FREE Balloons For the 13th @ 02!!

cool i havent seen the pics's my self hope it was good, thanks to all the guys who helped out made it work great /// 2nd time was the best :happy:

aww you should of said somthing- dosnt matter your only a newbie, we all ave to start somewhere

Hah i guess so but it was just nice to watch you real fans really do something :)

next time for sure :)
Beautiful People Busy Blowing Up Balloons :D

Thank you very much for the balloons idea and providing them. It was the only thing that made it all worthwhile! a great moment!

p.s my fingers still hurt! haha
Thank you very much for the balloons idea and providing them. It was the only thing that made it all worthwhile! a great moment!

p.s my fingers still hurt! haha

No problem, thankyou for your help - atleast we did somthing meaningfull to us >> I just returned the cannister and the women there said there was there was over half the helium left in the cannister - We blew up over 100 balloons!! :shock:
I said to her it was a paint knotting the balloons and she said we didnt have to!! All we had to do was tie the ribbon around the ballons tight and dont do a knot and its alot quciker this way as you get the ribbon and knot done at the same time, o well next time maybe :wink:
Hehehe! I was blowing up the coloured balloons (am in the pic) but only saw the others being let off, people seemed to disappear after that! Was a shame. Lovely thing to do though, made me feel good :) x
Was a great idea Motsey! Thanks for doing it and letting me be a part of it! :)

Although the first time we blew up the balloons and took them out, i nearly got lynched by everyone!
I think the balloon release was the most heartfelt and moving tribute of the night. Releasing the balloons and watching them rise up and over The O2 was just so nice.

Thanks to Motsey for doing this, it was an honor to be involved.

It was also great to meet up with you guys (you know who you are). You made me feel so comfortable and welcome when I knew no one.

Ben (Twitter@Benji78)
Thanks Motsey! it was one of the best parts for me too. Thanks for sharing that with us! xxx
Thank you Motsey for teh ballooons!!! It was a WONDERFUL idea and a beautiful moment when we left the balloons go. I have it on video and I'll show it to you all when I get home. :) And like I said in the vigil thread....I really thought it was so amazing from you Motsey to do it for free and not taking money for it. That's why I wanted to pay you for the balloons because you were so selfless about it. You could have chosen to make money out of the situation, but you chose not to and that shows you are a REAL fan and a really nice person and MICHAEL WOULD HAVE BEEN PROUD OF YOU!!! It was really nice to meet you and thanks again!! You can really be proud of yourself! You're a cool person!! :)
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Thank-you for the balloons Motsey - it was very sweet. The day wasn't really what I had in mind but it was still good to meet all of you. And I'm not a 'sudden MJ fan,' I just haven't been to anything like this before. It's a bit of a shame that there wasn't the subdued mood we were all craving to have a chance to grieve.
Oh and loads'a thanks Motsey - although you know I already said that a ton. Sorry about not helping out more with carrying the cannister and stuff. Your friend was a complete angel waiting patiently for us all. Was good to be your contact for the evening. I just hadn't bargained on getting mobbed when I carried the balloons over to the MJJC group the first time - I just panicked and gave them to the tallest guy I could find! (thx Andy ;))
Anyhow, was so glad to meet you all. You guys made the day good for me...
Oh and loads'a thanks Motsey - although you know I already said that a ton. Sorry about not helping out more with carrying the cannister and stuff. Your friend was a complete angel waiting patiently for us all. Was good to be your contact for the evening. I just hadn't bargained on getting mobbed when I carried the balloons over to the MJJC group the first time - I just panicked and gave them to the tallest guy I could find! (thx Andy ;))
Anyhow, was so glad to meet you all. You guys made the day good for me...

yeah my mate was great, didnt complain at all _ he is a mj fan and he might be joining up here soon
Lol was funny when i saw everyone running towards the balloons then my mate passed them to you and you had to run for you life and andy had no chance with everyone grabbing them - was good tho thanks guys

If anyone has any videos/photos with the balloons in them please can you upload them

Hi Motsey sorry we missed you didnt even see the ballons till they were in the air , cant believed we missed it. ours were a bit sad, we had a couple that we blew up at the club house and when we let them go they just blew off on the floor :( But all your ballons looked B-UTIFUL!! :) x
The second time was better, just a shame we couldn't do it for the benefit of everyone due to the 'organisers' not agreeing to it. Still.....We did it for Michael and thats what matters even if you did nearly loose your arm andy lol.
The second time was better, just a shame we couldn't do it for the benefit of everyone due to the 'organisers' not agreeing to it. Still.....We did it for Michael and thats what matters even if you did nearly loose your arm andy lol.

Ha i really should of let more go rather than just 2.