FBI Delays Release of MJ Extortion Documents


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Jul 25, 2011

FBI Delays Release of MJ Extortion Documents

Posted Dec 21st 2009 1:18PM by TMZ Staff
The FBI will not release Michael Jackson documents relating to the molestation investigations as well as extortion attempts -- at least not today.

The 333 pages of formerly-classified documents were supposed to be released today but the snow in Washington D.C. has caused a delay of at least one day.

As for what's in the documents ... sources tell TMZ during the 1993 Michael Jackson child molestation investigation, the late great Johnnie Cochran contacted the FBI, claiming the accuser's family was trying to extort money from Jackson with false allegations. It's likely Cochran's contact with the agency will show up when the documents are released.

link: http://www.tmz.com/2009/12/21/micha...ase-snow-storm-washington-documents/#comments
Hmmmm.... I can bet the estate had something to do with this.

Why? Because there's a pending MURDER investigation.

So let it stay behind closed doors for now.

The truth always comes out.
Hmmmm.... I can bet the estate had something to do with this.

Why? Because there's a pending MURDER investigation.

So let it stay behind closed doors for now.

The truth always comes out.

I tend to agree with you on this....I am glad that if they did step in then they put a stop to them being released right now.....the truth MUST prevail.
These will be interesting to say the very least. I can't wait to see them!

Oh yeah and moonball29, I love your sig. EVERY DAY CREATE YOUR HISTORY!
lol..how does snow stop something like this? lol

there's a snow storm on the eastern states that range between 12 to 28 inches. All the roads are / were closed and that means that all the businesses, government agencies etc are closed as well.

If the staff cannot get to work, they cannot put them to the website.

Hmmmm.... I can bet the estate had something to do with this.

Why? Because there's a pending MURDER investigation.

So let it stay behind closed doors for now.

The truth always comes out.

don't think so. This are being released by "Freedom of information act", that means people have a right to access this information and other parties cannot stop it.

It's very important to understand that releasing the files does not mean that everything will be made available. For example any ongoing investigation (such as the current murder investigation), anything related to personal privacy issues (such as health information) and anything related to national security etc will not be included.

so basically it means that the current murder investigation and any personal private information will not be included to start with, so no request to not include them is needed.
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his name's already cleared
Yes, but this will clear it even more. The more information that comes out showing these people as theives the better it gets and make the haters who want to believe lies look stupid.
don't think so. This are being released by "Freedom of information act", that means people have a right to access this information and other parties cannot stop it.

It's very important to understand that releasing the files does not mean that everything will be made available. For example any ongoing investigation (such as the current murder investigation), anything related to personal privacy issues (such as health information) and anything related to national security etc will not be included.

so basically it means that the current murder investigation and any personal private information will not be included to start with, so no request to not include them is needed.

If the LAPD and DA can show that the files are vital to their investigation, the FBI can most certainly delay the release until the investigation is complete.
I don't think those documents could clear Michael's name (by the way, Michael's name is always clear), if those documents could prove anything, chandler should have stayed in the jail years ago.

I am worried those documents would make the media distort to another "headline", I am afraid of the "Hitler" things.
i doubt there will be anything major in this has nothing interms of the current investigation. just more crap for the media to run with
they said mj supported hitler when in the rabbi book he said hitler was an amzing speaker who controlled the masses.
I don't think those documents could clear Michael's name (by the way, Michael's name is always clear), if those documents could prove anything, chandler should have stayed in the jail years ago.

I am worried those documents would make the media distort to another "headline", I am afraid of the "Hitler" things.

Indeed...anything there, any "unexpected" statement would be twisted as usual.
Do you think there would be a major world cry of "MICHAEL JACKSON IS INNOCENT AND WAS FRAMED!!!"? I wish there were this... but I don't think there will ever be.

Whatever... I wish they will prove me wrong and that they would do the right thing.
They may be releasing them TODAY, but yes Michael's name was already cleared up, but i cant deny im curious
they said mj supported hitler when in the rabbi book he said hitler was an amzing speaker who controlled the masses.
I remember that Will Smith supposedly said something about Hitler a few years ago and he got some bad press too.
The documents have been posted at http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/jackson_michael.htm

Looks like absolutely nothing.

They published tabloid articles from 1993 they had on file, some seemingly barely/not at all related child porn operation involving some fourth generation video tape that bared Michael Jackson's name on it (this was around the time Dimond and Vicarro alleged a sex tape existed of MJ--a claim subsequently confirmed false in court). And, one from 2004 that confirms that Jordan Chandler (presumably) refused to testify and threatened legal action if he'd be forced to.

And SHAME on the FBI for referring to Gavin and Jordan as "victims." I can't stand people, especially those in law, refer to any accuser as a "victim" rather than simply the accuser.

Most all of the pages have been redacted. A pointless release unless more is to come.
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Yes I've seen the word 'victim' used. 'victim' implys it is true. Until something is proven true they should be called 'accusors'.

I am afraid of the "Hitler" things.

The FBI do investigate if things like this are mentioned in newspaper/magazine articles. Obviously though they won't find anything because there is nothing to find. The tabloids on the other hand will twist anything they can get their eyes on. I can imagine the headine now 'Michael Jackson was investigated by the FBI for [insert something twisted to sound absolutely jaw-dropping]'

his name's already cleared

I wish that was true. For fans it is.

Looks like absolutely nothing.

They published tabloid articles from 1993 they had on file, some seemingly barely/not at all related child porn operation involving some fourth generation video tape that bared Michael Jackson's name on it.


Get ready for the headline..
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Here's TMZ's summaries of the death threats:

Michael Jackson Targeted with Death Threat

Someone threatened to kill Michael Jackson, and then-President George H.W. Bush, according to FBI documents just released.

Someone wrote a letter on July 6, 1992, that the FBI obtained, stating, "I decided that because nobody is taking me serious, and I can't handle my state of mind, that I am going to Washington D.C. to threaten to kill the President of the United States, George Bush."

It goes on ..."Michael [Jackson] I will personally attempt to kill, if he doesn't pay me my money."

One of the documents, written by the L.A. City Attorney's office, indicated on June 22, 1992, the author of the letter "arrives in Calif at Jackson's . Threatens to kill."

The FBI says the person who wrote the letter was charged with extortion, pled guilty and was sentenced to prison in 1993.


Jackson Death Threat -- All Over a Woman

The person who threatened to kill Michael Jackson unless he got money also threatened to slaughter people at a Michael Jackson concert, according to documents just released by the FBI .. and it all appears to be a scheme to get a woman to notice him.

The person who wrote the threatening letters says, "I'll commit mass murder at a Michael Jackson concert if necessary, in an attempt to murder Michael, then you will have to deal with my situation in the public eye."

It appears from the letters the writer wants mobster John Gotti to fork over money and if he doesn't ... the writer threatens to kill Michael.

The person who wrote the letters appears to be obsessed with a woman and is making these threats to get her attention. Some of the letters were written to newspapers. He says, "I'm 33 years old and never had a real relationship in my life. I can't even slow dance."

The man was arrested on May 22, 1992 outside the White House. He was released on June 4, 1992, and one day later made threats to kill Michael Jackson.
^ No surprise there. Just because someone says something happened it doesnt mean that it has, and some in law enforcement and the media need to wake up to that fact and instead of "victim" use "alleged victim"...whatever...

People with half a functioning brain cell can see what went on with Michael, and those who are "sheep" will believe anything and everything the media feeds them.

Michael's name was and always will be clear, and those with any shred of intelligence know this. Those who say otherwise show themselves to be the morons they obviously are.

There are some really stupid believe who are willing to believe anything, but a good amount of people can see crap and call it crap. I think because of the media and how hateful they've been to Michael the past 20 years or so, they've deluded themselves into believing the BS and seem to think that most others are with them.

When Michael passed I truly believe MANY woke up to the truth. I wish it could have happened while he was here physically, but yeah....you can't always get what you want.
well aslong as the victim is in speech marks it doesnt really matter interms of the wording of it.
intresting that chandler was so desperate not to testify. coward