Geraldo on Howard stern talking about Michael.

I know Howard is pure idiot and I do not know why I am following this idoit up but here goes: Who is HOward to say who is better off without a parent? That is so stupid and mean. Maybe HOward's kids would be better off without him. Michael has more class and human dignity than Howard would ever have in life or death. I tell ya some people like HOward are so desperate to try to make MJ look bad that they fail to see their stupidity and they are the ones who look bad, not Michael. I think time has proven even when MJ was alive that most people know the nonsense our media talk; and Howard, no one with a brain or class would take this nut serious.
One thing that quite does not make sense to me when I think about Dori's version and the blogger's version is that Dori said that Geraldo is invited and planning to go to Michael's burial.

The burial is only for family and close friends. That says to me that the family considers Geraldo a friend, perhaps a closer friend to Michael than we thought. Geraldo was the first journalist that Katherine made a comment to after her son's passing.

Now I didn't hear the segment btw Geraldo and HS, Dori did and said what she heard was a person defending Michael against all the filth Stern was trying to say about Michael. Now all that WE are going on is what a blogger is writing about what was said. So what if the blogger is embellishing. Obviously, he must love howard stern to take the time to write what went on in the morning shows. He could be just as lewd and bad as Howard Stern and write bull for all we know.

IDK. . . just a thought. It just didn't make sense to me that Geraldo would be so wishy washy about Michael and yet he is invited to the very private final burial?!?!
F_CK Howard Stern!!! he's nothing! just like the rest of these low lives making money from talking trash!! I actually don't like geraldo because of his representation of "Faux News" but i am happy that he's defended Michael
How is that his "fake nose" never fell down with all the weight of the sunglasses Michael wore all the time he always had sunglasees on, and those sunglasses believe me are not plastic ones, they are pretty bitty heavy, you have to be stupid not to realise that his nose would have defenetly fell down if it was fake, some people just born stupid
BTW that Stern guy is so obsessed with Michael Jackson, wtf is wrong with him? he cant respect not even the death people, his jokes are so obvious, boring and stupid that you can tell all those puppets there with him have to force their laughing on every stupid thing he says, they should take a lesson on how to sound credible when laughing, they should buy some personality, but no, cause they are limited brains just as all the ones who hear them, i bet the stupid ones hearing have a poster of him, that has to be the most PATHETIC THING IN THE WORLD, i really bet they admire that square, narrow minded Howard Sternnnnnn, F... them all

Geraldo is clearly smart and he certainly has a strong personality
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One thing that quite does not make sense to me when I think about Dori's version and the blogger's version is that Dori said that Geraldo is invited and planning to go to Michael's burial.

The burial is only for family and close friends. That says to me that the family considers Geraldo a friend, perhaps a closer friend to Michael than we thought. Geraldo was the first journalist that Katherine made a comment to after her son's passing.

Now I didn't hear the segment btw Geraldo and HS, Dori did and said what she heard was a person defending Michael against all the filth Stern was trying to say about Michael. Now all that WE are going on is what a blogger is writing about what was said. So what if the blogger is embellishing. Obviously, he must love howard stern to take the time to write what went on in the morning shows. He could be just as lewd and bad as Howard Stern and write bull for all we know.

IDK. . . just a thought. It just didn't make sense to me that Geraldo would be so wishy washy about Michael and yet he is invited to the very private final burial?!?!
yes, he did say he was attending the burial, or that he was invited to go. And like i said before, the part I HEARD was Geraldo telling the truth. Maybe not defending in the way we would have like going way and beyond to prove mj's innocence and stuff, but he was saying what he thought was true. And politely he stated what he felt. Like when he said, "oh mj's kids would have been bless without him" or something like that, and Geraldo said well to tell you the truth, mj was an excellent father. etc. things like that, that prove his loyalty. And again, if he spoke to howard of his nose and stuff, and other things like that, well, i wasn't there so i really don't know. He also said he hadn't spoken to Michael in a few years, and that he really liked joe. (
I have never cared for Howard Stern. Even Geraldo has never been my cup of tea. But it's nice to know he was defending Michael to Stern, because Stern is obviously one of the idiots of the world who believes every sensationalistic piece of tabloid crap that is supposed to be considered actual journalism.

BRAVO!!!! Excellent post.......I just might add...Howard Stern is the crap on the bottom of my shoe....thank you,,,that's all.
So, this morning my dad was taking me to school when he turned on the radio to howard stern. I hate the guy, he can be really rude, annoying and disrespectful. But my dad likes him, so I was force to listen to him all the way to school. Geraldo, from fox news who has interviewed Michael Jackson various time and at one point befriended him. Geraldo is releasing a book and he was promoting it.

So any who, Howard stern, robbin, and the entire crew started questioning Geraldo about Michael jackson and started making fun of him. Geraldo said that no, he doesn't think and it is very unlikely that Michael Jackson molested anyone because once you knew him you can just tell he was innocent ands stuff. He later went on to say how Michael would call his house at 2 am and would talk to him and his kids, and that MONTHS before the trial Michael was already freaking out. Howard stern started making fun of the fact that he would call and stuff and Geraldo politely added that no, it wasn't weird because Michael didn't have really that much friends and that once he found someone sort of worth it, he would extend himself to that person. And that he was like a vampire, during the day he had this entire charade with the glasses and stuff, but at night and on the phone he was a regular guy that just wanted someone to talk to. Geraldo also added that yes, he knows that Katherine Jackson is up for the challenge, and that Michael does love his dad alot. Howard stern then had the odassity to say that the death of Michael Jackson was almost like a blessing to these kids because they were living a bizarre life with a bizarre guy. Geraldo said that that is not true. That one time he was with Michael, alone with the kids no nanny, no nothing and that he was very very very attentive. That he was contemplating what cereal to give them etc and that in his honest opinion, Michael was the best dad in the world. Then Howard stern asked if he thought everyhing was a charade in front of Geraldo (i was annoyed with Howard at this point) and Geraldo said, no. That sometimes it seemed as though Michael forgot entirely that Geraldo was there because he was so caught up with the kids. They then asked about the drugs and stuff and Geraldo said he never saw Michael take drugs, but that he did act different sometimes, but he didn't think it was drugs, and that he does think it was murder. He also believes that Klein, Murray, and other doctors need to go down too. Then they switched the convo to something else when they noticed Geraldo wasn't going to bash about Michael.

Anyways, the story was sad from Howards part but I enjoyed hearing how no mater what Geraldo stayed true to what he really believes, be it wrong or right, and that he didn't give in to the media and stuff. Also, like Mj's family and so many close friends, he also believes that Michael was murdered and most importantly, that Michael DID look up to his dad because after he had kids he realized how important having a dad and stuff really was. Geraldo will be attending the burial and i'm glad Mj had SOME good friend loyal friends out there.

Thank you so much Dori for taking the time to post..:)......Howard stern......makes me sick...He never has anything good to say about anyone unless it has to do with naked chics or booze. He is a perverted man.

Just the other day on MJ's birthday at a tribute here in Indiana another fan tried to tell my group how much she hated Debbie Rowe-Jackson because last week she was on Dateline and told Diane Sawyer she didn't want anything to do with those "Bastards" (of coarse she claims bleeped) in reference to Prince and Paris. My whole group argued with her that we didn't believe that at all! Why didn't any of us see this? Why hasn't it been discussed on MJ forums if true? Just another fan startin' somethin! A fan?!? A damn fan, what a shame.

I have never heard bout that, nor have i heard or seen debbie saying that bout the kids with diane sawyer or any interview whatso ever.This fan defnately imo made it up.
oh really thats weird I never saw him bash Michael
what did he say?

Yes, he did before on his talk show, it used to be on Sky One many many years ago. I can't quite remember what he said of him. I do have footage of it somewhere on a video. Maybe someone else can remember it. I know on one show he had a guy claiming to be friends with MJ called Majestic (or something like that) it was a whole show about MJ. It may have been around the time of the '93 allegations.
I like Howard Stern. I think he's a very entertaining radio host. I love his show and I love his style of talk radio. I don't care that he has negative opinions of Michael Jackson. He met with Michael once and it was a negative experience so he's had a negative opinion of MJ ever since. But I think Geraldo did a good job defending Michael. I don't think he was revealing anything groundbreaking when he said Michael had no nose and wore a prosthetic one in public. I know as fans we don't want to believe that but we've heard numerous reports and accounts now from not only people who examined his body but now people who were close to and knew Michael. It's sad but it's true. Or at least it seems that way based on what we've now heard. Michael Jackson had to wear a prosthetic nose in public because he wore down the nose cartilage so much that it wasn't recognisable as a nose anymore. Sad, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he was an amazing musician, talented performer and wonderful human being. Appearance aren't everything. In fact, they mean very little to some people. A person shouldn't be judged by what they look like. I just wish Michael realised that earlier on in his life.
What are you talking about Bob George? No one has said MJ had no nose, except idiots. Klein claimed that those reports weren't true, on Larry King.