Geraldo on Howard stern talking about Michael.

Thank you dori for taking the time to recount what Geraldo said to Stern this morning.

Howard Stern is and always will be a d*ckhead. Pardon me!

Geraldo's 2005 interview with Michael is one of the best I've seen from a mainstream journalist and it was shown on Foxnews channel, no less.

Geraldo treated Michael very respectfully in that interview and really gave Michael a chance to show the audience of the show what he was really about. They talked about the kids, family, music, career, etc. Geraldo was even teasing Michael about Randy (lil brother) because Randy was there.

Geraldo is an investigative reporter. I wonder if given the opportunity (and incentive) he can get right down to the nitty gritty of Michael's death and report on it. Geraldo really seems to like and respect Michael a lot and is also thinking that Michael was murdered. Should we ask him?
Sure! Why not?

I've also thought of asking him to write his own book about Michael's innocence. Geraldo was one of the few journalists who didn't go along with the crowd and assume Michael was guilty.

I've read Aphroditie's book "Conspiracy", and have ordered Geraldine Hughes' book "Redemption", but I think Geraldo writing a book spelling out Michael's innocence would attract a LOT of attention and go a long way towards clearing Michael's name.

God bless Geraldo for standing by Michael and being a true friend!

Howard Stern is, and always will be, TRASH.
Sure! Why not?

I've also thought of asking him to write his own book about Michael's innocence. Geraldo was one of the few journalists who didn't go along with the crowd and assume Michael was guilty.

I've read Aphroditie's book "Conspiracy", and have ordered Geraldine Hughes' book "Redemption", but I think Geraldo writing a book spelling out Michael's innocence would attract a LOT of attention and go a long way towards clearing Michael's name.

God bless Geraldo for standing by Michael and being a true friend!

Howard Stern is, and always will be, TRASH.

i havent heard about redemption...what is it about? The trials? his life? what?
i havent heard about redemption...what is it about? The trials? his life? what?
It's about the '93 child molestation charges that were brought against Michael by Jordie Chandler. (His father Evan really.) Geraldine Hughes worked as a legal secretary in the law office of Larry Feldman, the lawyer for Jordie Chandler. According to Geraldine, she watched as they put together a FAKE case against Michael. She was THERE, so I really want to hear what she has to say.

Evan Chandler (the father) wanted 20 million to make a movie btw and Michael didn't give it to him. That is when Evan supposedly discovered that Michael had supposedly molested Jordie. Then they started to shake down Michael for the 20 million. Evan didn't go to the police, just to Michael's wallet!
oh dam! that sounds interesting!!!!!! i want to read it now =) thanks!
oh dam! that sounds interesting!!!!!! i want to read it now =) thanks!
Oh heck yeah. I can't wait to get it! Order it if you can. The more we support those who are trying to get the truth out there, the better!
Howard Stern .. well what can I say? I wont be feeling sad when you are gone. Ugly ugly person ..
Howard Stern loves talking ish, so no surprise there.

Personally, I don't really like Geraldo, I think he's a leech like teh rest of them. He really didn't say anything positive; everything had a qualifier to it. And what's up with the nose comment....
Geraldo needs to stand behind Michael 100%. Since he was friend enough to receive late night calls, since Michael felt comfy calling him to talk, then Geraldo should speak clearly and repeat a million times if necessary that Michael is totally innocent. If he does not do this, he loses my respect.

I have only read the remarks here, not listened to the show because I dislike Stern so much I just do not want him in my day. But it sounds from remarks like Geraldo is waffling. I don't like that. And the nose thing, I don't like Geraldo for saying those things either.
howard stern wtf? he thinks he's so cool, wtf? he must have an onnion instead of a brain:tease:, and he must smell aweful cause he sooo f....... UGLY:bugeyed, stern you SU*K, fix your ugly face (i think it has no solution though, whoa i wanna throw up, how can he be so UGLY:bugeyed), that thing is disgusting ew:evil:
oh.. don't get me wrong..... I DETEST, ABHOR, HATE, HOWARD STERN.
What i really wanted to say was......... "if howard stern died tomorrow" no one would miss him.
i was trying really hard to be a gooooooood gal...... just in case i needed to clarify.....

i 've never understood "shock jock" why we even have peeps like stern? they add nothing positive to our existence in this world. he is a horrible, deplorable person.... and our MJ had to put up with SH:evil::evil:....... when people like stern should be putting up with SH:evil::evil:.

I know. Michael was such a beautiful, great person, and he had to put up with so much ish, and Howard is a piece of ish who has everything. I never have liked him at all, and after this, I despise him. Good for Geraldo for not doing what some people do: just going along with whoever's show you're on or what others are saying.
howard said that geraldo is convinced that he never sucked off a young boy. Geraldo said he never said that, he just said that he thinks that he was framed. Howard said he must think he wasn't a pedophile. Geraldo said it is extremely unlikely that he ever put his pecker in a young boy. Geraldo said that he's not sure about touching kids or anything like that. He said that he's not sure where the whole criminal thing begins and the peter pan thing ends.

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Wtf is wrong with these people? Fake nose???!!! How can a person have a fake nose, and didn't Klein say that it wasn't true in regards to the fake nose?!!!!!
Wtf is wrong with these people? Fake nose???!!! How can a person have a fake nose, and didn't Klein say that it wasn't true in regards to the fake nose?!!!!!

I wondered how a person could have a fake nose too but with doctors like Murray and Klein involved anything is possible.

Howard Stern needs to be slapped with an oak tree limb.
I wondered how a person could have a fake nose too but with doctors like Murray and Klein involved anything is possible.

Howard Stern needs to be slapped with an oak tree limb.

I don't know this seems like tabloid crap. No comments on Howard Stern. I don't know how these people get a job on television!!
Howard asked Geraldo about getting an interview with Michael Jackson's mother. Geraldo said she trusts him. Howard said that Geraldo is convinced that he never sucked off a young boy. Geraldo said he never said that, he just said that he thinks that he was framed. Howard said he must think he wasn't a pedophile. Geraldo said it is extremely unlikely that he ever put his pecker in a young boy. Geraldo said that he's not sure about touching kids or anything like that. He said that he's not sure where the whole criminal thing begins and the Peter Pan thing ends.

Was this the wording Geraldo used?? :bugeyed

Not at all surprising. Howard Stern is a royal fart-knocker.
Fake nose???!!! How can a person have a fake nose, and didn't Klein say that it wasn't true in regards to the fake nose?!!!!!

I thought they had solved this thing with an operation he had at 2004 with a German doctor -that was at the time transferred to the US because MJ couldn't travel as he was awaiting trial-, who transplanted tissue from the area around his areas and re-created the nose-tissue. At the time this appeared as a legit story, and I haven't seen any credible denial of it. And after 2004 we didn't see Michael ever again with this presumed 'hole' in his nose that there were earlier pictures of...
Geraldo flip flops on Michael, I don't trust him, anything he says or does is self serving. He knows the numbers of Michael fans and wants them on side, but he has voiced reservations in the past about '93.

So True!
I would say my true feelings about Stern but I will refrain from comment(trying to stay calm). It's amazing how everyone is talking dirty gossip about MJ. MJ had too many leeches around him and I hope we see all of them go to trial. Man, we have some selfish and careless people in this world.
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Geraldo also said that Michael wore a fake nose so idk :smilerolleyes:

Uh and where and when did he say that?!? I don't believe this.

You know it amazes me that fans get caught up in hearsay as much as non-fans sometimes and we should know better. This is how rumors get started or fires get fueled.

Just the other day on MJ's birthday at a tribute here in Indiana another fan tried to tell my group how much she hated Debbie Rowe-Jackson because last week she was on Dateline and told Diane Sawyer she didn't want anything to do with those "Bastards" (of coarse she claims bleeped) in reference to Prince and Paris. My whole group argued with her that we didn't believe that at all! Why didn't any of us see this? Why hasn't it been discussed on MJ forums if true? Just another fan startin' somethin! A fan?!? A damn fan, what a shame.

You can't pull wool over my eyes, I follow my MJ objectively everyday :tease:
Geraldo will be attending at the funeral


I remember Fran Drescher complaining in her book about Howard Stern. After someone rapped her it was Stern who treated her disrespectful and asked relentless questions
Uh and where and when did he say that?!? I don't believe this.

You know it amazes me that fans get caught up in hearsay as much as non-fans sometimes and we should know better. This is how rumors get started or fires get fueled.

Just the other day on MJ's birthday at a tribute here in Indiana another fan tried to tell my group how much she hated Debbie Rowe-Jackson because last week she was on Dateline and told Diane Sawyer she didn't want anything to do with those "Bastards" (of coarse she claims bleeped) in reference to Prince and Paris. My whole group argued with her that we didn't believe that at all! Why didn't any of us see this? Why hasn't it been discussed on MJ forums if true? Just another fan startin' somethin! A fan?!? A damn fan, what a shame.

You can't pull wool over my eyes, I follow my MJ objectively everyday :tease:

I highly doubt it - Debbie Rowe got visitation 2 times a week - what people don't realize is that Debbie & Katherine are very much in contact with each other and are working together for the kids. There is no bad blood there.
The people who have been consistent as friends in their views on Michael are the people who I care to hear from....anybody else can go to hell!