Fan called the detective who is working on MJ's homicide case.

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I think we all should think carefully about taking any action- e-mailing, phonecalls etc.
We shouldn't do anything hasty.
Uhm, readily available on Google? Just a key-stroke away? It's public knowledge?

I see it's also in YOUR own post #391 in this thread:

I just want to be clear. I am not personally advocating any bombardment of the DA's office with calls or emails!

Yes. Exactly. I also want to be clear.

My post #391 clearly pointed out that RADAR ONLINE said this and it is not true. The case has not been presented to the DA yet. No one has been appointed anything.
Yes. Exactly. I also want to be clear.

My post #391 clearly pointed out that RADAR ONLINE said this and it is not true. The case has not been presented to the DA yet. No one has been appointed anything.

I have this from other sources as well, but again, that kind of detailed discussion/links are probably best discussed in the I.U.?

For everyone, my advice, wanted or unwanted! would be not to be hasty in calling or emailing ANYONE connected with investigations or prosecution in this case. Just be very, very careful?