Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge UPDATE Post #39 Frank Denies It

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Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

Good post by Victoria83. This is disturbing...:no:
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

Is the special interview thing with Frank still going on? When is it?
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIT is this the same 'we think frank is a good guy'dileo? hmmmmmmmmm

Well its certainly got me thinking again.

Maybe this is another question for Frank from MJJC. Can this question be added to the list of other questions? This one should be at the top of the list!
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

Are you really surprised!!!
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

This is TMZ again. TMZ is a gossip site. People can pay them for doing a story. I suspect Joe was behind the All good entertainmnet story that they were all over and I don´t trust him. Friedman claimed that Joe called him and asked him for help because he was mad that he didn´t get to be involved in the London conserts. RF refused and then he and Leonard Rowe got to them instead. It is not like I trust RF either but I will never take TMZ as reliable they sure can twist things and I would like to hear Frank Dileos version. I don´t understand why people here trust TMZ nowadays.

TMZ have the letter to prove it thats why.
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

We'll make our own tributes if we want to gather fans. Sticking together is the only way to fully trust those around you. Besides, we have a tribute each day in our personal lives; when we think of him, talk about him, dream about him. I know he's watching, bless him.


I don't like or trust him. I trust no one that was around Mike. They all saw one thing when they looked at him the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.

I thought we were suppose to hear back from him within 48 hours.
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

This speaks VOLUMES.

Wow Frank, don't even brother answering the questions we know all we need to now.

Just like Murray you f*cked your own self.

AEG was paying all of them. Remember Mike was cash poor broke.
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

Tmz update:

UPDATE -- Dileo tells TMZ: "That document, that is not my signature on that document, that is not my company, I don't know who these people are, I don't know what else to tell you."

If this is true then Frank has the right to sue for fraud and my opinion will go back to that of before as I havent seen anything to doubt Frank. But Frank could also be saying this as he may have been caught out! We'll have to see how this plays out too.
if it ain't true.... it doesn't change anything. i still don't trust him. anyone that stood by and watched all this happen. clearly all this suffering we are all feeling could have been avoided if PEOPLE around MJ had cared about him.
not blaming everything on FD but I blame everybody.
three kids are fatherless... a mother is grieving... the family is hurting.... friends are sad.... fans have been robbed for at least 8 years because of immoral people that sought to destroy mj .....
we have been robbed of a man we all love..... nothing brings me solace..... no relief from this constant pain......

why?????? b/c people couldn't see past $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

Tmz update:

UPDATE -- Dileo tells TMZ: "That document, that is not my signature on that document, that is not my company, I don't know who these people are, I don't know what else to tell you."


As usual, something is always rotten in Jacksonland. Even in death the crap just doesn't quit. People need to get lives....seriously. I'm not saying this is in defense of Frank, by the way, I just mean in general this kind of foolishness always seems to be in play involving one side or another. Fake stories, fake contracts, fake press releases, ppl claiming to be in charge when they've been fired, ppl claiming they know crap when they know diddly. WTF! Michael is dead, now. People need to just stop it already and get a life!!! It's like watching vultures circling and picking at a dead carcass! Go away, please!
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

If this is true then Frank has the right to sue for fraud and my opinion will go back to that of before as I havent seen anything to doubt Frank. But Frank could also be saying this as he may have been caught out! We'll have to see how this plays out too.

yes. hard to say at this point. .........I will say that I checked for some contact info for the group listed on the letter, but online I find nothing except some computer company in Vegas. The letter says contact info for the group is in Las Vegas, OH, and Beverly Hills. Frank Dileo Group is based outta Nashville (as per his website's listed contact info), ??? who knows.
if it ain't true.... it doesn't change anything. i still don't trust him. anyone that stood by and watched all this happen. clearly all this suffering we are all feeling could have been avoided if PEOPLE around MJ had cared about him.
not blaming everything on FD but I blame everybody.
three kids are fatherless... a mother is grieving... the family is hurting.... friends are sad.... fans have been robbed for at least 8 years because of immoral people that sought to destroy mj .....
we have been robbed of a man we all love..... nothing brings me solace..... no relief from this constant pain......

why?????? b/c people couldn't see past $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

um, as per the thread here...........if not true, the thing it changes is whether or not Frank Dileo is doing a 'tribute' concert or not, and passing it off as official.
I think it would be great if we fans mobilize and become a force to act on get things done....

speculations and guesses are not going to get us much...but headaches and confusion....

yesterday Frank was the answer to all Michael problems - some said- today...he is Judas....what is going on here..........???? I like a good conspiracy theory like anyone ...but we might be missing some precious things while we allow the negative forces to take over our thoughts and feelings on Michael...

Let's see...what facts can we act on....??? Michael didn't like to see children hungry or suffering.....................can we fans do something and mobilize on this??? support a charity??? help a neighbor??

Let's see....ABC hired Bashir right after LWMJ..he was rewarded for dubbing Michael..can we mobilize and get ABC to know how millions of his fans feel about this... what can we do to be effective?

Let's can we mobilize to get MTV to be more supportive of Michael???...what project can we come up with that might achieve this??

remember money talks ....and :bs walks....

for me, I think our energies should be spent in perpetuating his legacy and maybe doing it by showing our strong monetary force as fans....letting the MTV's, the media know ....that disrespecting Michael comes with financial consequences from his fans...
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

What's the big deal? He is not plannining something bad, I think frank is alright, he was good to Michael in life Mike hired back before he died that says allot.
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

If this is true then Frank has the right to sue for fraud and my opinion will go back to that of before as I havent seen anything to doubt Frank. But Frank could also be saying this as he may have been caught out! We'll have to see how this plays out too.

if what he is saying is true he should sue big time! I hope he does:punk:
Re: Frank Dileo Pushing For MJ Tribute Without Jackson Family Knowledge

What's the big deal? He is not plannining something bad, I think frank is alright, he was good to Michael in life Mike hired back before he died that says allot.

Are you SERIOUS???? See my post. Explains a lot.

Frank worked for Michael for just a few years. There was a twenty-year gap, then. Frank said Michael was "just fine." There is a lot of evidence that he was NOT. If he was not, then Frank, if he was a friend, should have looked at the human being first, and not the bank-roll. Frank may well have been working for AEG at the same time as for Michael. That is not ethical, and not right.

And now? The estate, not Frank, has the authority to plan events/money-making opportunities.

I think, in my opinion, that Frank had something to do with Michael's DEATH. Last time I checked, this was not a Frank Dileo fan-board. For cripes SAKE! We can't help Michael achieve justice, but his children are loved by us, as HIS. We can help them. Read and learn, everyone. OK?

End of rant. . .. on Michael's birthday, sweet, sweet angel. . . .

I've seen it posted here a few times about Frank being employed by AEG as well as Michael. Anyone know the exact details of this? Like, how long and what he was employed as or for?
I've seen it posted here a few times about Frank being employed by AEG as well as Michael. Anyone know the exact details of this? Like, how long and what he was employed as or for?

We don't know for sure, but this is in the questions asked of him. I hope he steps up and answers. The only info we have is on the Larry King show, when he was asked about AEG, he said, "we," and not "them." "WE?"

If Frank was also employed by AEG, that is a clear conflict of interest. Follow the money.. . . . If employed as a manager only for Michaael, his motivation should only have been to get the best deals for Michael. Both cannot happen, with any integrity. NOT AEG, AND Michael. I truly hope he answers this question.
We don't know for sure, but this is in the questions asked of him. I hope he steps up and answers. The only info we have is on the Larry King show, when he was asked about AEG, he said, "we," and not "them." "WE?"

If Frank was also employed by AEG, that is a clear conflict of interest. Follow the money.. . . . If employed as a manager only for Michaael, his motivation should only have been to get the best deals for Michael. Both cannot happen, with any integrity. NOT AEG, AND Michael. I truly hope he answers this question.

Wow, ok, thanks for explaining that for me.
Let's can we mobilize to get MTV to be more supportive of Michael???...what project can we come up with that might achieve this??

remember money talks ....and :bs walks....

for me, I think our energies should be spent in perpetuating his legacy and maybe doing it by showing our strong monetary force as fans....letting the MTV's, the media know ....that disrespecting Michael comes with financial consequences from his fans...

Personally I feel that I could care less if MTV every plays anything regarding Michael. After what they did to him. They don't deserve the honor of ever mentioning his name.

But We do need to let the media know that there a serious consequences for disrespecting him.
FYI: Paisley777's question was the FIRST question on the list. We'll see if it's answered.

What was the question?

Some of you have asked about Frank? Think about THIS. WHO was paying him? He was Michael's manager. It also seems likely that he was on the AEG payroll.

Didnt Michael ask Frank to come back?
Also, we've heard fans say that Michael's health, and weight, were dwindling to the point where fans were afraid for his LIFE. And then look what happened? Frank consistently has said that Michael was in great shape. He wasn't. So WHY would Frank say that?

Frank isnt the only one though that said MJ looked fine. Lou Ferringo (Mike's trainer) also said MJ was in fine health although the last time he saw MJ was a few months before his passing.
For some reason, Frank brokered the AGE (AllGood) concert in Texas. The Jacksons seemed baffled by this, and it generated a potentially massive law-suit for Michael. To me, it simply looks like Frank wanted to skim some "Jackson money," whichever way he could. In my opinion. And he's still doin' it, if the TMZ report is correct. Which it probably is.
Im still confused as heck about that because of the Leonard Rowe involvement. Maybe the A&E series will fill in some details as Jermaine, Jackie and Tito are seen discussing it.
We don't know for sure, but this is in the questions asked of him. I hope he steps up and answers. The only info we have is on the Larry King show, when he was asked about AEG, he said, "we," and not "them." "WE?"

Very interesting. I didnt pick up on that. Good point. Thank you.
What was the question?

Didnt Michael ask Frank to come back?

Frank isnt the only one though that said MJ looked fine. Lou Ferringo (Mike's trainer) also said MJ was in fine health although the last time he saw MJ was a few months before his passing.

Im still confused as heck about that because of the Leonard Rowe involvement. Maybe the A&E series will fill in some details as Jermaine, Jackie and Tito are seen discussing it.

i thought lou last saw MJ in like May... not june. i could be wrong.
We don't KNOW if Michael asked for Frank to come back. (Maybe not?) We don't KNOW, for sure, if Frank was also employed by AEG. What we hope for, is for Frank to answer the questions. YOUR questions. honestly.

Everyone who said Michael was fine, was connected to AEG. Dileo. Ferrigno. Others. The ones saying he was NOT fine, are those I trust the most. Fans. Paisely. Others. Those with no agenda except for love for Michael. This is not rocket-science. Look at the evidence! Our allegiance it not to those who stand to profit from Michael, nor from the cling-ons, and so-called inner-circle. What the HELL happened?
We don't KNOW if Michael asked for Frank to come back. (Maybe not?) We don't KNOW, for sure, if Frank was also employed by AEG. What we hope for, is for Frank to answer the questions. YOUR questions. honestly.

Everyone who said Michael was fine, was connected to AEG. Dileo. Ferrigno. Others. The ones saying he was NOT fine, are those I trust the most. Fans. Paisely. Others. Those with no agenda except for love for Michael. This is not rocket-science. Look at the evidence! Our allegiance it not to those who stand to profit from Michael, nor from the cling-ons, and so-called inner-circle. What the HELL happened?

:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:preach my sista!!!!!!!!!!

really? about ferrigno??