Favorite version of Slave To The Rhythm?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dearborn Heights, MI
I dont know about you guys, but i keep listening to the Xscape versions of STTR over and over, TRYING to like them. I dont hate them in any way but feel as if the leaked version that we always had before sounds better, atleast in my opinion. The con-temporized album version doesnt sound like MJ's style, so as a MJ fan i have trouble liking any of it. The demo sounds more like Michael but like most demos, it sounds too plain and unfinished to enjoy as an actual song. The leaked version is real catchy, the beat syncs in with the vocals perfectly and to this day i still prefer that over any other version. idk what do you guys think?
The Timbaland version. It's PERFECT.
Signature Timbaland sound and it fits the vocals perfectly. Bouncy track.

I hope the clubs at least embrace this song.
Demo > Tricky V5 > Tricky 2010 version > Max Methods ft Biebs > Timbaland

I don't think Timbo's mix is that bad though.
+1 for the leaked version, even with the DJ shouting it sounded much better imo
I too think the 2010 leak is the most superior of all versions. If we're talking a club hit which people can actually dance to without being professionals and breaking out into some huge routine, the 2010 leak is more club-ready, IMO. I like Timbaland's version, but I think it's the worse of all three.
My personal favorite is the demo. I think that one was perfect.

The Timbaland one is better, and the techno one is just okay. The techno one deviates way too far from Michael's vision.
The con-temporized album version doesnt sound like MJ's style, so as a MJ fan i have trouble liking any of it.

I bet you if, in 1998, I played you Invincible, you would probably say it's not MJ's style either ;)

My favourite is the XSCAPE version, but I've also been playing the demo quite a lot too. It's more... kickback tbh! I like the early 90s feel I get from it.
For me the demo of this song, But I can handle the Timbaland Version too
1. Timbaland 2014 Version
2. Original Version
3. 2010 Tricky Stewart Version
4. Max Methods Justin Bieber Remix
I like the demo on the deluxe the most - then Timbalands version

Tricky is terrible - and JB duet is not worth mentioning. (though I just did - DOH !)
1. The original version
2. Tricky Stewart's version
3. Timberland's version
Tricky Stewart - 9.5/10 (favourite version, both instrumental and vocal sounding great)
Original - 7.5/10 (sounds unfinished, vocals are strong though)
Timbaland - 8/10 (a little overproduced, i like it though)
1. Timbaland
2. OG Demo
3. Tricky Mix

Never listened (& never will) to the Duett version. Not necessarily because of JB but because i don't need a cheap duet version of a song where there are full vocals of MJ to it.
I prefer the demo. The others are okay for dance clubs, but to me the demo fits better with the theme of the song.
My personal favorite is the demo. I think that one was perfect.

The Timbaland one is better, and the techno one is just okay. The techno one deviates way too far from Michael's vision.

And Timbaland's doesn't? Like the 2010 leak, Timbaland's version also strips everything "Michael" from that song, other than his voice. At least the 2010 leak left in his claps and foot stomps.
The demo is staying far more faithful to the meaning of the song than any of the remixes are, especially with Michael's hamonic ''ohh'' at the beginning!
The original. In no other version Michael's spectacular vocals shine more than in that one, he doesn't need all those gimmicks to stand out. For some, it may sound dated but Michael's passionate performance prevails.
I like Tricky's 2010 mix the most, but I guess that's partially because that's the first version of the song that I heard in entirety. Had it been leaked after the demo or Timbaland's mix has surfaced, my opinion would've been different.
I'm not sure what version is my favorite. I've got a leaked version which I'm guessing is the 2010 one and this albums and demo. The album version is too much of a remix.
Plus I don't need to hear some guy yelling "Slave!" every few seconds.
I've listened to the billboard version so much that upon returning to the album version I had forgotten there was a whole nother verse in there hahahaha. I really like the billboard version particularly with its little dance beat in the middle.
1. Timbaland
2. The remix at BB Awards
3. original demo
4. Tricky's mix - never liked it- seemed unfinished to me.
After listening for some time and getting used to the versions:

-original / Timbaland Billboard version (depending on mood)
-max Methods (good "dance remix" instrumental) / Timbaland album version
-shortly followed by Tricky Mix

I think each version has parts that are better than in the other versions.
Therefore, I would love to have all of them on a CD single (maybe minus Bieber vocals)
-Max Methods

The production on the 2010 Tricky mix is very raw. The max methods version is basicly a cover of the Tricky mix, but with better up-to-date polished production. The Tricky Mix sounds more like some 90s boyband song.

I wish there was a Michael-only version of the Max Methods Mix.
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