Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale is opening up the gates to Michael Jackson's fans *Updated-pg4*

Why do I get the feeling it's going to be madness there on Friday? :( I really really hope not. What a ridiculous thing Randy's started here...

Absolutley, I wish I could be in another country on that day. Not going anywhere near there.
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I have feeling that Radaronline is the one who has false will probably be the same as it has always go near the mosolium (sp)..but NOT inside..jeez Randy started a mess here...:(
Why do I get the feeling it's going to be madness there on Friday? :( I really really hope not. What a ridiculous thing Randy's started here...
thats exactly what he wants. im dreading what happens that day more than the day itself
I saw on entertainmengt tonight just a while ago that forest lawn wont allow fans there or somethin like that.
Now i haven't read everything, only page 4, but is it only possible for 1 day (25th) to visit Michael as a fan, because i am willing to travel if i can visit him and pay my respect to him on another day, for example his Birthday.

Can someone let me know?
This is the latest I've seen:

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Michael Jackson fans will be allowed to leave flowers near the singer's burial site on Friday's anniversary of his death, but the cemetery has banned balloons, candles and doves.
Forest Lawn cemetery in the Los Angeles area said on Wednesday that only family members and designated guests would be allowed inside the Renaissance-style mausoleum where Jackson's body was laid to rest.
But the cemetery placed no numerical limits on the numbers of fans wanting to pay their respects and leave flowers on a nearby outdoor terrace.
With no official public events in Los Angeles marking the June 25, 2009 death of the "Thriller" singer, the cemetery, local police and fan clubs have been negotiating for weeks for public access to Jackson's resting place.
Forest Lawn said it was expecting "significant" numbers of visitors throughout the day. It reserved the right to throw out fans making too much noise or behaving in what it considered a disrespectful manner.
A list of items not permitted included "doves, web broadcasting, video cameras, candles, balloons, spinners, statues, posters, incense and radios".
I think 10.000's of people will come .. Maybe 100.000's of people will come and want to pay respect to our man Michael, I really hope i can pay my respect to him and see him as soon as possible.

I really love that man, and now the days are coming i feel real emotional and want to pay my respect for all he did to my life. Never was a guy so great and inspired me so much.
Tho these people have control over us if we can see Michael or not, such a shame

I think they don't know how much we love him, It should be open everyday of the year for us

Godd i miss you Michael.
Randy did all this to show his mother that he can move the masses,idiot!

all what is he doing is against his mother's wish to let MJ rest in peace!

i'm sure now the tabliod are waiting to see what kind of mess they will report in 25th ! but i trust MJ fans that they will disappoint them .
What exactly is Randy trying to do? It does make it seem that he's doing the fans a favor and trying to get them in, but really nothing has changed. Okayyyyy.
Apparently some people on some of the MJ Facebook pages I'm on are fans of Randy himself. When I said that we only know who he is because of Michael, and he's known as Michael's brother, they got upset with me. So...Randy has fans??? No offense, but for what?
I believe in the fans and I am sure the fans will be respectful. Can't say the same about the media.
This reminds me of Project Runway, "One day you are in, and the are out!" lol
Re: EXCLUSIVE: Confirmed: Michael Jackson Fans Will Have Access To The Mausoleum

That's what I was thinking also, i.e. Randy Jackson is at it again!

I really wish he, or whomever else is involved, would stop playing with the fan's emotions. It's bad enough he said what he said initially and got "some" folks thinking that they would actually be allowed INSIDE Holly Terrace.

I just don't want fans to get it twisted, thinking that they will be allowed inside and have their heart's broken, when they find out they will not be allowed inside.

Playing with folks feelings at a time like this, is just mean, in my opinion!

I pretty much agree. It is bad enough that there isn't a designated place for fans to pay tribute to MJ. Therefore some people must understand why fans feel the need to go and pay their respects at Forest Lawn, especially the ones who were not able to attend the memorial service last year.

The way I see it is this -- if Randy Jackson was trying to get fans access INSIDE the mausoleum, as unlikely as that is, he should have waited until he was given the go-ahead (which would not have happened anyway).