Full Credits on michaeljacksonlive.com


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Don't know if this has been posted or not (I apologise if it has...might even be on the DVD- I haven't really read it carefully yet) but michaeljacksonlive.com has the full credits for TII listed on it:

Turns out Misha was Michael's stunt double in the Smooth Criminal vignette. Did not know that!
Yeh, seen those. It also lists a 'Stunt Dancer' for The Way You Make Me Feel. I don't know what thats for?

Also I now notice some new names in the dancer list that I don't think were there before which is a bit strange.
on the german ultimate box set credits at the end it says FIRST EDTION
^^^ WHAT?! :\ :\ :\ TWYMMF is all michael o_O ?
Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

I don't get it... the cast list here


says that Misha Hamilton (one of the dancers on TII) doubled MJ as "Smooth Criminal"?

So is he the guy that slides down the stairrails? And if so, is he also doubling Michael in the scene where he's running down the streets and then shoots? If you look at him in the latter scene, his nose doesn't look Michael's.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

You are right, but Michael had doubles for many of his videos... Who Is It, They dont care..., Black or White...
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

I didnt know that he had doubles in those videos.. in which scenes?
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

The double is only used in the part were they are dancing on a platform in front of the big white screen, you can only see there outline because the rest of then is in the shadow so his face can't be seen.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Why was a double used in "Who Is It"?
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

I thought a double was also used when "Michael" slided down the railing. To me that "Michael" looked a bit shorter than Michael himself. Misha would make sense if you ask me :yes:
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

E'Casanova doubled for Michael in parts of This is It.

For example the bit where he is in the car.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

What!? MJ Doubles in music videos!? Are there more than BOW, TDRCAU and WII?

Imma check em out!
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

I didn't know about doubles in TDCAU and BoW. When are there doubles?
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Tried looking in TDRCAU and BoW, but didn't find any scenes. The WII one was funny :D
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

I think WII was the only video where MJ used a double...
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Why would he do that, in who is it? And yesterday I saw a documentary where Ecasanova says that he was asked to double in This Is It and he told that some parts in the movie you can see a a double, he knows that because he has studied MJ for years and he knows all of his movements and bodylanguage.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

The double is only used in the part were they are dancing on a platform in front of the big white screen, you can only see there outline because the rest of then is in the shadow so his face can't be seen.

Don't think so,the scene you mentioned is the real MJ . The double was used when "MJ" slided down the railing and when he jumped out of the building '.'
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

1OO hours of footage and they need to use footage of a body double to make a film 107 minutes long, makes you wonder.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

There is only a double in TII becasue Mj couldn't peforme the stunts.. Nothing wrong with that.

I just want to know where in TDRCAU and BOW the double is. I'm beggining to think you are wrong.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Don't think so,the scene you mentioned is the real MJ . The double was used when "MJ" slided down the railing and when he jumped out of the building '.'

Sorry you are right, the double is used not when they are standing in front of the white screen, that is Michael, it is actually used when the screen changes to the 3D BUILDINGS.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Say what? It's also Michael at the end on top of the Liberty Statue if thats what you mean by "3D BUILDINGS".
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Say what? It's also Michael at the end on top of the Liberty Statue if thats what you mean by "3D BUILDINGS".

The member above you is talking about Smooth Criminal in This Is It, not Black or White music video.
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

Ah; I see.

Anyone know for sure E'Casanova is in BoW or TDRCAU? Or are members lying for no reason? :)
Re: Smooth Criminal double = Misha Hamilton?!?

There is already a thread.http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88136

There is also a Stunt Dancer listed for This Is It for The Way You Make Me Feel.

I'm not sure what a 'Stunt Dancer' is or why they needed one.. is there a flip or something?

“The Way You Make Me Feel” Video Cast

  • Nick Bass Dancer
  • Daniel Celebre Dancer
  • Chris “Kryiss” Grant Dancer
  • Misha Hamilton Dancer
  • Shannon Holtzapffel Dancer
  • Devin Andrew Jamieson Dancer
  • Charles Klapow Dancer
  • Dres Reid Dancer
  • Timor Steffens Dancer
  • Tony Testa Dancer
  • Colin Follenweider Stunt Dancer
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