Facebook friends?

aww I'm glad you guys like it :)
I will make an MJ disney album tommorow :flowers:
I'm new on facebook so I still have to figure out how everything works if anyone would like to add my name is Angela Hulst and I'm the one with the dog in the picture :D
I don't know how to link my page so...
Same here...wanna be my FB buddy? Just shoot me a PM. I had one friend on my FB page who almost went there on me with MJ, but in the end, he just let me do what I do, and talk about MJ, post pics, videos, etc. without bothering me too much about it.

I know he did ask me, 'what about Pac?".....I didn't have the same feelings when he passed. I was stunned when he passed, but what happend with MJ, just deeply touched me.
I wish I had internet.. unfortunately I only have it here at work and I cant get on my facebook account cuz I just moved but I would love to make some wonderful friends (family members like you :) ) on my facebook. pm me and I will gladly give you my name :) I hardly have anymore friends now that MJ has passed, like many of you have lost a few friends due to all the name calling and backstabbing :(