Gary Mayor to Announce "Move Forward" For Jackson Center *Merged*

the sale of the belts was stopped. So, the estate is not afraid of Joe.

I don't think the estate is afraid of any of them...But I think they want to be careful not to get the fans against them.

Right now, that is the only thing the Jacksons have against them. Some angry "fans" aka loonies. Many still support the family...because they still refuse to believe or accept that MJ rejected most of his family years ago.

From reading non fan boards, like TMZ, the general public doesn't care nor does it respect the Jacksons. It's the looney tunes that are unable to see through the Jacksons' act.

Jackson megaplex 'on fast track'

With a land agreement appearing to be set, Gary's mayor said the city's Jackson family mecca is "on the fast track," with organizers planning a return visit to the city in the next couple of weeks.

Mayor Rudy Clay said Friday members of the Jackson Family Foundation will be back in the Steel City in the next two weeks with environmental experts to review land targeted for the massive complex.

Joined by family patriarch Joe Jackson, Clay unveiled plans Tuesday to build a 300-acre shrine to the city's musical family, including a museum and hotel, that will cost at least $300 million.

Organizers have imagined an open-air, green-landscaped home to a theater, retail stores and "casino at a future date," resting south of Interstate 80/94 between Broadway and Grant Street.

Among the land parcels the city deeded to the nonprofit foundation last week is Gilroy Stadium, the overgrown, long-neglected former football field at Harrison Boulevard and 30th Avenue.

According to the Indiana Finance Authority's Brownfields Program, the site remains on a brownfield list, as it was evaluated for petroleum remediation grant funds in 2007.

The property owner will have to conduct an assessment to determine any contamination, and "identify whether further assessment activities would be necessary for the site to be redeveloped," IFA spokeswoman Jessica Ewing said.

Because planners are eyeing a heavily flood-prone area, the real estate agreement notes construction may require working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as performing "extensive environmental impact report studies due to the setting of the site that includes both wetlands and the (Little) Calumet River."

Clay said foundation members will join officials from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the city's Environmental Affairs Department within two weeks to scout the project site.

The agreement affords the foundation tax-exempt status on the land for five years, with possible extensions, but threatens to remove it if construction is not "substantially" complete within five years of close of escrow.

According to the contract, the multimillion-dollar venue will be built with private and public funds, though Clay strongly vowed taxpayer money would not finance the project.

Contrary to claims from the late Jackson's estate, the contract also states the foundation has "secured the rights of use of the name 'Michael Jackson.'"

The city's contract stipulates the creation of a Michael Jackson Memorial Pavilion and Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center & Concert Hall.

But in a statement released to media this week, Howard Weitzman, the attorney representing the singer's estate and executors, said the estate "was never consulted about, nor is it involved in, the Jackson Family museum being proposed in Gary, Ind.
"Michael Jackson's music, name, likeness, memorabilia and other intellectual property are assets exclusively owned by the estate. These properties cannot be exploited legally without written authorization from the estate."

Gary Corporation Counsel Susan Severtson said the city has left negotiations regarding the estate to the foundation.

The city did not provide The Times with a signed copy of the agreement, but Clay said he and all members of the city's Public Works board signed it, as did Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson.

Katherine Jackson's Los Angeles-based lawyer has not responded to requests for information about her signature and involvement in the project.

Parcels deeded to the Jackson Family Foundation by the city of Gary:
- 30th Avenue and Broadway
- 3200 Broadway, Gleason Park
- 33rd and Harrison Boulevard, Gleason Park
- 3200 Harrison Blvd., Gilroy Stadium

Source: Real estate agreement between City of Gary and Jackson Family Foundation

It is moving fast. :unsure: I'm afraid of that. I'm sure problems will come ahead.
I don't think the estate is afraid of any of them...But I think they want to be careful not to get the fans against them.

Right now, that is the only thing the Jacksons have against them. Some angry "fans" aka loonies. Many still support the family...because they still refuse to believe or accept that MJ rejected most of his family years ago.

From reading non fan boards, like TMZ, the general public doesn't care nor does it respect the Jacksons. It's the looney tunes that are unable to see through the Jacksons' act.

It's funny how you call the fans that support michael jackson family (jacksons)as loonies cause us fans that support michael jackson and the jackson family see the haters as having blinders on when it come to the executors of the estate we believe they had a hand in what happend to michael and it was planed, so we see the haters fans as being so blinded and cant see whats obvious, casue you dislike the jackson family you cant see
how guilty the executor look to many of us fans.
Wow hehe fans' skeptisism is crackin' me up. I do feel you all do cross the line of respect for Joe just because of a collective 'consciousness' or agreement of how he is. I feel we all should be careful of that. I'm just wondering why Gary hasn't already done this thing a long time ago or why so much is incumbant upon the Jacksons. What would the city of Gary do if the Jacksons weren't here ... say 300 years from now ... I dunno lol nvm ... just so much to learn ..
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this museum will never see the light of the day.

Joe & Co don't have $300 millions, don't have the rights of MJ's name or image

and the estate wants a MJ museum.

you cant see
how guilty the executor look to many of us fans.

Have the reasons why been explained somewhere in detail?

I would appreciate a link if you can provide one.

Thank you :)
this museum will never see the light of the day.

Joe & Co don't have $300 millions, don't have the rights of MJ's name or image

and the estate wants a MJ museum.
Although I'm quoting this post, this to is not DIRECTED AT this poster, just highlighting the fact that this attitude is so prevelant so I can't help but wonder ... are you all saying agreements can't be made, deals can't be struck and there can be no arrangements possible although knowing nothing of the details ... so you all know all this because ... :unsure: ... I don't get it!! :lol:

I realize you all know something I don't ... 'just love to know what it is. . . can somebody help me? please ..
The Estate of Michael Jackson was never consulted about, nor is it involved in, the Jackson Family museum being proposed in Gary, Indiana. Michael Jackson's music, name, likeness, memorabilia and other intellectual property are assets exclusively owned by the Estate for the benefit of his children, his mother during her lifetime and charities as specified in his will. These properties cannot be exploited legally without written authorization from the Estate, which is managed by John Branca and John McClain, the Executors, as mandated in Michael's will. The Estate is considering a world-class museum that would include memorabilia, music and other intellectual properties at a site yet to be determined. The Estate has no connection to this project.,new-gjackson0603.article
The Estate of Michael Jackson was never consulted about, nor is it involved in, the Jackson Family museum being proposed in Gary, Indiana. Michael Jackson's music, name, likeness, memorabilia and other intellectual property are assets exclusively owned by the Estate for the benefit of his children, his mother during her lifetime and charities as specified in his will. These properties cannot be exploited legally without written authorization from the Estate, which is managed by John Branca and John McClain, the Executors, as mandated in Michael's will. The Estate is considering a world-class museum that would include memorabilia, music and other intellectual properties at a site yet to be determined. The Estate has no connection to this project.,new-gjackson0603.article
I do not know why still try to pass over the Estate. :sigh:

Thanks for posting.
I'm just wondering why Gary hasn't already done this thing a long time ago or why so much is incumbant upon the Jacksons.

They have been trying for a Jackson museum since 1995 and the answer is easy they need help financing this project, as well as have the permission to use the names of Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 etc. That's why this hasn't already be done and the dependence on Jackson's

although knowing nothing of the details ...

this is the documents of the deal between the Jackson Family Foundation and the city of Gary in regards to the museum. So the details are coming out
I think that they..(meaning Joe) think that if they start this project and get the ball rolling on it then the estate will have no other choice to approve it. Little does Joe know...contrary to what he thinks ...the estate doesn't have to approve anything to do with the name Michael Jackson. He seems to have this attitude of entitlement...meaning,,I think Joe thinks that just because he is Michael's father that he has rights to ALL THINGS MICHAEL and that he can just by pass the estate....I know that there is no way that Joe can be that bold.
They have been trying for a Jackson museum since 1995 and the answer is easy they need help financing this project, as well as have the permission to use the names of Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 etc. That's why this hasn't already be done and the dependence on Jackson's

this is the documents of the deal between the Jackson Family Foundation and the city of Gary in regards to the museum. So the details are coming out

Thank you for posting the legal document.

Interesting to read Joe & Katherine gave the right to the use of MJ's name & image..when they don't even own the rights to begin with.

Now that the estate has publicly come out and stated there was no permission given for the use to MJ's trademark..and they are looking into establishing a museum. I can't see any investor getting in bed with Joe. I think Joe & Katherine should put the emphasis on a Jackson family museum..and just forget about MJ's.

MJ has already established the people that he wanted in place to protect his legacy until his kids are old enough to take over.

The family should worry about its own legacy.

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Thank you for posting the legal document.

Interesting to read Joe & Katherine ace the right to the use of MJ's name & image..when they don't even own the rights to begin with.

Now that the estate has publicly come out and stated there was no permission given for the use to MJ's trademark..and they are looking into establishing a museum. I can't see any investor getting in bed with Joe. I think Joe & Katherine should put the emphasis on a Jackson family museum..and just forget about MJ's.

MJ has already established the people that he wanted in place to protect his legacy until his kids are old enough to take over.

The family should worry about its own legacy.


Nobody cares about a Jackson family museum, a Jackson Family museum without Michael jackson, won't bring any money and if it brings a few bucks it won't bring the kind of money Joseph and Katherine desire. What Jackson family legacy are u talking about? The only ''legacy'' they have is that Michael Jackson happened to be a member of that family, if they had any kind of name they wouldn't have flopped, struggled, and lacked of a career the past three decades. Michael is everything without them they are nothing without him that is the reason why all of them (including Joseph and KAtherine) desperately cling onto Michael Jackson the ''business' .
Why not use Janet's name?

I'm sure she still has fans out there. Not many, but should have.
Nobody cares about a Jackson family museum, a Jackson Family museum without Michael jackson, won't bring any money and if it brings a few bucks it won't bring the kind of money Joseph and Katherine desire. What Jackson family legacy are u talking about? The only ''legacy'' they have is that Michael Jackson happened to be a member of that family, if they had any kind of name they wouldn't have flopped, struggled, and lacked of a career the past three decades. Michael is everything without them they are nothing without him that is the reason why all of them (including Joseph and KAtherine) desperately cling onto Michael Jackson the ''business' .
As you should know the jackson5/the jackson sold many many records world wide and are respected through out the world for there music they dont top what michael sold from his solo work but they do have many many fans that will go and see a museum in there honor I see you under estimate there fan base and the museum will include michael many fans see michael as a jackson family member that is what he is you cant seperate him from the jackson5/the jacksons or his solo music, if they (excutors) would try to keep michael from being apart of the family museum many many fans will stand up for joe jackson family museum like it or not michael belong more with jackson family then to the excutors if they have a separate museum thats fine, but the draw will be to joe jackson family museum there would be a real connection to michael there. you cant take that away from the family!
As you should know the jackson5/the jackson sold many many records world wide and are respected through out the world for there music they dont top what michael sold from his solo work but they do have many many fans that will go and see a museum in there honor I see you under estimate there fan base and the museum will include michael many fans see michael as a jackson family member that is what he is you cant seperate him from the jackson5/the jacksons or his solo music, if they (excutors) would try to keep michael from being apart of the family museum many many fans will stand up for joe jackson family museum like it or not michael belong more with jackson family then to the excutors if they have a separate museum thats fine, but the draw will be to joe jackson family museum there would be a real connection to michael there. you cant take that away from the family!

Then Joe could start remembering that he has other children besides Michael and begin to talk about them too. I'm sure a huge crowd would love to see Tito's hat.
As you should know the jackson5/the jackson sold many many records world wide and are respected through out the world for there music they dont top what michael sold from his solo work but they do have many many fans that will go and see a museum in there honor I see you under estimate there fan base and the museum will include michael many fans see michael as a jackson family member that is what he is you cant seperate him from the jackson5/the jacksons or his solo music, if they (excutors) would try to keep michael from being apart of the family museum many many fans will stand up for joe jackson family museum like it or not michael belong more with jackson family then to the excutors if they have a separate museum thats fine, but the draw will be to joe jackson family museum there would be a real connection to michael there. you cant take that away from the family!

Cut It out, I don't take Michael anywhere Michael himself distanced him a LONG TIME AGO, HIS WILL AND TRUST Clearly prove it get OVER IT, IT's a year and ur still not accepting the truth. Michael was the FACE OF J5/JAcksons without him they'd be karakoe singers and/or aged street musicians. Michael was the J5. The fact that none of them are able to have any kind of a career, the fact that all of them flopped big time during the 80s while trying to launch solo careers proves it. The Jackson's were stuck in the 70s if it wasn't for Michael none of them would have even arrived in the 80s.
If it wasn't for Michael 99% of the world would have never ever heard about the JAckson family, people outside the US and UK (believe within too) have trouble to keep up with their names, what illusions are u living in?! Wake up.
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There are fans who have an interest in the Jackson museum. And, the museum is not for financial profit. The family is trying to have a place for fans to come pay respects to The Jacksons and Michael, and nothing more.

Some fans may not view this project as positive, but at least the fans would have a place for rememberance and celebration of a family, and musical icon who gave the world great music and memories.
As you should know the jackson5/the jackson sold many many records world wide and are respected through out the world for there music they dont top what michael sold from his solo work but they do have many many fans that will go and see a museum in there honor I see you under estimate there fan base and the museum will include michael many fans see michael as a jackson family member that is what he is you cant seperate him from the jackson5/the jacksons or his solo music, if they (excutors) would try to keep michael from being apart of the family museum many many fans will stand up for joe jackson family museum like it or not michael belong more with jackson family then to the excutors if they have a separate museum thats fine, but the draw will be to joe jackson family museum there would be a real connection to michael there. you cant take that away from the family!

just tell me about jackson family dynasty , just give me dvd sell record .and this is genuine question ,if they have million fans ,then sell must be good .
if the family want family museum then make it "jackson family and Michael jackson museum ,not other way .
Michael did his part as son he doesn't belong to any one ,now this is time for his kids to carry on his legacy not 80yr old or60-50 yr old.
why i don't see any money going to charity which is what Michael wanted most.
Agreed to all about Daddy Dearest.

BUT, if a Michael Jackson museum is not, in turn, allowed to use the Jackson 5 and Jacksons period, the music, history, memorabilia, then its educational function will be severely compromised.

I am sure many of you are aware of the history and culture of black music in Chicago [a swathe with Gary on the east], and they are part of that culture. Would you talk about Chuck Berry without mentioning his first recordings were for Chess? The founder of VJ Records, the first US co to sign the Beatles, was from Gary. The dance history of the area is highly pertinent too.

So, past past time for the others to be eating Michael's flesh, but props to Gary and midwestern black music history [of which Motown was often just a pop part.]
There are fans who have an interest in the Jackson museum. And, the museum is not for financial profit. The family is trying to have a place for fans to come pay respects to The Jacksons and Michael, and nothing more.

Some fans may not view this project as positive, but at least the fans would have a place for rememberance and celebration of a family, and musical icon who gave the world great music and memories.

really? for profit?

Last I checked, Jackson Family Foundation did not have an IRS charity registration number.
There are fans who have an interest in the Jackson museum. And, the museum is not for financial profit. The family is trying to have a place for fans to come pay respects to The Jacksons and Michael, and nothing more.

that might have been true for the initial project - which was just turning the Jackson home at 2300 street into a museum and opening a performing arts center.
but the current project is definitely aiming financial profit as it includes all the above plus hotels, golf course and a casino.
that might have been true for the initial project - which was just turning the Jackson home at 2300 street into a museum and opening a performing arts center.
but the current project is definitely aiming financial profit as it includes all the above plus hotels, golf course and a casino.
I realize the project would bring revenue in but,some fans are implying the family wants the museum for financial profit only, that's untrue, imo.
Some fans are implying the family wants the museum for financial profit only, that's untrue, imo.

I would agree with you if they were pushing for a family museum. But they claim to want o protect MJ's legacy, when MJ himself, asked them to butt out. He already named the people who are responsible for his legacy until his kids take over.

The family need not worrying about MJ's is flourishing under the current administrators.

They need to concentrate on their own legacy..and leave MJ's to his kids. AS MJ dictated in his will.
Cut It out, I don't take Michael anywhere Michael himself distanced him a LONG TIME AGO, HIS WILL AND TRUST Clearly prove it get OVER IT, IT's a year and ur still not accepting the truth. Michael was the FACE OF J5/JAcksons without him they'd be karakoe singers and/or aged street musicians. Michael was the J5. The fact that none of them are able to have any kind of a career, the fact that all of them flopped big time during the 80s while trying to launch solo careers proves it. The Jackson's were stuck in the 70s if it wasn't for Michael none of them would have even arrived in the 80s.
If it wasn't for Michael 99% of the world would have never ever heard about the JAckson family, people outside the US and UK (believe within too) have trouble to keep up with their names, what illusions are u living in?! Wake up.
As i said before you under estimate the fans base of the jackson5/the jackson you just said what you think. but the jacksons are famous all over thet world believe it or not michael is the most famous that is true but his brothers got major love to, you are entitle to your thoughts as well as other fans are entitled to theres, about leaving the family out of the will what I do believe michael trust katheine to take care of everything (family) and he trust her do what she always have done now that he is gone . thats how it was when michael was here he gave the money and power to katherine to take care of everything, and that they way he wanted it now he is gone.
As i said before you under estimate the fans base of the jackson5/the jackson you just said what you think. but the jacksons are famous all over thet world believe it or not michael is the most famous that is true but his brothers got major love to, you are entitle to your thoughts as well as other fans are entitled to theres, about leaving the family out of the will what I do believe michael trust katheine to take care of everything (family) and he trust her do what she always have done now that he is gone . thats how it was when michael was here he gave the money and power to katherine to take care of everything, and that they way he wanted it now he is gone.

Prove then.
Some of you don't get it; Michael Jackson didn't want to be remembered as that guy who happens to be part of the Jackson 5/ the Jacksons. He wanted to be remembered as Michael Jackson, separate from the group and that's why he went to solo in the first place. So, stop trying to change MJ's legacy into a family legacy.
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