Fan called the detective who is working on MJ's homicide case.

Thank You for sharing.

I am suprpised though, that the Detective didn't say, "no comment"?
well...We are the taxpayers and they do work for us after all..There were many calls to many to list and from what I heard...they were courteous to all of us. anyone wanting the number to Detective smith, LADA, or email to the LA Times...just leave a response her and I will get you the information
As much as I admire the thought behind this...please don't keep calling the LAPD and let them do their fucking job! They don't need fans calling asking for action when they're building a case.
I am the ejacobs who started this post on I assure you we did speak to Detective smith and Detective Sanchez. They were both very nice and the point of doing this was to make sure the LAPD knows that we are here and we are not going to let this be forgotten. We are also starting a writing campaign to the DA and the LA times. It has been six months and we feel someone should pay for the murder of our Idol!

My group Michael Jackson fans of southern California on face book spend the 3rd of each month at Forest Lawn. Spend a day sitting outside his grave and you might get a better Idea why we are not going to sit and wait for someone to remember Michael is dead!!

Thank you SO much for doing this!


Yes, to DROP a case of that MAGNITUDE.

I don't think it will happen. Too many people are watching.

And for confirmation this is real, I think they should have taped the call. It is what another woman did.
if the Murder has CIA of FBI written all over it, yes, they will drop the case.
We are afraid they will too...and this is why we are putting pressure on them...It's important to let them know...we are here and we want movement. If they If the DA drops this case..there will be hell to pay!
Hmm....not sure what to think. Caught between "nice idea" and "don't bug them with calls, please let them WORK." Maybe something that doesn't interrup them from their job yet still makes our presence known would be more helpful? Something like say, after you guys leave FL every month, you go to the Police station and camp outside for a few hours PEACEFULLY holding signs and whatnot. That way the police SEE you there and get the message as well. You guys seem to have a nice little crowd that gathers for the cemetary. Would be nice to see as many outside the station rallying for justice. Perhaps others will join in. It's a good way to remind the public as well.

Having said that, you "might" want to look into whether it's logistically possible to have this sort of gathering. Not sure of the laws in California but certain City and County buildings/areas are deemed "public" and as long as you aren't blocking street or sidewalk traffic, or interfering in any kind of "security" you are free to congregate. At the same time, becuz of terrorist issues places like police stations and courthouses have imposed bans on people eyeing them too closely or appearing "hostile" near them. Proceed with caution. Only reason I'm suggesting this is becuz I know fans were willing to camp out in front of MJ's house and studio for hours with nothing happening so MAYBE they'd be interested in actually camping out somewhere for a real cause?
I don't think this case will be dropped at all! My gut feeling is that there will be a charge or charges and a trial. But we will have to wait and see. It can take an awful long time and I do believe it is a complicated case and tricky perhaps to prove because of the medical issues involved. They need to dot their i's and cross their t's
Just cause we don't hear anything, doesn't mean there's nothing going on, I don't buy that even with the bad reputation of the LAPD.

Edit: by medical issues I mean the medicines and how much was given when and the timeline and the cover up afterwards, or blatant incompetency if you prefer to call it that.

It's good that pressure is put on them on the other hand I too want them to be able to do their job.
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I don't think there is anything to be achieved by pestering them, I doubt they would take the calls. Let them do their job. The fact that they are taking so much time should indicate that they are comitted to bringing charges, after all homicide is unlawful. Looks like they could be trying to round up all doctors involved with Michael, they really don't want to screw this one up. They know there would be a backlash.

If Murrey was white I might be more concerned after the FBI report about the racism towards Michael from LAPD in the past. The time to be heard is if there are no charges. My guess is that they will play safe and go for manslaughter rather than 2nd degree murder.
Well, I'm gonna applaud you for this, I don't want Michael 's case to be forgotten either. Its been 6 months already (I can hardly believe that myself as I never thought I would get beyond June 25th!) and before you know it, on whole year will have come and gone. The silence is deafening, but I sincerely hope something is actually being done behind the scenes and all those who are culpable get whats coming to them!

But I would suggest a whole barrage of people not start calling up this detective all at once 'cause it may just start to get annoying to them.
Well if the media knows next to nothing about the case, you won't find much more out by calling them!!!!!!!!

If you call them, they'll instantly think its just a journalist acting as a MJ fan...........and the police will tell you nothing!!!!!!


You can't criticize them until we hear a their verdict!!!!!!!
I don't think this case will be dropped at all! My gut feeling is that there will be a charge or charges and a trial. But we will have to wait and see. It can take an awful long time and I do believe it is a complicated case and tricky perhaps to prove because of the medical issues involved. They need to dot their i's and cross their t's
Just cause we don't hear anything, doesn't mean there's nothing going on, I don't buy that even with the bad reputation of the LAPD.

Edit: by medical issues I mean the medicines and how much was given when and the timeline and the cover up afterwards, or blatant incompetency if you prefer to call it that.

It's good that pressure is put on them on the other hand I too want them to be able to do their job.

I have to agree with the bolded part. I'm remaining positive.
I vividly recall the years 2004/2005 and fans that were outraged that Michael's attorneys wouldn't speak to the cameras and outline their plans to us - turned out in the end they had a few good aces up their sleeves, even though we were kept in the dark.
I say let's observe the authorities carefully and have patience - for now.
I am the ejacobs who started this post on I assure you we did speak to Detective smith and Detective Sanchez. They were both very nice and the point of doing this was to make sure the LAPD knows that we are here and we are not going to let this be forgotten. We are also starting a writing campaign to the DA and the LA times. It has been six months and we feel someone should pay for the murder of our Idol!

My group Michael Jackson fans of southern California on face book spend the 3rd of each month at Forest Lawn. Spend a day sitting outside his grave and you might get a better Idea why we are not going to sit and wait for someone to remember Michael is dead!!

I want to say thank you for the post.....Thank you for being our voice...for letting them...for letting Michael know that he has not been forgotten about.....He does deserve justice and I do hope gets it.....Thank You...
Well if the media knows next to nothing about the case, you won't find much more out by calling them!!!!!!!!

If you call them, they'll instantly think its just a journalist acting as a MJ fan...........and the police will tell you nothing!!!!!!


You can't criticize them until we hear a their verdict!!!!!!!

I don't think there is anything to be achieved by pestering them, I doubt they would take the calls. Let them do their job. The fact that they are taking so much time should indicate that they are comitted to bringing charges, after all homicide is unlawful. Looks like they could be trying to round up all doctors involved with Michael, they really don't want to screw this one up. They know there would be a backlash.

If Murrey was white I might be more concerned after the FBI report about the racism towards Michael from LAPD in the past. The time to be heard is if there are no charges. My guess is that they will play safe and go for manslaughter rather than 2nd degree murder.

In terms of "history," in my opinion the LAPD has had problems with corruption. They also worked closely with Sneddon in 1993 to find something to pin on Michael. It is the public that keeps our institutions as honest as possible. It is our right. Plus, "freedom of assembly" is in our constitution.

In terms of the LAPD and race, sure Murray is a black man. Michael was the most famous person in the world; he was powerful, and he was a black man! I'm sure there were many who resented Michael specifically because of his race, and the amount of money and power he had. Racism EXISTS, and the fact that Murray is black has little bearing on the resentment some people had for Michael.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. I'm sure some phone calls do not in any way prevent detectives from "doing their jobs." It just lets them know they are being watched, and that Michael's fans are incredibly dedicated to seeing justice served.
We are afraid they will too...and this is why we are putting pressure on them...It's important to let them know...we are here and we want movement. If they If the DA drops this case..there will be hell to pay!

Their will. It is the most watched at case in the world.


^^Yes, please!!! KEEP ON Calling. He has to do the right thing
i am in some what a state of shock with this news. I dont know if i should be happy or what emotion to have.

Someone asked "what can we do?".... We are his fans, we are loyal, we need to raise our voice as one and get justice for him. I know dr.death is going to get a slap on the hand but we know where the man works. there ARE options. harassment is not one of those options but making the people aware of what he is capable of is. Michael died under this mans watch. Would you want your family member to go the same way? under this doctors hand?

Boycott the doctor.
Just day's after our calling campaign...a story breaks that the DA is getting the case, First news we have had in a while. Many disagree with what we are doing but maybe we are getting results! I guess for those of you who don't think we should call..I respect your opinion and I would never force you to do something you don't feel but neither should you ask us to stop doing something we feel.
i am in some what a state of shock with this news. I dont know if i should be happy or what emotion to have.

Someone asked "what can we do?".... We are his fans, we are loyal, we need to raise our voice as one and get justice for him. I know dr.death is going to get a slap on the hand but we know where the man works. there ARE options. harassment is not one of those options but making the people aware of what he is capable of is. Michael died under this mans watch. Would you want your family member to go the same way? under this doctors hand?

Boycott the doctor.

My emotion at this time is RAGE.

This is just about the lightest charge Murray could possibly get. He will probably plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and will get probation. I doubt there will be a trial. What I'm hoping for now is that the Jackson family files a wrongful death lawsuit. Murray probably doesn't have any money, but money is not the point. The point is for the truth to be KNOWN.
well...We are the taxpayers and they do work for us after all..
If fans start calling them every minute of the day surely they will get annoyed at some point. I don't think that's something we would want. It could result in them getting sloppy, skipping things and 'forgetting' things trying to finish the investigation quicker just to get rid of the fans calling their office.
So is it time now to call the DA's office?
I don't know if this would be a good idea to be honest, or even if this is possible.
What results do you think it would have?
I know the DA will not be answering phones himself,they may have a person giving standardized answers,but the pressure may have results, good or bad.

Is it possible to hand him a file with the facts and a nice cover letter?

Just thoughts,guys,I don't even know if this is possible.
What do you think?
In terms of "history," in my opinion the LAPD has had problems with corruption. They also worked closely with Sneddon in 1993 to find something to pin on Michael. It is the public that keeps our institutions as honest as possible. It is our right. Plus, "freedom of assembly" is in our constitution.

In terms of the LAPD and race, sure Murray is a black man. Michael was the most famous person in the world; he was powerful, and he was a black man! I'm sure there were many who resented Michael specifically because of his race, and the amount of money and power he had. Racism EXISTS, and the fact that Murray is black has little bearing on the resentment some people had for Michael.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. I'm sure some phone calls do not in any way prevent detectives from "doing their jobs." It just lets them know they are being watched, and that Michael's fans are incredibly dedicated to seeing justice served.

I agree with alot that you have to say Vic Although, Ignorance is bliss for SOME people. That's true. It's sad but it's real.

Any way..I am disgusted with this whole thing that's came to be concerning Michael...of course he deserves much more. Like - The Truth.
