FIFTEEN YEARS without you, Michael

😔 I love you mj. I wish I could come to la to honor you. You will always be in my heart and have made such a huge impact on my life 💔 I wish I could’ve gotten to meet you. the fact that I never got to meet him is making me so depressed all year round 😭😢
As a young fan who shared this world with MJ for only six months (i was born on january 8th, 2009), June 25th does not mean so much to me as it means to many of you. But still i can’t believe i was alive at the same time as MJ, and i can’t help thinking that it could have been more than six months. But i still can’t accept the fact that i’ll never see Michael perform, i can go to hundreads of tribute shows but it will never be the same. R.I.P MJ
I totally understand you. I was born in 2010, after he died so to me I’m not really sad on June 25th because to me he’s always been dead. I never saw him and never will (well, in heaven I will but that’s in a longgg time) but I think it’s cool you were alive when he was still here on this earth. RIP Applehead. We miss you and love you so very much.

June 25th, 2024

Yeah, you really did outthink them, evade them, escape them, frustrate them.
You packed all the love tightly and neatly to fit into your songs.

In listening, we unravel, we marvel, time travel.
And there is so much of it, for everyone of us.

You kept it In the Closet,
with the Stranger in Moscow,
with the Man in the Mirror,
it´s Unbreakable.

Every time we listen, you dance with us in the round.

Ha! You Smooth Criminal!
We love you more.
At Forest Lawn - From 777 Roses For Michael Organizer, Brenda Jenkyns...Our roses are here!!! They are fantastic!!! Thank you to all of you. Michael, we LOVE YOU!!!
It's a sad moment. But Michael managed to live his life in such a way that he continues to win the hearts of new fans. People enjoy his musical legacy and find inspiration and encouragement in his life story and his humanitarian work.

Michael Jackson was right - 'A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.
"This. The ONLY event that broke the internet was the death of Michael Jackson. Not before, not since."

"Its been 15 years since we lost Michael Jackson. The day MJ died, Google, Wikipedia, Twitter, The LA Times, AOL, TMZ, AIM among other sites crashed down. The search for the King of Pop spiked 4.2 million searches per minute. No other person, dead or alive, has had that impact."

I will never forget where I was when I heard the news.
forgive me because I remember it but I was so upset so some details are maybe confused
I was listening to the radio In the bedroom and the announcer said very sad news that Michael had passed. I can’t remember which way round this was. My dad had Sky news on and first of all they said MJ had a heart attack and then he was in a coma and then he had passed.
just couldn’t believe the news.
I still can’t.
I feel like a piece of me died that day.
I love you and I miss you Michael everyday of my life.
I’m so upset today.
love to all of you.
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On June 25, 2009, the world lost the one and only undisputed King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Fifteen years later, his absence still reverberates profoundly within me and millions of others around the globe. Michael Jackson was more than a pop star; he was a revolutionary artist whose influence indelibly shaped my understanding of what it means to be a true global phenomenon while being black.Michael Jackson was the first black global megastar, and he illustrated that blackness could transcend geographical and cultural boundaries. He unveiled a world beyond the United States in a way that history lessons never could for me. His music and dance shattered the confines of nationality and race, touching hearts and minds worldwide. For me, Jackson's success epitomized the boundless potential of black talent. He was a beacon of hope, demonstrating that our identity and culture could be embraced and celebrated on an unparalleled global scale.As one of the most significant black luminaries of all time, Michael Jackson's impact extended far beyond entertainment. He demolished countless barriers, setting new standards and opening doors for future generations of black artists. His influence was not just in his music but also in his commanding presence and the humanitarian causes he fervently championed. Michael Jackson inspired me and countless others to dream grander and believe in the power of unity. He taught me that the impossible could be possible, even for people like me.Reflecting on Michael Jackson's legacy, I am reminded of the profound ways he touched my life. His innovative music videos, genre-defying songs, and electrifying performances were more than mere entertainment—they were cultural milestones. Songs and videos like "Thriller," "Billie Jean," "Smooth Criminal," and "Black or White" were not just hits; they were anthems that united people and bridged divides.As I commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of Michael Jackson's passing, I honor not only his extraordinary talent but also the enduring message of unity and love he spread. His life and career stand as a testament to the power of art to connect people from all walks of life. In remembering Michael Jackson, I feel the weight of his absence, but I also celebrate the lasting light he brought into the world. His legacy endures, reminding me of the profound impact one individual can have on the world and inspiring me to continue believing in the possibilities he so vividly illustrated. #15YearsWithoutMichaelJackson
As a young fan who shared this world with MJ for only six months (i was born on january 8th, 2009), June 25th does not mean so much to me as it means to many of you. But still i can’t believe i was alive at the same time as MJ, and i can’t help thinking that it could have been more than six months. But i still can’t accept the fact that i’ll never see Michael perform, i can go to hundreads of tribute shows but it will never be the same. R.I.P MJ
I’m not to far off, I was only 1 year old and it was the best year of my life.
I know she's told this story before but I never get tired of it and, today of all days, it's just what I need. :)

"Marsha Ambrosius: "Michael Jackson was The King for all reasons"

I never herad that part of her story about Butterflies. No words. I almost started crying myself when she told about how she did. IMAGINE being 22 and Michael Jackson is singing the song you wrote ... overwhelming ...