FBI Delays Release of MJ Extortion Documents

well there u go then. that is out of order. not like it matters though anymore
intresting that chandler was so desperate not to testify. coward
Very interesting indeed!

That should be the freaking headline!

Let the world know that this punk a$$ didn't want to testify against Michael and would have taken LEGAL ACTION had the authorities tried to force him to do so.
yeah. i think this was reported on at the time or in court docs cause it rings a bell
Here's TMZ's summaries of the death threats:

Michael Jackson Targeted with Death Threat

Someone threatened to kill Michael Jackson, and then-President George H.W. Bush, according to FBI documents just released.

Someone wrote a letter on July 6, 1992, that the FBI obtained, stating, "I decided that because nobody is taking me serious, and I can't handle my state of mind, that I am going to Washington D.C. to threaten to kill the President of the United States, George Bush."

It goes on ..."Michael [Jackson] I will personally attempt to kill, if he doesn't pay me my money."

One of the documents, written by the L.A. City Attorney's office, indicated on June 22, 1992, the author of the letter "arrives in Calif at Jackson's . Threatens to kill."

The FBI says the person who wrote the letter was charged with extortion, pled guilty and was sentenced to prison in 1993.


Jackson Death Threat -- All Over a Woman

The person who threatened to kill Michael Jackson unless he got money also threatened to slaughter people at a Michael Jackson concert, according to documents just released by the FBI .. and it all appears to be a scheme to get a woman to notice him.

The person who wrote the threatening letters says, "I'll commit mass murder at a Michael Jackson concert if necessary, in an attempt to murder Michael, then you will have to deal with my situation in the public eye."

It appears from the letters the writer wants mobster John Gotti to fork over money and if he doesn't ... the writer threatens to kill Michael.

The person who wrote the letters appears to be obsessed with a woman and is making these threats to get her attention. Some of the letters were written to newspapers. He says, "I'm 33 years old and never had a real relationship in my life. I can't even slow dance."

The man was arrested on May 22, 1992 outside the White House. He was released on June 4, 1992, and one day later made threats to kill Michael Jackson.

That guy was crazy.:bugeyed And I know Mike had loads and loads of crazy people around him.
they said mj supported hitler when in the rabbi book he said hitler was an amzing speaker who controlled the masses.

My history teacher said that Hitler was an amazing speaker too, that it why people actually listened to him.

But then she calls him the most hated man in history and does not like him herself.

I guess, when Michael admits Hitler is a great speaker, then he "MUST" love him....
Why is all this being released now? Would they have released it if he didn't pass away.. Its a bit late tellin the truth after most people judged him wrongly...
tomorrow the media will distort another story to make michael guilty.
Why is all this being released now? Would they have released it if he didn't pass away.. Its a bit late tellin the truth after most people judged him wrongly...

Seems like there's no truth at all in there, nothing really mindblowing has been released. :mello: But the freedom of info act is the reason why this is all being released.
Seen some of the media already, its all about the child molestation again.. They are dragging up all this after people were starting to remember Michael as the talented entertainer he was not for the stories.. Its horribly sad that they cant let it go. He was cleared of all charges and if what they are all sayin did really happen in 1992 surely no money would pay off an abuser i know myself i was in a situation and no money would pay off what harm it does to the victim. Its all bull Michael never touched or abused any child.. Really upset that the media is turning on him again
:doh: They have already started. I was watching MSNBC and the announcer briefly mentioned the child porn stuff and made it look so guilty, she didn't even offer an explanation or make it seem like something that's been proven wrong.

I don't know but to me that child porn stuff doesn't even seem MJ related - only that they found a VHS somewhere (not in MJ's house, but somewhere in another case) that had his name on it. I don't even think it had anything to do with him apart from that.
Fakeass (FOX) news has hated MJ so much. :mat: And Oh my god these news people are starting to distort crap again. I pray that Nancy disgrace does not hear about this. I am still mad at her for so many things.
Most of the documents are about the cases, so of course that I what will be brought up. On a side note, FBI needs to get people to work with them that can write better. Some of tge pages are chicken scratch that I can't figure out what it says.
^^^ Tell me about it, I can't read some of the handwritten stuff.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/62d-la-236081.PDF No leads or computer evidence.. wonder if The Mirror will print that after they said computers were seized and implyed it was sinister.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/305b-la-239204.PDF Jordan would not testify and would legally fight against it - 'newspapers' are you listening.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/9a-la-142276.pdf Can't read all that but these are threats against mj.

http://foia.fbi.gov/filelink.html?file=jackson_michael/95a-hq-1148159.PDF About a child porn video with his name on 'Michael Jackson's Neverland Favourites An All Boy Video Anthology'. Doesn't say where it was found but it was provided by customs. Looks like some body who made that tape gave it that title for some sick joke after the 1993 case.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/62d-la-162715.PDF Full of allegations, and newspaper articles. TMZ give an overview of the accusations and what is said.

I dread to know what the papers will say tomorrow.
I don't know but to me that child porn stuff doesn't even seem MJ related - only that they found a VHS somewhere (not in MJ's house, but somewhere in another case) that had his name on it. I don't even think it had anything to do with him apart from that.
That's not how they made it seem. We know the truth but there are millions of clueless people out there that will take it the wrong way.
^^^ Tell me about it, I can't read some of the handwritten stuff.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/62d-la-236081.PDF No leads or computer evidence.. wonder if The Mirror will print that after they said computers were seized and implyed it was sinister.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/305b-la-239204.PDF Jordan would not testify and would legally fight against it - 'newspapers' are you listening.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/9a-la-142276.pdf Can't read all that but these are threats against mj.

http://foia.fbi.gov/filelink.html?file=jackson_michael/95a-hq-1148159.PDF About a child porn video with his name on 'Michael Jackson's Neverland Favourites An All Boy Video Anthology'. Doesn't say where it was found but it was provided by customs. Looks like some body who made that tape gave it that title for some sick joke after the 1993 case.

http://foia.fbi.gov/jackson_michael/62d-la-162715.PDF Full of allegations, and newspaper articles. TMZ give an overview of the accusations and what is said.

I dread to know what the papers will say tomorrow.

that could have been a Mark Schaffel tape. he was planning to blackmail Mj with a boy sex tape for several mils.
Does anyone think that one reason these files were suddenly released was to distract fans from the whole murder thing....and have their attentions swayed to something else besides the investigation?
Hmm...I'm scanning through the files now, but it looks one big mess to me...can hardly make anything out of it.
One funny thing...that picture on his drivers license, adorable. But how awful that statement from someone who was in the same train as Michael and said she/he heard 'questionable noises' coming through the walls of the compartment where Michael and his cousin stayed.
Just pathetic man! :doh:

In the 4th file you can see a list of all the computers they took from Michael's house and which part of it, and then under it paper after paper sayin 'nothing found'. :lol: And yeah, the part where Chandler said he didn't want to testify...very interesting..as well as the FBI's part in the trial...hmm. This is so sad, reading this I feel so sorry for Michael again..*sigh*.

Really not expected at allll :)smilerolleyes:) how the media is already blowing this thing up and again twisting words, blahhh.
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By the way about the 'crossing a child over the boarder for inproper purposses' the FBI responded that the US attorney had no interest in pursuing the case. So obviously false allegation.
Michael Jackson was murdered, and I hope the FBI after torturing him for years will at least help bring those
involved in the murder of Michael Jackson to justice.
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By the way about the 'crossing a child over the boarder for inproper purposses' the FBI responded that the US attorney had no interest in pursuing the case. So obviously false allegation.
Oh please that is so ridiculous, they were after him, they were making things look bad, how low and sad and pathetic
Michael Jackson was murdered, and I hope the FBI after torturing him for years will at least help bring those
involved in the murder of Michael Jackson to justice.
yeah, this is true, you are so right FBI SHAME ON YOU, wasting time on FALSE ALLEGATIONS, there are more important things:doh: shame on them, they are pathetic, and the way the investigate i no longer trust them... SHAME
Michael Jackson was murdered, and I hope the FBI after torturing him for years will at least help bring those
involved in the murder of Michael Jackson to justice.
Only if they had nothing to do with the murder. Since I suspect that they do, I am certain they are busy covering their tracts.

Maybe we will understand now why obama was not able to speak on glowing termsabout Mj. he knew what was up.
Why Michael's death investigation is taking SOOO F LONG::::: what the F!!!!!!! im tired of all this fckin stuff, f them all, bastrds
Michael Jackson was murdered, and I hope the FBI after torturing him for years will at least help bring those
involved in the murder of Michael Jackson to justice.

THANK YOU!! I feel someone is trying to sway us fans from that fact with this random release of pointless info for the murder case.
Does anyone think that one reason these files were suddenly released was to distract fans from the whole murder thing....and have their attentions swayed to something else besides the investigation?

Honestly, no. TMZ even brought up that Anna Nicoles files were released a few months after her death. When someone high profiled dies, and they have an extensive file FBI will release it because of the Freedom on Information. And look at all that is being done with the Anna case. Sadly it took YEARS but everyone including her shady lawyer is going down.