Frank Dileo - Michael's manager. Interview from 2007

being a manager and having contracts to do concerts as a promotor has nothing to do with each other
How nice of Frank to go to MJ during the roughtest period of his life, i also like how he has not Bad Mouthed MJ since he fired him he always speaks so posativly of Michael
Sounds like a good guy. He seems like he was good at what he did, and a friend as well through his words and actions, from what I have been able to see so far.
Someone explain the joke for those of us who are slow.


And there is also a framed photograph of Frank Dileo and Michael Jackson,
from behind, standing at urinals in a public restroom. Above Michael’s head,
in Michael’s handwriting, are the words: “This water sure is cold.”
Above Frank’s head, he wrote, “It’s deep too.”

OH come on get with it :)
Its all about bragging rights about the size of their package :cheeky:
OH come on get with it :)
Its all about bragging rights about the size of their package :cheeky:
Well, I was hoping that someone would explain it so I wouldn't have to ask. Don't forget that this is a multicultural board. we don't all share the same sense of humour, so please tell.
lol it's an old richard pryor joke

i think in its originality it went something like:

two men were walking across a bridge and decided to use the restroom while they're at the middle. as they're going about their business one of the guys goes "the water sure is cold" and the other goes "it's deep too!".

yep, it is about bragging rights over size
lol it's an old richard pryor joke

i think in its originality it went something like:

two men were walking across a bridge and decided to use the restroom while they're at the middle. as they're going about their business one of the guys goes "the water sure is cold" and the other goes "it's deep too!".

yep, it is about bragging rights over size

OMG :eek:....

LMAO :lmao::toofunny:..ohhhhh i get it now, at first i didnt, but now i do!!:p lol at MJ and Frank!
Wow thanks a lot mariemarie for posting! Yeah this man seems to be a real friend among all of his former managers. You would think managers spend everyday closest to a star esp. when the schedule is busy and they can become tight as can be, but Frank stands out cuz there are so many shady managers out there. Seeing Frank there and hearing him asking "How are you doin?" must have meant so much to Mike during those trying times. Glad to hear he's restored much of his eyesight. Wish him the best for his business.
He went, ‘Frank, I can’t believe you’re here.’ And he started to cry. And I went over and I hugged him and we got on the elevator and he told [defense attorney] Tom Mesereau, ‘This is Frank Dileo. He used to manage me. I’ve had nine managers since then. He’s the only guy that showed up, or even called to see how I’m doing.’ That was a very rough thing on him, a very emotional thing.”
Oh my God, I just teared up bad.
That is just so sweet of Frank to visit him, and the way Michael reacted when he saw him, very emotional indeed. Man, I need a breather.. lol

EDIT: WTH THAT JOKE AHAHA. Way to have a sudden mood change Sash, jeez. Could someone explain to me or PM me if they have to what it's about. o_O I have a feeling it's a bit... having to do .. can someone; please tell me. :hysterical:
Thanks for posting this. That really is great to read and see the things Frank says about Michael. He clearly likes him as a person and cares for him, and it seems to be hard for Michael to find people like that. I hope that he can be Michael's manager again too. I don't see why he wouldn't unless he just doesn't want or need a manager.

People who don't understand the joke - they are using the urinals, they can tell the water is cold and deep without using their hands. Does that help? :D
hey were is the story, about money thrown out of a window car?
and that's the question, WHY Mike didn't and doesn't do it??? And WHY did he fire him after the BAD tour. So if he was such an excellent manager and good and feeling friend, WHY? Nobody here seems to scrutinize that.

If your questioning Frank Dileo's abilities as a manager and loyalty as a friend, then WHY would Michael have let Frank manage his nephews 3T in the 1990's who were signed to Michael's label MJJ Music. And WHY would Michael have let Frank Dileo travel to his 2005 trial with Michael and his family !
Mike sure should get him back as a manager!

Mike's had 7 manager since Frank, and still he is the only one who showed up and supported him, that pretty much says it all.
there were some probs bitween them at the time that's why he fired him, i read about it in latoya's book, you should read it it has a lot of info.
and that's the question, WHY Mike didn't and doesn't do it??? And WHY did he fire him after the BAD tour. So if he was such an excellent manager and good and feeling friend, WHY? Nobody here seems to scrutinize that.
because the main story that goes around is that sony wanted frank out when they took over cbs. they wanted to bring their own ppl in ie gallin and morey. ppl put things in mjs head just like weisner and co doing the same to mj so he would sack those who actually had his intrests at heart so they could get what they want.bottom line is today mj and frank are close and thats all that matters

layota book from back then is hardly credible
because the main story that goes around is that sony wanted frank out when they took over cbs. they wanted to bring their own ppl in ie gallin and morey. ppl put things in mjs head just like weisner and co doing the same to mj so he would sack those who actually had his intrests at heart so they could get what they want.bottom line is today mj and frank are close and thats all that matters

layota book from back then is hardly credible
Oh, yes Latoya's book is credible, trust me.
LaToya's book isn't credible considering what she falsely claimed her father Joesph did to her and Rebbie. I'm sure LaToya would also agree that her book is not credible in a number of areas.

I am aware that some of Michael's family weren't too keen on Frank Dileo, but I think it's pretty obvious Michael fired him because of promises from certain music executives and his friend (or maybe ex friend) David Geffen who had a huge influence on Michael business (he did give Michael some great advice) wise in the 1980's and early 90's. It's was Geffen to recommended the usless Sandy Gallen after Frank Dileo was fired. We don't know for sure what made Michael fire Frank Dileo, only Frank has said way and Michael never talks about it reasons for fireing people. I believe Frank Dileo to be telling the truth, as Michael's whole business in everything was ran much better when Frank Dileo was keeping an eye on MJJ Productions.

One to the rumours I have heard is that Michael not only fired Frank Dileo, but also decided not to work with Quincy Jones again, is because people thought they were soley responsible for Michael's success in music and business. Michael's ex lawyer and friend John Branca (who's been fired and re-hired by Michael a number of times since 1989) was also fired not long after Frank Dileo, maybe for the same rumoured reason. I don't have an opionion if this is true or not.
What do you guys think about Frank?

Before I answer your question, Marie, thanks for posting that great article. It was a wonderful read. I remembered redaing it last year and it reminds me why Frank should have stayed in Michael's camp. I adore Frank. I am usually the main one who is very questionable about MJ's employees and so called friends, but this guy is rare. I remembered when I was watched "At Large with Geraldo Riveria" on FNC when I was at college during the trial. Frank was interviewed and he talked about Michael. The wonderful comments that Frank said about Mike really moved me. You can tell he really loved and adored Michael. I remember him saying that before every concert, they would pray together and that when he worked for Mike, Mike donated $12 million to charity. Frank really described Michael very well and Mike used to call Frank "Uncle Tookie". When MJ was doing his classic Bad cd, he would stay over Frank's house. Frank and Mike were an awesome team.

I would love it if Frank would work for Michael again because he truly knows how to promote Mike very well. A lot of people give him flack for doing things to MJ, i.e. planting stories about him to the Tatiana mess and I just laugh. People forget that MJ is in the entertainment business and that he is not just this great artist but a brand. He had to promote himself regardless. Also, some people need to give Frank credit, he wouldn't plant these stories about Mike if MJ did not want that to happen. Mike wanted to create some kind of image for himself and it did work. However, this media made sure to used it against him and it backfired. However, the mystery worked. I mean, look at the statistics: the BadTour was sold out, Bad was the second best selling R&B CD of 1988, Bad produced 5 number one singles off of one CD a record that has been unheard of and MJ still holds. The Bad Tour was the best selling tour of the 1980s. Michael was on top of the world. So, really, Frank and Mike did their magic together and I really hope that MJ re-hires this man and make some more magic happened. As for the Tatiana mess - anyone with a brain would not believe a word coming from her mouth. She can't keep her stories straight and I am not saying that because I can't stand her, I am saying that based on what she said.
Someone explain the joke for those of us who are slow.


The joke is a bit raunchy. It has to do with a certain something-something touching water. Re-read that joke again.

Mike really has a wild sense of humor. :)

there were some probs bitween them at the time that's why he fired him, i read about it in latoya's book, you should read it it has a lot of info.

1. LaToya's book was not 100% credible. LaToya said things there that were not 100% true. She was controlled by that freak Jack Gordon and he put things in her head. She was a abused woman.

2. MJ never fired Frank - not how I read the article, anyway.

3. Please list me the "problems" that MJ had with Frank that was mentioned in that "book"? MJ had more problems with the clowns that he had after Frank than anyone else for that manner.

Dats, you do not get the joke? It deals with MJ's package and Frank's package and I do not mean boxes. LOL. It is a really funny, raunchy joke. I can't break it down on here because young people do read this board. It seems like some members here have no shame! LOL. Y'all were stating what the joke was about without having any shame. LOL.
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I don't have the book right now with me, and I read it long ago, but she actually wrote something, about Frank trying to control MJ or somth, you really need to get this part of the book, where she talks, on that.
and I do agree that not everything Latoya said in ther is 100% credible, but I'd say that this touches more the part where she talked of her an Jack relationship. And I would believe, the book much more, than what she says now. She talked a lot about the whole relationships in the family, and she didn't say anything bad on MJ, which already prooves, that her book was not a lie, it's not like she wrote bad stuff on MJ there, or lied, in someth realted to that, just because Jack told her. In my opinion, his influence on her, started after she finished the book already.
One of Frank Dileo's genius discissions (he wasn't MJ's official manager at the time, but an Epic executive) was for Beat It to be released as a single whilst Billie Jean was at still at No.1 in the Billboard charts. And Michael had both Billie Jean and Beat It in the Top 5 at the sametime, with Beat It replacing Billie Jean as the No.1 single. That's how amazing a manger and music savvy Frank Dileo was.

Also look at 3T, they were hugh and one of the biggest teen idol stars in the between 1995-97 when Frank Dileo was there manager with a number of top 5 hits around Europe.

she didn't say anything bad on MJ, which already prooves, that her book was not a lie, it's not like she wrote bad stuff on MJ there, or lied, in someth realted to that, just because Jack told her. In my opinion, his influence on her, started after she finished the book already.

No she didn't say anything bad about Michael in the book, but the actual build up to the book her PR made up speculation that Michael was sexually abused as a child. Which turned out that that see falsely claimed her father Joesph sexually abused both her and Rebbie. I'm sure there are some truths in the book, but LaToya wasn't herself during that period of her live and she did say a few years later that Michael was a child abuser. Which shows that book to be a slow build up to attacking Michael. Her book also claims Michael didn't want to take Brooke Sheilds to the Grammy Awards with him in 1984, and that she forced Michael to. When the fact is Michael has said a number of times, Brooke Sheilds was a girlfriend of his, and on his 2003 Michael Jackson's Home Movies program to shows backstage footage of himself with Brooke Sheilds and Emmanual Lewis, and say's that both he and Emmanual faniced her when Emmanual tries to get under her skirit. I'm pretty sure most of the book is full of lies, and the stuff about Joesph abusing her and Rebbie is as disgusting and wrong as what Michael was falsely accused of.

Jack Gordans influenced her before she wrote the book, with her posing for Playboy.
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I don't have the book right now with me, and I read it long ago, but she actually wrote something, about Frank trying to control MJ or somth, you really need to get this part of the book, where she talks, on that.
and I do agree that not everything Latoya said in ther is 100% credible, but I'd say that this touches more the part where she talked of her an Jack relationship. And I would believe, the book much more, than what she says now. She talked a lot about the whole relationships in the family, and she didn't say anything bad on MJ, which already prooves, that her book was not a lie, it's not like she wrote bad stuff on MJ there, or lied, in someth realted to that, just because Jack told her. In my opinion, his influence on her, started after she finished the book already.

I am not going to get anything regarding that book. Katherine also said that MJ was controlled by Frank in her book as well. I doubt that MJ being the control freak that he is would want someone to control him. MJ had the power to fire anyone in his camp, that includes Frank. If MJ ever thought that Frank was questionable, he would have gotten rid of him a long time ago. I really do not want to spend time chatting about LaToya's book. There is a Jackson Family forum where you can chat about the book. The issue is that you really have nothing to post about how bad Frank was to Michael.

One of Frank Dileo's genius discissions (he wasn't MJ's official manager at the time, but an Epic executive) was for Beat It to be released as a single whilst Billie Jean was at still at No.1 in the Billboard charts. And Michael had both Billie Jean and Beat It in the Top 5 at the sametime, with Beat It replacing Billie Jean as the No.1 single. That's how amazing a manger and music savvy Frank Dileo was

Exactly. Michael knew that Frank would be a great manager and Frank knew what he was doing. He is a very sharp man.

but the actual build up to the book her PR made up speculation that Michael was sexually abused as a child. Which turned out that that see falsely claimed her father Joesph sexually abused both her and Rebbie.

Very true. LaToya promoted her "book" that way and that is why I think the book did so well. She wanted to make her family look bad. It worked, sadly.

When the fact is Michael has said a number of times, Brooke Sheilds was a girlfriend of his

When was this? I never read any article where MJ stated that Brooke was his girlfriend. Mike said in Ebony back in 1984 that he and Brooke were simply friends and that he wanted people to know that they were not a couple. I gotta find that article.