Geraldo On Fox News now


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
He's going over the fact that MJ may have been murdered.

Says there are at least 4 reasons MJ died

1 Natural death
2 Accidental death
3. Suicide
4. Murder.

So far the experts on the show say Natural seems to be out based on prelim. autopsy

Raymone, based on what she knew of MJ said Suicide was not an option

They are now down to accidental death and murder which Geraldo says he believes motive and opportunity are present and ppl should keep an open mind.

RIght now, two updates...

Thome is someone the police want to talk to. I missed what they talked about but they showed footage of Thome we've never seen. He is definitely the guy we'd seen in pix since the new year came in. He was hiding in plain sight? :doh:

The family now believes MJ may have been injected with morphine

my note: take it all with a grain of salt.

I was supposed to be getting in the bath now but I dont wanna miss this. Will update unless someone on here can link to the show online.

They're about to talk to Joe Jackson soon
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Joe jackson believes he and his wife are in charge of MJ's body, etc... at this point until otherwise notified. Raymone agrees and says the kids should be with the family.

The Jackson Family is working with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on funeral plans. They are thinking of burying MJ at Neverland and turning the place into a Graceland.
Joe jackson believes he and his wife are in charge of MJ's body, etc... at this point until otherwise notified. Raymone agrees and says the kids should be with the family.

The Jackson Family is working with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on funeral plans. They are thinking of burying MJ at Neverland and turning the place into a Graceland.

I knew it!
Well I hope it was Natural, but it will probably a Accidental death. But there were too many people in and out of Michael's life. Murder is a possibility. So yes I will keep an open mind.
You're welcome. :flowers:

Brian Michael Stoller (from Miss Castaway):

Access to MJ had become limited recently. MJ called him to come to the Bev. Hills house but when he got there, the guards wouldn't let him in. Last time he saw MJ (about 2 months ago) he didn't look good...was fragile. He thought he would break him when they hugged. MJ always had back problems and suffered with pain. He felt MJ wasn't up to the shows
MJ did not or had not yet signed the contract for Dr. Murray to go to London with him, so that was never finalized.

@ pamarella... One of the things they mentioned was how MJs team had changed recently and all the older ppl were shut out. And I remember how Randy Phillips said in an interview last month how he was trying desperately to keep ppl away from MJ and protect him from old team members who he felt were leeching, etc. Seems like MJ may have got caught in the middle of a power struggle.
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I pray to God the part about Neverland is true and I really, really hope it was a natural death because i'd feel like God has his reasons. I cannot, just cannot stand it if it turned out to be murder.

Please God, no.
The problem with Geraldo's show tonight was the foundation of what he was saying wasn't matching fact. Unless everyone associated with TII show was told from the get go to "pretend" that Michael was involved and excited, then it is hard to believe Geraldo's premise that Michael wasn't up to the 50 concerts because of health, too little rehearsal, etc. I saw twitter statements from some of the dancers and from Kenny Ortega. The people with the true knowledge because they were present say the opposite, including that Michael was in such a good place now and happy. I will believe Mark Lester, who stated this, over some reporter who could only say "we heard" or "our sources" instead of "we witnessed."

They were still heavily focused on the drug angle also. No one is doing simple reporting by talking to those at the rehearsals. They just like the angle that they have and want to go with that apparently. It seems some never really want to know the real Michael Jackson but just the one that fit their stereotype or perception of him.

She didn't know about the interview Grace did and was surprised at the footage Geraldo showed. She wants to know why did the ppl who were responsible for taking care of MJ not do what was necessary to watch out for him regarding possible overmedicating.
Edit: @ classic, I agree with you. Maybe we should twitter or email Geraldo the info we have. We even have those pics of MJ when he first got the curls back and he was taking pics with fans outside rehearsal. Then you have NKOTB who have claimed to seeing MJ driving away in his car in the evenings, and all they see is his hands waving to fans (in contrast with fans saying they "see" MJ every night)

Another legal expert believes it's appropriate to keep the kids with MJ's parents who should be in charge of MJ"s estate. MJ's kids are enjoying themselves at the family home.

Judge from Debbie custody case:

He gave Debbie her parental rights back. He doesn't know what agreements Debbie and MJ reached beyond the court case but thinks Debbie may have some rights simply becuz she's the mother.

Another judge:

Believes the Jackson family have the better environment for the kids. THe court will look at the fact that the biological mother walked away from her children. After 2 years, there is a presumption (without challenge) that the children are completely Michaels.

Re: Rehearsals on Wednesday.

Reporter who spoke to ppl at rehearsals claims MJ wasn't coming to rehearsals much prior (which we know was BS so I'm not even going to write what this heffa is talking)
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The problem with Geraldo's show tonight was the foundation of what he was saying wasn't matching fact. Unless everyone associated with TII show was told from the get go to "pretend" that Michael was involved and excited, then it is hard to believe Geraldo's premise that Michael wasn't up to the 50 concerts because of health, too little rehearsal, etc. I saw twitter statements from some of the dancers and from Kenny Ortega. The people with the true knowledge because they were present say the opposite, including that Michael was in such a good place now and happy. I will believe Mark Lester, who stated this, over some reporter who could only say "we heard" or "our sources" instead of "we witnessed."

They were still heavily focused on the drug angle also. No one is doing simple reporting by talking to those at the rehearsals. They just like the angle that they have and want to go with that apparently. It seems some never really want to know the real Michael Jackson but just the one that fit their stereotype or perception of him.

Exactly. I am wondering why they are not interviewing the actual dancers who were there.
Alleged autopsy leaks...

MJ was lightweight (8 stone??)

Nothing was in MJs stomach (no food)

evidence that he had some broken ribs in the past

cuts on his back from... (didn't catch what was said)

bruised knees?

some lacerations or incisions around his heart which they believe came from the doctor trying to kickstart his heart (Jesus!)
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Joe jackson believes he and his wife are in charge of MJ's body, etc... at this point until otherwise notified. Raymone agrees and says the kids should be with the family.

The Jackson Family is working with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on funeral plans. They are thinking of burying MJ at Neverland and turning the place into a Graceland.

The $$$ begins..
Larry Nimmer: His documentary about Neverland will be out next week.

A group called "Day26" sings the chorus of You are Not Alone in tribute to MJ to close out the show.

Geraldo claims to stay on the case.
Alleged autopsy leaks...

He was lightweight (8 stone??)

Nothing was in MJs somach

evidence that he had some broken ribs in the past

cuts on his back from... (didn't catch what was said)

bruised knees?

some lacerations or incisions around his heart which they believe came from the doctor trying to kickstart his heart (Jesus!)

Yall should know right off that this UK tabloid dude was lying because the coroner has already stated that there was no trauma to MJ's body. If Michael had a broken rib and all these cuts and scars on his body, the coroner would have seen that.
Yall should know right off that this UK tabloid dude was lying because the coroner has already stated that there was no trauma to MJ's body. If Michael had a broken rib and all these cuts and scars on his body, the coroner would have seen that.

He indicated they were old healed injuries.The ribs situation may have been from the time he fell during the trial. They probably weren't severely broken...more like slightly cracked? Tabloids exaggerate. But I think it was reported MJ had to wear a brace-like thing inder his clothes afterwards or had to have his back wrapped for a while after he fell? :unsure:

The only new injuries were the cuts in/near his heart. The bruised knees could have come from any dance moves done during rehearsals. Don't know. But the weight thing definitely seems off. I'm sure it was reportedly higher.
Doing his spins and drops to the ground could have caused the knee bruising.
I dont trust dr thome i read that he is to a doctor and spokesperson that had given michael medication, and he is the one that brought the other doctor in michael life and aeg had to put him on the pay roll per michael request. that would have made it easy for michael to become addicted to medication again, by having his on doctors there, thome i believe is trouble, and a manipulator
Ribs? Could that be from the fall on the bridge back in 1999? I don't know the extent of his injuries from that day.

She didn't know about the interview Grace did and was surprised at the footage Geraldo showed. She wants to know why did the ppl who were responsible for taking care of MJ not do what was necessary to watch out for him regarding possible overmedicating.

What interview of Grace? What footage? please someone reply.Thanks.
Isn't that it's reported MJ has pills in his stomach?
or is it empty?
Something just came to me. If MJ hadn't yet finalized or signed on the dotted line for the doctor to go on tour with him, why hadn't he? Was it something he just never got around to or had he changed his mind? This is wierd becuz the doctor had already sent out notices to his patients that he would be away days ago. :unsure:
The 20 second footage from the nanny thread where she was talking to Daphne Barak.

His stomach was empty. There was no food or pills in it.

So what Grace said about MJ not taking care of himself, and addicted to drugs is true???????????????????????????????:(:(
So what Grace said about MJ not taking care of himself, and addicted to drugs is true???????????????????????????????:(:(

Can't say. She didn't really say anything in the footage shown tonight except that she was there the day Prince Michael was born and brought home from the hospital. Nothing about drug use was shown. Either way, Raymone seemed shocked that Grace was on film talking about MJ and said it was her first time seeing the footage.

Another thought just came to me about your stomach question. I just realized that if his stomach was empty, then we can rule out him taking any pills for up to a certain amount of hours, right? Any medical ppl on here know how long it would take for something like oxycontin, etc.. to dissolve in the stomach? We know he left rehearsal around 1am. So that's a window of approximately 1am to 12:15pm the next day for any meds given during that time period to dissolve or be present.
Alleged autopsy leaks...

MJ was lightweight (8 stone??)

Nothing was in MJs stomach (no food)

evidence that he had some broken ribs in the past

cuts on his back from... (didn't catch what was said)

bruised knees?

some lacerations or incisions around his heart which they believe came from the doctor trying to kickstart his heart (Jesus!)

Some possible medical reasons for above supposed autopsy leaks. And usually these are taken into account by coroner if aggresive and lengthy resus was performed and are not included in "foul play" scenarios:

Broken ribs from past injuries do show scarring.

Cuts on back could be due to CPR performed on hard resus board (presumably when EMT's arrived at scene/in ambulance or in ER).

Cuts/lacerations around heart could be from intracardiac injections from emergency resus meds/needles; or from actual cpr compressions involving rib contact; or open chest/cardiac massage performed in cases where all else has failed.

Bruised knees sound more like something from actual dancing rehearsal practice, or from an actual drop or fall to the knees not r/t to dance rehearsal.
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