Gaga NADA – Michael Jackson is the first “billion-viewed” video artist!

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Billions were watching Michael Jackson on the internet years before YouTube even existed..............

And this "visible measures" seem to provide no proof to their info nor to they include all the other major video streaming websites!!!!!!
And what should be correct?

Aren't you the one that posted the article? We should tell them that (gag me) only has not even half a billion views and Michael is the one with more than 1 billion views!!!! Maybe paste the article since his data is obviously incorrect.
So some people think that Lady Ga Ga is bigger than Michael Jackson?

I really don't like lady gaga she's just famous for her strange clothes. And what I think michael must have as you say passed the billion for a long time ago. He's the king so it seems strange if he hasn', but you'veprooved it now so that's it!
OK I can totally understand not agreeing with and article, but does it mean you have to bash and artist as well? Meaning, that while yes we all have the right of course to like what ever artist and song we like, we should be careful to trash an artist/song on here because it could be hurting another member's feelings if they happen to like the artist/song being trashed by someone.

For example, if you don't like singer A, then OK say "Well I don't like singer A, they don't do it for me." And leave it at that. When people go into saying nasty things about the artist saying they have no talent, their songs are awful (Now while I am saying this in general terms, I have also seen this, and very recently I might add, on this site). that is when other members feelings could get hurt.

Now I am not talking about an artist that trashed Michael while he was alive or since he has been dead. I am talking about an artist that has never said or done anything bad to Michael.

And I know a lot of people may read this and say that we are all free to say what we want, and I know that is true, but that doesn't mean we HAVE to say it. I say this for a few reasons.

Let's say an artist is compared to Michael for whatever reason (like Lady Gaga was in that original article that was posted on here, even though that is not even what the article even said but that is a whole other issue)and then people go haywire insulting that artist (like they did in that thread-and a little bit in this one- about Lady Gaga). And this artist has never said or done anything to insult of hurt Michael. Then you have a member come into that thread, and see that favorite artist of theirs being trashed. I mean trashed (because I have seen it on here). Put yourselves in that person's shoes, think of your second favorite artist to Michael and that was him/her being trashed. How would you feel? Think about it, these are you fellow Michael Jackson fans/friends and they are basically crapping all over your taste in music. And take it a step further-what if that artist you are trashing, a member on here liked for sentimental reasons? Be it, that a song of this artist was played at one of their parent's funerals, or a friend of family member's funeral/memorial. What if that artist was the favorite of a members parent/friend/family member that is deceased and they had a lot of memories of listening to that artist with their parent/friend/family member? How do you think seeing things like those that were being said in the Lady Gaga thread make them feel? I bet like total you know what.

Never mind the fact that when we just bash another artist down that has never said or done anything to hurt Michael, that we are really only making us look bad, not that artist.

What is really important is the feelings of other members of this board.

You all must remember that saying-if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all? I think we should all practice that when commenting on other interests of members on here. You never know just why that interest may be important to them. You never know if was something they enjoyed with someone they really cared about that isn't here anymore.

Michael himself never talked ill of another artist. Even ones that out right insulted him (Eminem comes to mind). I can remember Michael saying that he would never go to that level and speak ill of another artist. So shouldn't we as his fans, his voice now, do the same? I am sure part of the reason he didn't speak ill of other artists (because I am sure there were singers he didn't like for the pure and simple fact that their music didn't do it for him-even if they never said something bad about him) was because he understood that his fans had other artists that they liked, and didn't want to hurt their feeling too. So again, why can't we all just be like Michael in that regard and quit it with the bashing of other artists on here that have never said or done anything to Michael?
OK I can totally understand not agreeing with and article, but does it mean you have to bash and artist as well? Meaning, that while yes we all have the right of course to like what ever artist and song we like, we should be careful to trash an artist/song on here because it could be hurting another member's feelings if they happen to like the artist/song being trashed by someone.

For example, if you don't like singer A, then OK say "Well I don't like singer A, they don't do it for me." And leave it at that. When people go into saying nasty things about the artist saying they have no talent, their songs are awful (Now while I am saying this in general terms, I have also seen this, and very recently I might add, on this site). that is when other members feelings could get hurt.

Now I am not talking about an artist that trashed Michael while he was alive or since he has been dead. I am talking about an artist that has never said or done anything bad to Michael.

And I know a lot of people may read this and say that we are all free to say what we want, and I know that is true, but that doesn't mean we HAVE to say it. I say this for a few reasons.

Let's say an artist is compared to Michael for whatever reason (like Lady Gaga was in that original article that was posted on here, even though that is not even what the article even said but that is a whole other issue)and then people go haywire insulting that artist (like they did in that thread-and a little bit in this one- about Lady Gaga). And this artist has never said or done anything to insult of hurt Michael. Then you have a member come into that thread, and see that favorite artist of theirs being trashed. I mean trashed (because I have seen it on here). Put yourselves in that person's shoes, think of your second favorite artist to Michael and that was him/her being trashed. How would you feel? Think about it, these are you fellow Michael Jackson fans/friends and they are basically crapping all over your taste in music. And take it a step further-what if that artist you are trashing, a member on here liked for sentimental reasons? Be it, that a song of this artist was played at one of their parent's funerals, or a friend of family member's funeral/memorial. What if that artist was the favorite of a members parent/friend/family member that is deceased and they had a lot of memories of listening to that artist with their parent/friend/family member? How do you think seeing things like those that were being said in the Lady Gaga thread make them feel? I bet like total you know what.

Never mind the fact that when we just bash another artist down that has never said or done anything to hurt Michael, that we are really only making us look bad, not that artist.

What is really important is the feelings of other members of this board.

You all must remember that saying-if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all? I think we should all practice that when commenting on other interests of members on here. You never know just why that interest may be important to them. You never know if was something they enjoyed with someone they really cared about that isn't here anymore.

Michael himself never talked ill of another artist. Even ones that out right insulted him (Eminem comes to mind). I can remember Michael saying that he would never go to that level and speak ill of another artist. So shouldn't we as his fans, his voice now, do the same? I am sure part of the reason he didn't speak ill of other artists (because I am sure there were singers he didn't like for the pure and simple fact that their music didn't do it for him-even if they never said something bad about him) was because he understood that his fans had other artists that they liked, and didn't want to hurt their feeling too. So again, why can't we all just be like Michael in that regard and quit it with the bashing of other artists on here that have never said or done anything to Michael?

Okay- but do you really think any Michael Jackson fan who happens to come to this board (which means they are pretty hardcore I would say. I don't know maybe there are some casual fans here too) would really get their feelings hurt if we don't like another artist? After all this is a Michael Jackson fan board isn't it?

Seriously? Even if they like that artist - they would get their feelings hurt because we don't like that artist?

I don't know but I think you are making too much of this. You know the saying: "Much to do about nothing?"
Okay- but do you really think any Michael Jackson fan who happens to come to this board (which means they are pretty hardcore I would say. I don't know maybe there are some casual fans here too) would really get their feelings hurt if we don't like another artist? After all this is a Michael Jackson fan board isn't it?

Seriously? Even if they like that artist - they would get their feelings hurt because we don't like that artist?

I don't know but I think you are making too much of this. You know the saying: "Much to do about nothing?"

It's one thing to say you don't like an artist, it's another thing to say that the artist is untalented, ugly, their songs are stupid etc. That is what I saw on this board. Including a term that was so uncalled for that the post was actually removed. That is what I mean.

What I am saying is imagine if you said you thought an artist had no talent, or that a certain song they sang was just the stupidest song you ever heard-because those exact things were said on this board-and that artist and song that you talked about was a song that was used in a Memorial for someone else reading that post loved that died. Maybe hurt feelings wasn't the right term, but offended may a better term. I can totally see someone being offended, and hurt too, reading that if that was the case. I am using that as an example of something that could be the case by anyone reading a post that says negative things about a song or artist. Again, it's one thing to say you don't like a song or artist, but why then go on to say how untalented they are or that their songs suck or worse which I did read on this board.

And you're right this is a Michael Jackson board, so in saying that, shouldn't we all take a page from Michael and not bash other artists like he never did?

I am not "trying to make too much of this". All I am trying to point out is that we should all take a step back and try and think of other people's feelings before we bash anything on here. Especially like I have said, if the artist in question has never said or done anything to hurt Michael. We are all free to say if we like-dislike an artist or song. But I think taking it a step further and then slamming the artist or song to the point of just insulting them is not right. Michael never did that, so why should we as his fans do that then?
While i don't think it is a big deal i do think it is important that people know that the media has once again ran with a story without checking any of the details or truth in the story, you should send an email to the main outlets who ran this story.
While i don't think it is a big deal i do think it is important that people know that the media has once again ran with a story without checking any of the details or truth in the story, you should send an email to the main outlets who ran this story.

Exactly! And that's what I don't understand.. Why do the media want her to be on this pedastel so badly? They make up achievements of her when they did everything in their power to downplay how important Michael was to the music industry when he was still alive.
That just blows my mind.. Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore..
There are many reasons they have downplayed Michael and tried to bring up other ppl. Among them, jealousy, and even though I hardly ever bring this up, but it has to play some part of it especially here in the U.S., racism. (I don't care that we elected a black pres.,there is still a lot of racism in this country).

Anyway, the truth is the truth, all the facts are there. Michael has won it all, he's a visionary, revolutionary, and the greatest entertainer of all time period! I doubt you will find anybody that compares. They can make up all those figures because they are clearly made up, but like Rob did he added up all the numbers and it is easy to do and there it is in black and white he has over 1 billion views and I hope somebody even we fans can bring up the news when he gets to the 2 billion mark before anybody else does a bogus report.
Gaga is all image and shock value as far as I'm concerned. The first time I saw her (I had never heard of her before) was at the MTV Awards this last Sept and I was scared to death!! No her talent is purely shock value period. How can you compare Michael to her?
I'm not watching any of her videos because they'll just jack up the viewership ten fold and I'm not contributing to the farse.

Well, you are missing out because this video is about Michael, you can only hear Lady Gaga's song "Monster" but the footage is only of Michael. I don't like Lady Gaga's videos as well..she is not my type..even the music is not my taste, although she has a few OK songs.
Em, I've never heard anything so stupid.

Michael reached a billion views decades ago lol.
Black and white was watched by 500 million people in just one time.

All this youtube stuff is crap, its easy to get lots of views over time. A lot harder to get the world to sit and watch your video premiere at a scheduled time on tv.
Guys try and remain respectful. Its ok not to like other artists but don't trash them and call them names. Remember what Mike said about trashing other artists.
Hello, If you remebe the publicity stunt Beyonce and Lady Gaga did....I could see why Lady Gaga received a lot of views. Beyonce and Lady Gaga did the same stunt as Madonna and Britney Spears did.

Here is the clean version at the end they do not kiss. However, you may find the other video with them kissing. The other scenes are not appropriate for children or teens as one parent was yelling.

Its all about selling music and shocking the audience. Nothing Lady Gaga could do could Out Shock me and I have seen artists from sexual activities to spitting up blood as stunt. Lady Gaga reminds as a little Madonna.

Michael could not compete with these women and Michael would probably watch the video with his friends and brothers. Michael would never bare his body or express sexual gestures to the world...Michael is a gentleman. OMG, I cried when he grab his crotch and yelled "he lost his virginity and Michael was so pure." My heart was shattered into unrepaired pieces and I thought Michael was the only male virgin on this earth...lmao...

have fun watching the video.....
Well, you are missing out because this video is about Michael, you can only hear Lady Gaga's song "Monster" but the footage is only of Michael. I don't like Lady Gaga's videos as well..she is not my type..even the music is not my taste, although she has a few OK songs.

Just wanted to tell you I LOOOOOVE YOUR SIG!!!!
Those are probably one of the best pics of Michael ever! Well, except, the ones where he is smiling of course! he he
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Just cleaned the thread. You are more than welcome to not like Lady Gaga or her music. There is criticism and there is trashing which is what it has bordered onto. This is the second warning. Any other instances of trashing other artists in this thread and it will be closed for good.
It's one thing to say you don't like an artist, it's another thing to say that the artist is untalented, ugly, their songs are stupid etc. That is what I saw on this board. Including a term that was so uncalled for that the post was actually removed. That is what I mean.

What I am saying is imagine if you said you thought an artist had no talent, or that a certain song they sang was just the stupidest song you ever heard-because those exact things were said on this board-and that artist and song that you talked about was a song that was used in a Memorial for someone else reading that post loved that died. Maybe hurt feelings wasn't the right term, but offended may a better term. I can totally see someone being offended, and hurt too, reading that if that was the case. I am using that as an example of something that could be the case by anyone reading a post that says negative things about a song or artist. Again, it's one thing to say you don't like a song or artist, but why then go on to say how untalented they are or that their songs suck or worse which I did read on this board.

And you're right this is a Michael Jackson board, so in saying that, shouldn't we all take a page from Michael and not bash other artists like he never did?

I am not "trying to make too much of this". All I am trying to point out is that we should all take a step back and try and think of other people's feelings before we bash anything on here. Especially like I have said, if the artist in question has never said or done anything to hurt Michael. We are all free to say if we like-dislike an artist or song. But I think taking it a step further and then slamming the artist or song to the point of just insulting them is not right. Michael never did that, so why should we as his fans do that then?

I just want to respond one more time and say that I do not in no way endorse bashing or slamming any artist. That is not acceptable or respectful. But at the same time, unless you are personally attacking someone and maybe there were some here that were doing this and were rightly removed, then I don't see how it would be inappropriate to express our views about other artists. Some artists are famous for being famous, for the shock value etc, etc not for their talent per se. I think we should be free to explain why we do not like an artist, again in a respecful manner. (We live in a free society) And if you do no like his/her songs well, I don't see anything wrong in expressing that either. Expressing your opinion in a detailed, mature fashion is not bashing or slamming anybody. Thank you. And I respecfully request you do not remove this post.
Just wanted to tell you I LOOOOOVE YOUR SIG!!!!
Those are probably one of the best pics of Michael ever! Well, except, the ones where he is smiling of course! he he

hehe Thank you! I love my siggy too. :D
Hello, If you remebe the publicity stunt Beyonce and Lady Gaga did....I could see why Lady Gaga received a lot of views. Beyonce and Lady Gaga did the same stunt as Madonna and Britney Spears did.

Here is the clean version at the end they do not kiss. However, you may find the other video with them kissing. The other scenes are not appropriate for children or teens as one parent was yelling.

Michael would never bare his body or express sexual gestures to the world...Michael is a gentleman.

What is this? Are you saying Lady GaGa and Beyoncé kiss in the Telephone video? Because they most definitely do not. :mello:

In regards to the bolded part, crotch grabbing, much? Panther dance? Come Together? Pretty much every Billie Jean performance ever? All of these are pretty sexual. :mello:
What is this? Are you saying Lady GaGa and Beyoncé kiss in the Telephone video? Because they most definitely do not. :mello:

In regards to the bolded part, crotch grabbing, much? Panther dance? Come Together? Pretty much every Billie Jean performance ever? All of these are pretty sexual. :mello:

You are so right, Michael was definitely very sexy while performing. I've described him as pure sex out there. The difference is that Michael was a totally different person off stage. He always dressed conservatively (meaning he was always very much covered up) and his demeanor was always very shy and always very well mannered. Sometimes it is very hard to reconcile the Michael off stage and onstage.

But somehow, to me, even though he was "pure sex" on stage, it was always clean and respectful, not over the top skanky (sp?) or x-rated or classless I should say. Michael was always class and a gentleman off or on stage.
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