Fan called the detective who is working on MJ's homicide case.


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
This is a supposed conversation a MJ fan had with the detective in charge.
Take a look and judge by yourselves. Got it off another board I edited out the phone number.

MJ Family of Fans Worldwide,
A Group of MJ Fans have been calling Detective Smith of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to find out what is the status of Michael Jackson's ****cide Investigation.
Detective Smith, LAPD, Lead Detective in MJ's ****cide Case: direct phone number ~213-486-6908.
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@ejacobs and MJ Family:
I just called and literally had a 5 minutes conversation with Detective Smith: direct phone number ~

Me: "Am I speaking to Detective Smith?"
Det Smith: "Yes. This is Detective Smith, LAPD."
Me: "I'm calling to find out what is going on in Michael Jackson's Investigation. What is taking so long in Michael Jackson's Investigations?"
Det Smith: "We are working on the case and we have alot of Interview to conduct. He was involved with a lot of people and we don't want to miss anything or anyone."
Me: "What about Dr. Murray? Have you throughly investiagated and interviewed him?"
Det. Smith: Yes, we have interviewed Dr. Murray extensively last year."
Me: "We are VERY anxious to get some movement in Michael's case and Justice for him. We don't want Michael's case to into a Black Hole and people forget."
Det Smith: "No, No One is going to forget about a case of this magnitude. No one is going to forget Michael Jackson. Not someone of this magnitude."
Me: No, that goes without saying, No one will ever forget Michael Jackson. We just don't want them to forget about his case and Michael getting justice."
Det Smith: "I understand."
Me: "What is the next step because it's been a few months since a lot of Activity in Michael's investigation since last July/Agust.. but it has gone silent."
Det Smith: "The next step is after our investigation is complete, is to turn over the case to the District Attorneys' Office and they will do one of two things: 1). Bring Charges in his case OR 2). Drop the Case."
Me: "When do you expect to hand the case over to the District Attorneys office. Next month, next two months,by Michael's Birthday in August, by his 1st Year Memorial in June? When??
Det Smith: "Sometime this year. I can't give you a specific time."
Me: This year, we're only 5 days into the New Year 2010!! Can you give me something sooner than that?"
Det Smith: "I know, I know it's only the beginning of a New Year, but I can't give you a specific time the case with go the the DA Office."
Me: "We just want Justice for Michael."
Det Smith: "I understand and we are doing our best."
Me: "Are you the main detective on Michael's case? Are you the Only One working on this case?"
Det Smith. "Yes, I am the main Detective on this case, but I have a whole team helping me with Mr. Jackson Investigation".
Me: "OK - Detective Smith, We hope to see some activity in Michael's case very soon. You've been very helpful. Thank you for your time".
Det Smith - "You're welcome."
I hope that I remembered everything! He was very decent and cooperative. KEEP CALLING HIM EVERYONE!! I felt like he is EXPECTING more call from MJ FANS!! WE are Definitely RAISING OUR VOICES FOR OUR BELOVED MICHAEL!!


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Ain't the lead detective a Det. Martinez anyway? Interesting though...
this, for some reason, does not sound real to me ...
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The fact that that is an option scares me.

Yes, to DROP a case of that MAGNITUDE.

I don't think it will happen. Too many people are watching.

And for confirmation this is real, I think they should have taped the call. It is what another woman did.
Coming from sumone that has interviewed several people surrounding mj in the past.. I could say its vertually impossible to get a detective to speak.. keep in mind there job Intitles seceracy. Unlike others I've got to leak info... detectives... ya right
2 things really bothered me about this case and this conversation

  1. that it could be dropped and Murray will get away with murder
  2. that it could be turned over to the DA.
We all know how the DA has treated Michael in the past. With it being turned over to them its as good as dropped and Murray is a free man which of course means no justice for Michael.

He will not be forgotten and neither will this case. Regardless if its closed it can ALWAYS be reopened. I am very very suspicious of this conversation and of this whole kit and kaboodle.
is that the same as this. a fan posted this on youtube in october. it's a video of herself calling the LAPD

I dunno If I believe this, They could have just put a random employee on the phone and he could have said he was the detective, Why would a detective speak on a Michael Jackson case to anybody that just happens to pick of the phone and call their offices with random questions?
I dunno If I believe this, They could have just put a random employee on the phone and he could have said he was the detective, Why would a detective speak on a Michael Jackson case to anybody that just happens to pick of the phone and call their offices with random questions?

No sure but it could be very possible that the detectives are willing to speak to the fans because they understand that the world is watching them and the fans wants justice. If a detective is working on MJ case, it also mean that he is very passionate to find out the truth and set justice as well. The detectives are not giving out any information on the investigations as well, so basic information should be okey.
I would have hoped he would have been too busy investigating to field calls from anybody. Oh and I would add DON'T keep calling him. Let them use the time to do the job instead.

I don't know what to make of this, I thought Martinez was the lead detective in this case. Dropping the case is unthinakable.
2 things really bothered me about this case and this conversation

  1. that it could be dropped and Murray will get away with murder
  2. that it could be turned over to the DA.
We all know how the DA has treated Michael in the past. With it being turned over to them its as good as dropped and Murray is a free man which of course means no justice for Michael.

He will not be forgotten and neither will this case. Regardless if its closed it can ALWAYS be reopened. I am very very suspicious of this conversation and of this whole kit and kaboodle.

i think that this will not be in santa barbara county - so not tom sneddon. even if it is in sb county i think that tom sneddon is no longer the da of that county. can any1 confirm this?
"or drop the case" :(

I believe the case will be just depends on whether Murray would like plea guilty on Manslaughter. (would probably end up doing probation or something). I think the case will be negotiated. Murray is already working...MJ is gone and do we really want the Media frenzy? This is specially if there were drugs involved...there is too much speculation over what caused the death...MJ had a cocktail of drugs on his plate althoug the media did blame propofol. If Murray is claiming MJ never told him what he was taking, that's a problem. We have not seen the toxicologist report either, we probably never will. If there was a court hearing...this all might be dragged into the media which I don't want. I don't want to know... Let the man was really the industry that killed him, the pressure and all...he gave his all.

If the death was caused by something else...then the above would not necessarily apply.
Hmmm...I'm not sure if it's a smart thing for us fans to go and call the police dept about this.
i think that this will not be in santa barbara county - so not tom sneddon. even if it is in sb county i think that tom sneddon is no longer the da of that county. can any1 confirm this?

Yes, he's retired. Happened soon after the MJ case. And good riddance!
The fact that that is an option scares me.


Yes, he's retired. Happened soon after the MJ case. And good riddance!

Oh thank god.

Thanks for the youtube video. I am glad he said somebody should be arrested.

I also don't think there's much point in all the fans calling up the LAPD, they won't tell us any more than what that lady heard in the video.
As hard as it is I think at the moment it would be advisable for us to wait...and pray they are actually taking so long because they're investigating thoroughly. Of course it's good to let them know we care so much and everything but I wouldn't think it's a good idea for us all to start calling them.
The drop the case part scared the hell out of me too. :(
is that the same as this. a fan posted this on youtube in october. it's a video of herself calling the LAPD

yes its the same one.this isnt anything new
I remember seeing this on Youtube, and was surprised it was still there! The person really made a phone call, but we have no way of knowing if it was staged and who the other person on the line really was? A detective? The boyfriend of the caller? We do not KNOW.

Sneddon is retired now. For the 93 allegations, he worked closely with the DA in Los Angeles trying to "get Michael." There were two Grand Juries. One in LA, and one in Santa Barbara. Neither one found credible evidence against Michael, and there never were any charges, nor a trial. Law enforcement tends to stick together. . . . Just sayin.
I am the ejacobs who started this post on I assure you we did speak to Detective smith and Detective Sanchez. They were both very nice and the point of doing this was to make sure the LAPD knows that we are here and we are not going to let this be forgotten. We are also starting a writing campaign to the DA and the LA times. It has been six months and we feel someone should pay for the murder of our Idol!

My group Michael Jackson fans of southern California on face book spend the 3rd of each month at Forest Lawn. Spend a day sitting outside his grave and you might get a better Idea why we are not going to sit and wait for someone to remember Michael is dead!!