Gary Mayor to Announce "Move Forward" For Jackson Center *Merged*

Some of you don't get it; Michael Jackson didn't want to be remembered as that guy who happens to be part of the Jackson 5/ the Jacksons. He wanted to be remembered as Michael Jackson, separate from the group and that's why he went to solo in the first place. Hope the estate establishes a MJ only museum .
...Ignoring his history with J/5 is the issue. It was his choice to go solo, but he never forgot his history where he came from and how his career began, with his brothers, some fans don't acknowledge or respect the contributions J5 have made in music with Michael.
The J5 were a one man show and Michael ran the show from the beginning the truth hurts I know, but it's time to face reality.

Then Joe could start remembering that he has other children besides Michael and begin to talk about them too. I'm sure a huge crowd would love to see Tito's hat.
LMAO :lol:

As i said before you under estimate the fans base of the jackson5/the jackson you just said what you think. but the jacksons are famous all over
fUNNY though how their billions of fans never bothered to support any of their damn projects not even back in the 80s .. what happened to ''dynamite'', ''love you honey'' and all of their other classics? Oh right they they flopped, the siblings must be the only act in history of mankind to have millions of fans and still have no success and flop time after time, the only act to have no career whatsoever although millions of people are backing them..

...Ignoring his history with J/5 is the issue. It was his choice to go solo, but he never forgot his history where he came from and how his career began, with his brothers, some fans don't acknowledge or respect the contributions J5 have made in music with Michael.
he went solo just like Jermaine did even before him being under the illusion of becoming some huge superstar that didn't happen, he went solo just like marlon, jackie and randy did all of them went solo with the exception that all of them failed but Michael. The J5 contributed nothing if anything Michael did, it was Michael and 4/5 additional back up singers/dancers from the beginning, period. From Gordy to everyone else admitted to Michael being the face, light, star/force from the beginning so who are u guys to deny the fact that they wouldn't have been nowhere and nothing without Michael? Even the worlds biggest Michael Jackson haters wouldn't be so ignorant to deny this LMAO
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Michael was Jackson 5, FACT, hardcore fans of Jacksons like it or not ...and definitely The Jacksons not exist without Michael until Katherine has spoken this years ago in interviews/documentaries, until Leonard Rowe a being I despise said that MJ knew since very young the pressure carrying on his shoulders, he knew that his brothers were nothing without him, that he needed to sign with Epic/Sony for his brothers have a contract too.

@Pascal09 AMEM to your words
Some of you don't get it; Michael Jackson didn't want to be remembered as that guy who happens to be part of the Jackson 5/ the Jacksons. He wanted to be remembered as Michael Jackson, separate from the group and that's why he went to solo in the first place. So, stop trying to change MJ's legacy into a family legacy.

Who said a Michael Jackson museum wouldn't include his j5 memorabilia?
I am sure the museum will cover his entire career.

Joe can go ahead and make a Jackson Family Museum...which will cover from 1965 until 2300 Jackson Street. Oh well...

The J5 were a one man show and Michael ran the show from the beginning the truth hurts I know, but it's time to face reality.

LMAO :lol:

fUNNY though how their billions of fans never bothered to support any of their damn projects not even back in the 80s .. what happened to ''dynamite'', ''love you honey'' and all of their other classics? Oh right they they flopped, the siblings must be the only act in history of mankind to have millions of fans and still have no success and flop time after time..

:clapping::clapping: And their A&E show had really poor ratings. Where are all these fans??
The J5 were a one man show and Michael ran the show from the beginning the truth hurts I know, but it's time to face reality.

LMAO :lol:

fUNNY though how their billions of fans never bothered to support any of their damn projects not even back in the 80s .. what happened to ''dynamite'', ''love you honey'' and all of their other classics? Oh right they they flopped, the siblings must be the only act in history of mankind to have millions of fans and still have no success and flop time after time..
You've totally missed my point. His brothers have made contributions to music, as well. People ignore that. Michael was the front and center star, but his brothers have made contributions that should be remembered they are a part of Michael's history and legacy.
:clapping::clapping: And their A&E show had really poor ratings. Where are all these fans??

Really? I knew it didn't kick ass, but I assumed because A&E wanted another season, it did alright.
Of COURSE the J5 was really about Michael, and people want only to know about Michael. He is a genius. AND the Jacksons falsely believe they were indispensible to launching MJ when it was the other way around. Gordon Keith, who signed them first to Steeltown, did so when he saw Michael jump from a flat-footed position several feet into the air to clear a wire. Yes, Joe is deluded and they are all parasites.

BUT you do not talk about the Beatles with Hamburg, Elvis without Sun Records, and you not talk about Michael outside the context of black soul and pop music of the 60s. Check your history, Michael revered his black musical and dance forebears and never tried to hide it. Of course, he has white forebears too, like Astaire. He should also get a mention.

A museum is about who a person is, not how they would like to be remembered. A little history is generally considered suitable.

That said, the J5 were monstrously popular and broke a lot of color lines in previously white domains. Their fans are very much alive, have a lot of disposable income, and will visit the museum.

Mostly, I feel sorry for Gary.
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The J5 were a one man show and Michael ran the show from the beginning the truth hurts I know, but it's time to face reality.

LMAO :lol:

fUNNY though how their billions of fans never bothered to support any of their damn projects not even back in the 80s .. what happened to ''dynamite'', ''love you honey'' and all of their other classics? Oh right they they flopped, the siblings must be the only act in history of mankind to have millions of fans and still have no success and flop time after time, the only act to have no career whatsoever although millions of people are backing them..

he went solo just like Jermaine did even before him being under the illusion of becoming some huge superstar that didn't happen, he went solo just like marlon, jackie and randy did all of them went solo with the exception that all of them failed but Michael. The J5 contributed nothing if anything Michael did, it was Michael and 4/5 additional back up singers/dancers from the beginning, period. From Gordy to everyone else admitted to Michael being the face, light, star/force from the beginning so who are u guys to deny the fact that they wouldn't have been nowhere and nothing without Michael? Even the worlds biggest Michael Jackson haters wouldn't be so ignorant to deny this LMAO

Many of the songs that the brother's wrote and song with michael were big hits so dont try and overlook what they contributed to the group, jermaine did not make it as big as a solo artist jermaine is not and entertainer but a singer michael is a entertainer and singer and you need this combination to be huge (beyonce) so when the brothers come out with new music they know they have to entertain and not just sing to be huge in the business. plus michael I believe was meant by god to bring people together through his music michael is in a class by himself.
Re: Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center - announcement for "a major move forward" expected 6/2/10

Indiana town working day and night for Michael Jackson museum

(CNN) -- The mayor of Gary, Indiana, and Michael Jackson's father, Joe, on Wednesday will announce "a major move forward" to bring a museum and performance arts center bearing the singer's name to the city.

Mayor Rudy Clay has said the project has the potential to bring 500,000 to 750,000 visitors to Gary and an annual income of $100 million to $150 million dollars to the community.

In addition, the Jackson Family Museum and a Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center will generate hundreds of construction jobs and thousands of full-time jobs for the community when the project is completed, the mayor said in a press release...

Jackson memorial moved to 2300 Jackson Street

Michael Jackson monument is now located at boyhood home

The Michael Jackson monument that was unveiled last year and that was housed at the Southshore Railcats stadium, has been moved to the boyhood home of Michael Jackson at 2300 Jackson Street.

Joseph Jackson, father of Michael Jackson, and Gary Mayor Rudolph Clay posed for photos with the monument today at the home. Sources say the monument, which is currently wrapped in thick black plastic, will be unveiled on June 25, the date which Jackson died. Plans will also be unveiled on June 2, for the Michael Jackson museum at the Genesis Convention Center in Gary at 11 a.m.

:angel: I've just seen this when I was on fox online news just the other day. & It came out just so wonderful! I wish Micheal counld see whats happening in his Gary, Indina childhood home. :)
Really? I knew it didn't kick ass, but I assumed because A&E wanted another season, it did alright.

The story as told to TMZ.

Even Steven Seagel's horrendous A&E reality show had greater ratings.

I am only sad for Jackie cause I really like him.
Re: Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center - announcement for "a major move forward" expected 6/2/10

:angel: I've just seen this when I was on fox online news just the other day. & It came out just so wonderful! I wish Micheal counld see whats happening in his Gary, Indina childhood home. :)

no disrespect to you....but Michael would probably freak out if he saw this....he would probably say...Oh Lord...I am paying for it!! Also if you look at picture of the monument stone will see that one of the pictures is that of an impersonator and not Michael.....I think he would be offended by that...I know I am.
The story as told to TMZ.

Even Steven Seagel's horrendous A&E reality show had greater ratings.

I am only sad for Jackie cause I really like him.
yeah JAckie is such a sweetheart I would love to support one of his projects.. I wish he would come up with something I'd be the first one to support him
let's stay on topic please. thread cleaned from the off topic talk

Interesting to read Joe & Katherine gave the right to the use of MJ's name & image..when they don't even own the rights to begin with.

Well let's give them the benefit of the doubt perhaps they didn't know that they couldn't authorize the use of his name , it could be because of not so qualified lawyers and/or business partners - however they should learn it now after the belt and this fiasco..

or perhaps they don't agree with it and feel like they are entitled to use his name

or they are betting on that the estate will let it slide and will not go against family for the sake of not looking bad (as you know for the people who do not know the law or against the estate , estate will be the bad guy for stopping the use of Michael's name)
let's stay on topic please. thread cleaned from the off topic talk

Well let's give them the benefit of the doubt perhaps they didn't know that they couldn't authorize the use of his name , it could be because of not so qualified lawyers and/or business partners - however they should learn it now after the belt and this fiasco..

or perhaps they don't agree with it and feel like they are entitled to use his name

or they are betting on that the estate will let it slide and will not go against family for the sake of not looking bad (as you know for the people who do not know the law or against the estate , estate will be the bad guy for stopping the use of Michael's name)

the sale of the belts was stopped. so, they are not afraid of the family.
Re: Gary Mayor to Announce "Move Forward" For Jackson Center

legit question:do ppl really want to go to Gary,Indiana?

taken from other sites:
"I'm sorry but I really don't think this is going to create long standing jobs or anything. People do not want to go to Gary, and I don't blame them. I've lived close enough to that city to not want much to do with it. :\"

"i live in indianapolis and have to drive through gary to get to chicago
and my family and i hate it so much we take a plane now, just to avoid gary- it's that bad."
"I'm the reverse of you. I'm in Chicago and have to drive through to get to Indianapolis. It's so awful. I also don't think pictures convey the smell either."

now a Jackson museum is fine but I don't see 1 million ppl going there every year to play golf and w/e Joe and the major have in mind...kinda delusional...

Believe me this will never happen, not in Gary anyway. You are right Joe is delusional and he has gotten worse with old age. Why couldn't he just go to the estate and seek approval from them in the first place? In order to plan this there has to be feasibility studies to see if it would work and be profitable. Who would want to go to GAry on a vacation? Seriously! They would have to completely and I mean completely rebuilt that town to make it palpable for ppl to come and visit- and you need billions for that.

The estate I'm sure are planning a museum, Weitzman, even stated that they may have plans for this in the future. And I am sure if they decide to do it, it will be done right.

Again, this is another of Joe's delusional projects that will never come to pass.
Some of you don't get it; Michael Jackson didn't want to be remembered as that guy who happens to be part of the Jackson 5/ the Jacksons. He wanted to be remembered as Michael Jackson, separate from the group and that's why he went to solo in the first place. So, stop trying to change MJ's legacy into a family legacy.

MJ always embraced his J5 legacy. He was damn proud of it !!! In concert and interviews he always paid homage to the J5. The lead singer of a successful group pursues a solo career 99% of the time.
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MJ always embraced his J5 legacy. He was damn proud of it !!! In concert and interviews he always paid homage to the J5. The lead singer of a successful group pursues a solo career 99% of the time.

How do you explain the fact that Michael always used OTHER folks to perform in his brothers' place when ever he performed the part of his shows that reflected his time with the Jackson 5?

I'm sure he embraced his J5 years, to an extent, yet the majority of the time, he NEVER included his brothers. To me, that says, something.
I have some other questions, for anybody who may know the answers.

The school building that covered up Michael's name on it's building, where is that school located?

Aside from using Michael's name and other belongings in order to fill-up a Jackson Family Museum, what about the belongs of the OTHER members of the Jackson 5.

I mean, doesn't that guy, Vaccaro from New Jersey still own ALL of the brothers belongings from their J5 days, because the brothers didn't fight to get their things back? That's going to be another obstacle for the Jackson Family Foundation, in my opinion. Vaccaro ain't just gonna give that stuff up.

Doesn't Motown still own the name "Jackson 5?" Just like using Michael's name, won't the foundation also have to get permission from Motown to secure the use of the Jackson 5 name? Another obstacle for the Jackson Family Foundation, in my opinion.

And then,of course, there's the THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.
he was proud of his J5 history but thats exactly what it was. his history and didnt want to go back
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I have some other questions, for anybody who may know the answers.

Doesn't Motown still own the name "Jackson 5?" Just like using Michael's name, won't the foundation also have to get permission from Motown to secure the use of the Jackson 5 name? Another obstacle for the Jackson Family Foundation, in my opinion.

Motown owned the Jackson 5 name starting 1972. At later years (between 1999-2005) Motown was bought and merged with Universal Music Group. Today Motown is a subsidiary of Universal Music. And I just checked Universal Music Group is the current trademark owner of "Jackson 5" since 2003.

The school building that covered up Michael's name on it's building, where is that school located?

that's in LA.
Motown owned the Jackson 5 name starting 1972. At later years (between 1999-2005) Motown was bought and merged with Universal Music Group. Today Motown is a subsidiary of Universal Music. And I just checked Universal Music Group is the current trademark owner of "Jackson 5" since 2003.

that's in LA.

Thanks for answering, I appreciate it.

So am I correct in thinking that the Jackson Family Foundation will have to obtain permission from Universal Music Group in order to use the Jackson 5 name when it comes to this "supposed" project, i.e. pay a licensing fee or how ever that works?
Thanks for answering, I appreciate it.

So am I correct in thinking that the Jackson Family Foundation will have to obtain permission from Universal Music Group in order to use the Jackson 5 name when it comes to this "supposed" project, i.e. pay a licensing fee or how ever that works?

yes..but they are not there yet.

The feasibility studies haven't been completed.....started.

I don't know who is the project manager..but usually feasibility studies are done PRIOR announcing ground breaking. What happens if study shows the project will not be profitable?
How do you explain the fact that Michael always used OTHER folks to perform in his brothers' place when ever he performed the part of his shows that reflected his time with the Jackson 5?

I'm sure he embraced his J5 years, to an extent, yet the majority of the time, he NEVER included his brothers. To me, that says, something.

Because he was a solo act, no longer part of the J5. Those stepping in for the brothers were an integral part of the concerts. Not disputing MJ saught separation from his family, especially his brothers. That saga is well documented, and i am 100% in support of MJ.
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yes..but they are not there yet.

The feasibility studies haven't been completed.....started.

I don't know who is the project manager..but usually feasibility studies are done PRIOR announcing ground breaking. What happens if study shows the project will not be profitable?

I'm just counting up the MANY obstacles in advance. LOL!

As to the feasibility study, I believe one of those articles even spoke about a potential FLOODING problem regarding some of the land parcels.

I agree with you, when done correctly, a feasibility study is done before any major announcements are made. I'm sure Donald Trump is somewhere shaking his head. LOL!
Because he was a solo act, no longer part of the J5. Those stepping in for the brothers were an integral part of the concerts. Not disputing MJ saught separation from his family, especially his brothers. That saga is well documenting, and i am 100% in support of MJ.
They were all Michael Jackson shows, he could have brought in his brothers at any point in time, IF HE WANTED TO.

How could a bunch of STRANGERS be "an integral part of the concerts," when the brothers were still alive and well. Bottomline, for whatever reason, Michael didn't want them there.

Given the opportunity, the brothers would have lapped up that opportunity, in my opinion.
They were all Michael Jackson shows, he could have brought in his brothers at any point in time, IF HE WANTED TO.

How could a bunch of STRANGERS be "an integral part of the concerts," when the brothers were still alive and well. Bottomline, for whatever reason, Michael didn't want them there.

Given the opportunity, the brothers would have lapped up that opportunity, in my opinion.
girl they would have bothered him to do some kind of reunion tour ''like back in the ole days'' u know they would have never been satisfied to just sing 1/2 songs and then leave the stage. u know back in the early 00s when that anniversary thing was happening the brothers and especially jermaine was running around screaming from the top of his lungs that they'd do a family tour and a new album with Michael. It's like u give them ur pinky but they want the entire hand u know lol..
They were all Michael Jackson shows, he could have brought in his brothers at any point in time, IF HE WANTED TO.

How could a bunch of STRANGERS be "an integral part of the concerts," when the brothers were still alive and well. Bottomline, for whatever reason, Michael didn't want them there.

Given the opportunity, the brothers would have lapped up that opportunity, in my opinion.

It is common knowledge MJ no longer wanted to be associated with his brothers in concert or otherwise. My point is MJ always embraced his significant J5 legacy.
yes..but they are not there yet.

The feasibility studies haven't been completed.....started.

I don't know who is the project manager..but usually feasibility studies are done PRIOR announcing ground breaking. What happens if study shows the project will not be profitable?

I think the feasibility study will also show that the winters in the Gary IN area are too long and too hard to support a year round tourist attraction.

I don't think the estate will just say "No, you can't build this museum." Instead, they will put so many restrictions and limitations on the use of Michael's name, images, belongings, costumes, awards, music, and videos, that the project may become unattractive to investors.