FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn


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Jan 21, 2023

Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn
The King of Pop’s legacy has generated $3bn since his death but remains overshadowed by child sex abuse claims

When Michael Jackson died, his estate was saddled with $500mn of debt after years of unsuccessful business practices and profligate spending © AFP/Getty Images

Anna Nicolaou in Los Angeles 21 MINUTES AGO

Michael Jackson’s estate has initiated legal proceedings against a former associate of the late pop icon, who threatened to raise fresh allegations of inappropriate conduct before the release of a film the executors hope will quell the child sex abuse claims that shadowed his later years.

The man and four others told the estate in about 2019, a decade after the singer’s death, that they might go public with allegations that he had acted inappropriately with some of them when they were children.

In 2020, the estate quietly struck a previously unreported settlement worth nearly $20mn, under which the man and the other accusers agreed instead to defend Jackson’s reputation.

Now, the people managing Jackson’s music and image rights are accusing the man of fabricating his earlier claims while seeking to extract $213mn more in a new settlement with the estate, according to an arbitration claim. They have reported the matter to the US Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles.

Jackson’s estate is asking an arbitrator to award damages, order the accuser to abide by the terms of the 2020 deal and issue an injunction barring him from releasing details he previously agreed to keep secret.

The episode illustrates how Jackson’s interactions with children, which led to a criminal prosecution and at least one out-of-court settlement, continue to hang over his estate years after his death in 2009 from an overdose of sedatives and anaesthetic. The Jackson estate maintains the singer never engaged in inappropriate conduct with children.

The estate, which was initially $500mn in debt, has since amassed more than $3bn — a figure revealed by its executors in an interview with the Financial Times for the first time.

The change of fortunes has come through the sale of his music catalogue, a Broadway musical and Cirque du Soleil shows. The beneficiaries are Jackson’s three children, his mother and charities.

In an interview, John Branca, a longtime Jackson aide who co-manages the estate, said: “The time has come to stand up, take a stand, tell Michael’s story.”

The man allegedly making the claims against the Jackson estate did not respond to repeated requests for comment. He is not being named by the FT.

Jackson is one of the most successful but controversial figures in pop music history, springing to fame as a five-year-old with a soaring voice on the pop, soul and funk songs performed by his family band, The Jackson 5. He went on to record Thriller, which remains the best-selling album of all time more than 40 years after its release.

But he was also accused on multiple occasions of inappropriate conduct with children, beginning in the 1990s and continuing until his prosecution in 2005. Though the accusers’ accounts were at times contradictory and Jackson was acquitted in the court case, the allegations took a toll.

Michael Jackson waves to his supporters in California after being acquitted in a 2005 court case © Reuters
When he died, Jackson’s will gave Branca and music executive John McClain the responsibility of managing his estate. Branca has spent the past decade and a half working to restore the singer’s troubled finances and his complicated legacy.

The strategy suffered a setback after HBO’s 2019 documentary, Leaving Neverland, which featured the graphic accounts of two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who alleged Jackson abused them as children.

Shortly after, the five unnamed accusers — who were not featured in the Neverland documentary — made their allegations. According to Jackson’s estate, the man had previously denied Jackson ever engaged in inappropriate conduct.

The estate agreed to settle those claims under what it has described as a “business decision”. The settlement deal, signed in January 2020, was styled as a purchase of their life rights and a consulting agreement, with each of the five accusers to receive $3.3mn over six years.

Since then, it is claimed, each of the accusers received $2.8mn. But in January, before the final $500,000 payment was made to each of them, the man notified the estate that he no longer planned to abide by the agreement, and that he was seeking $213mn in new payments.

The claim is that the man’s lawyers demanded a “substantive response” to their overture for more payments, and warned they would “be forced to expand the circle of knowledge” if the ultimatum was not met.

The demands came at the time the estate was finalising terms for the $600mn sale of a 50 per cent stake in Jackson’s music catalogue to Sony, valuing the total package at $1.2bn. The accuser’s lawyer asked the estate if it had disclosed his claim to Sony, raising the spectre of risk for the new owners of Jackson’s music and potentially affecting the deal’s value.

Jackson’s estate has turned around its fortunes through lucrative ventures, including the Cirque du Soleil show ‘Michael Jackson ONE’ © Getty Images
When Jackson died, his estate was saddled with debt after years of unsuccessful business practices and profligate spending.

Progress has been uneven in digging out of the hole; the Broadway show has grossed $216mn, according to Broadway World. But in the aftermath of Leaving Neverland, according to Branca, national commercials with Nike and two banks that each paid $1mn to $2mn a year evaporated and attendance at MGM’s Cirque show dropped for an extended period.

The estate laid low for a few years but is now taking a more assertive approach as it seeks to defend Jackson’s name. The biopic is being directed by Antoine Fuqua, with actor Miles Teller playing Branca.

“We survived Leaving Neverland but I’m not sure we could have with those additional allegations,” Branca said. His lawyers, he said, told him: “You have no choice. If these people come forward and make these allegation
s, then Michael is over, his legacy is over, the business is done.”
So we have a situation where the estate has agreed to pay money to settle and get rid of these "allegations" and yet they are now coming back into public eye in full force? Why has this leaked to the public btw? Is it because the estate taking legal action against this person who tried to extort them for more money must be public record?
why would they pay people off and think it would go well for them

Well, I guess they reasoned that jumping from 5 accusers to 10 accusers would be a death blow to MJs legacy.

But this also confirms my surprise that nobody tried to jump on the Leaving Neverland money train, a few people did, they have just been silenced until now.

This could possible mean more people joining Safechuck & Robsons lawsuit, or at least more "accusers" witnessing etc. What a complete clusterfeck!

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jackson’s Thriving Estate Targeted in $213 Million ‘Shakedown’ Effort​

Representatives on Latest Attempt: ‘Enough is Enough’
Stacey Brown photo
by Stacy M. BrownSeptember 20, 2024
**FILE** Michael Jackson (Constru-centro, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
**FILE** Michael Jackson (Constru-centro, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

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Michael Jackson’s legacy continues to dominate the entertainment industry, with his various projects collectively surpassing $2 billion in global ticket sales. The King of Pop’s influence remains unmatched, from groundbreaking concert films to sold-out Broadway shows, making his the most successful celebrity estate ever. However, the greater its success the more it has faced attempts from those seeking to shake down the estate for money.
The most recent case resulted in the Michael Jackson estate having to go so far as to contact law enforcement officials while filing an arbitration claim in response to threats from a few longtime friends and former associates of the pop icon. The Informer has learned that they are now demanding $213 million from the estate threatening to release false, damaging information about Jackson if their demands are not met, even though for decades they have stated Jackson did nothing to them.
Co-executor of the estate John Branca has described their actions as a blatant attempt to exploit Jackson’s legacy for financial gain at no risk of defamation because those laws don’t protect the deceased. These threats come amid the estate’s enormous financial success, having generated $3 billion for beneficiaries.
For 25 years these associates have steadfastly maintained Jackson’s innocence. In his book, one member of the group defended Jackson, writing: “Michael had never acted in any way even approximating inappropriate toward us. Michael was being attacked by liars. There was nothing ambiguous about the whole thing. These people were after Michael’s money. But he was innocent.”
He reiterated this stance in numerous media appearances, including interviews with Oprah Winfrey and Wendy Williams.
“I’m gonna tell you what sleepovers were like,” he told Williams. “Everybody in a room, me, and others, we would just sit up talking, us on the floor, talking until four o’clock in the morning; let’s go raid the kitchen.”
In a group sit-down with Oprah, another member insisted, “Michael couldn’t harm a fly. He’s such a kind and gentle soul. Michael was a target.”
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Despite their public support for Jackson, the individual is engaging in the very behavior he once condemned.
In 2019, following HBO’s release of the controversial documentary “Leaving Neverland,” the Jackson estate was under significant pressure due to the media frenzy that spawned calls to “cancel” the superstar. Representatives sought the group’s support given they, for years, vouched for Jackson’s character, and that’s when they turned.

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As fiduciaries, the executors’ mission is to generate income for Jackson’s beneficiaries. So, they had two goals: preserve the upcoming projects, while shielding his loved ones from further pain of having to endure another round of salacious, unproven allegations. The estate reached a private settlement with the group including $3 million for each of the five individuals. Both sides mutually agreed to keep the agreement under wraps to where even its existence couldn’t be divulged.
“In 2019, there was ‘Leaving Neverland,’ which was a complete surprise hit job,” Branca said in an exclusive interview with the Black Press of America’s “Let It Be Known.” “We didn’t know it was coming and weren’t asked for comment. And the media didn’t want to hear Michael’s story. MGM was threatening to cancel the Cirque show. We wouldn’t have been able to mount a Broadway show. There were a lot of things that would have gone south. We have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize the income of the estate, and our counsel insisted we sign the agreement. So, we did it with a mutual nondisclosure. And they didn’t want it disclosed either because Michael’s fans would have gone after these people.”
The estate’s mutual nondisclosure agreement with the associates was vital in keeping the matter private and allowing the estate to move forward with projects that that would ensure that future generations could share in Michael’s musical and creative legacy and that could prove lucrative for Michael’s three children, the King of Pop’s heirs.
“We and they signed this nondisclosure agreement, and the nondisclosure said you can’t even tell people there’s an agreement,” Branca explained. “It was awkward because we were making a movie with Antoine Fuqua and Graham King. And we couldn’t tell anybody about it, including the filmmakers.”
The recent demand for $213 million and the threat of making salacious claims have pushed the estate to take legal action.
Branca commented, “The associate’s lawyer even said to us, if you don’t meet our demands, we’re going to have to share these allegations with a wider group of people. It was a shakedown. Enough is enough.”
The estate has reported the extortion attempt to authorities and is filing an arbitration proceeding against the associates for civil extortion. Branca noted the challenge of protecting Jackson’s legacy after his death, as libel laws that protect the living do not extend to those who have died.
When asked, Branca addressed the racial element in the treatment of Jackson, pointing out the media’s bias.
“I definitely believe there’s a racist element in the media coverage of Michael Jackson since the 1980s. I was there. Michael got so big many were jealous, especially when he bought the Beatles catalog. I remember James Baldwin having that famous quote: ‘Michael will forever pay the price for his success.’”
Jackson himself was acutely aware of the racial undertones in how he was perceived.
Branca recalled Jackson saying, “‘Sinatra’s the chairman of the board. Elvis is the king. Springsteen is the boss. But what do they call me? They call me the Gloved One.’ And he says, ‘You know that’s racist. They’re trying to keep me down. … I don’t think they would do this to Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon or Elvis, for that matter.’”
The co-executor has played a pivotal role in Jackson’s legacy, including his involvement in the 1985 acquisition of the vaunted ATV catalog that included the Beatles and music from other artists.
“The music catalog was something that carried him through good times and bad,” Branca noted. “Michael was somewhat of a visionary because some of his advisers were saying it was too expensive. And Michael said, ‘Branca, get that catalog.’”
That move proved to be one of the most strategic decisions in Jackson’s career, solidifying his financial future and expanding his influence in the music industry.
The partnership between Branca and Jackson extended beyond financial dealings. They shared a mutual appreciation for creativity and entertainment.
“He and I attended a Cirque du Soleil show together in Santa Monica. And he said, ‘Branca, we gotta go backstage and meet everybody,’” Branca remembered.
This shared vision later led to successful collaborations, including the Cirque shows centered around Jackson’s music.
Despite vast challenges and unproven allegations, the executors have transformed Jackson’s estate into a financial powerhouse. Following Jackson’s death in 2009, the estate was nearly half a billion dollars in debt. Through strategic deals and projects, they turned it into a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. This included a blockbuster $600 million sale of 50% of Jackson’s music catalog to Sony wherein the estate maintained control and the success of projects like “Michael Jackson’s This Is It,” the highest-grossing concert film in history.
Upcoming endeavors, such as the Antoine Fuqua biopic “MICHAEL,” starring Jackson’s nephew Jaafar Jackson, aim to solidify Jackson’s enduring influence in popular culture.
The estate has also diligently ensured the well-being of Jackson’s family. Branca confirmed that Jackson’s mother, Katherine, is well cared for. Earlier reports suggested that Katherine has received more than $60 million from the estate since her son’s tragic death in 2009.
“She’s got two beautiful homes, full-time security and a private chef,” Branca said. “Mrs. Jackson, as she should be, is well taken care of.”
Branca reflected on the estate’s role in maintaining Jackson’s vision: “We’re not Michael. We would never pretend to be. But we know what he loves. A lot of it is trying to execute Michael’s vision.”
Despite the hurdles, he remains steadfast in his commitment to protecting and preserving Jackson’s legacy.
“We will continue to manage the estate with the integrity and dedication that Michael deserved,” Branca affirmed. “Attempts like this to tarnish his memory for financial gain will not succeed.”

Exactly. I understand 1994. This I don't understand at all.

Its just the more accusers, the worse its gets. With Leaving Neverland 2 new accusers came out.

What would have happened if an additional 5 new accusers came out 1 or 2 months after Leaving Neverland and jumped on the money train and also joined Robson & Safechucks lawsuit = exactly what Robson & Safechucks purpose of Leaving Neverland was, find more accusers to bolster their chances of appeals being approved.

What if an additional 10 people came forward after those 5 as copy cats?

In all major cases like this, if the amount of accusers starts snowballing, the copy cats will jump in and try and make a buck and that point its pretty much impossible to defend against!
Here's MJ Vibe. Based on the FT article, doesn't add anything new but asks a couple of pertinent questions.

"Were the Estate right to settle at the time? Who are those 5 cowards? Will this damage Michael? Time will tell."

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I have looked on twitter and I dont see a single comment from any of the most prominent MJ accounts, so to me that tells me that everyone was taken off guard by this and had no idea. The only people tweeting it out is a couple of black people activist pages - why would they spread it around btw?

Is Financial Times the people that leaked this originally?
I have looked on twitter and I dont see a single comment from any of the most prominent MJ accounts, so to me that tells me that everyone was taken off guard by this and had no idea. The only people tweeting it out is a couple of black people activist pages.
Same. Also can't see any other news outlet covering this yet although when they do they'll most likely just be quoting the FT piece. I don't think they'll have any new info. Bc it's the FT I'm trusting that the story is legit but, still, it's weirdly silent out there ... 🤨 :(

Gotcha. And thats behind a paywall so it means it has not spread like a wildfire yet. I mean if the other 4 people sees that this person who is trying to get more money fails and is punished heavily then they will probably just enjoy their money and not create more problems (knock on wood). Imagine risking 3$ million in a bid to get 213$ million......

So the best thing would be if this was not picked up by mainstream media at all.

Hence why I am dont understand why MJvibe and the black people activist are in a rush to post about it on all available platforms?
I wonder if we know at least one of this accusers.. since they previously denied any child abuse..
Gotcha. And thats behind a paywall so it means it has not spread like a wildfire yet. I mean if the other 4 people sees that this person who is trying to get more money fails and is punished heavily then they will probably just enjoy their money and not create more problems (knock on wood). Imagine risking 3$ million in a bid to get 213$ million......

So the best thing would be if this was not picked up by mainstream media at all.

Hence why I am dont understand why MJvibe and the black people activist are in a rush to post about it on all available platforms?
But the FT article is already on X, the full thing, not behind a paywall. It's been there for about 2 hours, I think. If everyone else is quiet I'm assuming it's bc they are researching the story for new info.
But the FT article is already on X, the full thing, not behind a paywall. It's been there for about 2 hours, I think. If everyone else is quiet I'm assuming it's bc they are researching the story for new info.

For me the article says "Subscribe to unlock this article" and I cant read anything of the Financial Times article except the title of it.
For me the article says "Subscribe to unlock this article" and I cant read anything of the Financial Times article except the title of it.
No, I get you. FT is behind a paywall. But the journalist has posted it on her X account with a link to the full thing. Plus it's on the web, also in full. This story is out there. This journalist is a US media editor for the FT.
No, I get you. FT is behind a paywall. But the journalist has posted it on her X account with a link to the full thing. Plus it's on the web, also in full. This story is out there. This journalist is a US media editor for the FT.

If this is correct its Frank Cascio and his siblings that are the new accusers! The feckers behind the fake songs and then when The Estate removed the songs from the Michael album and the money dried up they jumped ship? And also when the Estate sold the catalog they figured it was a good timing to blackmail for more money! It all makes perfect sense. And they have been in a dispute with the estate and the fan base for a long time, so they had nothing to lose by doing this as all bridges where burnt with the Jackson family already.

I hope The Estate destroys these assholes both financially and criminally!

If its the Cascios its actually good news as they have ZERO credibility after the fake songs and you dont have to discredit 5 different accusers if they are all 5x Cascios siblings getting 3.3$ million each. Either they are all telling the truth or they are lying (which they are).


"He reiterated this stance in numerous media appearances, including interviews with Oprah Winfrey and Wendy Williams.

“I’m gonna tell you what sleepovers were like,” he told Williams. “Everybody in a room, me, and others, we would just sit up talking, us on the floor, talking until four o’clock in the morning; let’s go raid the kitchen.”

In a group sit-down with Oprah, another member insisted, “Michael couldn’t harm a fly. He’s such a kind and gentle soul. Michael was a target.”

That is for sure Frank Cascios words.
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what caught me is the money asked by the "new" accuser. It's huge somme of money he's asking.. maybe he's well known person..
the Cashios
They're worse than I thought.

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Here we go again. I've been following the allegations for 3 years now and this is just crazy. This may be false but idk.
Here we go again. I've been following the allegations for 3 years now and this is just crazy. This may be false but idk.

I have been following the allegations for 25 years now and I am 100% confident this is fake. If you read my post above you will get a gist of why that is as well. I feel that this set of allegations will be the easiest to discredit! Everything about the Cascio family since MJ died has been shady. Anyone going through with the fake songs is morally corrupt.

Frank Cascio even tweeted that MJ is innocent after Leaving Neverland, before deleting the tweet. (his gut instict was to tweet the truth - then greed took over).

This is the likely thought train from Frank:

"Michael is dead, I helped him in life. Stealing from the Estate which I hate does not hurt Michael and nobody will ever find out. I deserve this after having MJs back throughout the years."

And then he just figured the estate was so rich after selling the catalog that he could get 200$ million more and nobody still would find out, the perfect plan in his warped mind!

Also a person who went through with the fakes song is a person who thinks he can get away with anything - hence the bold move to ask for 213$ million after securing 3.3$ million. Talk about living in some kind of alternative reality when they think can do whatever they want!
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I have been following the allegations for 25 years now and I am 100% confident this is fake. If you read my post above you will get a gist of why that is as well. I feel that this set of allegations will be the easiest to discredit! Everything about the Cascio family since MJ died has been shady. Anyone going through with the fake songs is morally corrupt.

Frank Cascio even tweeted that MJ is innocent after Leaving Neverland, before deleting the tweet.
Just up on X 27 mins ago!

"BTW, pay close attention to the wording in the articles. So it is not five alleged victims. It's a unit of 5 people of whom some claim to be victims (but not all). It definitely points to the Cascio family as a unit."


If this is correct its Frank Cascio and his siblings that are the new accusers! The feckers behind the fake songs and then when The Estate removed the songs from the Michael album and the money dried up they jumped ship? And also when the Estate sold the catalog they figured it was a good timing to blackmail for more money! It all makes perfect sense. And they have been in a dispute with the estate and the fan base for a long time, so they had nothing to lose by doing this as all bridges where burnt with the Jackson family already.

I hope The Estate destroys these assholes both financially and criminally!

If its the Cascios its actually good news as they have ZERO credibility after the fake songs and you dont have to discredit 5 different accusers if they are all 5x Cascios siblings getting 3.3$ million each. Either they are all telling the truth or they are lying (which they are).


"He reiterated this stance in numerous media appearances, including interviews with Oprah Winfrey and Wendy Williams.

“I’m gonna tell you what sleepovers were like,” he told Williams. “Everybody in a room, me, and others, we would just sit up talking, us on the floor, talking until four o’clock in the morning; let’s go raid the kitchen.”

In a group sit-down with Oprah, another member insisted, “Michael couldn’t harm a fly. He’s such a kind and gentle soul. Michael was a target.”

That is for sure Frank Cascios words.
Get out of my brain! I thought this and then was like nahhh they wouldnt…then was like yeaaaa they would 😂
I have been following the allegations for 25 years now and I am 100% confident this is fake. If you read my post above you will get a gist of why that is as well. I feel that this set of allegations will be the easiest to discredit! Everything about the Cascio family since MJ died has been shady. Anyone going through with the fake songs is morally corrupt.

Frank Cascio even tweeted that MJ is innocent after Leaving Neverland, before deleting the tweet.

Also a person who went through with the fakes song is a person who thinks he can get away with anything - hence the bold move to ask for 213$ million after securing 3.3$ million.

I see you and @JuliaBerkowitz1 are having similar thoughts on this. Interesting!