--I just don't feel bad about it either. In a way, you could say I'm just neutral about it. It's certainly no loss to me, but her family may say otherwise.

I hardly think cosmetic surgeons are life-saving people, but you are right in stating he should have refused to perform the procedure at all. Then again, you could argue she was an adult and knew what she was getting into. Either way, I don't really care.
I'm not judging her based on what she does for a living, if that's what you're getting at. I am rather fond of pornography, thanks.

No. I was referring to her choosing to get more plastic surgery. Don't get the defensiveness.

However, this was her 6th or 7th procedure, and she was looking to increase from an already unnatural size to an even more ridiculous size--knowing the risks which accompany cosmetic procedures, she should have known better than to attempt it. I'm not judging her at all--I just don't feel bad about it either. In a way, you could say I'm just neutral about it. It's certainly no loss to me, but her family may say otherwise.

Most likely her family says otherwise.

This whole blaming on people that are now dead and who didn't want to die in the first place is... a bit cold. This "They asked for it" attitude. Yet again, people blame MJ for his death also, but won't get into this to start ish. Just say death is a Deadly serious problem that many take pretty lightly. Yet... people are dying every day, so...yeah.

I hardly think cosmetic surgeons are life-saving people,

Those that can add a new breast to a cancer-stricken patient who had one removed, those that reconstruct damaged faces as a result to a brutal car crash, or a nasal septum deviation to help the person breathe better and others suchlike certainly are.
No. I was referring to her choosing to get more plastic surgery. Don't get the defensiveness.

I wasn't getting defensive. I just wanted to profess my love of porn. :heart:

Alma said:
Most likely her family says otherwise.

This whole blaming on people that are now dead and who didn't want to die in the first place is... a bit cold. This "They asked for it" attitude. Yet again, people blame MJ for his death also, but won't get into this to start ish. Just say death is a Deadly serious problem that many take pretty lightly. Yet... people are dying every day, so...yeah.

Most likely, yes. It's not so much that she "asked" for it, but I mean, everything has its risks. She just happened to have shit luck, I reckon. It seems to me a tad irresponsible, but hey, too late to do anything about it. Like I said, it's no loss to me. -shrugs-

And, IDK, I couldn't compare someone going at it with an already unnecessarily large breast size, only to seek out more, to Michael's very legitimate sleep problems, which Murray wasn't even qualified to treat. That, to me, smacks of criminality on Murray's part, of course. This, on the other hand, was reckless, unnecessary, and fatal in the end. Perhaps it is cold of me, but I'm not going to pretend like it was a loss. That seems to be even more cruel.

Alma said:
Those that can add a new breast to a cancer-stricken patient who had one removed, those that reconstruct damaged faces as a result to a brutal car crash, or a nasal septum deviation to help the person breathe better and others suchlike certainly are.

Sure, that's all great and good, but not necessarily life-saving. People have been shown to live with one breast, or with damaged faces. :p
Granted, not great, fulfilling lives, but lives nonetheless. I'll grant you that, in theory, they are important people.
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In this case the doctors are charged with negligent manslaughter, What is the difference between them and Murray?
they are charged with the same thing so?
In this case the doctors are charged with negligent manslaughter, What is the difference between them and Murray?

Well, the difference is simple. The unfortunate thing about being in the medical field is that it's the one job where sh*t really goes down if you screw up, even if you went about doing your job in "good faith." The patients need to accept, like in this case, that with any sort of surgery (cosmetic surgery included) there are certain risks involved, and such risks could be fatal, such as in this case. From what we've been told, it doesn't appear as though the doctors were negligent in any way during "Sexy Cora's" operation, and she slipped into a coma for whatever reason (reaction to the anesthetic, god knows, the reasons could be many and varied.) Although they're being charged with negligent manslaughter, the surgeons don't seem to have really done anything wrong, and this botched surgery was just that--a screw-up.

Murray's case is different because he wasn't medically certified to treat any sort of sleep disorder, much less administer a sedative like Propofol as a sleep aid. Propofol isn't even supposed to be used outside of hospital settings--so that shows a clear and reckless disregard for his patient's safety on Murray's part. Then, of course, there's the whole abandoning his patient, incorrectly administering CPR, and traumatizing Prince bit, none of which make him look good. Instead of helping his patient, Murray was hiding incriminating evidence.

So, in short, Murray's case is different from this one because

1) He wasn't qualified to treat sleep disorders
2) He wasn't authorized to administer a sedative which is only permitted to be used in hospital settings.
3) He abandoned his patient in order to attend irrelevant personal business, thus clearly showing negligence.
4) He failed to correctly administer CPR to try and bring his patient back (Even fifteen year old lifeguards know that CPR is to be administered on a hard, flat surface--qualifications which a bed certainly does not meet.)
5) He was attempting to destroy incriminating evidence instead of helping his patient.

There is no evidence, from what TMZ tells us, that the surgeons working on Sexy Cora did any sort of malpractice. It's not like Kanye West's mother's case, where the surgeon was clearly negligent because he left a sponge inside her breast, and then sewed it up!
Although they're being charged with negligent manslaughter, the surgeons don't seem to have really done anything wrong, and this botched surgery was just that--a screw-up.
we arent really in a position to judge yet. we dont know what the allegations are.
For a minute there when I read German porn star I thought it was going to be Annette Schwartz who is one of my favorite porn stars. Yeah I do L.O.V.E. watching porn. But I am glad it wasn't her but it is so sad of what had happen to this girl especially to someone that young. May she :rip:


Annette Schwarz and co-stars.
Isn't that a bit inappropriate, though, to be, in a way, promoting porn on here?.. Not just cuz kids may be lurking on here, but also cuz this isn't the thread about it, but the death of a porn star. Saying 'I Love watching porn" and emphasizing on that. I mean, if one said they like erotic films at least.. I don't know, just my two cents who ultimately won't really make any difference.
Isn't that a bit inappropriate, though, to be, in a way, promoting porn on here?.. Not just cuz kids may be lurking on here, but also cuz this isn't the thread about it, but the death of a porn star. Saying 'I Love watching porn" and emphasizing on that. I mean, if one said they like erotic films at least.. I don't know, just my two cents who ultimately won't really make any difference.

Not really. We're not talking about any porn we've watched, and we're not posting any videos of it either. :p

Saying you love to watch porn isn't inappropriate in the least. Not anymore than it would be to say you love to watch anything else. The one picture of Annette Schwarz that was posted on here has her clothed to about the same degree as any female pop singer, so I wouldn't say it's something kids have never seen before.
I know. I wasn't even referring to that picture, but just that was a bit amazed on how easy some admitted to loving porn, thinking of it being a tabu for many.

Anyway, not starting anything, just a personal observation I had.
I know. I wasn't even referring to that picture, but just that was a bit amazed on how easy some admitted to loving porn, thinking of it being a tabu for many.

Anyway, not starting anything, just a personal observation I had.

I know. It is taboo for a lot of people, but not on the internet.
That Annette Schwartz girl looks horrible. Her shoes are too small and she is not in shape.

I hate porn as it's degrading for women in my opinion. Tha fact that people mutilate themselves to look like a blow-up girl just illustrates that. It's sad that this particular girl had to die in the process, but it should be a wake-up call for all those working in the 'industry' to not play with their lives and bodies like it's nothing.
I hate porn as it's degrading for women in my opinion. Tha fact that people mutilate themselves to look like a blow-up girl just illustrates that.

Totally, Roosje.. Leaving oneself exploited like that to the world, without a trace of shame and guilt, showing your nude body in various sexual positions is a big sign of slavery. These women consider themselves free while doing all they do, when, in fact, they're just the opposite. They're losing all mystery and even dignity while basically mutilating sex and eliminating love all together, making a gross mockery of it, and inspiring some of their viewers to put what they see into action themselves, to spice up their sex life. I don't care what people do in their private life, but when they show it to the world, not to mention as distorted and graphic as 'actors' do in R-rated films, that's crazy. I should say, maybe, my opinion of porn is this and that, but I won't, I take Roosjie's opinion above as truth. Porn is low for women, as well as for men, they're merely sex toys/objects who don't even mind they're this way and/or perceived like this - doesn't matter some viewers may like or not - ... actually, it does, because these images can even haunt the viewer, I only watched 2 mins once, and couldn't get the explicit imagery off my mind -, it doesn't change this reality.
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That Annette Schwartz girl looks horrible. Her shoes are too small and she is not in shape.

I hate porn as it's degrading for women in my opinion. Tha fact that people mutilate themselves to look like a blow-up girl just illustrates that. It's sad that this particular girl had to die in the process, but it should be a wake-up call for all those working in the 'industry' to not play with their lives and bodies like it's nothing.

That seems, to me, to be a contradicting message. Here you are saying that Miss Schwarz looks horrible and isn't "in shape" (whatever that means), and then you're preaching that girls shouldn't alter their appearance to look like a blow-up doll.

The idea we presently have as to what "in shape" looks like is the same one which tells us that gigantic breasts are attractive. Schwarz doesn't look out of shape just because she's not stick-thin--that's equally dangerous, if not more so, than plastic surgery. Just ask any former model, and most of them will tell you about eating disorders they've had as a result of wanting to be "in shape."
Totally, Roosje.. Leaving oneself exploited like that to the world, without a trace of shame and guilt, showing your nude body in various sexual positions is a big sign of slavery. These women consider themselves free while doing all they do, when, in fact, they're just the opposite.

I don't know about that. Most women who are consensually in the porn industry get paid really handsome sums of money for what they do. That, to me, doesn't sound like being exploited, but rather, like business. The cases of sex slavery are obviously excluded from this--it would be the equivalent of having someone saying a guy working at a legitimate shoe factory who gets paid a fair wage is being exploited because, somewhere else, workers are making shoes for .05 per hour at a sweat shop. Thus, that's a whole different spiel, and that's not the kind of pornography we're talking about here--we're talking about the kind which is mainstream, legal, between consenting adults, etc. Therefore, I'd say, these women are free--no one forced them to do what they do, they get paid nicely for doing something easy, and if they become really famous, they basically get to call the shots as to where/when//how often/with whom they work. So, judging by that, they're not any more or less free than the rest of us.

As to the shame statement, why should anyone be ashamed (or proud, for that matter) to show their nude body, or feel guilty because they did? It seems illogical to feel ashamed of and guilty from something that is just a natural part of life. There's nothing either shaming or empowering about having sex or displaying your nudity--it just is.

Alma said:
They're losing all mystery and even dignity while basically mutilating sex and eliminating love all together.

Mystery? I don't think it's a mystery as to what the male and female bodies look like. Dignity? I don't think having sex makes you lose your dignity. Dignity is defined as, "bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect." ( Self-respect can exist in individuals who have sex, and it can be lacking in those who don't, so that the two concepts are entirely divorced. Someone who is in the porn business can call the shots as to what it is she does, with whom, and for what price--that, to me, sounds like self-respect. If she didn't respect herself, she'd just do it for free! :p

It's only because societal views have become entwined with stereotypical Christian values that we look down upon the ladies who perform these services. Unfortunately, such an incorrect merger is wholly unavoidable, since most people are religious and unable to really think for themselves, thus following a book full of historical and time-space inaccuracies, blatant impossibilities, etc. (cherry-picking and choosing as to which verses to go by and which ones to ignore) and regarding the lot of it as "the truth."

As to there being "love" to the aspect of sex--well, biologically, no such thing exists. Love is a human romantic concept, purely based upon fanciful fantasies, and glorified by the romanticist movement in the late 19th century. In centuries prior to our modern times, there was no such thing as love in either sex or marriage. Marriage was used as a social ladder, so that families with lower social status, but high wealth could hope that a broke aristocratic family would show interest in joining in marriage, so that it became a win-win situation where the aristocrats were no longer strapped for money, and the wealthy family's children would have an aristocratic title, and therefore be better off socially. The husbands and wives would only have sexual relations with each other as means of procreation. In aristocratic families, the husbands and wives would each have separate lovers with whom they had affairs, whether by infatuation or just casual sex (see. Emilie du Chatelet/Voltaire, and pretty much about every aristocratic male in history.) In non-aristocratic families, the wife was obviously not permitted to have any side lover, however, the husband was (and thus how we get illegitimate children, and last names such as Johnson, Jackson, Ferguson, etc. so that people knew that the father's first name was John, Jack, or Fergus, respectively.) So, the idea of "love" behind either sex or marriage is a wholly modern concept, popularized by Christians since the 1950's.

Sex is an animalistic and biologically driven action--therefore, why should "love" have anything to do with it?

Alma said:
Porn is low for women, as well as for men, they're merely sex toys/objects who don't even mind they're this way and/or perceived like this - doesn't matter some viewers may like or not, it doesn't change this reality.

Not really. What they are is overpaid, untalented actors and actresses, who have sex on-screen for money. They're basically what they advertise themselves to be. No dishonesty there. Like I said, not any better or any worse than the rest of us.
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That seems, to me, to be a contradicting message. Here you are saying that Miss Schwarz looks horrible and isn't "in shape" (whatever that means), and then you're preaching that girls shouldn't alter their appearance to look like a blow-up doll.

The idea we presently have as to what "in shape" looks like is the same one which tells us that gigantic breasts are attractive. Schwarz doesn't look out of shape just because she's not stick-thin--that's equally dangerous, if not more so, than plastic surgery. Just ask any former model, and most of them will tell you about eating disorders they've had as a result of wanting to be "in shape."

You are right. I am not so women friendly myself it seems. However, I think undergoing plastic surgery and therefore risking your life and disrespecting your own body as it is is way more rigourous than watching your diet and not wear too small latex thingies to show it off. It's a matter of class I guess, and taking care of oneself or the lack thereof that shines through.

Whether these girls are paid and do this stuff out of their own free will, they clearly cannot love themselves. I think no loved balanced well-educated girl would aspire to become a porn star. The sad thing is that people emulate images. I don't think it's desirable that young people think this kind of porn is the way to have sex. It saddens me when girls think they have to be sexy to get noticed, like that's so important. It all ads to a superficial society.
Totally, Roosje.. Leaving oneself exploited like that to the world, without a trace of shame and guilt, showing your nude body in various sexual positions is a big sign of slavery. These women consider themselves free while doing all they do, when, in fact, they're just the opposite. They're losing all mystery and even dignity while basically mutilating sex and eliminating love all together, making a gross mockery of it, and inspiring some of their viewers to put what they see into action themselves, to spice up their sex life. I don't care what people do in their private life, but when they show it to the world, not to mention as distorted and graphic as 'actors' do in R-rated films, that's crazy. I should say, maybe, my opinion of porn is this and that, but I won't, I take Roosjie's opinion above as truth. Porn is low for women, as well as for men, they're merely sex toys/objects who don't even mind they're this way and/or perceived like this - doesn't matter some viewers may like or not - ... actually, it does, because these images can even haunt the viewer, I only watched 2 mins once, and couldn't get the explicit imagery off my mind -, it doesn't change this reality.

You are so right, especially about the haunting part. When I was 15 years old some channel decided to air Pamela & Tommy's sex tape and I just flicked the channels to be scarred for life. I guess porn will never be gone as there clearly is a market for it, but I do think it should be shielded more than it now is. And yes, it is degrading for men too, as they are just pictured as these always erect studs that want to hump on every available woman. Blegh!
You are right. I am not so women friendly myself it seems. However, I think undergoing plastic surgery and therefore risking your life and disrespecting your own body as it is is way more rigourous than watching your diet and not wear too small latex thingies to show it off. It's a matter of class I guess, and taking care of oneself or the lack thereof that shines through.

You are not, it so appears. Plastic surgery does not disrespect one's body, nor does it respect it. It's simply an alteration. Everything has its risks, and everything should be done within reason. What this woman did was stupid, undoubtedly--the size she was hoping to be was truly unnatural, and would have made her grossly disproportionate, which would have created physical problems for her later on in life.

As for exposure and so-called "class"? These are invented concepts with no real relevance attributed to them. Perhaps the girls who "show off" their bodies in such manner are just extremely confident, and the ones who don't and hide behind the 'class' argument are just insecure and secretly jealous? Perhaps not. Either way, the concept of "class" is an idiotic one, and the argument for it is wholly non-existent, as the idea itself is based upon an assumed shame of nudity or exposure, which is in itself completely ludicrous.

Roosje said:
Whether these girls are paid and do this stuff out of their own free will, they clearly cannot love themselves. I think no loved balanced well-educated girl would aspire to become a porn star.

How do you know they cannot love themselves? That seems to be more an assumption than a rational statement. Loving yourself, to me, is a personal and wholly emotional thing--devoid of reason, subject to no specific interpretation, and completely relative to the person concerned. Perhaps they love themselves so much that they don't want to get a "real" job, and prefer to earn good money the easy way. :p

Judging whether one loves oneself or not based on one's profession seems illogical to me. We are to assume, then, that professionally successful people love themselves? Then, those whose professions are lowly (i.e. some sort of postal worker, grocery store clerk, etc.) despise themselves, and think they can't do better? The profession you choose seems more a matter of ambition than "loving yourself." Some really conventionally successful people can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror, and truly despise themselves, despite their conventional success. Some not so professionally successful people really love themselves, and feel comfortable and happy where they're at.

I don't know. If she was loved, balanced, and well-educated, but shrewd and unwilling to devote herself to a life of corporate slavery like the rest of us, and was beautiful on top of that--I think pornography seems to be the way to go. I still fail to see what love or lack thereof has to do with being a porn star? I would think that the two concepts were separate--plenty of porn stars are loved and balanced, perhaps even well-educated. Plenty of people who are unloved, unbalanced, and uneducated are not. Correlation nonexistent, it appears.

Roosje said:
The sad thing is that people emulate images. I don't think it's desirable that young people think this kind of porn is the way to have sex. It saddens me when girls think they have to be sexy to get noticed, like that's so important. It all ads to a superficial society.

What is the way to have sex? If you think it's between two consenting adults who love each other in the "sanctity" of marriage, I'm afraid this is a pretty recent concept, and is not the way to have sex. See reply to Alma for an explanation of sex and marriage before the 1950's.

The way to have sex, originally, was actually closer to pornography than to the fanciful picture most religious people like to paint. It fails to match pornography because, unlike it, the desire stemmed from a need to procreate and therefore ensure the continuation of the species, rather than for pleasure alone. Of course, in the original way to have sex, people were not monogamous--but rather polygamous--as being evolved primates, and mammals, we are biologically polygamous creatures.

I sympathize with your views that society is indeed superficial, but when you look at it through a biological perspective, it makes excellent sense, especially for females to be more concerned about their appearance. Males are visually-oriented creatures because biology deems them so--they are biologically wired to pay attention to the most attractive female (i.e. the one with the desired traits: large breasts, almost perfectly symmetrical face, large lips, full hips, etc.) because all of these traits tell the male that this female is fertile and therefore a good match to carry his offspring. Females, on the other hand, are less visually oriented and more security-oriented (inclined to pay attention to the alpha male in the room, the one with the most status, more financial stability, etc.) which also makes excellent sense because he would support her offspring better. So, in a way, the superficiality in both males and females is very much rooted in biology, and therefore understandable.

I still love your beautiful personality, though. :)
You are not, it so appears. Plastic surgery does not disrespect one's body, nor does it respect it. It's simply an alteration. Everything has its risks, and everything should be done within reason. What this woman did was stupid, undoubtedly--the size she was hoping to be was truly unnatural, and would have made her grossly disproportionate, which would have created physical problems for her later on in life.

As for exposure and so-called "class"? These are invented concepts with no real relevance attributed to them. Perhaps the girls who "show off" their bodies in such manner are just extremely confident, and the ones who don't and hide behind the 'class' argument are just insecure and secretly jealous? Perhaps not. Either way, the concept of "class" is an idiotic one, and the argument for it is wholly non-existent, as the idea itself is based upon an assumed shame of nudity or exposure, which is in itself completely ludicrous.

How do you know they cannot love themselves? That seems to be more an assumption than a rational statement. Loving yourself, to me, is a personal and wholly emotional thing--devoid of reason, subject to no specific interpretation, and completely relative to the person concerned. Perhaps they love themselves so much that they don't want to get a "real" job, and prefer to earn good money the easy way. :p

Judging whether one loves oneself or not based on one's profession seems illogical to me. We are to assume, then, that professionally successful people love themselves? Then, those whose professions are lowly (i.e. some sort of postal worker, grocery store clerk, etc.) despise themselves, and think they can't do better? The profession you choose seems more a matter of ambition than "loving yourself." Some really conventionally successful people can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror, and truly despise themselves, despite their conventional success. Some not so professionally successful people really love themselves, and feel comfortable and happy where they're at.

I don't know. If she was loved, balanced, and well-educated, but shrewd and unwilling to devote herself to a life of corporate slavery like the rest of us, and was beautiful on top of that--I think pornography seems to be the way to go. I still fail to see what love or lack thereof has to do with being a porn star? I would think that the two concepts were separate--plenty of porn stars are loved and balanced, perhaps even well-educated. Plenty of people who are unloved, unbalanced, and uneducated are not. Correlation nonexistent, it appears.

What is the way to have sex? If you think it's between two consenting adults who love each other in the "sanctity" of marriage, I'm afraid this is a pretty recent concept, and is not the way to have sex. See reply to Alma for an explanation of sex and marriage before the 1950's.

The way to have sex, originally, was actually closer to pornography than to the fanciful picture most religious people like to paint. It fails to match pornography because, unlike it, the desire stemmed from a need to procreate and therefore ensure the continuation of the species, rather than for pleasure alone. Of course, in the original way to have sex, people were not monogamous--but rather polygamous--as being evolved primates, and mammals, we are biologically polygamous creatures.

I sympathize with your views that society is indeed superficial, but when you look at it through a biological perspective, it makes excellent sense, especially for females to be more concerned about their appearance. Males are visually-oriented creatures because biology deems them so--they are biologically wired to pay attention to the most attractive female (i.e. the one with the desired traits: large breasts, almost perfectly symmetrical face, large lips, full hips, etc.) because all of these traits tell the male that this female is fertile and therefore a good match to carry his offspring. Females, on the other hand, are less visually oriented and more security-oriented (inclined to pay attention to the alpha male in the room, the one with the most status, more financial stability, etc.) which also makes excellent sense because he would support her offspring better. So, in a way, the superficiality in both males and females is very much rooted in biology, and therefore understandable.

I still love your beautiful personality, though. :)

Wow! Thank you for this elaborate response. I'll keep my answer as short as possible. I agree that my estimation of these girls is not really rational, but it is a fact that many in the sex industry aren't there because they are so confident and like to have sex with dozens of men. Quite the opposite: low selfworth and desparation are important ingredients for sex industry jobs. I once saw a true-story movie about a girl who landed a job as a naked model, and slowly fell into doing porn. She lost her soul in the process, got addicted and died. It was sad. Just look at Jenna Jameson's story. I found a vid on a story from an ex-pornstar: Very insightful.

I don't think people are driven by biology only. Taste for the other sex is often culturally instilled. That's why this kind of 'culture' is despicable to me.

By the way, although married sex is the best (I'm married for a few months now ;)). I'm in no way basing my opinions on religion or only sex in marriage opinions. Love and intimacy are important.
Wow! Thank you for this elaborate response. I'll keep my answer as short as possible. I agree that my estimation of these girls is not really rational, but it is a fact that many in the sex industry aren't there because they are so confident and like to have sex with dozens of men. Quite the opposite: low selfworth and desparation are important ingredients for sex industry jobs. I once saw a true-story movie about a girl who landed a job as a naked model, and slowly fell into doing porn. She lost her soul in the process, got addicted and died. It was sad. Just look at Jenna Jameson's story. I found a vid on a story from an ex-pornstar: Very insightful.

The same could be said of anyone, in any job. There are some who have low self-worth, there are some who don't. That's more a product of environment and specific personal life events than it is about pornography as a concept. There are some porn stars who were not driven into it for those reasons. Still, thank you for the interesting stories.

How does one lose one's soul? It's hard to lose an illusory concept. As for the drug use--that's not related to pornography or the sex industry per se, but rather to personal issues. Plenty of addicts who aren't porn stars, but are some generally respected profession. That's a whole different can of worms, though.

Roosje said:
I don't think people are driven by biology only. Taste for the other sex is often culturally instilled. That's why this kind of 'culture' is despicable to me.

By the way, although married sex is the best (I'm married for a few months now ;)). I'm in no way basing my opinions on religion or only sex in marriage opinions. Love and intimacy are important.

They are, for the most part. Don't underestimate the power of biology--the same thing which drives you to be afraid of spiders, fight or flight, etc. is the same thing which operates your sex drive. Biology is a bigger influence than culture, and culture is a human invention, and humans are thus driven by their biology, therefore--it is the origin of all of this. :p

Married sex is best? I don't know. I've known people who have been married a long time and would say otherwise. It's biologically illogical, as well, so I can't really support marriage.

Love is an illusion glorified by the romantics, especially in the late 19th century, but whose influence in chasing ghosts is still very much alive today. There is infatuation, there is lust, but there is nothing biologically recognized as what romantics fancy is love.